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Realms of the Otherworld Box Set

Page 121

by Jana LaPelle

  ​Dagda takes that moment to move to Ashlinn’s other side, he takes her other hand in his own and smiles brightly before raising her knuckles to his lips. He gently kisses the back of her hand before saying, with a twinkle in his eye, “My dear wee lass, where do ye think the Irish got their superb taste in music. Why, it be from the realm of Faerie.” His voice booms across the valley. The strain of the violins, flutes, and other string instruments waft up towards us and we watch as my father’s foot soldiers perform a complicated dance. Their nimble forms dance to the rhythm, they clap in synchronicity, and chant, “Hi…Hi…,” as they dance. The tempo slowly begins to increase from one song to the next and Ashlinn watches in utter fascination. Everyone in the camp below begins to clap as they watch the dance before others join in. The pace begins to quicken and before long everyone is dancing and clapping and joining in the festivities.

  ​I watch as Dagda and much of our group moves to join in on the merrymaking. I turn to Ashlinn and see that she is utterly fascinated but she is also distancing herself from what is to come. Squeezing her hand, I say, “Ash, let’s enjoy the night for what it is. Look, everyone here is celebrating life. We should do the same.”

  ​I look around to see that we are the last to descend on the camp below. It’s at that time that I hear a screeching caw overhead.

  ​Ashlinn whispers, “Justice. He’s here. We need to go to Tarron to see what news he brings. Come on.”

  ​“That can wait for a few more minutes, come with me.” I encourage her with a grin.

  ​Our mounts amble down the hill to the valley below and I watch the smile that grows with each passing step. I can see that she is enjoying the music and our people as she watches the men and women dance, those that are here. We dismount and in a burst of unreserved exuberance, she pulls me to those that are dancing, and we join in as the music swells to an exciting beat. Everyone has joined in now and I can feel the fever pitch of the lively tune as does everyone else as we dance with a wild abandonment. One that we will pay for on the morrow, but not a moment before. Ashlinn and I just dance enjoying the moment. For one infinitesimal instant, we are happy.

  ​Justice cries out again, and I know that our moment has passed. Looking for Tarron, I see him leaving the rest of us behind to make his way to Justice. Ashlinn takes my hand and we follow suit. I watch as Justice nimbly lands on the ridge above us. He has several companions with him that circle overhead. The bird is black as soot and rivals the dragons in size as he waits patiently for us to reach him. The last rays of light behind him casting long shadows across the valley below.

  ​Tarron looks over his shoulder and smirks, “Mo solas, I wasn’t sure if you would be joining us.”

  ​“You are a very funny Incubus. Justice is not quite as intimidating when he’s not snatching me up and carrying me away. No offense, Justice.”

  ​Justice cocks his head to assess Ashlinn before nodding with a loud, caw, acknowledging her.

  ​Dagda, Lugh, my father, Āemarick, and Ashlinn’s father, Rhespen all join us to hear the exchange that is about to take place. Dagda bows low, and his deep voice rings out, “Welcome, sky sentinel. What news do you bring? Will your kind join with us?”

  ​Justice cocks his head several times before bobbing it a couple of times, and then says in mind-speak, “You ask a lot of our kind. The Morrígan has been our mistress for eons. You ask that we break from tradition. You ask us to betray our mistress.”

  ​Tarron speaks first, “I think that I can speak for all of us when I say that I understand your reluctance to break your mistress’s trust, but your mistress has lost her way. She seeks to rule not only this realm but The Mortal Realm as well, but you know this. We have already discussed this. What say your kind to joining us in an alliance in our effort to save both worlds?”

  ​Justice eyes us all curiously before saying, “You know that I respect you Tarron, but my kind will not break trust with our mistress. There are not many of us now, we are a dying race. There are but twenty of us left and all have chosen to follow their mistress. Come what may. All except for me and my brothers that keep watch above. We will follow you. We will help in the war to come.” He bows deeply before us and then continues, “I’m sorry that I could not convince more of us to your side. We will do what we can. We bring news from the sea of Hope. The tear between the realms continues to grow and an army from The Underworld is heading this way. They should be here to meet up with you by morning light.”

