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Realms of the Otherworld Box Set

Page 89

by Jana LaPelle

  ​Millie’s grim face gives me room to falter before she says, “Ashlinn, you give her an ass kicking just for me and bring our Alaric back.”

  ​I nod, “I will,” turning my attention to Jasmine, “Are you ready?” I notice that she has changed into new gear as well and her war paint is done up in blue, her eyes shaded in a similar fashion to mine.”

  ​“Come on Ash, let’s go rally the troops and get them in line. It’s time to show them who's boss. It’s time they see this side of you.”

  ​Turning my attention to Claire I smile, “Thank you again, I’m not sure what I would do without you. And you Millie, take care of my babes and their pups while I’m gone. I’ll check in periodically. Come on Jaz, let’s go.” We exit my chambers and make our way down to the main level and head for the library where a very heated argument is underway. I pause just outside with Jasmine and listen to what is taking place inside, and Alaric had the right of it, they are coming unglued.

  ​“We don’t need your help, you or any of your brethren. Ashlinn was right, we’ve got this.” Tolin retorts, “Just maybe if you had of been there last night we wouldn’t have lost them both, she can’t sense him, and we all know what happens when a kindred soul loses their mate.”

  ​“That’s not what she said Tolin, she said that she could sense that he was alive but that was all, everyone needs to calm down,” Dagda interjects.

  ​“Why are you here again?” Ferg asks heatedly, “Ashlinn was pretty clear last night as to her thoughts on your supposed help.”

  ​“I have to disagree. I think we need to hear what they have to say.” Declan says over the ever-growing volume of voices coming from the room before us as an argument ensues.

  ​I look at Jasmine and say, “I have to fix this. Come on.”

  ​I walk into the library and I’m shocked at how things have gotten out of hand so quickly, there are two definite sides, and the lines have evidently been drawn in the middle of the room. I clear my throat trying to get their attention, when that doesn’t work I try to clap my hands, then as a last resort I place my index and pinkie fingers in my mouth and blow a shrill whistle bringing everyone to a halt.

  ​“What the hell is going on here?” I demand as I walk further into the library. “We’re supposed to be working together not tearing each other apart. I know what I said last night. I was wrong. I was hurting, I’m allowed to hurt. That time has come and gone. We need to be a united force, we need to stand together and put aside our differences for Alaric. He needs us, now more than ever. Is everyone with me?”

  ​Everyone in the room is now staring at Jasmine and me, jaws dropped at the sight of us. One by one my Guardians drop to one knee, I look to Dagda and Lugh, and they nod, “Let’s get busy, Ashlinn. We have much to plan for.”

  ​I walk over to Dagda and take his large hand in mine while everyone around us gets to their feet, “I’m sorry Dagda, please forgive my hurtful words from last night.”

  ​He pulls me in for a hug and says, “My wee lass, there is nothing to forgive. You had every right to feel the way you did. You were right. We need to show the rest of us by example. Now let’s find our boy.”

  Chapter 26


  ​A loud screeching cry echoes around the dark chamber. I look up from the place where I find myself on the gleaming black floor to see The Morrígan, her eyes shaded an obsidian black, her trembling left hand going to the dagger that is embedded to the hilt in the soft fleshy area of her right shoulder. Ashlinn’s aim was true and found its mark, and I can’t help the hint of a smile that tugs at my lips as I watch her gingerly pull the dagger from her shoulder and drop the bloody weapon to the floor with a clatter, splattering her blood in crimson droplets.

  ​“I will kill her for this! How dare she!” She screams, hatred dripping from her words.

  ​I’m pulling at the whip that is still firmly wrapped around my neck and begin to unravel the damn thing, taking advantage of the moment while all eyes are on her. Now that there is some slack in the leather it’s easier to remove the thing from around my neck. Gingerly, I stand not wanting to draw attention to myself, not sure how I’m going to get out of here. The moment the whip falls away from my neck, I instantly feel better, it was like all my abilities were muted.

