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The Holly Project

Page 8

by KA Sterritt

  “Calm down, Holly. This is happening.” He laughed, but his eyes were blazing. “I was just going to suggest you call Audrey to let her know you won’t be home tonight. I got the impression she’s quite protective.”

  I raised an eyebrow, conceding the point. “Audrey will love you for this.”

  “I’ll be back shortly. I’ve got a few calls to make too.” He kissed me lightly, then retreated through the balcony door.

  I watched him disappear down the stairs before grabbing my phone from my pocket.

  “Hello,” she yelled into my ear. I was momentarily deafened by the thumping music in the background.

  “Where the hell are you?” I shouted.

  “Hey, Hol, hang on, I’ll go somewhere quieter.”

  I waited on the line as the music faded.

  “Okay, that’s better. So, tell me you’re staying overnight with Mr Sex God.”

  “We’re trying the casual thing. I might be making a massive mistake, but it’s just sex, right?”

  “Don’t overthink it, Hol. You want him and he obviously wants you. Just do it.”

  “So where are you now then? Somewhere noisy, from the sounds of it.”

  “Jake’s having a party. He and Zara are currently doing what they do best. Jason’s here with me. He seems a bit pissed off that you’re spending all this time with Ryan.”

  “Oh, for God’s sake, it’s nothing serious. Tell him to get over himself. I’ve got to go, Aud. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

  Resting my forearms on the railing, I stared out at the boats quietly rocking on the calm water. Each one was illuminated by a single light, providing a silent warning from the bow. This really was the most gorgeous place I’d ever been. Completely private, cut off from everything and everyone.

  I was suddenly aware of Ryan’s presence. I turned to find him standing at the balcony door.

  “Come inside, Holly.”

  Like a magnet drawn by his irresistible force, I moved slowly towards him. Without another word, he took my hand and led me into the bedroom. My heart began to race. He scooped me up into his arms and brought his lips to mine as he gently lowered me onto the bed. The sexiest man I’d ever known hovered over me with hooded eyes. I’d already fantasised about this exact moment. The reality was so much better.

  “I overheard what you said to Audrey.” His eyes flashed with lust. “You’re wrong about there being nothing serious going on here. You are seriously hot. And I am seriously going to fuck you until I hear you scream my name.”

  His words were like an aphrodisiac. My body was a trembling mass of sensation and we were both still fully clothed. He gently swiped my hair away from my neck, exposing my skin to a trail of soft kisses. I wrapped my arms possessively around him, instinctively arching my neck back to give him better access.

  He tugged my shirt up and over my head before his mouth quickly resumed its exploration of my neck and shoulders.

  His hand traced my collar bone and ventured down between my breasts. My need for him was becoming increasingly urgent with every passing moment. When his mouth met mine, I sighed in relief, despite the sensual overload. Our soft, gentle kiss quickly became greedy and lust-filled. His hand snaked behind my back and deftly snapped open my bra, lowering the straps over my arms then discarding it.

  Breaking the kiss, he propped himself up on his elbows on either side of me, his eyes roaming freely over my naked chest. “You are spectacular, Holly.”

  His mouth closed over my left breast while his thumb teased my right. I gasped loudly as an electric current jolted through my whole body. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. I’d never been so turned on in my life. My hips jerked upwards until I could feel his whole body pressed against mine. I was left with little doubt about his desire for me as it pushed against my thigh.

  Pushing my hands up and under his shirt, I ran my fingers down his firm chest, pausing at his stomach. His defined abs flexed under my touch. He sat up and discarded his shirt in a blur.

  I was beyond caring about what this meant. We were two consenting adults, wildly attracted to each other.

  “Do you want me to fuck you, Holly?” he growled. He dropped his head and I felt his next words hummed against the skin of my throat. “I need to be inside you. I’ve thought about this for too long to hold out much longer.”