  ​“Are they friends or foes?” I can’t help but ask.

  ​“Friends. The prince of The Underworld leads them, and they are making good time. They mean to aid you in the battle to come.”

  ​Ashlinn mutters, “Thank the Creator for that.”

  ​There is a rumble that rolls across the very ground that we stand upon. Looking to the west I see a shimmering mirage for just a moment. I squint to decipher what I just saw and realize that for just an instance, I saw a city from The Mortal Realm.

  ​Beside me Ashlinn utters, “Sweet baby Jesus. That cannot be. That’s San Francisco. What just happened?!” She demands. “Why could we see San Francisco?”

  ​Dagda is the first to respond, “Ceann beag, the veil between The Realms is failing. Soon The Mortal Realm and The Otherworld will be open to the other. We can na delay any more. We must march at daybreak. We must save our two worlds before they collide and are irrevocably tied to one another. The two realms will destroy one another if the veil is not restored. I’m sorry. We are simply out of time.”

  ​Nodding, I acknowledge his wise council, before pulling Ashlinn to my side. Nothing is certain at this point and the scales are definitely tipped in The Morrígan’s favor, but I have to have faith that our Creator has planned for all possible outcomes.

  Chapter 34


  ​I wake with a start. My nightmare lingers with me, it’s still dark as I try to figure out where I am. Images of death and blood haunt me. The feeling of grief and vengeance swirl within me. My mind suddenly comes back online, I wake fully, and my nightmare makes sense. Today I will face my enemy. And somehow or another, I realize that I will be facing my past. A past that I have no recollection of. A past that I chose to leave behind for a reason and a purpose. Nothing good can come from this.

  ​I slip out from under our covers and quickly dress, and then trace to Taisclainne Anam. I appear under the Tree of Life in this realm and for a moment I open up my link to her and allow her calm to wash over me. I find her silvery bark fascinating as well as the violet of her leaves. This place is majical and it’s as if this world is always stuck in a perpetual twilight state with the stars so close you can imagine reaching out and touching them. Colorful nebulas and distant solar systems appear to swirl around the heavens.

  ​“Have faith, Ashlinn.” I hear her serene voice, “You are strong. We are strong. We all must face our past at some point. Remember, our creator does not give us more than we can bear.”

  ​“I know… I’m just ready to be done with this. It’s just getting to the end that has me twisted in knots. I know that we will be fine once we get past today.”

  ​I sense Alaric before he appears beside me, he takes my hand in his own and threads our fingers together, before whispering, “You two having a good conversation?”

  ​Smiling up at my handsome guardian, I nod, “Yeah, we are,” with my other hand I reach out to stroke her silvery bark before leaving her. Looking back at Alaric, I say, “Let’s go see the children for a few minutes before heading back.”

  ​“Why don’t you go ahead, I’ll go get Declan and Lexie, so they can see Sammy as well before we get the day underway.”

  ​“Okay, see you in a few.” Alaric winks out of sight, and I start walking toward the castle like structure in the distance. It’s more like a large manor and I can hear tiny tinkling laughter on the breeze. A smile tugs at my lips as I can make out Lachlan’s squeals of delight. Rounding the corner to the gardens I see
that all three children are being entertained by Jasmine as she swoops in for a tickle attack while the fox pups are excitedly licking at his face. My poor son is giggling so hard he begins hiccupping and I can’t help but laugh at the scene in front of me.

  ​As soon as he hears my laughter, he looks my way and struggles to sit up, smiling, he says, “Mama.” The next thing I know his arms are wrapped around my neck and he is hugging me fiercely, all the while he jabbers, “My Mama, my Mama.”

  ​“Miss me?” I wrap my arms around my sweet boy and hug him tightly to me.

  ​He looks up at my face lovingly and pats my cheek with his chubby little hand, all the while he continues gibber jabbering, “My mama.” Then he lands a wet smacking kiss on my cheek. Making me laugh, and then I begin smothering him with kisses.

