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Fractured (Dividing Line #4)

Page 20

by Heather Atkinson

  “Ryan almost died to save me. Jan Jordan said she wanted to exchange me for Alex, but it was a lie. She wanted to kill me too. Of course Alex refused to come so Ryan walked into that house full of Jordans to save me. Jan had a lot of nephews and two sons and he fought so hard but there were too many of them and he was almost beaten to death. The Maguires charged in and saved us. It was then I found out that the Jordans had been responsible for driving that van into me. Nick Jordan’s a good man,” she said, trying not think about him shooting his own mother. “He went out of his way to protect me from the rest of his family, who were animals. I almost lost Ryan that day Dad, he nearly died because of my mistake, because I trusted Alex and wanted to help him and all along he hated us.”


  “Do you remember years ago when I was married to Danny…”

  “I shudder to recall.”

  “…there was a time when we briefly split up?”

  “After his disgusting behaviour made you have a miscarriage then he attacked you?” he frowned.

  “Yes. Well, after we split up there was a moment between me and Ryan.”

  “What sort of moment?”

  She tried not to blush. “I’m not going into details but it happened in Martina’s Bar and someone saw us and told Alex. That’s our theory anyway. He thinks I betrayed his brother and made a mockery of the Maguire name.”

  “That’s ridiculous. I couldn’t stand him myself but I know you loved Danny.”

  “I did and I wouldn’t have cheated on him.”

  “Wouldn’t you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You and Ryan are made for each other. If Danny hadn’t died you two still would have got together one day.”

  Her automatic reaction was to deny it then she considered how she felt about Ryan and nodded. “Actually you’re probably right. I can’t imagine my life without him.” Tears rolled down her face. “He almost died to protect me because of Alex Maguire.”

  Rick had never been able to tolerate his daughter crying, no matter how bad she’d been so he pulled her to him. “I’m so grateful to that man for getting you out of your old life and bringing you down here and I love him even more for being willing to sacrifice himself for you like that. We’ll all go away and let the Maguires tear each other to pieces. Hopefully they’ll wipe each other out and we can come home and get on with our lives in peace.”

  “Ryan’s not coming with us.”

  His face fell. “Why not?”

  “He wants to stay here and make sure Alex is…removed.”

  “He’s going to kill him?” he whispered.

  Rachel just nodded, wiping the tears from her eyes.

  “Can’t say I blame him, that’s what I want to do to Alex myself but he can’t, he needs to be with you and the kids.”

  “He doesn’t trust anyone else to do it.”

  “It won’t be the first time he’s killed?” he said, lowering his voice again.


  “I’ve always known it, I lived on the Montford for years after all.”

  “He’s not that Ryan anymore, he’s my Ryan.”

  “He is that my girl and he’ll do anything to protect you but I still wish he was coming with us.”

  “Me too. What if I never see him again?” she said, descending into sobs.

  Rick rocked her in his arms. “How do you get yourself into these messes?” he said, but his voice was gentle, not admonishing.

  “I don’t know, I never intended to get involved with that life but it sucks you in so fast. I always thought I was fighting for my family, doing my best to protect them when all along I was only putting them in danger. Danny’s death made me realise that. It was bad enough when I lost him but if I lost Ryan…” She couldn’t even finish the sentence, the prospect was too horrifying.

  “That won’t happen, he’ll let nothing stand between you and him.” She nestled into him deeper, softly crying. He kissed the top of her head. “It’s alright my girl, everything will be alright, you’ll see.”

  Nick drove up to the cottage with a big grin. He’d picked up some toys for the kids that he knew they’d love and a beautiful diamond necklace for Beth. He wanted to spoil her rotten after the shabby way Alex had treated her.

  From the outside everything seemed normal. The lights were still burning and the house appeared secure. He hopped out of the car and locked it up before strolling up to the front door and pushing it open. It was the absolute silence that told him something was wrong. With three kids in the house there was always some sort of noise; the boys laughing and joking, the television blaring, Holly grizzling, but now there was nothing.

