Realms of the Otherworld Box Set
Page 116
Elora picks up where her kindred left off, “We learned the ritual, and we adapted it to suit our needs. As a child, at the tender age of two, we are exposed to a variety of young winter creatures. As the ritual progresses the child will feel a pull to one of the creatures in the circle. The two will become acquainted with one another, and as that happens, all others begin to fall away from their consciousness. The animals in the circle will one by one walk away until it is just the child and their spiorad ainmhí companion completing their link. The bond is an everlasting bond, and as long as the other lives so do they.” Her lilting voice trails away.
Thinking of Lachlan and Lillie, I ask, somewhat alarmed, “What do you mean when you say that as long as the other lives so do they?”
Elora cocks her head assessing me in curiosity before responding, “If my spiorad ainmhí companion were to be shot from the skies and fall to his death, then my heart would cease to beat. That is how powerful our bond is. Why do you ask? I assure you that our bond gives us both extended life, and great comfort. I have been bonded to Aires for too many years to count.”
“Our children have somehow bonded to a pair of desert foxes,” Alaric confides, and I turn to him as he continues. “There was no ritual. They astral projected during sleep to look for Ashlinn and me while we were away on realm business. They somehow bonded to the two in the process. The fox pups are a constant companion to the two now.” Alaric looks over to me and takes my hand to offer me reassurance that our babes will be okay.
Smiling back at him, I hear Elora say, “How very interesting, at some point I would like to meet your young and their companions. It sounds as if their bond is much like our own. Unfortunately, I know that time is not on your side. You must be on your way if you are to make it to dwarf territory before nightfall.” Lady Elora is the picture of elegance, her expression serene, the small crown upon her silver white hair appears to be made up of tiny interlocking snowflakes. Beside her Lord Sylvar’s crown looks more like ice crystals. They make an extraordinarily beautiful pair and ultimately, I’m very thankful for their help.
Dagda is the first to recover and says, “Thank you Lady Elora and Lord Sylvar. We are indebted to your generosity. Now, everyone, let’s be on our way. We have quite a distance to travel today before we can rest.”
Just like that, our little group begins to move out. Alaric helps me to mount Storm and we prepare to follow their lead. The winter fae have assigned two of their own to lead us toward the dwarf’s domain. The two are mounted on their polar bear spiorad ainmhí companions. They are a sight to behold as they urge their bears forward, heading for the mountains that are now being cast in shadows as the day looks to be ushering in a cold biting wind.
Sighing, I look over to Jasmine and say, “Looks like the weather is about to turn.”
“That would be our luck. Wouldn’t it?” She jokes, but then looks contrite, “Ash, I don’t think it a good idea to release my wings in this extreme cold weather, I’ve never been in temperatures that are so cold before, and my wings are resisting my urge to release them, so Camoryn is going to carry me. If we fall behind, don’t worry, we’ll eventually catch up.”
“Jasmine,” I scold, “absolutely not. Camoryn, hoist your mate up behind me. Storm can more than handle the additional weight. You and Alaric can flank the two of us. That way no one falls behind. Besides, that way, we can share body heat. It’s turned down right freezing. Not to mention, it’s beginning to snow, heavily.” I say as I pull my fur lined hood up to cover my bare head.
Jasmine smiles and turns to Camoryn, jumping into his arms, announcing, “Well, you heard her. Lift me up there, big guy.” She throws her arms around him and gives him a smacking kiss before pulling back. Camoryn chuckles and then gently settles Jasmine behind me, reluctant to let her go. Jasmine’s pale blue cloak a stark contrast to my own dark green one.
“Alright you two, now we need to catch up to the rest of our group,” I say to Alaric and Camoryn before turning back to the Lord and Lady of the winter fae, I incline my head, “Thank you for your assistance. I will not forget what you have done for us and our cause. I very much look forward to seeing you again, under much less pressing circumstances.” Urging Storm forward, I wave, and we trot after the rest of our party. Turning one last time I see that they continue to watch our departure. Lady Elora gives me a brief smile before turning and heading back into the winter forest with the rest of her troupe.
