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Wicked Fantasy

Page 25

by Nina Bangs

  Gerry groaned. Her brain was wide awake now and busy making a list of all the things that would, should, or might happen tonight. So much to worry about when all she wanted to do was make love with Conall.

  “Edge, we need to talk.” Conall’s comment snapped the dangerous tension building between Edge and Sparkle.

  “Pay attention, sister. I’ve left your outfit for tonight on the chair and the rest of the clothes hanging on the handcuffs. Check out your choices for sensual sleepwear, because those jammies you have on now would qualify as nightmare-wear.” Sparkle gave Gerry a speculative glance and Edge a furious one before slamming from the room.

  Gerry didn’t want to be anywhere around when those two sat down for their friendly chat. Thank heaven Edge hadn’t blurted everything out here. She couldn’t take a full-blown battle before she even got out of bed.

  Next, Conall turned his attention to Jinx. “You. Go to your room. Do. Not. Leave.”

  “Sure, sure.”

  Conall might scare Jinx, but Gerry knew the shifter wouldn’t be able to control his larcenous impulses for long.

  Gerry admitted that Conall had handled things better than she would have. She’d have gotten into it with Edge about returning Jinx and probably ruined any chance of convincing him to help tonight. And yelling at Jinx would’ve had no effect besides raising her blood pressure. Oops, no blood pressure.

  Her admission sort of surprised Gerry. She was starting to relax with Conall, not always thinking she had to do everything. It was nice to be able to share responsibilities. This boded well for their partnership.

  As Gerry climbed from the bed, she glanced longingly at the indentation of Conall’s head on the pillow beside her. From now on, maybe he could go to bed a little before dawn and then climb back into bed right after sunset so she could get that great feeling of falling asleep and waking up with her man.

  From now on? Reality check. She was assuming a lot if she thought he’d want to fall asleep and wake up with her for longer than it took her to check out of the castle. He’d be forced to go wherever she chose to take him. And if she decided to tell him about Conalla’s prediction? No, she wouldn’t be his favorite vampire.

  Grabbing Sparkle’s new outfit, she hurried into the bathroom. Hey, she was no dummy. Her last girlie outfit was a hit with Conall, so she’d see what reaction this one got.

  When she finally emerged, she was tugging at the tiny piece of silky material Sparkle had laughingly called a top. Nope, no way was there enough to cover up her tummy. And the stilettos were incredible-looking, but she’d have to kick them off to do any serious running.

  Okay, so she’d stay positive. Dell would fall into their hands like an overripe apple with worm still in residence. No pursuing required.

  Eric was busy on his PDA, Edge was studying the iron maiden, and Conall was looking at her.

  “What can I say?” Conall’s gaze was gray smoke backed by hot flame.

  Something joyous and giddy bubbled inside her where only worry and fear should be. “Don’t say anything. Just keep looking at me that way.”

  Edge turned to Conall and Gerry. “Talk. I have to get back to that damn candy store. I’m looking forward to a serious discussion with Sparkle about who’s on top.”

  Gerry gathered her courage and jumped right in. “We need another favor.” No use working up to it gradually.

  He raised one tawny brow. “And the other favors I’ve granted have worked out so well for me.”

  She chose to remain calm in the face of whatever snarkiness he flung her way. “You’re right. And I’m sorry for that. But you did say Banan and Destiny were happy with each other. Conall and I were the ones who brought them together. So technically we helped you.”

  Edge thought about that and then nodded. “What do you want?”

  “We’re working up a plan to trap the demon tonight and then send him home. Ganymede recommended you for the job of portal-to-hell opener. Do you want all the details now?”

  He shook his head. “Don’t need to know. Just tell me when and where to show up. Scratch the where. There’s only one place in the castle where a portal can be opened, the hearth in the great hall.”

  Conall frowned. “Tonight’s the Vampire Ball. The great hall will be crowded with humans.”

  “Cancel it.” Edge, a man of few words.

  “If things don’t look normal, Dell will suspect a trap.” Argh! So many details to worry about. Fine, so Gerry wanted all the planning over so Conall and she could be alone.