  Sheer panic made him throw caution to the wind and he rushed inside, yelling Beth’s name. One of the Sugar brothers - he wasn’t sure which one - came at him from the right and Nick swung his fist, punching him in the chest, throwing him off balance. He followed this up with a kick to the stomach and a fist in the face and the man fell. There was a yell from behind him and big arms wrapped around him, pinning his arms to his sides. Nick threw back his head and felt it connect with something hard. There was a cry of pain and he found himself released. Looking down he saw it was another of the younger Sugar brothers and Nick stamped on his crotch for good measure, making him scream with pain.

  “Hold it,” said a cool calm voice.

  Col Sugar appeared in the kitchen doorway, a gun in his hand.

  “Where are they?” Nick yelled at him, half-afraid of the answer.

  “Where they should be. With Alex. If you don’t want Beth to end up with a bullet in the back of the head you’ll come with us.”

  Nick sighed and hung his head. They’d been so close.

  “Are we ready to go?” said an eager Gill. She’d chosen to treat all this as an adventure, although she knew there was a very dark reason for the sudden departure. However, unlike her husband, she thought burying her head in the sand was a very sensible precaution and to Rachel’s relief she wasn’t asking any questions. The boys were perky too at the prospect of a holiday but Leah knew something was wrong.

  “Why isn’t Dad coming?”

  “He’s got work to do here,” replied Rachel. She’d showered and changed into black pencil skirt, sleeveless white shirt and high heels and felt almost like her old self again.

  “What work?” persisted Leah.

  “It’s to do with the businesses. He’ll meet us out there.”

  “I want to see him before we go.”

  “Leah, there’s no time.”

  “I’m not going without seeing Dad,” she said firmly. Rachel caught the look in her eye and knew she wouldn’t be swayed. Leah took after her in many ways.

  “Fine,” she sighed. “Riley, will you stay here with my parents and the kids? Battler and Bruiser can take us back to the hospital.”

  “I’m not sure…,” began Riley.

  “We’ll be fine,” said Battler, “but we have to go now.”

  “I don’t like this,” said Rick.

  “I’m not going until I’ve seen my dad,” yelled Leah, stamping her foot.

  “Young Lady there is no need to take that tone,” said Gill.

  “It’s alright Mum, she’s still upset after the fire,” said Rachel, taking her daughter’s hand. “We won’t be long, promise.” Then the four of them hurried out of the room before Gill could object further.

  “Thanks Mum,” said Leah as they descended in the hotel lift, penned in by Battler and Bruiser.

  “It’s alright.” Rachel looked down at her daughter and gave her a mischievous smile. “I want to see him too.”

  “He really will meet us, won’t he?”

  “You know your dad won’t let anything stop him doing what he wants to do.”

  This reassured her a little and she smiled and nodded. She looked up at Battler and Bruiser. “Are they our bodyguards?”

  Rachel saw no point in lying. If she knew she was in danger it might make her more cautious.
“Yes Honey.”

  “Are they protecting us from Uncle Alex?”

  “Yes but don’t let on to Grandma.”

  Leah’s face turned white but she nodded her head, doing her best to be brave. “They’re so big he won’t be able to get past them,” she said, making Bruiser smile.

  “You’re right Sweetheart, he won’t.”

  “Daddy won’t let them either.”

  “Course he won’t.”

  She hugged her mum. “Then we’ll be safe.”

  Rachel had the feeling her daughter was comforting her rather than the other way around.


  “Cupcake,” beamed Ryan when Leah walked in.

  “You said you wouldn’t call me that anymore Dad,” she blushed. “I’m nine now.”

  “You’ll always be my cupcake,” he grinned. “Hey, what’s this about?” he said when she started to cry.

  “I want you to come with us.”

  “I can’t, there are things I need to do here.”

  “You’re going to find Uncle Alex. What if he hurts you?”