As the day wears on, I’ve come to realize that distance can sometimes be deceiving. The mountain range seemed so close this morning, but after four hours on horseback, I call for a break. My feet feel as if they are frozen blocks of ice and my stomach feels as if it is caving in on itself. I’m hungry and it’s time for lunch. Our winter fae guides are in agreement, and they lead us to a mountain stream that we are supposed to follow for the rest of our journey. Everyone dismounts to stretch their legs and we allow our mounts to roam free.
I deftly pluck an apple out of one of my saddle bags as I hop to the ground. It’s a granny smith. I polish the lime green surface before biting into its tart and tangy goodness. It’s juicy, and I lick at the nectar from the corner of my mouth. Storm turns to look at me and snorts. That’s when I realize that there is not much vegetation here in this wintery land. Taking another bite, I offer the rest of my unfinished apple to Storm. She neigh’s her appreciation as her silkie soft muzzle brushes across my open palm, her teeth plucking the apple out of my outstretched hand as she crunches down on the proffered fruit. She and the rest of our mounts make their way to the mountain stream. Tempest, ever at her side. Obviously, they are thirsty after our travels this morning. Overhead it looks as if a winter storm is brewing. The clouds continue to darken, casting a gloomy look about the small clearing. If I’m gaging our time away, it should be about midday but looks as if it is closer to dusk. What were fitful bouts of flurries before looks to be increasing. I’m more than thankful for the fur lining in my boots.
Turning, I see Alaric and Dagda talking to our guides. On the way here, we learned that the two are brothers and their names are Jandar and Jaonos. As I approach, I hear Dagda announce, “Lugh and I will trace back to the Keep to bring feed for the horses. I’m afraid that we will be on our own otherwise. The less we travel with, the better time we will make.” With that pronouncement both Dagda and Lugh wink out of sight.
Sighing, I walk up to Alaric, I say, “I guess we’ll have our jerky rations, and what fruit and nuts we brought with us.”
Alaric chuckles, “Our dried rations are not that bad, mo grá. Besides, we’ll be back before you know it. Jandar says we’re making good time and should be to the mountain entrance in another few hour’s or so.”
“Then why are we stopping? We should have just pushed on.”
“No, mo grá. The horses needed a rest and water, along with nourishment. Once we get to the entrance, we will have to trace our mounts back to the Keep. They are not used to this weather and there will be nowhere for us to stable them. Nowhere for them to stay dry and warm. Jandar and Jaonos will then head back to check in with their Lady and Lord. In the meantime, Ash, we should take advantage of this time of rest. We have no idea as to what awaits us.”
Nodding, I agree. Taking his hand and walking him over to the small fire that Tolin and Garrik have made so that we can warm all our fingers and toes. I decide to make the most of this time as we all sit about the fire nibbling on our rations listening to Jasmine and Camoryn’s teasing banter, Garrik and Tolin’s brotherly comradery, Garrik won over TNT some time ago and the three are mostly thick as thieves now. Lorcan and Fergus talk quietly amongst themselves. Leaning into Alaric I smile. These are my people and I love them. Each and every one.
Chapter 27
I watch as our two winter fae guides leave. Both are astride the backs of their enormous bear companions. They lumber into the darkening night. Their gait quic
kens to a lope as they leave us behind and disappear into the driving snow as white out conditions of the winter storm takes hold. They go back to report to their Lord and Lady that they have delivered us safely to the hidden entrance of the mountain. Honestly, they were reluctant to leave us since we had not had word as to the progress of our foe, but they had completed their task, so now the rest is up to us from this point forward. No doubt, Lady Elora’s owl had to seek shelter from the storm, I can’t imagine that an owl flying in this extreme weather would have an easy go of it.
The day has quickly fled, leaving darkness in its wake. This far north the days are much shorter, and the nights are longer. I’m weary of what is to come. I worry for the state of Cú Chulainn’s mind and what lengths he will go to in order to do his mistress’s bidding. I have no illusions as to what Lainn will do just to honor Morríganna’s will. I know that her sisters are not her equal, but only part of her plan. Sighing, I look about to see that Lugh and Dagda took care of tracing our mounts back to the Keep and are back within a matter of moments. All that is left for us to do now is enter dwarf territory. Jandar informed us that once we enter here, the dwarf’s wards will effectively keep us from tracing, so if any are having second thoughts on entering their domain this evening, then now is the time to make other plans, but Ashlinn is ready and so am I. The need to confront Cú Chulainn has intensified with every step we take toward this place. We are both in agreement, we must move forward.
