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Fractured (Dividing Line #4)

Page 26

by Heather Atkinson

  “You think he’s holding her there?” said Frankie derogatorily.

  “It’s all we’ve got, we have to go with it,” said Mikey.

  “Then we’d better hope for Rach’s sake that you’re right.”

  Jez and Riley regarded Frankie uneasily when his fingers slid into his jacket to caress the blade of his hatchet and both leaned away from him, Jez practically squashing Riley against the door.

  Frankie thought the machete had been good but there was nothing like comfort and familiarity for causing some real mayhem. “I can’t wait to use this wee beauty on Alex,” said Frankie, eyes starting to roll back in his head.

  “Just so everyone’s clear, I’m the one who kills him,” said Ryan.

  Frankie’s eyes snapped open. “That fucking honour is mine.”

  “He’s not kidnapped your wife Frankie.”

  “Only because I’m not daft enough to get one.”

  When Ryan whipped round in his seat, Jez, Riley and Mikey held their collective breath.

  “What’s it to you as long as he’s dead?” snarled Ryan. “He nearly burns my family alive then he kidnaps Rachel. This isn’t business it’s fucking personal and nothing is going to stand in my way.”

  Frankie was thrown. He wasn’t used to being spoken to like this, everyone was usually so quick to defer to him. In fact Ryan Law was the first person ever to stand up to him and he wasn’t sure whether to erupt into a rage or respect him for it. The tension in the car built up and up while the two men stared at each other. Mikey wished he wasn’t driving, he didn’t like presenting Frankie with his back.

  Eventually Frankie relaxed and smiled. “Alright Pal, he’s all yours. Just as long as I get my little trophy.”

  “You can have whatever part of him you want,” said Ryan. “I’ll happily hold the Tupperware box for you.”

  Frankie released a loud bark of laughter. “Fucking brilliant. You’re on.”

  The tension relaxed. Both men had come out of that argument with their dignity intact, no one had really had to concede anything and best of all, both Ryan and Frankie were appeased. However the other three men had just had a shocking wake-up call. They’d thought Frankie McVay was the most dangerous man in the country. Now they realised he had a serious contender in Ryan.

  “Come on Rachel, you can do better than this,” said Alex as she struggled to get up off the floor, spitting blood.

  “Stop it you fucking coward,” screamed Beth while Col held her back.

  “I’ll leave her alone as soon as she admits that she cheated on my brother.”

  “She can’t because she didn’t. She’s my best friend, she tells me everything and I know for a fact that she didn’t.”

  “Oh yeah? Did she tell you about her and Ryan in Martina’s Bar?”

  Beth hesitated before replying. “Yes.”

  “Fucking liar. There are lots of things she hasn’t told you.”

  “To protect her,” said Rachel, staggering to her feet, fighting against the pain. Her face was battered and bruised, ribs cracked. “I put myself and my baby at risk for you Alex because I loved you but it wasn’t enough for you that I lost my son, you have to do this to me as well.”

  “Because you cheated…”

  “I didn’t,” she screamed, voice bouncing off the walls.

  “I’m not going to stop until you admit it.”

  “You only want me to admit it so it will ease your guilt about killing me. I’m the mother of your brother’s child. How dare you?”

  “And my brother is dead, thanks to you.”

  “Don’t you put that on me, not when you murdered your own mother. How did you make it look like a stroke Alex?”

  She’d thought Alex would break down, scream and yell but on the contrary his face became an impassive mask, eyes cold and vacant. “Propofol.”

  It took Rachel a moment to recall what this drug was. Then it came to her and she was disgusted. “The drug they use in surgery for a quick anaesthetic kick?”

  He nodded. “She was taking Valium, apparently my behaviour was upsetting her,” he said scornfully. “The two drugs combined meant her body simply forgot how to breathe. She went to sleep dosed up to the eyeballs on Valium. I injected her and she didn’t wake up. It was so easy.”

  Rachel looked to Beth, who was staring at her husband with the same look of horror and revulsion she was sure was on her own face.

