Fractured (Dividing Line #4)

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Fractured (Dividing Line #4) Page 19

by Heather Atkinson

  “Don’t answer that,” Ryan told her. “But it explains why Alex is being so aggressive. He knows that when he’s gone someone will take his place and he thinks that person will be you Rachel.”

  “But I don’t want it, I never have. I love our life here, we’re happy,” she exclaimed, getting to her feet and gazing out of the window. “I want all this to go way and leave us alone. This isn’t who we are anymore.”

  “So you don’t want to be head of the family?” said Mikey.

  Rachel turned to face him, the man she thought of as her little brother, and saw a dangerous curiosity in his eyes. “No I do not. I thought you knew me Mikey.”

  “Sorry,” he replied, wilting beneath the wrath in her eyes.

  “There’s something else you should know,” said Jez.

  “I can hardly wait,” said Ryan sardonically.

  “Frankie McVay’s in Manchester.”

  “Oh marvellous, today just keeps getting better and better,” sighed Rachel.

  “He’s on our side. Alex got the Barlow brothers to attack him at The Wherry Tavern and make it look like I’d set it up but it went wrong and Frankie chopped off Stu’s head right in front of me.” The image of the severed head returned and he swallowed hard. “Stu told us what Alex had done and Frankie’s furious. He wants Alex dead and parts of his anatomy hanging on his trophy wall. He doesn’t like it that Alex tried to use him to do his own dirty work.”

  Ryan didn’t like Frankie McVay being brought into the equation because he made the situation ten times more precarious. Frankie was volatile and couldn’t be trusted not to switch sides back to Alex. After all, he was his business partner, their deals made them both a lot of money and making money was Frankie’s second favourite thing, next to butchery. “Oh fucking brilliant,” he said, throwing his hands up in the air. “Just when I thought this couldn’t get any worse you throw a complete and utter psychopath into the mix.”

  “We didn’t bring Frankie to England, he came because he doesn’t trust Alex anymore. He wanted to have it out with him but Alex refused to meet him. He got me to pick Frankie up from the airport instead and he was really pissed off.”

  “Alex must have a death wish if he’s treating Frankie McVay so shoddily,” said Ryan.

  “Frankie’s not here in Devon, is he?” said an apprehensive Rachel.

  “No,” replied Jez. “He wanted to come but when we told him the police would be crawling all over the place after the fire he decided to stay behind in Manchester.”

  “Thank God for that.”

  They all abruptly stopped talking when the door opened and Riley entered.

  “Rachel, are you okay? You look upset,” said Riley with a concerned frown.

  “No, I’m not okay. Riley, this is Mikey and Jez.”

  Jez and Riley scrutinised each other across opposing sides of the bed, Ryan laid between them looking from one to the other. Jez got to his feet and everyone held their breath, wondering what he’d do.

  “Good to meet you,” said Riley, extending his hand.

  For a moment it seemed as though Jez wasn’t going to accept his hand, but he could feel Ryan’s gaze burning into him so reluctantly he shook it. “You too. Thanks for getting them out of there.”

  “I don’t want any thanks.”

  “Funny how this all starts the minute you turn up.”

  “Jez, don’t,” said Rachel.

  “Bit of a fucking coincidence though don’t you think? He shows up and suddenly you’re attacked then your house is set on fire.”

  “This isn’t down to Riley,” said Ryan. “Drop it.”

  Jez went silent but his eyes remained riveted on Riley, who stared right back at him.

  “First thing we need to find out is where Alex is now,” said Ryan.

  “No one’s seen him,” replied Mikey. “I’ve tried calling him loads of times but his mobile goes straight to voicemail.”

  “He’s probably still here, polluting this beautiful place with his manky presence,” said Rachel, staring out of the window.

  “First thing we need to do Rach is get you and the kids away. Battler and Bruiser have already said they’ll go with you,” said Mikey.

  “Can you trust them?” said Riley.

  “Fucking right you can,” growled a deep voice.