  Before I could reply, he kissed me hard. He demanded entrance and I opened my mouth, letting his tongue slide over mine. Without breaking contact, my breathing became increasingly erratic as his thumbs hooked into the waistband of my trousers and pushed them down my legs. I managed to kick them off so he could return his attention to my mouth. His suit trousers and boxer shorts disappeared in a move that confirmed his experience in the bedroom. Pushing away concerns about not living up to his expectations, I grazed my fingernails down his smooth, muscular back, luxuriating in his sublime body. This man was a god.

  “Say it, Holly. I want to hear you say it.”

  As his right thumb continued its assault on my nipple, his left hand moved down my body. I could barely see straight, let alone form words. My whole body jerked when his fingers grazed over my sex. Our kiss became more intense as he slid two of his fingers inside me.

  Reluctantly breaking away from his mouth, I choked out the words he was waiting for. “I want you to fuck me, Ryan. I need you inside me.”

  I’d never been one for dirty talk or verbalising my desires in the bedroom. Ryan brought out a side of me I never knew existed.

  His eyes blazed with satisfaction.

  He reached for his wallet and retrieved a condom. I was again privy to his moves as he sheathed himself before pushing into me hard, without hesitation. To say it was overwhelming would be an understatement. As my body adjusted to his size, I realised immediately what I’d been missing with my previous lovers.

  Detached from any kind of emotion, I had always enjoyed the physical escape sex brought me. However, this was different. I knew it immediately. When he was inside me, I felt complete. I didn’t want to escape. I wanted to experience every single moment.

  Tears filled my eyes.

  Ryan stopped mid-thrust. “What the fuck, Holly. Are you okay?”

  I nodded. Annoyed at my own emotions, I grabbed his firm ass and pushed him deeper into me. “Ryan, please don’t stop.” I lifted my hips up and wrapped my legs tighter around his waist. “Please don’t fucking stop.”

  Ryan started to move inside me again. My tears quickly evaporated as my whole body was overcome by the rising sensations.

  “Harder.” I was getting closer and closer to the cliff I so desperately wanted to jump off.

  “Come for me, babe.”

  “Oh. My. God. Ryan!” I closed my eyes as my body shuddered violently. It was the most intense, almost painful, orgasm I’d ever had. It was too much. Ryan Davenport was too much.

  “Fuck.” Ryan growled into the crook of my neck as I felt him reach his own release. His whole body relaxed on top of mine.

  We struggled to return our breathing to normal. After several minutes, he pulled out gently. Propping himself on his side, he stroked my stomach, tracing random patterns around my belly button.

  I squeezed my eyes tightly shut and wondered what the hell had just happened between us.

  “Hey,” he said, breaking into my thoughts. “That was fucking amazing.” He leaned over and kissed me tenderly, then got up to dispose of the condom.

  I closed my eyes again so I didn’t have to see his face when he returned.

  “Look at me, Holly.”

  I forced myself to open my eyes. His gaze was intense.

  “Fucking amazing,” he repeated.

  “Err… Thank you?”

  Ryan rolled over onto his back and laughed. “Oh, you are so welcome, Ms Ashton.”

  I tried really hard not to smile, but it was impossible. Professional mode was way out of context here.

  Fatigue overcame me and I yawned. The day had been both emotionall
y and physically draining. It wasn’t late but I just wanted to sleep.

  Ryan pulled me against him so my back was flush against his front. It was beautifully intimate and I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. He pulled the covers over us so we were cocooned together. I felt safe.

  “Go to sleep, Holly.” He must have noticed how drowsy I was. He kissed my shoulder and gently stroked my hair.

  I drifted off to dream of sapphire eyes and giant chessboards where I was the queen.

  Chapter Seventeen

  I woke up feeling rested, content and a little sore – in the best kind of way. Ryan had woken me during the night for a repeat performance, which was slower and heart wrenchingly more intimate as our initial desperation was replaced with a quiet exploration of each other’s bodies.

  I couldn’t get the smug grin off my face as I was flooded with memories from the night before. That lasted for all of about three seconds. Reaching out to his side of the bed, I realised I was alone. The ice cold fear of regret took hold. Darting my eyes around the room, I located my robe and quickly covered myself up, double knotting the tie for good measure. With no choice but to face him, I made my way down the stairs and was overwhelmed by the delicious smells of bacon and coffee.