  Eric joined the conversation. “We can cancel it and still make things look normal. I’ll call in some favors.” His smile was all wicked anticipation. “I’ll contact a few vampires I know. Tonight, the great hall will be filled with the real deal. Vampires love a battle between good and evil. Sure, they don’t always know which side to root for, but that won’t get in the way of their fun.” He grew thoughtful. “It would make it easier for me if I let them in on what’s going down, but with that many vampires, one of them might accidentally give things away. Besides, I don’t trust all of them. Someone might tip off the demon.”

  Conall still seemed uncertain.

  Eric looked like he was mentally rubbing his hands together. “The reality I create will blow everyone away. I can make the vampires appear human to the demon so he doesn’t get nervous. Gerry can stand in front of the hearth while I make it look like Conall’s talking to Holgarth, Brynn, and me on the other side of the great hall. I’m counting on Dell figuring he has her trapped between him and the fireplace. All he has to do is wait until her back is to him and then stake her. I’m betting on his ego being big enough for him to think he can kill her and still get away.”

  Gerry’s head was beginning to spin. Not a comforting sensation. “Okay, break it down for me. Where will everyone really be?”

  For the first time, Eric looked uneasy. “This is the tough part. Conall and the rest of us will be in the crowd surrounding you. We’ll only be a few feet away.”

  “Uh-huh. Sounds good. But where will I be?”

  “Umm . . .”

  “Umm” was not good. From long experience, Gerry knew that any sentence starting with “umm” would end badly for her.

  “Manipulating the minds of two people is no problem. But this time you’re asking me to work with a roomful of mostly nonhumans. I can’t let any of the vampires in the hall see what Dell’s doing because they might scare him off. So I have to change all those perceptions at exactly the right moment for this to work.” He met Gerry’s gaze. “The only way I can pull this off is if I save you till last. You’ll be standing exactly where Dell sees you standing. But just as the demon is ready to strike, I’ll switch all my concentration to the two of you. He’ll miss you.”


  “But not by much.”

  “Ooookay.” Gerry glanced at Conall. Here’s where he’d jump in to nix the “not by much” part. She already had her mouth open to refute his argument.

  He met her gaze and remained silent. Nothing in his expression revealed his emotions.

  “Thank you.” She smiled at him. He trusted her to make the right decision. Without him. Probably one of the hardest things he’d ever done.

  She looked back at Eric. “What time?”

  “That’s up to you.” What Eric didn’t say was it depended on how long she and Conall wanted for their fantasy.

  Try forever. “Let’s go for two a.m.”

  Edge looked impatient. He wasn’t a detail type guy. “I have the time and place. I’ll be there.” Without further comment, he left.

  Conall finally spoke. “I don’t want Dell sent back to hell until I know what his game is. He could still be working for someone else. Can we do that without endangering Gerry more than she already is?”

  Eric nodded. “Once he thinks he’s killed Gerry, we’ll surround him before he can escape. Since he can’t disappear, he’ll be trapped. Morrigan will make her appearance and declare Gerry officially de
ad and you human again. If we assume this is what the demon’s been waiting for, he should jump at the chance to battle you.”

  “Battle Conall?” Had she missed something? Conall fighting a demon wasn’t acceptable.

  When had she grown so protective of him? A few days ago, the plan would’ve sounded fine to her. He was immortal, for heaven’s sake. But now? Everything inside her tightened at even the suggestion he might get hurt. Why? You know why. Self-deceit is not an admirable character trait.

  “Uh, maybe it’s just me, but I can’t seem to remember when the Conall-battling-demon decision was made.” She tried to look bland, definitely not freaked out. Conall had just let her make her own decision, so she’d have to do the same for him. Damn.

  Eric smiled. “I have a few years on you, Gerry. That means I can rise a little before sunset. Conall and I talked while we waited for you to wake up.”

  “Oh.” It didn’t sound like a gracious, approving “oh.” It sounded like an I-can’t-believe-you-did-this “oh.” So she wasn’t a great actress. Sue her.

