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In Zach's Arms (Once a Marine, Always a Marine Book 1)

Page 2

by David, Kori

  Elizabeth sipped the hot coffee he’d poured for her. The wooden chair she’d claimed was comfortable and the fresh air helped her recount the details. They went over it twice. “There’s a detective assigned to the case. Detective Wolfe. He’s seems young, but competent and extremely thorough. I felt like I was a part of the Inquisition earlier.”

  “He truly believes this isn’t random?”

  “Correct. He says it’s personal, but I don’t know who might want to hurt me. I just don’t come into contact with that many people.”

  “Could be anyone. Some clerk at a store that you frequent. You smile and he thinks it means more than it does. Anyone in your building seem strange?”

  Mr. McCreedy gave her the willies, but he’d never said much to her that was weird. Still, something must have shown on her face because Zach’s eyes narrowed.

  “Who are you thinking of?”

  Elizabeth shrugged and sighed. McCreedy rarely spoke, but he watched her.

  “It might be important,” he prodded.

  “It’s just this one neighbor…,” she shook her head. “It’s probably my imagination, but I feel like he watches me. More than the usual nosy neighbor would. His window faces my parking space and, no matter what time I come and go, he’s there. Staring.”

  “What’s his name?”

  “McCreedy is his last name. I don’t know his first name.”

  “That’s a good start. Did you tell Wolfe about him?”

  “I didn’t even think about it until now. He’s lived in the building for years. Bea would have said something if she thought he was a problem.”

  “Maybe he never had a reason to be a problem until you.”

  “Nice. So I’m a problem now?”

  “Yeah, you are. How many other desirable young women live in that building?”

  Trying to ignore the warm tingle his words caused, she said, “It’s true, I’m one of the youngest tenants. Bea doesn’t usually rent to anyone younger than thirty. She says twenty-somethings are flighty and don’t pay the rent on time. But I remind her of her niece in Chicago, so she took a chance on me.”

  “This guy ever invite you to his place? Or try to touch you?”

  “No, and he barely even speaks to me, or anyone else for that matter. I’m sure he’s harmless. Probably just lonely.”

  “Or he’s a freak who’s planning on taking more from you than just your panties.”

  “Okay, I was feeling better until you said that.”

  “I won’t sugar-coat this because you’re scared. You need to be. Someone out there wants to hurt you and I’m not about to let that happen.”

  Elizabeth pulled her knees up to her chest. “This is all so ridiculous.”

  “Give me your keys. I’ll move your SUV and get your bags.”

  “I don’t have much with me, just a purse, laptop, and a small bag of clothes.”

  “Got it,” he said, palming the keys. “Go on into the house. The only room made up is the biggest room at the end. Crawl in and get some rest. You look ready to drop.”


  It wouldn’t hurt to close her eyes for a few minutes and catch a nap. Lethargy settled into her body and made her arms and legs feel as if they weighed a thousand pounds. She didn’t really sleep these days, but a nap sounded so good.

  A nap curled up with Zach sounded even better.

  Chapter 3

  Zach watched Beth sleep on the leather couch. She hadn’t even made it to the bedroom. Squatting down to stare into her face, his breath caught. Even as an awkward teen, Beth had been lovely, but she’d grown even more beautiful.

  He reached out to brush a strand of hair out of her face. It caressed his rough fingers like silk. It was hard to believe so much time had passed since she was a freshman and he was a trouble-making sophomore from foster care.

  The snore made him smile. Beth’s full lips were slightly parted. It was good that she was finally getting some rest. The puffiness under her eyes concerned him. Knowing Beth, she probably hadn’t slept a full night since the first break-in.

  “Time for bed,” he said, as he slowly slid his arms under her shoulders and knees.


  The sexy murmur made him smile, and when he adjusted her in his arms, she cuddled closer. Her breath blew against his neck as he carried her down the hall, causing his body to react. Beth’s soft breasts brushed his chest, making it suddenly difficult to walk. It didn’t help that he could easily visualize her naked in his arms, their bodies intertwined.