  ​Jasmine has Lillie in her arms beside me and I swap with her so that I can love on my baby girl, and whisper, “I’ve missed you Lillie Joanna.” She smiles back at me and lays her head on my shoulder in contentment and I sigh, because right now in this moment all is right in our little world. Looking over to Jasmine, I ask, “How long have you been here?”

  ​“I don’t know. A few hours maybe. I couldn’t sleep so Camoryn and I decided to pop in on the kids and give the others a break. He just whisked Sammy away so you could have some one on one time with the twins. Not to change the subject or anything, but I could tell that you were upset last night after you all met with Justice and that weird thing happened allowing us to see into The Mortal Realm. I know you’re worried about what’s to come, but you know I’ve got your back no matter what happens. Right?”

  ​Taking her hand in mine, I give it a gentle squeeze and whisper tightly, “I couldn’t sleep either. I had this horrific nightmare. I don’t know what I will do if I lose any of you today. She won’t back down. Not now, she’s taken this vie for power too far, and she has no intentions of losing at this late stage in the game. There are bound to be casualties. I’m not sure if I’m prepared for that. I love you, Jaz. I’m so glad that I met you and that we became friends. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  ​For a moment we just stand together, hugging one another with both babies in our arms before she pulls back and quips, “You would be in a hell of a lot of trouble if not for me, so just you remember that. I may be small, but I pack a powerful punch. Now, no more of this, what has you so twisted up? And don’t say nothing because I can read you like a book.”

  ​“Yeah, Ash,” I hear Lexie approach from behind. I turn to see that they have found Camoryn and she has Sammy in her arms. Her auburn hair confined in intricate braids, a stark contrast to the cloak she wears. “Spill. What’s up?”

  ​Alaric comes to stand at my side and takes Lillie, so I can take Lachlan back. He gently kisses my temple and I take comfort in his silent strength before I utter, “Alaric has a theory and I’m in agreement with him, I think that Morríganna and I may have a connection from our time in The Overworld that I don’t remember. Why else would she have made this struggle for power so personal to me. I’ve never understood that. Obviously, she has all her memories from that time. How could I have been so stupid as to forego obtaining my memories in this lifetime. I’m so pissed at myself for that idiotic decision. What was I thinking?”

  ​Lexie’s bright green eyes narrow as she comes to a conclusion, before she offers, “You were thinking that if you had your memories, it could stop you from doing what you needed to do to complete your mission. I know you Ash. You have a heart of pure gold and if she meant something to you in The Overworld then you would hesitate to do harm to someone you once cared about.”

  ​I mutter, “That’s what I have been afraid of.”

  ​We spend a little more time with our children, not sure what the next twenty-four hours will hold for us, or when we will be able to get back to them again. All I know now is that I will do anything to ensure that our children will have a future that doesn’t hold desolation and destruction in its wake. Turning to Lexie, I say, “We have got to fix the tear between the realms before it’s too late. Damn her, she’s forcing our hand by dividing our concentration and forcing us to war before healing the land.”

  ​“Nemus and I have a plan, but it’s going to take a lot of majic from both the light and the dark fae.”

  Chapter 35


  ​Ashlinn is right. I believe that we will finally find out why Morríganna is so hellbent on seeing Ashlinn on her knees before her. I just hope that my kindred is prepared for what she finds out. Our group traces back to the valley just before daybreak. We begin breaking camp, but some will remain here as a base of operations. Lár Domhain is but an hour’s ride to the west. The horses are well rested, and we have made sure that they are well fed and watered for the day to come. Our strategy is a simple one. We meet them head on, but first, the rule in Faerie is that the leaders of each opposing faction will meet on neutral ground prior to rushing into battle. Dagda will oversee the meeting as High King of The Otherworld and as father god and protector of us all. I have no doubt this will be an epic confrontation between Ashlinn and Morríganna. God help us, she holds all the cards right now.