  Conall exhaled deeply and raked his fingers through his hair. “Understand why I have to do this. I’m a warrior. You can dress me up in jeans and a T-shirt, but the heart of me still lives in my ancient roots. I need to personally defeat this thing that’s almost taken your life.”

  Uh-oh. He was going all medieval on her. “Isn’t that being a little self-indulgent? I don’t want you putting yourself in danger for me.” Not when I love you. The thought came so easily, so naturally. And it rang so true.

  His stare was all hard alpha male. “I allowed you to choose. Do the same for me.”

  He had her. She couldn’t refuse him. “How do you see the battle playing out?”

  “I’ll back the demon into the hearth, Edge will open the portal, and Ganymede will fling Dell into hell. Then Edge will close the portal.”

  Then what? She didn’t have the courage to look beyond the battle.

  So Gerry forced herself to relax and concentrate on what would come before the battle. “Fantasy time!” Jeez, she sounded ten years old again. Only then it was, “Disney World time!” But it was still all about the fantasy.

  “Why don’t you guys get comfortable on the bed.” Eric leaned against the door and crossed his arms over his broad chest.

  Conall didn’t hesitate. He flung himself onto the bed and folded his hands behind his head. “This better be good, Eric. I’ve had to listen to Brynn bragging on you until I thought my ears would start bleeding. You have a lot to live up to.”

  “Hey, I’m good.” Eric looked expectantly at Gerry.

  Gerry joined Conall on the bed, but she wasn’t quite as confident as he was. “We could always just make love the old-fashioned way. This bed is nice.” She patted it. “Soft, comfy. A making-love bed.”

  “Getting cold feet, Kavanagh?” Conall grinned at her.

  Actually, yes. Nerves made her hands and feet cold and clammy. “I want to believe this is going to be a defining moment in my sexual life, but I can’t help having doubts. Logic tells me it can’t be that good.”

  “Be prepared to say good-bye to logic.” Eric captured her gaze. “I took a look into your mind, Gerry. I slipped right on past your surface thoughts and the fantasy you said you wanted. I went deeper and found something else altogether.”

  She frowned. “Hope you had a good time rattling around in there.”

  Eric grinned. “The mind never ceases to amaze me. Oh, and thank Conall for your fantasy. What I found in your subconscious would never be his favorite fantasy. But when I told him about it, he didn’t hesitate. He wanted you to have the fantasy that burned brightest for you.”

  Horrified, she stared at Eric. “You told him what was in my subconscious?”

  “Sure did. You’ll be living it in a few minutes anyway.” He was unrepentant.

  If she had the nerve, she’d ask Eric to tell her what he’d found in her mind, because she hadn’t a clue. But then he’d say it out loud. Total embarrassment.

  Puzzled, Gerry watched Eric straighten and open the door. “I don’t get it. Is that all there is?”

  “Pretty much.” He looked amused. “Every time I met your gaze tonight, I was imprinting the fantasy in your mind. Once I leave, all you have to do is relax, close your eyes, and it’ll come.”

  Gerry didn’t think so. She could never fall asleep on Christmas Eve when she was a kid because she knew Santa was coming. This was sort of the same concept. “Will we have any free will, or have you scripted everything?”

  Eric held up his hands. “It’ll unfold the way you want it to. All I do is put you in the situation and give you the belief that it’s all real. The rest is up to you.”

  Gerry glanced at Conall. “You buy into this?”

  “Donna, Brynn, and Kim all said Eric’s fantasy was one of the highlights of their sexual lives, so I guess, yes, I do buy into it.”

  “Okay, I can do this.” She rubbed her clammy hands on the sheet. “Don’t we have to get undressed?”

  Eric shrugged. “It’s your call. It won’t make any difference to the fantasy.” He glanced into the hallway. “Asima’s asleep out here. Do you want me to shield both your doors? Wouldn’t want any interruption right at the best part.”

  Conall nodded. “Sounds good. And would you shield Jinx’s door, too? I don’t want to come out of the fantasy to find he’s lifted Holgarth’s sorcerer’s ring.”