Taking Ashlinn’s hand in my own, I turn to our friends and speak to everyone as the howling wintery wind whips around us, “If there are any here who are having second thoughts about coming on this mission, now is the time to voice them. Once we enter here, there is no going back.” The snow continues to fall and has begun to beat mercilessly against us. Ashlinn’s dark green cloak is whipping around her as the light of day has been officially snuffed out. The snow fall has morphed into blizzardlike conditions.
Tolin steps forward, head bent under the brute force of the wind and icy precipitation, before looking me directly in the eye, he shouts into the wind, “A, I think I speak for us all when I say that we are all in. So, stop stalling, and let’s get on with it before Little Bit and Jaz here turn into popsicles.”
Chuckling, I agree, “Alright then, let’s do this.” That’s all the encouragement I needed to get a move on.
Turning back to the rocky out cropping, I pull Ashlinn along behind me, her hand still firmly nestled within my own. We make our way behind the jagged rocks to enter a slender fissure in the face of the mountain side. The fissure is so cleverly hidden that no one would ever know that the opening to a cave was here. Ashlinn calls the fire element to her and directs a fiery glowing orb to hover above us, leading the way. She directs several more orbs of light behind her so that the others can see. We follow a narrow rocky passage into the mountain and soon we have left all matter of the snowy night behind us as we continue to move further into the tunnel like entrance to the cave. Ashlinn’s hand is clutching my own tightly as we navigate the tunnel which has begun to slope downward. The further we walk into the mountain, the more open the passageway becomes until we find ourselves in an expansive open stone room and are greeted by a sealed door that has no doorknob or handle of any kind. Torches have been lit on either side of the door spotlighting the large carved figures that appear to be stone sentries to dwarf territory. The figures have been carefully hewn from the granite appearing rock and stand at least ten feet tall on either side of the imposing metal door. The dwarf guardians are impressive in their stature and are equipped with battle gear ranging from helmets to swords and battle axes. I’m reminded of the tales of old that speak of the dwarfs as a fierce race.
Behind me Jasmine quips, “Would you look at that… giant dwarfs.” She giggles, muffling her laughter behind her delicate hand.
Camoryn snorts, “Don’t insult the dwarfs.” He laughs before leaning down to kiss his mate softly on the lips and mutters, “Jaz, you are hopeless. Ya see the humor in just about anything.”
“And that’s why we love her so much.” Ash extinguishes her fiery orbs and the light of the torches cast long shadows on the rock walls behind us.
Not sure how to proceed, I turn back to see that everyone is looking to Ash and me on what our next steps are going to be. Thank the gods that we are no longer in the driving snow because we could be here all night.
Ashlinn looks up at me and shrugs, before saying, “I guess we knock? The brothers said that a dwarf would be waiting for us.”
From behind us I hear, “Allow me.” Dagda’s voice bellows within the stone chamber as he muscles his way toward the front of our group. My uncle’s form is large and imposing and everyone steps aside making way for him. He approaches the large metal door and lifts his fist to knock. As his knuckles land upon the door it creates a loud booming sound that could, for all intent and purposes, wake the dead. He draws back again and is about to knock once more when the lock on the other side of the door begins to disengage. We hear a series of clunks and whirls as the mechanism continues to click and chick-a-chick-a, chick-a-chick-a, click, as it runs through its cycle before the heavy door swings open. I had no idea that the dwarfs were skilled in the way of such complex locking mechanisms. They really take keeping outsiders out of their territory seriously.