  The throbbing in his jeans increased, nudging painfully against the zipper. He’d been a walking hard-on since Beth was in her teens, so this wasn’t new for him.

  He slid her under the covers, took off her shoes and tucked her in. Then he left the room, grabbed his cell phone and called Mike Hanson. He and “Little” Mike had done two tours in Fallujah together. They’d had each other’s backs in some squirrelly situations. Since transitioning into civilian life, Mike had become a cop, moving up to sergeant quickly.

  “Hello?” Mike answered, a hint of annoyance creeping through.

  “What? I catch you sleeping?” Zach taunted.

  “Nah, eating a donut and wasting the taxpayers’ money,” was the reply.

  “You hate donuts and the taxpayers don’t pay you enough for the shit you do for them.”

  “I heard that. What’s up, brother?”

  “I have a friend with a problem. She’s in your jurisdiction and I’m curious about the case and about the lead investigator.”

  “Give me her name and I’ll dig around.”

  “Thanks, Mike. I’ll owe you one.”

  “Damn straight you will. I’ll think of something good to ask for, too.”

  “You got it.”


  The secret admirer was tired today, but that didn’t stop him from wanting to check in on her. That’s how he thought of himself. Her secret admirer.


  Even her name excited him. His visits to her apartment had been spur-of-the-moment, but that didn’t diminish the depth of his admiration. He thought she’d liked the rose, even though he’d been hoping to surprise her in person. He’d lost his temper a bit over that. He hadn’t meant to do so much damage, but really, it was her fault.

  Switching on the monitor, he waited for the tiny camera he’d planted yesterday to power up. He’d placed it in her bedroom in the vent, facing the bed, so that he could watch her any time he wanted. He was happy that the police obviously hadn’t found it.

  The image finally cleared and showed nothing but rumpled covers and some of the mess he’d made. He felt bad about that. It wasn’t like him to lose control like that, but that’s what she did to him. It’s how she affected him.

  She made him crazy.

  “Where are you, my Elizabeth?” he whispered.

  He assumed she’d be there, cleaning up. Turning off the monitor, he forced himself to relax. She’d be back, sooner or later, and he knew where she’d likely be anyway. That old woman who owned the place was always meddling. She would have demanded that Elizabeth stay with her last night. Maybe Elizabeth was still sleeping.

  He would have preferred to watch.

  Fingering the silk in his pocket, he pulled out her panties and brought them to his face. He shouldn’t have taken them. But even her smell was fresh. Almost virginal. He liked that about her.

  It was one of the reasons she was special.

  And why she deserved his attention.


  Elizabeth woke with a start, jerking into an upright position. Disoriented, she wondered where she was. Glancing around the masculine room, she sighed in relief. The wood siding, the cedar scent, and the four poster bed…Zach’s cabin.

  A loud noise blared into the quiet and she jumped.

  What was that? The sound happened again and her racing heart began to calm down. It was her cell phone. She fumbled through her purse on the nightstand until she located th
e ringing phone.

  It was already five in the afternoon and the caller I.D. told her it was Jeffrey Jones calling. Her agent. She was supposed to call him yesterday, but between the break-in, the cops, and Zach, it had completely slipped her mind.

  “Hello, Jeffrey.”

  “How’s my favorite author?” His nasal voice sounded cheerful.

  “Not great. Sorry, I was taking a nap and I overslept; you woke me. I was going to call you later.”

  Elizabeth valued him as an agent; he was really good. But he tended to be singularly focused. Right now, her career was his focus. He reminded her of a basset hound, with his thinning hair and limpid brown eyes. It wasn’t a kind thought, but that’s the image that popped into her mind whenever she spoke with him.

  “What’s wrong? You sound terrible. Is everything okay?” He sounded genuinely concerned.

  “My apartment was broken into and destroyed, again.” She leaned back against the headboard and shoved a hand through her tangled hair.

