Fractured (Dividing Line #4)

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Fractured (Dividing Line #4) Page 18

by Heather Atkinson

  She just nodded again and went to stand by Ryan, running her fingers lightly through his hair. He didn’t stir.

  “Is he badly hurt?” asked Boyle.

  “He got a nasty burn to the shoulder and smoke inhalation, but he’s strong, he’ll be fine.”

  “He might not be so lucky next time.”

  “There won’t be a next time. It was probably just some kids messing about and the fire got out of hand. It happens all the time.”

  “In empty buildings and disused factories, not houses in the middle of the countryside. You were deliberately targeted. Who was it?”

  “I can’t tell you what I don’t know.”

  “Rachel, why won’t you let me help you?”

  “You can help by protecting my kids.”

  “And what about you and Ryan?”

  “We’ll be fine, we always are.”

  He sighed with frustration. “I take it you didn’t hear or see anything?”

  “No. The first I knew of it was when the smoke alarm went off.”

  “I know about your life in Manchester, who you used to be and the people you were involved with. They don’t get more heavyweight than the Maguires.”

  “We’re nothing to do with them anymore.”

  “Do they think the same way?”

  She thought it best not to reply, keeping her gaze riveted on Ryan, continuing to run her fingers through his thick soft hair. Rachel had never liked speaking to the police, it went against years of thinking of them as the enemy, especially after Superintendent Benton tried to kill her. Besides she couldn’t tell Ashley anything, not after the promise she’d made Frankie McVay at Martina’s wake. If she told them it was Alex then Frankie would kill her. He hated a grass.

  “If you want to do me a favour Ashley you’ll take me at my word. I don’t know who did it, end of story.”

  “And I thought you were intelligent Rachel. I’m very disappointed in you.”

  He swept from the room in a haze of indignation but she didn’t care, she was just relieved he was gone.


  “Everything okay?” Riley asked, returning to the room.

  “Fine. I think I managed to deflect Boyle.”

  “So you’re not going to tell him about Alex?”

  “No. That would only make things worse. God, I thought all this shit was over and done with. Something bad is coming, I can feel it. If it wasn’t for Leah I think I’d regret the day I met Danny Maguire but then again, if I hadn’t met him I wouldn’t have met Ryan either and that doesn’t bear thinking about.”

  “How did you meet him?”

  “I knew him when I was a kid on the Montford.”

  “No way, you’re a Montford girl?”

  “Born and bred,” she smiled. “I didn’t see him for a few years, he went inside, then I met him again on my wedding day to Danny. He was standing at the bottom of the church steps and I thought, wow. I’d just got married and I was eyeing up another man. I should have known then the marriage was doomed.”

  “Danny treated you badly?”

  “We went through a bad patch when he got heavily into drugs. The stress caused me to have a miscarriage. I thought I could never forgive him for that but I did, I loved him.” She smiled down at Ryan and stroked his cheek. “But that was nothing to how I feel about Ryan.”

  “He’s a lucky man.”

  “No, I’m a lucky lady.”

  “Yeah you are,” rasped Ryan.

  “You’ve been pretending to be sleeping so you can listen in, you bugger,” she grinned, tapping his good arm, making him smile.

  His eyes slowly slid open and he grasped her hand.

  “How are you feeling?” she said.

  “I’ll live,” he replied, shifting on the bed. “Riley?”

  “I’m here,” he said, approaching the bed.

  Ryan held out his hand. “I owe you big time.”

  “No you don’t.”

  “If you hadn’t been there…”

  “But I was and I’m sticking around.”

  “Thanks. I need to talk to Rachel in private.”

  “Alright, I’ll grab another coffee.”

  “Thanks Riley.”

  “I spoke to Mikey and Jez,” began Rachel when he’d gone.


  “They’re on their way down as we speak. They said we shouldn’t trust Riley, they think it’s funny that he turns up and all this kicks off.”

  “What do you think?”