A red headed dwarf steps between the crack of the door to assess us all, he looks to be all whiskers and beard, which is nearly as long as he is tall. Blue calculating eyes can be made out under the bushiest, flyaway eyebrows I have ever seen. He can’t be more than four feet tall. His head comes to just about Ashlinn’s shoulder and he has a curved pipe hanging from the corner of his mouth, puffing smoke in plumes about his head, polluting the air in the small chamber that we occupy. He peers up at Dagda, craning his head back and says in a gruff voice, “Took the lot of ye long enough. What are ye waitin’ for? Well? Come along now! The demigod ye seek to thwart entered our domain not long ago. Ye be wastin’ time just standing around with yer mouths agape. What? Ye never seen a dwarf before? Hurry along now.”
“What is your name, dwarf?” Dagda asks, his tone assertive.
“Me name be Thendar, and we be wastin’ time, me Lord,” the dwarf’s surly voice announces.
Ashlinn and Jasmine step forward to flank the little male and both exclaim, “Isn’t he the cutest thing you have ever seen?”
I have no idea as to their state of mind as they gush over the dwarf before us. I look at Ash in wonder as Thendar practically melts into a puddle of goo right before my eyes. Thendar plucks the crooked leather hat right off the top of his head, his sprig-like hair juts out in all directions before he takes a deep plunging bow, nearly scraping his large bulbus nose on the stone floor in the process. Taking his pipe and tucking it away, he says with a flourish, “Me ladies, forgive me gruff tone. Thendar be at your service.” He smiles a timid smile back at the two females, a rosy blush on his ruddy cheeks as he ducks his head and smiles up at the two.
Ashlinn gushes, “Thendar, I have never seen anyone like you before. You are so utterly adorable. Are you to be our guide?”
Before Thendar can utter a word, another dwarf steps forward from the darken opening of the door and bows deeply, “Me ladies, Thendar and I will be yer guides. Me name be Gibbon, and I be at yer service as well.” He winks with a cheeky smile directed at my kindred and Jasmine.
Gibbon is actually a very handsome young male dwarf. His dark hair is long and straight with several intricate braids keeping his hair out of his face. For the most part he is clean shaven with a bit of a five o’clock shadow. He’s young, possibly my age, and pouring on the charm. Camoryn and I both step forward to intervene when Ashlinn says, “Gibbon, Thendar, I’m so pleased to make your acquaintance. Please, we need to know… Thendar announced that the demigod Cú Chulainn has entered dwarf territory. What is the fastest way to Gorias?”
/> Gibbon frowns and reaches up to stroke his whisker covered chin in contemplation before answering, “Well, me ladies, most have to traverse the maze, but I know of a secret passage to Gorias. Only us dwarfs know of this passage. It will be much faster than the maze.”
Thendar intervenes, “Gibbon! Those passages be hidden for a reason. To traverse those passages with outsiders is forbidden. Ye seek to break the dwarven code!”
I watch in trepidation as the two begin their debate.
“Thendar, the goddess before ye seeks safe passage to Gorias for her and her companions. Surely, the dwarven code can overlook this one minor transgression. She seeks to protect us all from The Morrígan. Ye were there. Ye saw what she be about. She may be a goddess, but she be a deranged goddess, one that cares not for the likes of any of us. She may have paid our clan well for the commissioning of her castle, but she be not right in da head. Ye know it, as do I. This is why ye be here. She be building an army. Drendenyarl is only trying to protect us by cooperating with the likes of her, but that will only go so far. Drendenyarl, he… he be a wise and good king to our clan, Thendar, but this war… it be bigger than us all. This,” he gestures to us, “this be how we help our clan. This be how we gain the proper allies. What do ye say, brother?”
Thendar grunts, “I be no brother of yers, Gibbon, more like yer uncle… a half a dozen times removed.” His voice is gruff and surly, and then he sighs, before scrubbing his whisker covered face. Looking back up at the slightly taller and younger dwarf he says, “Gibbon, what we be about to do be treasonous, so don’t be surprised if ye and I both be ousted from our mountain home. Come on now, the lot of ye. We be wastin’ time.” He turns to eyeball us all critically. His eyes narrow to mere slits before pulling the curved pipe from the corner of his mouth and pointing through the half open door, “Go on now. I need to be locking up. Gibbon take the lead. Don’t make me regret me decision.” He says with a heavy sigh motioning for us to enter dwarven territory.