  “I paid my pet pathologist not to do a toxicology test,” he ended with a diabolical smile.

  “Bastard,” spat Rachel. “This is for Martina,” she said, kicking him in the leg then elbowing him in the stomach, following it up with a punch to the face. Alex didn’t even flinch. He dabbed at the cut she left on his lower lip, smiling at the blood that came away on the tip of his finger. “That’s more like it. Again.”

  She hurled herself at him, attempting to knock him off balance while making a grab for the knife in his hand but she was tired, the movement was clumsy and he merely stepped out of her reach, waving the knife before her in a taunt.

  “Is this what you want? Even if by some miracle you do get it off me you wouldn’t have the guts to use it.”

  “Want a bet? You’re an evil bastard and I hate you.”

  “Is that right?” he said mockingly.

  “Yes. You know I used to think Danny was more like Martina while you were more like Frank, but I was wrong. You’re like Terry and Jake. Completely insane. There’s madness in the Maguire genes and you inherited it, just like they did. You’re a disgrace to the family name.”

  Beth screamed when he lashed out at Rachel with the knife, slashing open the skin on her left upper arm. Rachel’s knees went weak and she stumbled backwards. When she clamped her hand down on the wound blood seeped through her fingers. She knew he was playing with her, there was no way she could beat him. He lashed out again and at first she thought he’d punched her in the right side, just beneath her ribs, until she saw the blood on the blade. Looking down she saw it staining the white t-shirt Laila had given her.

  “Alex, stop,” shrieked Beth. She struggled furiously in Col’s arms, trying to free herself, her eyes constantly flicking between Nick lying dead on the floor and Rachel being battered and stabbed, forced to watch as her husband destroyed two of the most important people in the world to her.

  “You want this Rachel, you have to work for it,” Alex said, waving the knife. “Come on.”

  Rachel felt herself rapidly weakening with blood loss and knew she’d nothing left. She fell onto all fours, losing the battle to keep going.

  Beth knew she needed some incentive that would get her back on her feet and keep her fighting for her life otherwise Alex would finish her.

  “Alex told the Jordans you were still a leader in the family,” Beth called out to her. “He told them you still had power to take the responsibility off himself because he’s a coward. If he’d told Nick’s mum you were nothing to do with it anymore she would have left you alone, Nick told me so himself. It’s Alex’s fault Thomas died.”

  Rachel’s eyes looked even blacker than usual because her face was so white as she stared fiercely up at Alex, so angry her teeth were bared. Beth watched with satisfaction as Rachel sprang at him like an animal, her hands locking around his neck and pushing him flat on his back, causing him to drop the knife. She slammed her fists into Alex’s face and he was so surprised by the ferocity of the attack that it took him a moment to respond. He grabbed her by the shoulders and threw her off but she came straight back at him, this time going in low, dropping to her knees and bringing her fist up into his stomach. His muscles tensed beneath the blow, deflecting the majority of the force but she’d caught him off balance and when he staggered back a few steps she threw herself at him again, attempting to knock him onto his back but he grabbed her arm and threw her aside. By some miracle Rachel managed to remain on her feet and without pausing to think or even breathe she came at him again, enjoying the surprise in his eyes. She rained blows
down on him, hitting his arms, chest, stomach, breathing through the pain beneath her ribs but he blocked all the blows and punched her in the face, sending her staggering backwards. He took the opportunity to snatch up the knife and when she came at him again the blade sliced into her left forearm. Without pause he withdrew it and jabbed it into her left side. The cuts weren’t deep enough to seriously injure, but enough to debilitate her.

  Rachel staggered about, blood trickling from her wounds and pooling on the floor, desperately wanting to keep fighting but she was done. The next punch Alex gave her put her on her back and he straddled her, still brandishing the knife.

  “Admit it and I’ll make your death quick. You know how I love to torture people, I could make it last forever. Just say it.”

  She shook her head from side to side, blood misting out of her mouth when she laughed. “Fuck off.”

  She screamed when he dug a finger into the wound in her left side.