  “You’re awake. I was about to bring you breakfast in bed.” His devilish grin disarmed me. I had so quickly jumped to the worst conclusion – clearly, I was expecting him to regret this arrangement.

  “I woke up and you weren’t there. I, err… didn’t know where you were.” I couldn’t look him in the eye so I stared down at my bare feet, examining the recycled timber floorboards I was standing on.

  Glancing up, I could see his upbeat mood had darkened as he stalked towards me. When he was merely inches away, he tilted my chin so I had no choice but to look him in the eye.

  “Where did you think I was, Holly? The west wing?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I thought you’d done a runner. Last night was pretty intense. I thought maybe you’d regretted it.”

  “Regretted it? You crazy woman. Last night was incredible. You are incredible.” He leaned forward and kissed me hard on the mouth before I had a chance to worry about my morning breath. “Now get your sexy butt back to bed and lose the robe. Breakfast is getting cold.”

  Needless to say, breakfast went cold. Ryan managed to satisfy me in ways I never knew existed. I barely made it back to bed before I was pounced upon and shown just how wrong I’d been in questioning his mindset.

  “Did you really think I’d taken the first seaplane out of here?”

  “Maybe?” Blushing, I pushed my face into the pillow until his tickling got so bad I conceded defeat. I was insanely ticklish. Unfortunately for me, exploring my body had revealed this, and now Ryan had the ultimate power over me.

  “Stop, please!” I begged him breathlessly. Finally, he showed mercy.

  “The first seaplane doesn’t leave till lunchtime.” He chuckled smugly. “Though I guess I could have stolen a boat.”

  His teasing earned him a good jab in the ribs and I half-heartedly tried to break free from his arms.

  “Not so fast, sexy, you’re not going anywhere.”

  I resumed my position with my head on his chest and my arm lazily resting across his abs. He stroked my hair and kissed my head.

  Much later, we got dressed and spent hours exploring the rest of the idyllic property. Gary arrived to pick us up after lunch. I was genuinely sorry to leave our little bubble.

  Chapter Eighteen

  We were quiet on the flight home. Ryan held my hand the whole way, his thumb gently tracing my knuckles. I just stared out the window at the changing scenery. As Sydney Harbour came into sight, I felt the tension rise and my stomach drop. By the time we landed, it was unbearable. Ryan tried to take my hand as we walked along the jetty, but I pretended not to notice, rummaging aimlessly in my handbag. Suddenly everything felt different. We were back to reality now. As of tomorrow, he was my client. I had no idea how to deal with that after the weekend we’d had.

  Just as we reached the end of the jetty, Ryan turned and stopped.

  “What’s going on, Holly? Talk to me, please. I had a feeling you were going to shut down like this.” He ran his hands through his hair and looked at the ominous skies.

  “Nothing is going on. I’m just tired.” The coward in me avoided eye contact.

  “Can you drop me home, please?”

  “You’re going to be the death of me, woman.”

  We crossed the road and walked back up his parents’ street in uncomfortable silence. I kept glancing sideways at him but he never took his eyes off our destination. Knowing I was entirely responsible for the tension between us was torture. Part of me wanted to leap into his arms, kiss him hard on the mouth and ask where we’d be sleeping that night. But I knew the bubble had burst. We had to face reality.

  He drove slowly. The trip seemed to take twice as long as it had the day before. Perhaps that was because it was starting to rain. He pulled up outside my apartment building and cut the engine. The now heavy rain provided welcome background noise. I could feel his piercing gaze on me, and eventually I turned to face him.

  “Thanks again for lunch yesterday, and for… last night.” It felt awkward and stilted and I really wanted to get the hell out of his car and start building up my walls again.

  “Jesus, Holly. Please don’t overthink this. We had a great time together. Let’s not ruin it now. We’ve got this completely under control.”

  I rubbed my forehead with my palm and tried to push my fears aside.