  “I’m pretty certain we can trust him. We wouldn’t have got out of that house without him and you didn’t see him with Alex, there was no way he was on his side. He reminds me of you.”

  “Not too much I hope.”

  She dipped her head to kiss him. “There’s only one man for me Ryan and one day George Clooney will walk through that door.”

  “Funny,” he smiled, pulling her down to him for another kiss.

  Tears of gratitude stung her eyes. He was alive and well. “I think Mikey and Jez have done something stupid.”

  “It wouldn’t be the first time.”

  “I asked if they’d seen Alex in Manchester tonight and they both said they hadn’t seen him for a couple of days but it was the way they said it that got me thinking.”

  “As though those two days held some significant event?”


  He thought for a moment before frowning. “The stupid bastards. They tried to kill Alex, didn’t they?”

  “Oh no, they wouldn’t.”

  “Course they would and that’s one reason Alex is here, because he’s trying to take me and you out before we side with them against him. Alex is trying to weaken the competition before they get too strong, he’s afraid of what power we still have.”

  “But Alex was looking for Beth.”

  “That’s a big part of it too but that was the reason for the fire. Eliminate the enemy before they get too strong, standard tactics.”

  “And what about our kids? They’re not the enemy.”

  “Alex doesn’t give a fuck about our boys.”

  “He does about Leah.”

  “Maybe not enough. He might be willing to sacrifice her to protect himself. Jesus, I’m going to kill Jez and Mikey.”

  “They might have had no choice. You know what Alex has been like lately, he might have tried to kill them first.”

  “Perhaps. I still want you to take the kids and go.”

  “Absolutely not.”

  “You agreed to before.”

  “Alex hadn’t tried to kill my whole family then.”

  “It takes my breath away how brave you are but I’m putting my foot down on this.”

  “What? You’re putting your foot down oh Lord and Master?”

  “You may call me that later when we have more time,” he said with a mischievous smile. Then his smile fell. “But I need you to do this for me. Alex can’t be allowed to live after this attack because he will not stop coming after us. I need you safe so I can concentrate all my attention on him.”

  “I will not be kept out of this.”

  “Rachel, please consider the situation. I’m going to kill the son of Martina and Frank Maguire, your late husband’s brother and our daughter’s uncle. You are so impossibly strong but I know you will flinch from that.”

  “No I won’t, not if it protects you and our children.”

  “You will Rachel and he will know it and use it against you. Please take the kids away until this is over.”

  She released his hand and went to the window, gazing down at the car park below. Dawn was arriving. Everyone would be waking, ready to resume their lives. Rachel knew her own life would never be the same again. It had been perfect but Alex had left it in tatters and she wanted revenge. Neither did she want to leave Ryan’s side. She was afraid if she did she’d never see him again.


  “Please Rachel, we can’t both do this because if Alex wins…”

  “He wo

  “…if Alex wins our kids will be left without either parent. Do you want that?”

  “No but I don’t want to be a widow again either.”

  “That’s not going to happen.”

  “Why don’t you come with us?”

  “We tried that once and it didn’t work. No matter where we go he will follow us. Alex Maguire’s reach is long. We have to stand and fight and end this now.”

  Rachel knew he was right, Alex would not stop until they were dead. She sat on the bed beside him and took his hand. “Alright, I’ll take the kids.”

  He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. “Thank you.” Movement by the door caught his eye and he pushed himself upright, outraged. “What the hell is that?”

  Rachel turned to see a uniformed officer standing guard on his door. “Ashley said he’d give us protection.”

  “I don’t need protecting by them. In all my life I’ve never asked the police for help. Why would I even want it after what Superintendent Benton did to you.”

  “They’re not all like him,” she smiled, finding his indignation entertaining. “Don’t kick off about it, the fewer questions Boyle has the better.”

  “Fine,” he sighed. He ran a hand down his face. “God I’m tired.”

  “Get some more sleep.”

  “What about you?” he said, curling his fingers through her hair.