  He tilted her face up to his, wiping away her tears with his fingertips. “He can’t. He’s not anywhere near tough enough.”

  “Mum’s tough and he hurt her.”

  “I can handle Uncle Alex, don’t you worry about that. I will meet you Leah. You have a nice holiday and the next thing you know I’ll be there. It’ll all be fine, I promise.”

  She hugged him tight, being careful to avoid the burn on his shoulder. “I love you Dad.”

  “Love you too Cupcake.” He kissed her cheek. “I need a word with your mum.”


  She took the seat in the corner, allowing Rachel to step forward. Ryan took her face in his hands and she pressed her forehead to his.

  “When do you get out of here?” she said.

  “Soon I hope, I’m going insane. I’m just waiting for the doctor to see me then I can go.”

  “Be careful, please.”

  “I will.” As he kissed her he felt her tears fall onto his face.

  “I told Dad everything, he insisted. Mum still doesn’t know, she doesn’t want to.”

  “How did he take it?”

  “Better than I expected actually. He wants Alex gone as much as the rest of us.”

  Ryan nodded in understanding. Strange, he never thought he’d get his father-in-law’s permission to commit murder but then again Rick understood about a dad wanting to protect his family.

  “Make sure you come back to us,” Rachel whispered so Leah couldn’t hear.

  “I will. Nothing and no one will keep us apart.”

  “I know,” she smiled through her tears before kissing him again.

  “I’m afraid it’s time to go,” said Battler quietly.

  Rachel ran her fingertips down Ryan’s face then straightened up and headed for the door. She allowed herself to look back at him once before she took Leah’s hand and they left.

  When they’d gone Ryan reclined back in the pillows, fighting back his own tears.

  “Alex, I’m coming for you,” he growled.

  Rachel’s feet felt like lead as she left Ryan’s room and made her way towards the exit. For some reason her instinct was telling her this was the wrong thing to do. She clutched Leah’s hand tightly, terrified that any of the dozens of people around them were in Alex’s pay. Battler led the way, Bruiser bringing up the rear. She’d no doubt they would fight to the death for her but they were still only men after all and Bruiser had almost been killed once already defending her from a madman. What if something happened to them because of her?

  As they returned to the hotel in the back of Battler’s car Leah clung onto her softly crying and Rachel buried her face in her daughter’s hair, neither of them wanting to leave Ryan behind.

  They arrived back at the hotel to find everyone still safely ensconced in the suite, joined by Mikey, Jez, Dolores and Vince.

  “Rachel,” said Dolores, leaping up to hug her. “Gill’s told us everything. I’m so sorry.”

  Rachel hung onto her friend, kicking herself for completely forgetting they were arriving today.

  “Thanks. I’m so sorry but we’re going to have to leave you but you’re welcome to stay on here.”

  “Don’t apologise for God’s sake,” Dolores said, gently patting her face.

  “Is there anything we can do to help?” said Vince.

  “Thanks but there’s nothing anyone can do. We’re leaving for the airport soon. You’re welcome to stay on here as long as you like. I’ve already told my staff who you are and why you’re here. Take a look around and see if it suits you.”

  “We may as well now that we’re here.” Dolores leaned forwards to whisper: “Ryan?”

  “He’s staying.”

  Her friend caught the fear in her eyes and squeezed her hand. “He’ll sort it out, don’t you worry.”

  Rachel nodded. She’d never felt so frightened in all her life.

  “Why’s Ryan staying?” frowned Gill. “He should be coming with us, his family needs him.”

  “There’s a lot to be done here,” Rachel told her wearily. “He needs to sort the house out, insurance, all that. He’ll meet us out there when it’s done.”

  “I suppose that makes sense but I hope he doesn’t take too long, the children need him.”

  Rachel glanced at her dad and felt incredibly guilty. He looked to have aged ten years overnight and she hated how her murky past was affecting her family now. She turned to Mikey. “Please get back to the hospital, he’s alone,” she whispered.

