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Wild Turkey: A Historical Virginia Romance (The Whiskey Series Book 3)

Page 20

by Beth Bennett

  “And something blue,” Hettie said as she added tiny blue cornflowers into Olivia’s white aster bouquet.

  Olivia’s heart was near to bursting as she proceeded down the steps. The silky dress rustled as the train followed behind. Jackson was waiting at the bottom of the steps. Gazing up at her, his eyes shone like the calm reflection of a deep blue lake. He turned slightly to the right when she reached the bottom and took her arm in his.

  “You are stunning. Never have I seen a more beautiful woman in my life.” Olivia grinned from ear to ear. “I have a surprise for you, my love.”

  Her hand flew to the necklace. “I know, it is beautiful, Jackson.”

  He patted her hand. “I’m so glad you like it, but my darling, this is something much more precious than jewels.” He indicated the sitting room with his head. “Look.”

  Olivia’s eyes fell on the scene. There, in front of the marble fireplace stood the minister. He was holding an open Bible and nodding his approval. Mrs. Holland was the first to greet her. “You look lovely,” she whispered. Olivia returned Mrs. Holland’s wide smile with one of her own.

  There, to the left of the minister, stood Jackson’s best man, Albert Winestock. He gave her a wink. Hettie had taken her place as maid of honor on the right. She looked close to exploding with delight. It made Olivia giggle.

  Olivia glanced up at Jackson who walked with precision beside her. “Look again, Olivia.”

  A woman whom she did not recognize was standing, near Mrs. Daniels, her back facing them. The form looked vaguely familiar somehow, but try as she might, Olivia could not place her. Next to the woman stood a finely dressed, but grizzled looking old man. He turned around when he heard Olivia’s approach. Why it was Alowishous McDaggett! What in the world? He nudged the woman standing next to him. “Here she is.”

  When the woman turned, Olivia might have fallen over had Jackson not been supporting her arm. She dropped her bouquet to the floor and Aunt Bessie crossed the short distance between them until they were in each other’s arms. This time, Olivia was not able to hold back the tears. “I can’t believe it, I just can’t believe it.” They held each other for a long time. Finally, pulling back, Bessie caressed Olivia’s soft, smooth, cheek with a calloused, work-worn, hand.

  “Mr. Daniels sent Alowishus up the mountain for me. We traveled all the night to get here in time.”

  “I can’t believe it.”

  Jackson placed the dropped bouquet back into her hands. “You’re pleased I take it?”

  “Oh, Jackson, I shall never forget it.” Her sparkling eyes were filled with love and the deep joy of family and friends. A profound sense of peace settled over her heart. The ceremony took place as both she and Jackson spoke their vows with resonant confidence. The happiness of true love filled the entire house and spilled over into the dining room where cake, refreshments and champagne were served.

  “What do you think of New York, Auntie?” Olivia and Aunt Bessie sat by the window enjoying companionship and easy conversation.

  “Soon as we got to the train station, I looked up and saw buildings nearly touching the sky. And the people! People, people, people, everywhere people.” Aunt Bessie swallowed a bite of cake. “Hand me that there chanpanie stuff.” Olivia laughed and took one for herself as well.

  “Here you go, Auntie.”

  “We are mighty proud of you, Livia. Mighty proud.” Aunt Bessie reached over and squeezed Olivia’s hand. “Twern’t easy I know.”

  “Falling in love, helped.” Olivia’s eyes darted over to Jackson. He was leaning against the mantel enjoying a jovial conversation with Albert. She stood and went to join him. He lightly rested his arm across her shoulders.

  “Tomorrow, we will accompany Mr. McDaggett and your Aunt back home. I’ve planned the trip as a honeymoon, of sorts.”


  “Most honeymoons are done with only the bride and groom, but I thought you and Aunt Bessie would like a little more time together. Besides, the best part of my wedding gift is waiting for you in Virginia.”

  “What? How could there possibly be anymore?”

  Olivia rubbed her fingertips over the smooth pearls around her neck. “This the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”

  “Not half as beautiful as you, my love.”