  Rachel turned to the door and beamed. “Battler, Bruiser,” she said, rushing to give them a hug. “Thanks for coming.”

  “You couldn’t keep us away.” Battler looked down at her sadly. “Alex isn’t Alex anymore, he’s disgraced his dad’s name and he needs to be put down before he kills you because he will try again.”

  “You’re willing to be a part of that?”

  “Yes. It’s what Frank would do, no matter how much it hurt him. If we don’t strike first he’ll kill us all.”

  Rachel nodded, wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his big chest. At that moment she trusted Battler and Bruiser more than Mikey and Jez.

  Battler looked to Ryan. “How’s the shoulder?”

  “Fine, I’m being discharged this afternoon.”

  “We’ll take Rachel and the kids away,” Battler told him.


  “I’m not telling any of you. If Alex gets hold of you he’ll torture it out of you.”

  “No he fucking won’t,” glowered Ryan.

  “No offence but my primary concern is Rachel and the kids. I’ll do what I have to do to protect them. If that includes hurting your feelings then tough titty.”

  “Alright, fair enough,” sighed Ryan. “But how can I trust you not to take them straight to Alex?”

  “Ryan,” frowned Rachel.

  “No, it’s a fair question,” replied Battler. “But you’re forgetting that we sided against Alex once before because we love her like a daughter and so did Frank. This is about old loyalties and our first loyalty has never been to Alex, it’s always been to Rachel.”

  Rachel was touched by this speech and smiled up at him. “Thanks Battler.”

  “Anytime Love.”

  “Alex is running mad, like Terry and Jake did,” interjected Bruiser, “There’s something bad in the Maguire blood and he’s got it.”

  They all stared at him, surprised by this speech. It was rare for Bruiser to talk.

  “How are the kids?” Battler asked Rachel.

  “Devastated that they’ve lost their home, but otherwise okay.”

  “I don’t know what Alex was thinking, he could have killed three children. Frank and Martina will be turning in their graves.”

  “This is because of Martina’s death. The leash has been removed, now he thinks he can do what he likes,” said Mikey. “She was the only person left who could control him.”

  “So we’re all agreed that we’re going to do this?” said Ryan, looking at each one of them in turn.

  They all nodded, including Riley.

  “You really don’t want to be a part of this,” Ryan told him. “You need to get out while you still can.”

  “Not a fucking chance, I’m staying.”

  “What use are you?” Jez said scathingly.

  “You’d be surprised,” Riley coolly replied.

  “Ryan’s right,” Rachel told him. “This will be very illegal and you’ve got your career to think of.”

  “Let me worry about that.”

  “I’m not sure I want you knowing my business anyway,” said Jez. “We don’t know you and we can’t trust you.”

  “Shut the fuck up Jez,” said Ryan. “Your actions brought this shit to our door. Riley saved my family’s life twice. What have you done except put us in danger?”

  Jez couldn’t reply so he hung his head, looking both furious and upset.

  Ryan looked to Battler and Bruiser. “Take Rachel back to the hotel. She needs to arrange new things for her and the kids then get them away as quick as you can. It might be a good idea if Rick and Gill went with you too, Alex could try getting to us through them.”
  “They’re going to have some awkward questions,” replied Battler.

  “Better that than ending up dead,” retorted Ryan.

  Rachel nodded in agreement and bent over to kiss him. “I’ll come back to see you before I go.”

  “Don’t. Just get yourself away before Alex tries again.”

  “I’m coming back to say goodbye,” she said firmly, afraid she’d never see him again.

  He understood this and nodded.

  She kissed him. “I love you.”

  “Love you too,” he replied, trying to give her his most reassuring smile. “Riley, go with them will you? Rachel might need some help.” He looked to Battler then flicked his eyes to Jez, telling him he wanted to get Riley away from his brother and he wasn’t sending him with them because he didn’t trust them. Battler nodded and wrapped a big arm around Rachel as he escorted her from the room, Rachel constantly looking back at Ryan as she left.