  “You’re good. I mean… you’re right. I’m good.” Shut up, Holly, and get out of the car!

  “This can work. We’re on the same page here.” He said it with such authority, he almost made me believe it was actually possible. But a feeling deep in my gut knew we were kidding ourselves.

  I just nodded.

  Glancing out the window, I was surprised to see Jason exiting my building. He appeared angry. I went to open the car door but Ryan stopped me.

  “Wait here.” He got out of the car quickly, retrieved an umbrella from the boot, then escorted me to the entrance. Despite the large umbrella, it was impossible to avoid getting wet. Jason was waiting under the awning just outside the building.

  “Jason O’Connor, Ryan Davenport.” I made the introductions and they shook hands. They greeted one another with professionalism, but I could see the daggers Jason was throwing with his eyes.

  “I’ll see you later, Holly.” Ryan leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the cheek before returning to his car. The Aston Martin roared off, water spraying up in all directions. I watched it disappear around the corner before turning to Jason.

  “Hey,” I said quietly. I tried to give him a hug. I had no idea what was going on with him but I had a feeling I was about to find out. He didn’t return my hug, which gave me a good indication of his mood.

  “Did you sleep with Ryan Davenport?” he asked icily.

  “Oh my God, Jase. Really?” My shoulders dropped and I sighed. “Come upstairs and I’ll get changed, then let’s grab dinner, okay?”

  “Are you sure your new boyfriend would be okay with that?”

  “He’s not my boyfriend. Now do you want to have dinner with me or not?”

  “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but no, I don’t think I do.” Shocked, I watched him walk away. Shit.

  Hoping to talk to Audrey and Zara, I was disappointed to find Jake mauling Zara on the couch. Ugh… I could hear plates clanging from the kitchen. I found Audrey noisily unstacking the dishwasher, looking less than impressed.

  “Can you believe those two?” she asked, roughly shoving the bowls into the cupboard.

  “Careful, Aud, those are breakable you know,” I suggested bravely.

  “They’ve been at it for hours. I’ve hinted at them to take it to the bedroom about five times, but they’re in a bubble of loved up horniness. I’m surprised they haven’t had sex right there on
the couch!”

  “Eww, that’s my couch,” I exclaimed. “I would kill them! Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.”

  I marched back to the living room and grabbed Jake by the collar of his shirt, pulling him off the couch.

  “You two. Off my couch. Bedroom or the front door. Your choice.”

  Jake was clearly startled. Zara just laughed.

  “Hey! You’re back. How was he?” she asked, winking.

  “How was who?” Jake asked.

  “Ryan. Sexiest man alive. Remember?” Zara replied.

  “Again, thought that was me.” Jake nibbled at her neck.

  “Seriously, you two. Go to your room! Audrey will be in here with a kitchen knife soon. I’m sparing your lives.”

  “Okay, okay.” Zara held up her hands. “But you have to fill me in later.”

  “I will, I promise. Now go!”

  Once they were safely out of sight, I went back to calm Audrey down.

  “Coast is clear.” She looked up from the dishwasher. “Lounge room sex situation averted.”

  “Thanks, Hol. Sorry about my bad mood. I guess I’m a bit sick of all the lovey dovey stuff happening around me.” She was unable to meet my eyes.

  “Fair enough. Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Well, you just missed Jason. I don’t think he’s taking the ‘Holly and Ryan situation’ very well.” She continued her assault on the crockery. Clearly something was really bothering her.

  “Did something happen with you and Jason?”

  She didn’t reply but thankfully stopped unstacking. The glassware was next.

  “Tell me what happened,” I insisted, touching her arm.

  Leaning back against the counter, she stared at her feet. “We slept together last night.”

  I was a little shocked despite being the one who’d encouraged it. “Oh God. Audrey, that’s great! Isn’t it?”

  “I thought so. But then he asked where you were and when I told him, he wanted to know details. I had to stop him phoning you. I think he was going to beg you to come back! He went totally off the rails.” She looked me in the eyes then. “I think we have confirmation that he’s in love with you, Holly.”


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