  “But that’s the second time. Have you called the police?”

  “Yes. I hope they catch this guy.”

  “I should hope so. Is there anything I can do to help? Whatever you need, I’m here for you.”

  “I’m fine and have a place to stay for the moment. So what’s up?”

  “I e-mailed you the contracts for book three and four and I wanted to make sure you received them and see if you had any questions or concerns. But in light of what’s going on, we can hold off on going through them. How about I call your editor to give you some time on the book you’re working on now?”

  “No, no. I’ll get them signed and back to you.”

  “Great. Do you think you’ll be able to meet your deadline?”

  “I’ve got my laptop with me, so I can keep working. I just need this maniac in jail and out of my life.”

  “This does seem—persistent. If you need anything, please, don’t hesitate to call.”

  She hung up with her agent and turned the phone off. She didn’t want to talk to anyone else. Relaxing back onto the soft mattress, she strained to hear some evidence that Zach was close by.

  Nothing but silence.

  She must have been completely comatose and probably snoring like a drunken sailor when he moved her from the couch to this room. Great impression after not seeing him for years.

  But that was the problem.

  Her best friend had been in her fantasies for a long time now. He was her dream lover. And that was why she’d been avoiding him for a while now. Not to mention how she’d treated him when he left for the Marines. She cringed at the memory.

  She stretched and marveled that she’d managed to sleep for so long. She had slept at least eight hours, straight through. No wonder she felt great, it was the longest stretch of sleep she’d gotten in a week.

  She needed a shower and to get out of the clothes she’d been wearing for over twenty-four hours. Once she was clean, she set out to investigate the rest of the house and find its master.

  She found two virtually empty rooms and an alcove with double doors. Locked double doors. It looked like the biggest room in the house, next to the living room and kitchen area. How intriguing. Curiosity was her weakness.

  Hmmm, wonder what he’s got in there?

  She’d have to remember to ask Zach about it. The smell of something good cooking coaxed her toward the kitchen as her stomach growled.

  “Hey Zach, what do you have hidden behind…”

  It wasn’t Zach cooking, but a blond giant wielding a very large butcher knife. Letting out a startled yelp, Elizabeth took a step back, her hand flying up to her chest. Blood pounded in her ears and her heart lodged somewhere in the back of her throat.

  “Hello, there. Sorry to startle you, but now that you’re awake, how do you like your steak? Dead, medium or still mooing?” His soft voice held a hint of Texas twang and the twinkle in his light hazel eyes gave away his amusement over her reaction.

  “Um, who are you?”

  Still eyeing the butcher knife, she knew Zach would never allow anyone but a friend in the house. God, she hoped she was right, because there was no way she’d get to the door before he overtook her. Screaming was still an option, however.

  “He’s the ugliest, clumsiest son of a bitch to ever grace the Corps,” Zach said, and Elizabeth released the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.

  His warm breath tickled her neck a half-second before his arm snaked around her shoulders. As he pulled her back against his broad chest, she instantly relaxed, feeling safe.

  “I’ll have you know that the ladies like me just fine and, given half a chance, I’ll bet I could get this little lady to like me better than you.” The giant winked at her. “This idiot doesn’t need to come between us – you come sit with me while I finish cooking up the best steak you’ve ever tasted.”

  At six foot five, Zach’s friend was wide across the shoulders, narrow in the hips, and covered in muscle. His sandy blond hair looked to be naturally curly and kept ruthlessly short. Good looking and easy with the compliments, he probably had women eating out of his hand. His gray tee was tucked into faded jeans that molded a nice butt and encased long legs ending in scuffed cowboy boots.

  “Well, I don’t think I can accept a steak from someone I haven’t been properly introduced to. I was taught never to talk to strangers.” Elizabeth sounded solemn, but only managed it because she was safely anchored by Zach’s arm.