  ​“Where do you think you’re going?” I hear as the end of the whip drops to the floor with a soft thud, and I feel a momentary relief from its stifling confines. “You’re mine to toy with Guardian, mine to torture, mine to seduce, mine to play head games with your beloved kindred. Mine, mine, mine!” She yells her deranged voice echoing around the room.

  ​“That’s where you’re wrong. There’s one thing that I will never be, and that is your anything,” I growl. From behind someone grabs my wrist and slaps on a metal cuff. I yank free of their grasp, and before I can ram my fist into their face another cuff is placed on my other wrist, and the effect is suffocating. I drop to my knees as all my strength is drained from my very core. “What have you done to me?”

  ​Her laughter rings out, “There is no use struggling. I have seen stronger gods than you unable to break free of the nullifying effects of this iron born from angel’s fire. You are no different Alaric Faerondarl, so you see you are mine to do with whatever I please. Bring the elixir.” She demands. I gain my footing and stand, not wanting to bow before her evil presence. I watch in silence as a serving girl pours red wine from a decanter into a matching goblet and brings it to her queen. “Now you will be mine, drink.” She sneers.

  ​I stand steadfast and resolute in my spot as she walks toward me, the male behind me shuffles and shifts his weight momentarily gaining our attention. “You, take Cú Chulainn to my chambers, I will see to his needs momentarily.” The Fomorian nods his assent and marches from the room carrying the still unconscious demigod slung over his back. “Now my handsome Guardian, it is time for you to switch allegiances.”

  ​The two males on either side of me hold me still. The male behind me grabs my head to keep me from struggling. The goddess is tall, and in her heels, we stand eye to eye, eyes which are still shaded and black as midnight. She lifts the goblet to my firmly closed lips, a well-placed fist to my kidneys takes me by surprise, and my mouth opens slightly in reaction to the punch. The wine is poured into my mouth, and I instantly spit it back at my aggressor. I’m rewarded with a stinging slap across the face, the crack echoing about the room.

  ​“How dare you! No matter. Soon you will be groveling at my feet for more, this is an extra potent batch and should take effect almost immediately, and I will make you grovel before me, your queen.”

  ​“I will never grovel before you, and you will never be my queen. Ashlinn is my one and only queen, my allegiance is to her and to my creator. You are delusional if you think for one moment that your curse will affect me in the slightest.” I grind out between my clenched teeth. My arms are yanked behind my back, and the male to my side moves in front of me and quickly begins pummeling my abdomen and then finishes his assault with one last well-placed fist to my jaw. My head slams backward and blood wells up in my mouth which I spit at my assailant, and I'm rewarded with another punch to the face.

  ​“Show some respect to our queen, filth.”

  ​Her evil highness has been eyeing me watching for her curse to kick in, thank the goddess for Lexie and her binding spell. I feel nothing but revulsion for the goddess in front of me, and I glare back at her daring her to come near me.

  ​“I think our captive may need some additional persuasion. Take him to his cell. String him up from the ceiling. I want his arms wide and his feet barely touching the ground. Well? What are you waiting for? Now would be good!” She demands.

  ​I’m dragged from the room and taken below ground. My jailers do as they are told, and I quickly find myself in a cool, damp cell dangling from the ceiling my toes barely touching the ground, my arms forming a Y over my head. I hear her approach from behind as her heels click down the hall, a
nd she orders my captors to leave and waits until their footfalls sound distantly down the hallway. I flinch as I feel her fingers lightly run across my shoulders and down my back. Her touch lingers as she explores the muscled definition of my back before making her way to my front. Her touch is soft and full of seduction, and I steel myself against her assault.

