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Iron: The Coast book 8

Page 13

by Hart, Eve R.

  I moved and slumped against the wall. Then I put my hands up so the girl could tether me to the pipe.

  I felt the cold metal clasp around one of my wrists and when I heard the click of the second cuff, I cut my eyes over to see that she’d tightened it around the pipe instead of me.


  At least I’d have one free arm.

  “You stupid…” He let out a frustrated noise that had the girl flinching away from me. “I always have to fix your screw ups! Always!”

  Helplessly, I watched as he jerked Petra around. I was pulling against my hold trying to get to her but I knew it wouldn’t do any good, at least not right now.

  I watched on in anger as he pulled some nylon rope out of the back of his pants and then used it to tie her wrists and ankles together behind her.

  He patted her down and I noticed how her thighs squeezed tight as his fucking hand roamed all over her body.

  “I’m not going to touch you. I wouldn’t want someone like you,” he told her when he noticed what she was doing.

  Her icy stare shot right through him.

  When he was done, he trained the gun on me. I stayed still as he pulled out my wallet, knife, and cell phone. Snatching them all up, he then left the room without another word.

  “Petra,” the girl wheezed. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know that he would do this. I’m—”

  “Enough,” Petra said cutting her off.

  Petra’s eyes glazed over and I could tell she wasn’t mad. She needed to think and she couldn’t do that with the girl babbling on with shit that wouldn’t do a damn bit of good right now.

  “Babe,” I said calmly. She didn’t respond but her eyes looked up at me. “Need you to sit tight. I’m sure people will come lookin’. They know where we are.”

  I didn’t want to say too much because I had no clue if the guy had stuck around to listen. But I needed her to know that we weren’t alone in this. I may not have known that Garen guy, but I had a good feeling about him. If we didn’t turn up soon or give word that we’re alright, he’d come looking himself.

  I just had to keep the three of us in one piece until then.

  My free hand reached out and I ran my fingers over Petra’s hair. With a deep sigh, she closed her eyes and nodded as if she understood all the things I wasn’t sayin’.

  “I need you to put your hand up my dress,” she whispered harshly a second later.

  “I don’t think now is the time for that, Pet,” I said trying to get her to relax.

  It didn’t work, and by the way her eyes cut up to look at me, she wasn’t all that amused.

  “Hi, Emily,” I said as my hand slid up between Petra’s thighs. “Or is it Midori? I’m not sure what you would rather be called.”

  “It’s Midori,” she said giving Petra a quick glance. “I left Emily behind a while ago.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I told her and gave her a small smile. “I’m Iron, Petra’s man. Sorry it had to be under these circumstances and all, darlin’.”

  “Higher,” Petra hissed out and I felt her scoot closer to me.

  “Wanna fill me in a little on what’s going on?” I asked Midori.

  I felt the cold steel of something long and hard just as I heard footsteps outside the door.

  I quickly wrapped my fingers around it and slid it from the band of Petra’s stocking and out from under her dress.

  I barely had enough time to tuck it under my leg before the man stepped back into the room.

  He eyed me for a good long minute but I gave nothing away.

  After noticing the closeness of Petra and me, he strode over and yanked her back a few good feet.

  “Fuckin’ hands off of her,” I growled but somehow managed to keep my body calm.

  He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t make a move to leave either.

  “Why don’t you tell us what we’re doing here,” I said to him. I figured if I got him talking at least I’d be able to keep eyes on him. And if he was yappin’ away, like these guys like to do, then he wouldn’t be hurting Petra or Midori.

  “Emily is my sister and I came to take her back home.” His eyes shifted to look at her. “Where she belongs.”

  “I don’t have any sisters, but if I did, I can tell you that I wouldn’t ever go cuffing them to a pipe in an abandoned building. Seems like she might not want to go back with you.” I coolly gave a little shrug.

  “It doesn’t matter what she wants. It’s where she belongs,” he said with venom in his voice.