  “Zach, I’m hurt that you didn’t tell her about me.” He shot a mock glare at his friend. “I’m Jesse Calhoun. Call me Jesse or J.J., but make sure you call me.”

  Wiping off his hands with a towel, he reached out and enveloped hers in a handshake, giving her a slow exaggerated wink.

  “What’s the other J stand for?” she asked, ignoring his playfulness.

  “His mother is inordinately proud of their family’s cattle-thieving past, so she decided to name her only son Jesse James.”

  Zach reached over and pulled her hand out of Jesse’s.

  Jesse merely cocked an eyebrow at Zach before he moved back toward the counter and continued trimming the steaks. Elizabeth saw the amused look on his face and wondered what he found so funny.

  “Was your family related to Jesse James, then?” she asked.

  She was curious about Jesse. Zach didn’t let people close and she wanted to know more about him.

  “Most of my family was quite divided after the Civil War. The side that lost went into cattle-thieving and bank robbing and the other half became Texas Rangers. My mama’s family came mostly from the thieving side, so she’s got a fondness for outlaws. Our family’s reunions usually made the papers back then, between the fist fights and the occasional hangings.”

  His hearty laughter boomed throughout the kitchen, making Elizabeth smile. She could absolutely picture an all-out brawl between the different relatives of the Calhoun clan. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Zach smiling as well.

  He let go of her once she was fully relaxed and moved into the kitchen. “What can I do to help?” she asked.

  Zach pointed at a stool. “Sit.”

  “Okay,” she said. She was a nightmare in the kitchen and had unintentionally used the smoke detectors in her apartment as timers in the past.

  “Plus, I’m nearly done,” Jessie said, grabbing some clean plates from the dishwasher.

  Elizabeth asked, “Why do you live so far away from your family?”

  “It’s a long, tortured tale.”

  “He’s the baby. And between his mother and six older, married, match-making sisters, he needed a place to hide.”

  Elizabeth shook her head a little. Zach still had the ability to cut right to the heart of the matter, tact be damned.

  “I like my version better.” Jesse clutched his heart and sighed.

  “I think you’re lucky to have family that cares.” Elizabeth missed her mother more than she could say. And her father – she shied away from thi
nking about him. “What kind of business are you in? Zach doesn’t tell me anything.”

  “You’ve been here all of ten hours and you slept most of that,” Zach defended. “And you could use another eight to ten.”

  Elizabeth ignored him and turned her head toward Jesse. “As you were saying?”

  “I like sassy women. You remind me of my sisters.”

  “That’s really sweet.”

  Jesse shrugged and smiled.

  “God, you’re such a marshmallow.” Zach said it so quietly that Elizabeth shot him a quick look. Wide-eyed, she checked to see how Jesse took it. When he smiled and gave Zach a shove, she guessed he wasn’t bothered. Probably a guy thing.

  “Why don’t you tell Elizabeth exactly what we do,” Jesse said.

  Zach sat down and threw an arm around the back of Elizabeth’s chair. Then he turned his attention to her. The force of his intensity hit her squarely in the stomach. Warmth spread through her body. She crossed her arms on the table in front of her chest. It was embarrassing…the way her body reacted to a simple look.

  Jesse was just as good looking, but she felt nothing when he looked at her.

  Zach’s thumb caressed small circles on her back as Elizabeth waited for him to speak. “It’s a security business.”

  “Like bodyguard stuff?”

  “More like home and business security systems. Jess designs the systems, so they are unique to each business or home.”

  “Oh sure, tell her all the boring parts. Zach gets to have all the fun while I’m forced to work in the office all day. He gets to act like a burglar.”

  Elizabeth flinched at the wording, but tried not to show it. Zach frowned at Jesse, but when she shook her head, he didn’t say anything. She thought she could guess what they were doing from some of Zach’s cryptic letters. Not that he was ever intentionally cryptic, just not explanatory.

  “So, Zach breaks into the home or business to assess the weak points and then you build a system to make sure he can’t do it again without tripping the alarms. Is that right?”


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