Realms of the Otherworld Box Set
Page 127
The Morrígna = A triad of sisters. For purposes of this series, the triad is made up of Badb, Macha, and The Morrígan.
Tuatha Dé Danann = A supernatural race in Irish Mythology thought to represent the main deities of pre-Christian Gaelic Ireland.
Personal Note from Jana:
I’m very excited to put these books into one complete box set. I hope that you enjoyed the series as much as I have enjoyed getting to know all these wonderful characters. Ashlinn and Alaric’s story is precious to me for so many reasons, the first of which was just believing. Just know that I do have a few spin offs in mind. Especially for Tarron and for the twins. The possibilities are endless.
Thank you, everyone who has read Ashlinn and Alaric’s story, I hope you loved their journey, I certainly have.
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Books by JANA LaPELLE:
Fantasy Genre:
Realms of the Otherworld Series
Kindred Book 1
Chosen Book 2
Keeper Book 3
The Hidden Memoirs of Joanna Elan Book 3.5
Warrior Book 4
Contemporary Romance/Romantic Suspense Genre:
Cruel Secrets Series
Cruel Deceit
Cruel Lies (Coming soon)