  I’d dealt with my fair share of narrow-minded, backwoods, woman-hating fuckers before. This guy was no different. All of them thinking that women had their place and they better do as their told.

  Fuckin’ hated that shit.

  Most of those men were one step away from being a rapist because they didn’t give a shit what a woman thought. Hell, most of them probably were.

  “And why’s that?” I asked. Not that I gave a shit for his reasons.

  “Because,” he gritted out, “she has a role to fulfill and people counting on her to do it.”

  “I’m not going back,” Midori said in a soft tone.

  “Yes, you are. Buck will be back shortly and then we are taking you with us.”

  Midori let out a soft cry.

  “Don’t worry,” I told her keeping my eyes on the guy in front of me. “You won’t be going anywhere you don’t want to.”

  “Shut the fuck up!” he roared.

  His anger was spinning out of control and I thought I might be able to use that to my advantage as long as I kept it directed at me.

  He took a step closer to me, gun gripped firmly in his hand as if daring me to say another word.

  “She’s not getting away. Not ever again.” His head turned in Midori’s direction. “We found you. Did you really think you could run forever?”

  “How did you find her?” I asked and just like I’d hoped, he looked back at me. I needed to keep his focus on me without pissing him off too much. It was a fine line to ride, but I knew all I had to do was keep calm.

  “She was stupid enough to get a cell phone with her real name and new address.” He sounded way too damn smug about her little slip-up.

  “I’m sorry,” Midori whimpered and I knew she was apologizing to Petra.

  It was a stupid mistake. One that clearly had big consequences. But I couldn’t really blame the girl. Some people didn’t think about that type of stuff. And even if they were in hiding, sometimes there was false security after they hadn’t been found for a while. That was when people usually dropped their guard and started to slip back into their normal ways of living. They didn’t realize that for the right price, any sort of information could be found or monitored.

  “You should have just come home when we called you. I told you I knew where you were and that I was going to come get you myself if you didn’t listen.” His focus was back on her again.

  Movement caught my eye right outside the doorway. I knew I had to keep his attention this way so he wouldn’t notice it too. I had to assume that since whoever it was hadn’t walked right in then it was one of our people.

  “She won’t be goin’ with you,” I told him.

  He let out a huffed laugh.

  “I’m the one with the gun and you are the one cuffed to a pipe. I don’t think you can do much to stop me.”

  Dade made himself visible then, sneaking up behind the guy and raising his gun.

  I gave a slight nod telling him to take the guy out. I didn’t want to drag this out any longer. I knew Petra’s head was spinnin’ with things she wanted to do to him but I wouldn’t risk her life for nothing.

  A second later the shot rang out, the sound bouncing off the walls with a deafening echo.

  The guy dropped to the ground with a dead thump and poor Midori let out a loud scream.

  I felt bad that we’d just killed her blood, but fuck that guy.

  Dade pushed his fingers into the guy’s neck to make sure he
was really gone. With a look, I knew he was.

  “Get her first,” I said nodding to Petra and sliding her straight razor that way.

  “You alright, Prez?” he asked as he made quick work of cutting through her bindings.

  “Good now. Thanks, man.”

  Dade moved back to the body and patted it down until he found the keys for the cuffs.

  He released Midori first and she thanked him with a sad smile.

  “Dade!” I called out, trying to warn him as I caught sight of someone else walking into the room.

  Dade spun on his heels and dropped to one knee, reaching for his gun that he’d left on the ground next to the body.

  I knew it would have been a bit of a struggle for him to get upright again and I was strapped down, weaponless, and fucking helpless.

  The shot rang out and my heart stopped.



  Midori’s screams pierced my ears.

  Petra got to her feet but it was like I saw it in slow motion out of the corner of my eye.

  All I could focus on was Dade’s body as it jerked back from the impact of the bullet.

  Warm, sticky blood splattered across my face and I knew that the bullet had ripped through his body.