  Before they left for Grand Central Station that evening, Jackson made an announcement. “I would like Mrs. Daniels to go upstairs to her room to finish packing.”

  “Is your mother coming on the trip too?” Olivia tried to be polite, but she was disappointed everyone was coming. They would never get any time alone.

  “I was referring to you.”

  It took a moment, but the realization finally dawned on Olivia and she was overcome with laughter. “That’s going to take some getting used to.”

  She went upstairs at Jackson’s request, even though her satchel was already packed. Suddenly, the door was thrown open and in walked Liza carrying a dress of robin egg blue. It was printed with tiny flowers and trimmed in cream ruffles. Olivia opened her mouth to speak but Liza only shook her head and giggled. Jackson followed close behind dragging two enormous trunks. He threw them in the floor and flipped them open. “All that goes in here, Liza.”

  Liza grinned from ear to ear as she neatly folded the complicated garment, wrapped it in tissue paper, and placed it in the trunk. She left and returned with four more dresses. Travel dresses, day dresses, evening dresses, dinner dresses. Jackson pointed and the items disappeared into the trunk. Olivia sat on the bed in shock.

  Liza called from the hallway. “I’m going to need help with this one, Mr. Daniels.” Jackson disappeared and quickly returned dragging another trunk only this one was filled with frothy undergarments and sleeping gowns, hat boxes and brand new winter boots and shoes to match every dress! Olivia stared agog as the three gigantic trunks sat filled to the brim with every kind of frock and frippery one could possibly imagine.

  Sporting a deeply self-satisfied smile, Jackson said. “Liza, will you kindly give us some privacy?”

  As quick as a wink, Liza disappeared and the door was quietly closed.

  Olivia was overwhelmed. “This is simply too mu…” Before she could continue, Jackson placed his finger across her lips.

  “Promise me you will listen first, speak later.” He seemed so serious, Olivia nodded. “You, my darling, are the love of my life. These dresses are my gift to you. As my wife, I assure you, they are only the beginning. I apologize for not allowing your choice in the matter. There was not time before our departure. From this moment forward, you may accustom yourself to being outrageously spoiled, courtesy of your loving, Yankee, Jackass.”

  Olivia gave a squeal and pulled Jackson down upon the bed where she proceeded to rain kisses all over his face until he had to make her stop in order to breath.

  Chapter 28

  Jackson hired a carriage to take them to the train station. There was so much luggage, they could never have made it in the Daniels’ small rig. Olivia and Jackson boarded a very luxurious sleeping car while Bessie and Alowishous took a separate spot in similar accommodations. The whistle sounded and the heavy engines groaned as the train pulled out of the station heading south. The gentle clickity clack of the rail line ticked off the miles toward home. Olivia curled up in a red velvet chair and pretended to read but under hooded lids, she watched Jackson, remembering the feel of his hands upon her skin.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked. “I would be glad to get you something to eat from the dining car.”

  “I’m fine, thank you.” Her eyes darted to the linen covered bed on the other side of the car.

  Jackson relaxed on an overstuffed sofa beside the window. Reaching up, he pulled the shade down, then rested his arm against the chair’s back. “Olivia, come sit beside me.” She closed her book and slowly stood. He patted the seat. She primly sat down, clasping her hands in her lap. He was still wearing his formal suit and was exceedingly handsome. His nose was perfectly str
aight and was just the right size for his face. The sharp line of his jaw was covered with a dark stubbly shadow. It made her think of the big, bushy beard he had sported when she first met him. She smiled.

  “And just what are you thinking about, miss?”

  “I was thinking about that big beard you wore when we met. I think you did it just to scare people.”

  Jackson reached over and took the coffee pot off the table and poured himself a cup. He poured one for Olivia too. “Did it scare you?”

  Olivia nodded. “You looked a bit stern with it.”

  He made a mean face. It made her giggle and they laughed together. Olivia felt his large hand come to rest over hers.

  “There is one thing I would like to ask of you this evening.” She gazed up into his deep blue eyes. His expression made her want to cry. Never had she ever seen such longing, such love. She felt as if she might burst from the joy of it. “I want you to trust me. Do you think you can do that?”