  ​I hear a commotion and turn to see that Luc and his battalions have arrived. Everyone is up in arms and I call for everyone to back down. Looking around, I call out, “EASY NOW! You all knew they were coming. They are here to help. Stand down!”

  ​Tarron and his horde are the first to greet Luc and his troops. Of all of us, they are the least taken aback by the appearance of those from The Underworld, probably because some of The Horde more closely resemble those from The Underworld. Ashlinn and I make our way toward Luc and Tarron. We are closely followed by those closest to us. Before we are even halfway there, Pip drops out of the sky and makes his way to us. I smile and clasp either shoulder and pull him to me, and say, “I will never tire of seeing you, Pipperton. Although, I do wish that you would re-think going to battle with us.”

  ​“Mister, my mind is set. I will fight alongside you and the rest that are gathered here today.”

  ​I grab the back of his head and pull him in for a hug, his forehead rests on my shoulder. For just and instant, his arms go around me, and he holds me tight before pulling away. About that time Paynga and her brother approach. She watches our interaction, her face unreadable. They are all dressed in their battle gear and ready for war.

  ​Beside me Ashlinn steps forward and says just above a whisper, “She’s beautiful,” then she turns to Pip and asks, “Is that your mother?”

  ​“Yes ma’am, that’s Momma.” He grins his toothy grin before reaching for Ashlinn’s hand and tugs her after him. It’s moments like this one that reminds me of the boy I met. I follow, a bit reluctantly. I still feel guilt for what happened to Pip and the image of Paynga cradling her son in her lap is permanently etched in my mind.

  ​Paynga smiles and greets Ashlinn by bowing before her, standing, she says, “You must be Alaric’s kindred. My name is Paynga. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

  ​Ashlinn reaches out to take her hand and smiles warmly back up at her, “It’s nice to meet you too. I just wish it were under different circumstances. I want you to know that you and your son are welcome any time in our home if you find yourselves here in The Otherworld. Pipperton here, is really good with the children, especially Lillie Joanna. She was quite taken with him.”

  ​Before Paynga can answer, I step forward to say, “Paynga, I owe you and Rhynik an apology. I was not able to keep Pip protected. I…”

  ​She looks at me and smiles, “Alaric, Pip told us what happened. How he followed you and how you planned on making him come back to us before you were abducted by the slavers, and then taken to the citadel. It took me some time, but I’ve come to terms with the fact that my Pipperton is strong willed, and there probably was not anything that any of us could have done to keep him from following you. As it turns out, everything happened for the best. Luc has been very generous

  ​“I told you I would take care of the imps. You should have faith, Alaric.” Luc claps me on the back with a devilish grin, and I glare at him.

  ​“You could have told me that he still lived.”

  ​“Yes… I could, but that did not serve my purpose at the time. Besides, you needed to be taken down a notch.”

  ​“You know? I really don’t like you, Luc, but today and until this is through, we are allies.” Turning back to the imps, I say, “Thank you, for being here today.” Looking over at Pip, I mutter, “Just try to keep Pip out of trouble.”

  ​Luc just chuckles and strolls away, and I hear, “He’s an imp, trouble will always follow imps.”

  Chapter 36


  ​After all the leaders met for a briefing on what was going to happen once we arrive at Lár Domhain, everyone made ready to leave out. There are a few that are staying behind to watch over what is left of our camp. No matter what happens today, this will be the place where we will reconvene. Jasmine, Lexie, and I have had our hair styled by the sprites. How they are able to weave such beautiful and intricate braids, I have no idea, but their work is amazing and necessary as it keeps our hair neatly confined.

  ​Jaz is really the only one of her kind that I have seen transform into her faerie size. All of her tiny counterparts look up at her in utter amazement. Jasmine explained that it has been centuries since the sprites stopped shifting their size and they have forgotten how that part of their majic works. She said that if it were not for her need of a hug that long-ago day, she would never have realized that she could change size. Claire is here too, and she has painted each of our faces in bold sophisticated designs. It feels odd. Like the calm before the storm. This moment is surreal.


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