  Mikey nodded and glanced at his watch. “Time to go.”

  “But the kids don’t have enough clothes,” protested Gill.

  Rick rolled his eyes, attempting to contain his impatience. “They have clothes abroad you know.”

  “Please don’t be sarcastic with me Rick.”

  “They can get more clothes out there, wherever we end up. It’s not like Rachel can’t afford it. Now please let’s just go,” he said irritably, picking up two of the bags and walking to the door, leaving Gill no choice but to cease her protests and follow.

  “Battler and Bruiser will take you. We’ll go back to the hospital,” said Mikey.

  Rachel hugged him. “Please look out for Ryan.”

  “I will. Promise,” he said, kissing her cheek.

  She hugged Jez then Riley.

  “Thank you,” she told her newest brother-in-law.

  “You’re welcome. Take care of yourself.”

  She smiled and squeezed his hand. “You too.”

  They took the hotel minibus to the airport, Battler and Bruiser up front with the driver. Boyle had even given them a police escort, the patrol car following behind.

  Gill and the boys were excited about the adventure ahead, playing I-Spy and singing songs while Rachel, Rick and Leah sat in sullen silence.

  Gill turned in her seat to face her daughter. “I know you’ll miss Ryan but it won’t be for long. Just think about how exciting your reunion will be.”

  Rachel forced herself to smile. “Yeah, you’re right Mum.”

  “I always am,” she grinned before turning her attention back to the boys.

  Rachel thought of her final goodbye to Ryan and she had to stifle a sob. Leah took her hand and she smiled down at her daughter, tears standing out in both their eyes.

  At the airport they found a flight to Cyprus, which had enough seats left in first class to accommodate them all. As they had some time to kill before the flight they decided to trawl the airport shops before going through Passport Control. There were still a few items they were short of for the trip.

  Wanting a bit of time to herself, Rachel left the kids and her parents with Bruiser while Battler escorted her. Sensing she wanted to be alone he remained at a discrete distance, for which she was very grateful. When her mobile phone rang she joyfully pulled it out of her handbag, hoping it was Ryan.

/>   “Alright Rach? Don’t hang up if you want to keep your children safe and don’t tell your bodyguard who’s on the phone.”

  She swallowed hard, her grip on the handset tightening. “Alex, what the fuck do you want?” she said quietly.

  “Look out of the doorway of the shop you’re in.”

  Her blood ran cold. “How do you know where I am?”

  “The police car following you wasn’t a real police car.” She could almost hear the smile in the bastard’s voice.

  “Piss off and leave us alone.”

  “Rachel, you alright?” said a voice behind her, making her jump.

  She considered confiding in Battler but Alex’s words stuck in her mind. She wouldn’t do anything to put her children at risk. “Fine, just the hotel manager finalising some last minute details,” she replied with a forced smile.

  He nodded then took several steps back to give her some privacy.

  “What am I looking at?” said Rachel, trying not to be too obvious about looking at where her family was sat.

  “See the man standing behind Ethan with his hand in his pocket?”

  Her eyes settled on the tall slender man with one hand stuck inside his jacket. The man’s eyes locked with hers and he gave her a sly smile.

  “Yes,” she croaked, her breathing accelerating with fear.

  “If you don’t get out of there right now he’ll stab your boy.”

  “He can’t,” she rasped into the phone.

  “He can and he’ll be away before anyone even notices. You know how easy it is Rach,” taunted Alex. “A subtle blow to the kidneys and he’ll be down. I doubt at that age he’d survive.”

  “You cowardly bastard he’s only four.”

  “I’ve no interest in your brats. All I want is you. Ditch them all and leave by the north exit.”

  “How do I know that man won’t hurt my family?”

  “When you go he’ll follow. The longer you hang about the more likely he is to hurt them. I suggest you move. Now.”

  He hung up and she stared at the phone in her hand before glancing over her shoulder to see where Battler was. He was browsing a tie rack. “Alright?” he smiled at her.


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