  “Call me when you want the shield gone.” Eric gave the iron maiden a friendly swat as he passed it. “Ah, the good old days, when death was still creative.” Winking at Gerry, he left.

  “Wow, I can’t believe Eric’s power.” Why was she talking about Eric’s power? Why didn’t she just close her eyes and relax. Because her eyes were glued wide open, that’s why.

  “You won’t lose control during the fantasy, vampire lady.”

  She frowned. “Of course I will. I mean, that’s been my sexual fantasy forever. Being chased through the woods by this savage.”

  “And you’ve been lying to yourself.”

  Gerry blinked. “Is that what Eric saw?”


  “It’s my mind. Why didn’t I know?”

  “You wanted to believe your version. You wanted to believe you could be different from what you were because . . .”

  “Wanting to be in control and being supercompetitive was okay for my brother, but I always got the feeling Mom and Dad didn’t approve of me being the same way. It wasn’t ‘feminine.’ So I figured I could at least live down to my parents’ expectations in my fantasy.”

  Something seemed to pop inside her, and suddenly she felt free. Finally, she understood.

  Conall reached across to clasp her hand. “A strong woman is sexy. She needs a strong man to match wits with, though. Otherwise boredom will set in, and she’ll run amok raising bloody hell.”

  “Run amok? Bloody hell?” She smiled. Sometimes in the midst of his contemporary speech patterns, Conall would throw in phrases that reminded her of his long past. “And you know this because?”

  “I just know.”

  “That’s an Asima answer.” Laughing, she closed her eyes and at last let herself relax.

  When nothing immediately happened, she didn’t know whether to go limp with relief or be really disappointed. But she’d give it another few minutes and then . . .


  Suddenly, Satona opened her eyes. What was she doing just lying around? Tonight was the annual Mate-Hunting celebration. It was the one night of the year when a female vampire who was ready to claim a mate could go into the Sensual Forest and hunt down one of the savage males that lurked there.

  Of course, the aforementioned savage males weren’t vampires, so they didn’t have much chance of escaping once one of the Sisters of the Night picked up their trail.

  Even though the Sisters could’ve claimed any of the many males living outside the forest, the males who called the forest home were so potent, so totally sexual,
that every Sister wanted one for herself.

  Well, tonight was her night. Satona climbed from her bed, carefully readied herself, and then left her house. The other members of her sisterhood waited for her.

  “Oooh, I love the sparkly champagne tint you used on your nipples, Satona. Very sexy.” Meerit almost thrummed with excitement.

  “The champagne thong that matches your nipples is sooo sensual. I wish I’d thought of it.” Tahira twirled for all to admire her naked perfection. “I’m just me tonight.”

  Satona laughed. “And that’ll be much more than any male can handle.” The ten Sisters surrounding her were either naked like Tahira, or wore a bare minimum like Satona. She’d chosen to tint her nipples and wear a thong because she thought a few subtle accessories made her body sexier.

  She glanced up. “A full moon. The hunting will be good tonight.” The darkness called to her. Even if Satona hadn’t been a vampire, she’d love the night—its shadowed secrets, its danger. She shivered in anticipation.

  Chiva held up her hand. “It’s time, Sisters. May you all achieve orgasms so powerful you’ll have to sleep for three straight days.”

  With shouting and laughter, the Sisters of the Night swept into the Sensual Forest.

  Once among the trees, everyone separated. Satona became one with the forest, a stealthy shadow stalking her prey. An unskilled female wouldn’t catch a forest male. But she was one of the sisterhood’s greatest hunters. A male would be hers tonight.

  It didn’t take her long to pick up a trail. She found proof of his passing, a discarded ticket stub for one of the ritualistic male events called football. Satona moved faster now, gaining on her prey. There, she spotted a further sign of his passing, a tab from a metal container that held a forest male’s favorite drink, beer.

  She’d never tasted beer, but since the forest males were a primitive species, she assumed their beverages would be bitter and nothing a Sister of the Night would enjoy.

  Satona thought of the smooth muscular neck of the male she hunted, and the hot blood pumping beneath his skin. She peeled back her lips to expose her fangs. Now there was a drink worth sampling.


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