  The moment the door closed, Ryan erupted. “Jez, what the fuck was that display about?”

  “I don’t know how you can trust him so easily. Don’t tell me you’re losing your edge.”

  “Do not speak to me like that after what you’ve done. Riley has proved himself and he’s not a part of your world, he’s legit. Why would he even side with Alex against us?”

  “I don’t know, money, power? Maybe he’s tired of being in the army and wants some easy money.”

  “I knew Riley when he was a teenager and he never wanted that life. His dad offered it to him and he turned it down, which is why Stuart took me under his wing instead. Riley is like Rachel, neither of them want anything to do with that life.” He turned his glare on Mikey. “How could you even ask her that?”

  “I had to, I don’t know if she’s changed her mind in the meantime.”

  “Don’t be so fucking stupid. You know her almost as well as I do. You ever look at her like she’s threatening your position again and I will put you down.”

  “Hey, I’m not the enemy here,” he retorted, getting angry.

  “Aren’t you?”


  Ryan’s grey eyes were flinty as he glared at Mikey, who glared right back.

  “Stop it, this is just what Alex wants, us lot tearing each other apart. We’ve got to work together if we’re going to survive,” said Jez.

  “You’re right,” sighed Mikey. “I’m sorry Ryan, I shouldn’t have said that to Rachel but I’m on edge.”

  “Me too,” said Ryan. “I want you both to know that I don’t give a shit who takes the throne when Alex is gone because mark my words, I am going to kill him. All I care about is protecting my family. You two can squabble over it when this is done. Understood?”

  “Understood,” they repeated in unison.

  “Are you really going to let Riley in on this?” said Mikey.

  “I don’t want him involved but he might leave me no choice.”

  “He’s so like you it’s creepy.”

  “I know.”

  Jez folded his arms across his chest and pouted.

  “Don’t spit your dummy out,” Ryan told him. “This doesn’t change anything between us.”

  “Doesn’t it?”

  “No. Stop acting like a child. We grew up together. No one can ever come between that and I wouldn’t let them anyway. Give Riley a chance, he’s a good guy.”

  “Alright, I’ll try, but he’s got to earn my trust.”

  “That’s all I can ask.”

  Jez gave his older brother a reluctant smile, which Ryan returned.

  “Now children,” began Ryan. “What have you been doing to find Alex Maguire?”

  “Before we get into that, there’s something else you should know,” said Mikey. “Alex has got the Lucifer’s Shadow MC on his side. We want you to talk to Dane Black about getting his crew on ours.”

  Mikey and Jez both took a step back when Ryan glared at them with murder in his eyes.


  When Rachel arrived at the hotel accompanied by Battler, Bruiser and Riley only her dad was awake, drinking tea and gazing out of the window, looking troubled.

  “Alright Dad?” she smiled.

  “No Rachel, I’m not. My daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren almost died last night. Now we’re holed up in a hotel and police are guarding the door.” He looked past her to Battler and Bruiser. “And judging by their presence I’m guessing this is something to do with the Maguires?”

  Rachel nodded. “Where are Mum and the kids?”

  “Asleep in the next room so feel free to tell me everything.”

  “You’re better off not knowing Dad.”

  He slammed the cup down, shaking with anger. “Oh no, you’re not fobbing me off again. I accepted the lies and half truths you’ve given me in the past because I didn’t want to know. Burying my head in the sand was probably not the best thing to do but your old life scared me. I thought you’d left it all behind but here it comes again, trying to kill those I love the most. Have you been lying to us all this time? Are you still involved with those gangsters?”

  “No Dad, we’re not. Me and Ryan gave it all up, we’re legitimate, I swear. This isn’t business, it’s personal.”

  “Then who tried to kill you?”


  He appeared stunned. “Alex Maguire?”


  “Why would he do that? You’re so close.”

  “Not anymore. Something’s happened to him, he’s turned against everyone who loves him, even Mikey. He’s out of control. He’s always had a dark side but Danny and Martina could keep him in check. Now they’re both gone there’s nothing to stop him doing what he wants.”