  Beth’s screams joined Rachel’s and Alex frowned. “Shut her up will you?” he called over his shoulder to Col. There was a loud slap and Beth’s screaming stopped.

  Beth lay on the floor, spots dancing before her eyes. She pushed herself up to a sitting position just in time to see Alex sink the blade into Rachel’s right shoulder, twisting that too so the wound would stay open and she’d bleed out. This time all Rachel was capable of releasing was a weak groan.

  “Say it.”

  “You know you’re probably right,” she gasped. “I didn’t cheat on Danny when he was alive but I would have done one day. Ryan’s my true love and we would have eventually ended up together.” She paused for breath, talking suddenly becoming a huge effort. Her eyes went hazy, Alex’s angry face disappearing out of focus. “I love you Ryan,” she whispered, praying that somehow he knew she was thinking of him.

  “I knew it,” said Alex solemnly. “It was always Ryan, wasn’t it?”

  Rachel opened her mouth and he leaned over expectantly.

  “He’s going to kill you,” she said before spitting blood in his face. She laughed derisively as he frantically wiped it off. With a cry of rage he raised the knife ready to bring down on Rachel for one final time, Beth’s screams filling the air.


  “There it is,” said Mikey. “What’s happened to the gate?”

  “Rachel happened,” smiled Ryan.

  Rather than drive into the compound and let Alex know they’d arrived, they’d parked further down the street and the five of them had run back to the gates.

  Cautiously Riley peered inside. “Normally I’d like to do a reconnaissance first but there isn’t time. We have to assume that Alex has lots of armed back-up so we need a distraction, something big and noisy.”

  “How about Mikey’s gob?” offered Frankie.

  “Hey,” he frowned.

  “Can we please be serious?” said Ryan, having to force himself not to throttle Frankie in impatience.

  “I can see two propane cylinders on the west side of the building,” said Jez, chancing a peek around the corner. “We could ignite them, the explosion will cause a distraction.”

  “Oh yeah, what a great distraction,” said a contemptuous Frankie, “and a sure way to bring the polis and fire brigade straight here. Fucking numpty.”

  “Have you any better ideas?” frowned Jez.

  “I’ll be the distraction,” said Riley. “I’ll walk straight through the front door, from a distance they’ll think I’m Ryan.”

  “What if they shoot you before you get near?” said Mikey.

  “They won’t. Alex will want me alive so he can get his revenge. As soon as I’m in you go through the back.”

  “I can’t let you do this,” said Ryan.

  “Yes you can, it’s the only way.”

  Ryan didn’t want to put his brother at risk but he recalled the story Riley had told him and knew this was his redemption. If he could help get Rachel out alive it might ease the survivor’s guilt he was obviously suffering from. He also knew saying no wouldn’t stop him. “Okay, if you’re sure?”

  “I am.”

  Ryan nodded and shook his hand. “Stay alive, please.”

  “I intend to. I’ll walk in first then you lot go.”

  They all nodded.

  Movement caught Jez’s eye. “What’s that?”

  They all watched a small figure race across the compound and out the gate. Mikey went charging down the street, the others following. “Alfie.”

  The little boy stopped and turned. When he saw his uncle he burst into tears and ran to him.

  “Are you okay?” said Mikey, scooping him up and hugging him tight.

  “Is Rachel in there Alfie?” demanded Ryan.

  “Give him a minute, he’s in a state,” said Mikey.

  “We don’t have a minute,” yelled Ryan. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath when Alfie jumped and buried his face in his uncle’s shoulder. “I’m sorry Alfie but we’re here to save your Aunty Rachel.”

  “Dad’s got her in there,” sobbed the boy, pointing to the building. “He’s hurting her, she’s screaming. Mum’s in there too.”

  “Where are your brother and sister?” said Mikey.

  “In the office. I told them I’d get you Uncle Mikey, that you’d help us.”

  “That’s what we’re here to do. Don’t worry, okay?” He put the boy down and handed him his car keys. “You see my car over there?”

  The boy nodded.

  “Wait for us in there. Keep the doors locked. We’ll get your mum and Holly and Archie, I promise.”