  ​“Such a shame, you being wasted on that little twit, it took me a moment to figure it out. Your bond to her is what interfered with my elixir. I really was looking forward to having my way with you. You really are a beautiful specimen of a male.” She runs her hands up my chest, and I shudder at her revolting touch, “Tsk, tsk, none of that my lovely. If only you would have succumbed to me, we could have done away with these accursed cuffs, but no, you and your kindred are playing for keeps. You're not just playing house, are you? Those babes of yours are the spitting image of you. Maybe I should go after them since I’m not getting anywhere with you.”

  ​“Don’t you dare,” I roar.

  ​Her wicked laughter rings out, “Really Alaric, what are you going to do if I do? You are completely and totally helpless at the moment, rendered utterly vulnerable by a creation of your beloved creator to keep his wayward angels in line. That includes the gods. You see with these iron cuffs on you, you are mine to toy with, mine to torture. I will use your pain and anguish to manipulate your kindred. When you are at your very weakest, I will remove these cuffs to allow the kindred bond to click back into place at a location and time of my choosing. I will wait for her to come for you and you will watch as I kill her before your weak and pathetic eyes. You see, I plan on breaking you and taking the life of your precious Ashlinn. She has been a pain in my arse since she came on the scene, without her in my way The Otherworld will erupt into chaos and that will be my opening.”

  ​“You will never break me or bend me to your will. Ashlinn is stronger than you give her credit for and as for my children, you will not be able to get to them. They are well guarded.”

  ​“I want nothing to do with your little brats, but if I ever get my hands on them, they are as good as dead. You, on the other hand, may change your mind after your flogging.” She pulls the whip from the clip on her belt and walks behind me, “Such a shame to scar up such a beautiful back.”

  ​That’s all the notice I get before she begins. The crack of the whip repeatedly sounds in my prison cell, and with every lash, I flinch and can feel the welts rise up on my back before the now tender flesh begins to break open under the abuse and blood streams down my back. My throat is raw from the guttural grunts and groans that I’m helpless to release. My mind is foggy with the numbing pain of my wounded back, but in the fog, I realize that the abuse has stopped. My head hanging forward resting on my naked chest.

  ​The phantom queen is now standing in front of me, “I believe that you have had enough for today, my pet. Until next time, Alaric. I have a recently raised demigod to arouse, and I don’t mean from sleep. I’m sure that Lainn will prefer the pleasure of my flesh to what you just received.” Her maniacal laughter follows her down the hall along with the clicking of her heeled boots. The bitch is crazy.

  ​I’m not sure how long I will last if I’m kept in this position. My hands and arms have long since gone numb. With that realization, I hear lumbering footsteps coming my way. I’m released from my constraints to drop to the ground, the cuffs still on my wrist. They leave me where I lay and slam the barred door shut behind me. My healing abilities are locked beneath the surface and are held prisoner by the cuffs on my wrist, and for the first time I realize that my panther has been affected as well, I might as well be human. I’m helpless but to endure this torture. The kindred bond is there, but all I can sense is that she is out there, somewhere, and I pray to my creator that she does not find me. To find me will put her at risk. I would rather endure this for an eternity than for Ashlinn to step into a trap of The Morrígan’s making. For now, I will rest and try to figure a way out of this hell and get back to Ashlinn, back to my family.

  Glossary of Irish Gaelic Terms

  Άdh mór = good luck

  álainn = beautiful

  athair = father

  Bán = white

  Caomhnóirí na Batha = Guardian of Life

  Cara = friend

  Cara Bán = white friend

  ceann beag = little one

  Coimeádaithe na Anamacha = Keeper of Souls

  dathúil = handsome

  deartháir = brother

  deora = tears

  iníon = daughter

  Is breá liom tú = I love you

  majic = magic (For purposes of this series, magic will be referred to as majic. The spelling is meant to be unique to the Realms of the Otherworld Book series.)

  marthanais briosca = survival biscuit

  máthair = mother

  mo chroí = my heart

  mo dorchadas = my darkness

  mo grá = my love

  mo ghrá = my lover

  mo grhá is gaire = my dearest love

  mo neart = my strength

  mo solas = my light

  Taisclainne Anam = soul reliquary (For purposes of this series, Taisclainne Anam is the realm from which the souls that are in between find safe harbor. The Mother Keeper of Souls and the Father Guardian of Life are the rulers of this realm.)