  I got to my knees but I was stuck.

  The skin tore from my wrist as I tried to get to him.

  Midori continued to scream.

  Petra filled my vision as I looked up to see if the guy was going to fire another shot. I knew it was headed for me next.

  With one quick swipe, Petra’s blade cut clean across his neck, spraying blood everywhere.

  His eyes went wide as his knees buckled. She released the grip she had on his hair and he began to go down. His hand went to his neck but there was no saving himself from that.

  “Get this fuckin’ thing off me!” I roared. My eyes went back to Dade. The blood kept pooling out of the hole in his chest.

  A few seconds later, I was free.

  I whipped off my cut without even thinking and pressed it to his chest to try and stop the bleeding.

  Sweat dotted his brow and his skin had gone ghostly pale.

  “No,” I told him as I pulled his head into my lap. “You don’t get to fuckin’ die on me, Dade.”

  He shook his head and tried to laugh, but it turned into a wet cough.

  “I appreciate you, brother,” he said, his eyes going hazy but he kept his gaze on mine. “Proud to call you my Prez.”

  His fingers dug into my wrist like he was trying his hardest to stay with me.

  “Hold on, brother. I got you. We’re gonna get you help real soon,” I told him.

  I glanced up and saw Petra on my phone. I guessed she’d found it on one of the dead bodies.

  Then I heard the faint sound of my brothers ridin’ in. I knew it wouldn’t be long before they flooded the place. I guessed Dade had given them the heads up before he crept in here.

  “T-take care of her. P-please. Keep her s-safe.” Dade’s words came out stuttered, his breaths were harsh and choppy.

  His grasp slipped from my wrist.

  “I promise,” I whispered and held him tighter.

  The last little bit of air puffed out of his lungs and his eyes went still. The light faded away and there was nothing more I could do.

  “Fuck!” I roared out as my head tilted back.

  I refused to let him go.

  I couldn’t believe that he was gone.

  Petra was there a second later, her hand going to my shoulder and giving a slight squeeze. She didn’t move it after and I didn’t want her to. I needed everything she could give me right now.

  My hand slowly swiped down over Dade’s face, closing his lids out of respect. I kept my hand there as my head sagged forward.

  Charming was the first through the door, followed by Blade, Mason, and B-ry.

  Charming rushed to Dade’s side and after checking for a pulse, his hands automatically went to Dade’s chest.

  “Shit,” he breathed out as his eyes moved to take in all the blood everywhere.

  With a shake of his head, he started compressions on Dade’s chest. Both of us knew it was no use but I knew he’d never forgive himself if he didn’t try.

  After a minute, I put my hand over his.

  He swallowed hard as his body came to a stop.

  Eventually, his hands slipped away as he fell back on his heels.

  Blade watched the door.

  Mason and B-ry came closer and stood over me with matching somber expressions on their faces.

  “Where is she?” a voice called out and I looked up to see Blade ready with his gun raised.

  Petra’s hand slipped from my shoulder as she quickly crossed the room.

  “Stand down,” she called to Blade. He didn’t look at her but I could see his brow go up in question. “He’s one of mine.”

  With a whatever kind of shrug, he lowered his gun.

  Garen rushed in, his big body moving quicker than I would have expected.

  “Get her out of here,” Petra told him.

  Garen didn’t hesitate to head over to Midori. She hadn’t moved from the spot where she’d been cuffed even though she was free. Seeing that she wasn’t going to move from her curled up position on the floor, he scooped her up in his arms. Her eyes were blindly staring at her brother’s body on the floor. She didn’t put up a fight as Garen carried her out of the room and I knew she was in shock.

  Mason and Charming pulled me up after carefully laying Dade’s body on the ground.

  I swayed on my feet and a sudden wave of nausea hit me.

  “Let me see those eyes, Prez,” Charming said while Mason held me steady.

  “I’m fuckin’ fine,” I waved him off.