  “Thank you,” he said, wiping his eyes, trying to be brave in front of all the men.

  Riley peered back round the gate. “No one’s come out after him which means no one’s watching outside.”

  “Sloppy, very sloppy. Typical Alex,” said Frankie disapprovingly.

  “Which means they won’t see us going in. Come on,” said Ryan, leading the way.

  As Alfie ran to the car, the men snuck into the compound, being careful to keep low. While the rest of them ran round the back Riley made straight for the large metal door.

  “We’ve got visitors,” said Col.

  Alex lowered the knife, listening carefully to the shouts from outside as something big was slammed against the metal shutter leading into the warehouse, causing it to violently shake. Slowly it began to roll up to reveal two figures, one holding a gun to the other’s temple.

  “I’ve got Ryan Law,” said Ron, shoving the figure forward. “Daft bastard tried to storm the place all by himself.”

  Alex got to his feet, brimming over with excitement. “Great timing Ryan, you’re just in time to watch me kill your wife.” He frowned. “That’s not Ryan.”

  Riley smiled. There were bangs and shouts from the rear of the building and while they were all distracted Riley ducked low, driving his fist up into Ron’s crotch. The man yelped and Riley grabbed his gun and shot him twice in the chest before throwing himself behind the stack of containers. It all happened so fast he’d vanished before Alex had even drawn his gun.

  “You’re here, aren’t you Ryan?” called Alex. “Why don’t you come out and face me?”

  There was a bang to his right from the direction Riley had run and Gus went down, shot in the face.

  “Ryan,” bellowed Alex.

  The sound of gunfire in the next room continued and Alex smiled. Ryan hadn’t even made it in yet, he was no doubt pinned down by Col’s men. Riley was caught behind the crates, firing at Dom. The two MC members had planted themselves behind the pillars and were firing back, trying to flush Riley out but it seemed he was firmly entrenched in his hiding place. To Alex’s disgust Beth was crouched in a corner sobbing, her hands over her face. He couldn’t stand her weakness. However he still had the opportunity to finish Rachel, who was flat on her back in a pool of blood, gazing up at the ceiling, struggling to keep breathing. Alex looked over at Col, who nodded in understanding, grabbed his brothers and quietly slipped
out through the metal door that was still wide open.

  Once he saw they were safely out Alex straddled Rachel, who appeared to be drifting in and out of consciousness, blood pooling around her. He wanted to do it while she was still aware of what was happening. If he did it slowly enough hopefully Ryan would get through just in time to see him killing her.

  “This is for Danny,” he grinned, pressing the knife to her throat.

  All she could do was release a weak gurgle as he started to cut, her eyes bulging as he dragged the blade across the soft skin of her throat, opening up a deep red line, blood oozing from the wound and the satisfaction flooding him was enormous.

  A blinding pain in his left shoulder caused him to drop the knife, sending it skittering across the floor. He looked up and his mouth fell open with surprise.

  “What have you done?” he yelled at Beth. “Put it down you stupid cow.”

  “No, I won’t let you hurt anyone again,” she yelled back, Gus’s gun trembling in her hands.

  “Are you going to kill me? You’re not capable, you’re fucking useless.”

  “Shut up,” she screamed. “I’m sick of your insults. You killed Nick, you’re not taking Rachel too.”

  “Fuck off out of my sight before I change my mind and top you too,” he said before retrieving the knife to finish the job on Rachel.

  “No,” cried Beth.

  She squeezed the trigger again and again. She’d never even held a gun before and the shots went wide, Ryan, Frankie, Jez and Mikey - who’d just entered the room - having to run for cover, but two of the bullets hit their mark and slammed into Alex’s torso, knocking him onto his back, the knife falling from his hands. His sightless eyes gazed up at the ceiling, surprise written all over his face.

  “God that felt good,” she cried. Without a second glance at her husband Beth threw down the weapon and ran to her friend. “Rachel.”

  She clamped her hand to the neck wound, keeping the two edges of the cut pressed together. It worried her that Rachel didn’t react to the pain she must be in.


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