  Glossary of Irish Mythology

  Airmed = goddess of healing. Alaric’s mother.

  Bridgid = daughter to The Dagda married to King Bres of the Southern Territories. Goddess of dawn and fertility.

  Clíodhna = goddess of love and beauty.

  Cú Chulainn = Son of the god Lugh, who in a fit of anger split the Stone of Fál with his sword when the coronation stone failed to sing for his protégé. Also known as a legendary Irish mythical hero and his terrifying battle frenzy or ríastrad.

  Danu = Mother goddess to the Tuatha Dé Danann. Ashlinn’s mother.

  Dagda or The Dagda = High King to Faerie as well as the good god, father figure, and protector of the tribe.

  Fomorians = Traditional rivals of the Tuatha Dé Danann portrayed as monstrous beings.

  Lugh = sky god and father to Cú Chulainn

  Manannán = sea god and foster father to Lugh and married to Fandra, Cú Chulainn’s kindred.

  Myrddin = Also known as the mythical Merlin, cambion born of a mortal woman and incubus father. Know sorcerer and advisor and good friend to King Arthur. Bewitched and imprisoned by Nimue.

  The Lady of the Lake = Nimue, water deity/nymph, ruler of Avalon, and mistress of Excalibur.

  The Morrígan = Queen of the Fomorians. A fate deity, foretelling doom and death in battle. Also known as Morríganna.

  The Morrígna = A triad of sisters. For purposes of this series, the triad is made up of Badb, Macha, and The Morrígan.

  Tuatha Dé Danann = A supernatural race in Irish Mythology thought to represent the main deities of pre-Christian Gaelic Ireland.






  Text Copyright © 2018 Jana LaPelle

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. Any references to historical events, real people, etc. are used fictitiously.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written permission of the author.

  All Rights Reserved.

  Cover design by:


  I want to thank my dear friend, Gemma Cameron, without your help I would have been completely lost as to getting a good feel for language and many other things in Ireland. I hope I’ve gotten it right. Thank you for allowing me to pick your brain on some of the most trivial of things, like dinner versus teatime or how the Irish refer to their ma and da. I hope to one day be able to meet you in perso
n and visit your beautiful and mystical homeland.

  Gabriel, you continue to be my inspiration. Thank you for all your help with research and your creative mind. Love you kiddo.


  This one is for my Mom, JoAnn. You are the strongest woman I know, and although we may not see eye to eye all the time, I would not be the person I am today without your influence and your guidance. I have learned that being a mother is the greatest joy in my life. Mothers are fierce and strong and will do whatever it takes to protect their children and see them succeed. No sacrifice is too small or too great for our children. Here’s to all mothers out there, whether you are the biological mother, adoptive, or a foster mother, our children are our future, and they mean the world to us.


  ​My name is Joanna Claire Collins Elan. I was born a Collins and married an Elan, and I… am a descendant of witches. Yes, I said witches. It has been two generations since a witch with any recognizable abilities has been born from my family line. My grandmother, who I have never met, was the last witch in our line to actually practice majic as most perceive it to be. It is my understanding that she was limited in her abilities but had high hopes that her daughters would continue our majical heritage. Her disappointment was said to be profound when her two daughters did not develop any majical talents of their own, and that evidently was a sore spot for my mother. In her words, she never felt as if she measured up to her mother’s high expectations. Before I was even born, she and my grandmother became estranged. For the longest time, I did not know what to think of that information. Honestly, I thought my mother had a screw loose, or maybe a few. But I digress, that is just one little-known fact that no one is aware of, so I’ll just leave that little nugget of information here, for now. Don’t worry. I’ll come back to that later.


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