  “I’m staying right here.”

  He gave her a lazy smile, eyes already closing. “Good.”

  When he was fast asleep she climbed onto the bed beside him and drifted off too.

  Beth anxiously awaited Nick’s return, her stomach full of butterflies. He’d popped out to pick up some last-minute things they needed for the journey. In one hour they’d be leaving the country and then onto France to start the rest of their lives. She rushed to the window when she heard a car approaching and pulled back the net curtain. Her smile dropped and her stomach plummeted, her blood turning to ice when she saw two BMW’s with blacked-out windows climbing the drive.

  “Oh God, please no. Alfie, get your shoes and coat on. We have to leave,” she screamed, picking up Holly and wrapping a blanket around her. There was no time for her shoes and coat. “Archie, we have to go. Now.”

  Her panic set Holly off crying but Beth didn’t have time to calm her down. She gripped her daughter tightly as she stuffed her feet into her shoes and ran for the back door.

  “What’s going on Mum?” said Alfie, fear in his voice but nevertheless doing as he was told.

  “It’s your dad.”

  The boy went white with fright, took his brother’s hand and dragged him protesting to the door. Archie didn’t want to leave because he’d left his toy car behind.

  “Archie, run,” Beth practically screamed, tears in her eyes, hand shaking as she unlocked the back door and pulled it open. Where was Nick? How had Alex found them?

  They ran into the garden towards the gate that led into the fields beyond. She had no idea where they were or where the nearest house was. All she knew was that they had to get away. Chancing a glance over her shoulder she saw Alex framed in the back door, arms folded across his chest, looking amused.

  “Mum, look,” cried Alfie.

  She saw Col Sugar and two of his brothers emerge from the side of the house and tear across the lawn towards them.

  “Go,” she screamed, clutching Holly tightly, who started to wail in her ear as she raced across the garden towards the gate, panic and adrenaline giving her an extra burst of speed. But she wasn’t fast enough. Col and his brothers, unencumbered by small children, managed to reach the gate first and blocked their exit. Beth and Alfie whirled around helplessly, tears rolling down Beth’s cheeks when she saw Alex striding his way across the garden towards them, his body rigid with anger.

  “Nick, where are you?” she whispered, fearing the worst. She felt Alfie grip her hand and she held onto it for dear life.

  Alex glared down at her, so furious he looked like he could kill her and she knew that if she hadn’t been holding Holly he would have beaten the crap out of her.

  “You’ve led me a right merry fucking dance you stupid bitch,” snarled Alex.

  “Don’t call her that, you’re always calling her names,” retorted Alfie.

  Beth swelled with pride. Her brave little boy who was worth ten of his dad. Alex just glowered at him before turning his attention back to Beth. “Where’s that back-stabbing bastard Nick Jordan?”

  Beth was so relieved she actually laughed out loud. “You don’t know? Hopefully as far from you as possible.”

  “Love is it?” he sneered.

  “Yes, something you couldn’t possibly understand. How did you find us?”

  “All will be revealed soon. I’m going to find Nick and kill him and make you watch.”

  “You’ve got me, leave him alone.”

  “Oh no, I’ve got a lot in store for him.” He grabbed her by the back of the neck and pushed her forwards. “Get in the fucking car. You’re coming back to Manchester.”

  She grimaced as he marched her back towards the house. “Come on boys,” he called over his shoulder. Alex stopped and sighed with irritation when they both remained rooted to the spot. “I said come on.”

  “No,” said Alfie sullenly.

  “Are you disobeying me?”

  “We don’t want to go back with you. We hate you. You’re horrible to Mum. Nick makes her smile and we like him.”

  “Don’t you dare speak to me like that,” Alex bellowed back at him. “If you ever backchat me again I’ll make sure she pays for it,” he said, jabbing his finger at Beth.