  She wanted to answer yes. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and never let him go. But suddenly, her mouth felt like cotton. She bit her lip. The chandelier swayed and the light danced along the walls. “I’m scared,” she whispered.

  Jackson took a big, fat cheroot out of his coat pocket. He cut off the end and lit it. The aromatic smell filled the train car. He didn’t smoke often, yet he always had just the barest hint of tobacco about him. Leaning back, he crossed his legs in a most relaxed fashion. “Do you remember our little rendezvous in the barn?”

  The question made her blush.

  “Well, tonight shall be just like that, only better.”

  Olivia smiled. “You mean you’re going to spank me?”

  Jackson threw back his head and laughed. The heartiness of it warmed her heart and calmed her fears. “I think, my darling, that you have forever ruined my ability to use corporal punishment on you as a threat. You will always see it as a reward.”

  Olivia chortled. “I can’t help it.”

  He laughed again. “No, you cannot.” He put out the cigar. “Do you see those doors on either end of this car?” She solemnly nodded. “I’ve instructed the conductor that we are not to be disturbed. The shades are drawn. What happens from here on out is strictly between me and you. No one shall enter unless I call for them. Do I make myself clear?”

  “You do.” She swallowed hard.

  Jackson stood and began to unbutton his waist coat. “It is high time you and I got more comfortable, don’t you think?” She watched as Jackson stripped down to a shirt and pants. He crossed to stand beside the bed. Beginning with his top button, he went all the way down until he shrugged his shirt away.

  It was mesmerizing. She couldn’t drag her eyes away for even a second. The dark hair on his head, matched the hair on his chest. It fanned out over his nipples and ended in a straight line, disappearing beneath his britches. His forearms were muscular and covered in the same dark hair. Broad shoulders tapered down to a lean waist. Olivia couldn’t help but lick her lips. He was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. He leaned back upon the bed on one elbow.

  “How about you take a turn?”


  “It’s your turn to remove an item of clothing.”

  Oh! She thought gleefully. This could go on all night. She had far more layers than he. Olivia took off her shawl and as a bonus, removed her gloves.

  “That’s not nearly enough.” His deep voice sent a chill down her spine. “I’ll take over from here.” He was so commanding she sat up straight. “Unbutton your bodice.”

  She prissily pursed her lips then undid the first two buttons. “All the way down, young lady.” Her hands were beginning to shake. She finished with the bodice. It hung loosely revealing the corset beneath. Jackson stood up and crossed to the sofa. He took her by the hand. “Stand up.” His hands caressed her shoulders as he swept the bodice away. He turned her and went to work on the laces. The feel of his nimble fingers at her back sent tingles all over her body. The corset and skirt quickly went the same way as her bodice and before she knew it, she was standing in nothing but her stockings and shift.

  He turned her to face him. Holding her by the shoulders, his thumbs caressed the tops of her arms. Slowly he slid the edge of her sleeve down and bent to kiss her. His lips were warm and soft yet firm and insistent. He instructed her with his mouth and she responded willingly. The kiss deepened and Olivia was drawn close against his warm chest. He tasted sweet and deep and mysterious.

  “Come,” he whispered hoarsely.

  He dipped and reached underneath Olivia’s legs with his arm and carried her to the bed. She sighed and lay back against the pillows. He looked like a hawk standing over her. The deep blue eyes touched every inch of her skin. Suddenly, he leaned a knee upon the bed but Olivia wiggled away. His hand snaked out and caught her by the ankle. He pulled her toward him.

  “Where do you think you are going, young lady?”

  She continued to wiggle but he suddenly engulfed her with his body and lay on top, careful to support his greater weight on his elbows.

  “Don’t move another inch.”

  His touch, his smell, his presence filled up the entire bed. “You’re much too big,” she whispered. “I don’t think this is going to work.” She’d heard girls giggling and whispering when they thought no one was listening. Just how this was going to happen, she couldn’t imagine.

  Jackson took a knee and pushed her legs open. He pressed against the juncture of her thighs and Olivia suddenly realized he had already removed his pants. “Open your legs to me, my darling, and you shall see that I will fit you perfectly.”