  “He’s not fine,” Petra said, her body pressing up against my free side. “He was clocked on the head twice. Hard enough to make him go down.”

  I didn’t have to look at her face to know she had that brow raised in a way that said I wasn’t getting out of anything.

  “I’m just a little dizzy. I’ll be fine,” I grumbled.

  Charming pulled out a penlight from his pocket and without asking for permission, he held my eyes open. The light felt like a million needles shooting through my eyeball as he moved it back and forth in my vision.

  “Yeah, need to watch you for a bit. Let’s get him back to the compound.” He gave a chin jerk to Mason.

  “I’ll get this taken care of,” Petra said and I knew she was referring to the two dead bodies that not a single one of us gave a fuck about. “I’ll contact Garen and get him to find out if we should expect any more unplanned visitors.”

  “Kiss me, Pet,” I told her as I lightly grabbed her arm to stop her from stepping away from me. “Been through hell today. Thought I was gonna fuckin’ lose you.”

  Her eyes softened and then without any fight, she brought her lips to mine.

  “I love you,” she whispered as she pulled away.

  I smiled like a damn fool.

  I knew there wasn’t much that was good right now but I couldn’t help it.

  “I’m coming with you,” she said before I could respond to her words.

  Our touching moment was over. I shouldn’t have been surprised and really, I was happy that she’d given me that much.

  I took one last, long look at Dade, feeling sadness heavy in my heart.

  With a sigh I did my best to focus on what was next. My head started to pound as I let all the things I had to do flood my mind.

  Mason dragged my ass outside. I could walk but I was having trouble doing it in a straight line.

  “Can you drive him over to the compound?” Mason asked Petra. “Don’t think he’d do so well on the back of my bike right now.” There was a slight hint of humor in his voice.

  “Don’t think I’d look that great on the back of your bike. Don’t ever put that image in my mind again.” I tried to joke but it just came out in a flat tone. My face sobered. “Not a
word of this until I can talk to Abigail.”

  With a nod, I knew he’d handle keeping it quiet for now.

  “B-ry and I will stay behind in case we can help with the cleanup.” He lowered me down into Petra’s car. “Charming will head back to take care of you and get Petra cleaned up.”

  I looked over at her then.

  Her lip was split and there was already a bruise forming on the apple of her cheek.

  Yeah, I didn’t regret those fuckers being dead for one second.

  My hand reached out and the pad of my thumb lightly brushed just under her lip line.

  “I’m fine,” she assured me but didn’t pull away from my touch.

  “It’s okay not to be. I’m not. Not even a little bit.” I let my hand drop away and she started the car.

  The ride to the compound was silent.

  I wanted to close my eyes but I knew better.

  Charming met us up in my apartment not long after we walked into the door. His hands no longer held the red stain of Dade’s blood but I could tell they were pink from being scrubbed vigorously.

  I wanted to say something but I wasn’t really sure what to say. I knew we both were trying our damnedest to hold it together and some point soon, the reality of what had happened would hit us hard. There was shit to take care of and we were going to have to keep a level head until it was done.

  He handed me some mild pain reliever and then checked the back of my head. I hadn’t even realized that it had been split open.

  “Shouldn’t need stitches,” he said as he dabbed at it trying his hardest to clean the dried blood away. I was sure my long hair wasn’t helping. “It’s not even bleeding anymore.”

  “Thanks, Charm,” I told him after he rubbed some ointment over the cut and stepped back.

  He removed his gloves and tossed them in the trash before washing his hands. Then he was putting on a fresh pair and shooting me a look.

  “Babe,” I called to Petra, who was on the other side of the room with her phone pressed to her ear. Her head turned to look at me but she kept on talking. “Let him clean you up and check you over.”

  I expected her to wave me off, but to my surprise, she ended the call after I held her eyes for a few beats. I guessed by now she knew when to put up a fight and when I wasn’t going to back down.


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