  “And what does he want?”

  “To punish everyone he thinks has disrespected him. Beth has taken the kids and run off with Nick Jordan, one of his associates. He thinks we’ve been sheltering them.”

  “I can’t believe she’d leave him, they love each other.”

  “They used to but he’s changed. Beth won’t tell me outright but he’s been eroding her confidence, telling her she’s fat.. You should see her Dad, she looks like a skeleton, he’s made her anorexic with his bullying.”

  “We think he’s been hitting her too,” interjected Battler.

  “Oh God,” sighed Rachel, sinking onto the couch and running her hands through her hair.

  “She didn’t tell you?” said Battler.

  Rachel shook her head. “No.”

  “I’m sorry, I assumed she had. Alex is having an affair too but we’re not sure who with. Beth was smart running before she became an inconvenience to him.”

  Rachel looked at her dad. “Riley thinks the house was set on fire on purpose to try and flush Beth out. Alex might not have intended for it to get out of control as quickly as it did, it’s an old house, it went up so fast. Was an old house,” she ended miserably.

  “And you knew nothing about Beth and this Nick? You promise?” said Rick.

  “I promise, she told me nothing. When we went to Manchester for Martina’s funeral I had a word with her because I was worried about how much weight she’d lost. She told me she’d been ill but was recovering and Alex was still the same loving husband. That was it.”

  “So Alex should leave you alone now if he’s after Beth?”

  “We think he could still come back for them, he could use Rachel and the kids to draw Beth out of hiding, it’s the sort of thing he’d do,” said Battler.

  “So what’s your plan Battler? Are you going to protect my daughter?”

  “Yes. We’re taking her and the kids away. We want you to come too.”

  “Me and Gill are in danger now?”

  “We’re not sure but we don’t want to take the chance.”

  “This is a complete and utter nightmare. I thought all this was over.”

  “So did I,” said Rachel. “We were so happy.”

  Rick looked to the three men. “Would you mind waiting outside? I want to speak
to my daughter in private.”

  All three nodded and quietly filed out of the room.

  Rick stared hard at Rachel. “I want to know why you moved up here.”

  “I told you, we wanted a fresh start.”

  “No, something happened that scared you so much you ran up here. I’ve thought about asking you so many times and backed out because I was afraid of what I’d hear but I’m not shying away from it anymore. Nothing scares my girl but I heard it in your voice over the phone, you were terrified. What happened?”

  Rachel knew there was no getting out of it. She had no choice but to tell him.

  “Alex asked me to meet with Jan Jordan.”

  “Jordan, a relation of this Nick that Beth’s run off with?”

  She nodded. “She was his mum.”


  “I’m getting there. The Jordans were threatening the Maguires. They’d come up from Essex wanting to take over Manchester.”

  “More gangsters?”

  “Yes. Alex told them no but they refused to go. They said the only way they were leaving without bloodshed was if Jan met with me. So I agreed.”

  “Why on earth did you do that?”

  “Alex said he needed my help, he was trying to avoid a war.”

  “Were you pregnant at the time?”

  She nodded.

  “How could Ryan let you do that?”

  “He didn’t, he was furious but you know me, the more someone tells me no the more I dig my heels in. He did everything he could to stop me but I wouldn’t listen because I wanted to help Alex. I thought we were friends.”

  “Of all the stupid idiotic things to do Rachel.”

  “I know,” she said, a tear sliding down her face. “I’m sorry.”

  “You sat there in the hospital and blatantly lied to us, you told us it was an accident.”

  “We didn’t lie, we thought it was an accident at the time. It happened two months after I met with the Jordans, we thought they were long gone. We had no reason to connect it with them.”

  “I see,” he said, calming down a little. “So how did you find out?”

  “They kidnapped me.”

  “What?” he exclaimed.

  “Please keep your voice down, I don’t want Mum hearing this.”

  “She won’t want to hear it either, trust me. I’m starting to regret asking myself.”


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