  Alfie gave him a ferocious look that told Beth if he’d been big enough he would have given his dad a serious run for his money. Worry blossomed inside her for her eldest boy. She was so proud of how strong and pure he was, but in a certain ways he was like his dad too.

  The boy took his brother’s hand and led him across the garden then paused to take his mum’s hand and the four of them walked together in solidarity. Alex was left to bring up the rear, forever ostracised from the family circle.


  Rachel was woken by the sound of arguing.

  “What’s that?” murmured Ryan.

  Lifting her head Rachel saw Mikey and Jez at the door quarrelling with the police officer on guard duty. She clambered off the bed and staggered to the door, head foggy.

  “Rach, tell this idiot to get out of our way,” said Mikey.

  “It’s fine, they’re family,” she told the officer before grabbing them and pulling them inside. “It’s so good to see you,” she said, hugging them both. She clung onto Mikey for a bit longer, enjoying his reassuring presence.

  “How are you Bruv?” said Jez, taking a seat by Ryan’s side.

  “Just a bit burnt. I’ll be fine. What I want to know is what the fuck you two have been playing at in Manchester? Jez?” he added when his brother glanced at Mikey.

  “We tried to top Alex but we failed,” said Jez, hanging his head.

  “You fucking idiots. If you’re going to take out a man like Alex Maguire you make sure you get it right the first time. Now he’s trying to get rid of me and Rachel because he thinks we’ll stand with you against him. Cretins,” he yelled at them.

  “Take it easy,” said Rachel.

  But he was so angry he continued undaunted. “We could have all died last night thanks to your breathtaking stupidity.”

  “Is everything alright?” said the police officer, bobbing his head round the door.

  “Fine. Piss off,” spat Ryan.

  Rachel shot the poor man an apologetic look as he closed the door. “Ryan please don’t go telling the whole of Devon our business.”

  “Sorry Babe,” he said, kissing her hand. He took a deep breath before speaking again, his voice quiet but nevertheless quivering with rage. “You two are fucking lucky I’m injured because if I was feeling a hundred percent I would have ripped your heads off the
minute you walked through the door. My wife and kids almost died.”

  “We’re so sorry, we never thought you’d get caught up in this,” replied Mikey.

  “You should have. The first rule is consider every possible outcome of your actions and you fucked up. How did you try to do it anyway?”

  “We shot at him as he came out of the compound but he’d had bullet-proof glass fitted in his car,” said a sheepish Mikey.

  “Pricks,” exclaimed Ryan.

  “We’re here to set things right,” said Jez. “We’ll get you all away and we’ll take Alex down once and for all.”

  “Rachel and the kids are going away but I’m staying.”

  “Leave it to us Ryan,” replied Jez.

  “Oh yeah, because you’ve been really successful so far. Me and Rachel have already discussed it and we’re in agreement. I’m staying and this time Alex Maguire won’t get back up.”

  Jez was secretly relieved Ryan would be taking charge. Alex wouldn’t stand a chance. “Nice one Bruv.”

  Ryan gave him a hard look. “Have you spoken to Battler and Bruiser?”

  “Yeah, they’re on their way.”

  “Will they side with us against Alex?”

  “They’ve already said they will, especially when they found out they tried to burn you all alive. Their first loyalty is to Rachel, not Alex.”

  She was surprised. “Why?”

  Mikey fielded this question. “I never told you this but Frank wanted you running the family, not Danny or Alex.”

  “No he didn’t, it was always Danny.”

  “No Rach, you were his first choice. He told Battler, Bruiser and Martina as well as me. Unfortunately he died before he could ask you. Danny and Alex were to be your seconds. We didn’t dare mention it when Danny was alive. You both worked well together so why rock the boat? We discussed it after he died but Martina insisted we keep it from you because you said you wanted out and we agreed with her.”

  Rachel looked at Ryan, stunned. If Frank had asked her how different would her life have been? “I loved Frank, I didn’t want him to die, but I’m glad we never had that conversation.”

  “If you had, what would your answer have been?” said Mikey.


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