  The pressure of him between her legs was delightful and her fears began to calm. She lay arms out, palms up. He entwined his fingers in hers then pulled her arms above her head. Then, his assault truly began. He kissed the soft skin of her elbow and traced her arms with the tip of his tongue. Her neck was nothing more than a delicacy for him to taste. As he nuzzled her with the scratch of his beard, Olivia arched against him. The pressure between her legs kept growing and by now, all fear had fled. He continued holding her hands and used only his lips to place a trail down her chest, spending slow, agonizing time with each nipple.

  She could contain herself no longer and cried out. Jackson’s deep chuckle replied, “Soon, my love, soon.” He took his hands from hers. “Open to me, Olivia.” She nodded, so undone, it was difficult to speak. Jackson’s wide palms held her and in an instant, her shift was lifted up and over her head. He bent her knee and spread her thighs, his fingers nimbly removing each stocking. “Keep your legs just like they are.”

  They were both totally naked and Olivia could feel his hard shaft pleading entrance into her soft abode. She squeezed her eyes shut and waited.

  “That is not the way of things, my love.” Instead of a rending pain, Olivia felt gentle fingers as he opened her even wider. He caressed her thighs and then lightly touched her very core. A gasp she could not contain escaped. He continued. Gently stroking, lightly touching, and then feinting away. His fingers came back again until the pressure was so intense she thought she would scream. “Let it go, Olivia.”

  “Oh.” She moved her hand to her mouth and bit her fist. Suddenly it felt as if all the world had exploded. She arched against his hand and before she even knew what had happened he had slipped inside her. She was so wet that his entrance was only mildly uncomfortable.

  “It’s only difficult the first time, and you have done very well.” He pushed himself all the way in, then stilled. “Are you all right?”

  It felt glorious. Glorious to be filled with him, to be one with each other. “Jackson, I just never knew.”

  Slowly he began to move causing Olivia’s desire to build again. She ground her hips against him as hard as she could. He circled her, pulled out, then pressed in again, even deeper. The intensity of pleasure grew and this time, when Olivia cried out, Jackson gave a shout as well.

  They lay in the warm glow of one a
nother’s embrace. Olivia watched the lights blink and sway to the rhythm of the train as it hurried down the track toward home. Jackson had fallen asleep and was gently snoring in her ear. She thought of all that had happened to bring her to this place. Never in her wildest imagination did she think her life would take such miraculous turns. She reached up and caressed Jackson’s prickly cheek. “I love you Jackson Daniels, with all my heart.”


  A carriage brought the travelers all the way to Goldsboro. Mr. Lacey gave Olivia a hearty greeting and rejoiced at the news of her wedding. He shook Jackson’s hand with enthusiasm. “Has she seen it yet?” Jackson would not answer and only motioned for silence.

  A brand new wagon was brought around including a matched team of fine horses. “Who do these belong to?” Olivia questioned. “I never saw such beautiful horses.”

  “You’re on a need to know basis from this point on.” Jackson placed his wide hands around her waist, picked her up and placed her on the buckboard.

  He jumped up beside her, snapped the reins and took off. Aunt Bessie sat on the other side of Olivia and Alowishous followed on his own mount as the wagon clambered up the mountain. Olivia reveled in the beauty of every familiar rock and tree. The sight brought tears to her eyes.

  “I never thought I would ever see home again.” She wrapped her arm through his and leaned against his side. “Thank you for bringing me here for our honeymoon. I shall never forget it.”

  Holding the reins loosely, he smiled down at her. When they approached the last bend, Jackson pulled up. “Whoa.” Alowishous pulled his mount beside them.

  “Do you have the papers?” Jackson questioned.

  “I do, sir. I certainly do.” Alowishous pulled a fat wad of important looking documents from his traveling bag and handed them to Jackson who turned several pages.

  “Ah, this is what I’m looking for.” He sat the paper on Olivia’s lap. “You shall never have to be homesick again.” He pointed to a paragraph on the paper. Olivia looked down and read:


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