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Dangerous for You

Page 6

by Antonia, Anna

  I tried not to pout that I didn’t at least get a spanking or a hair tug.

  Later when we finally settled for bed, we curled into each other. Our conversation drifted about in soft whispers.

  “Are you disappointed, Emma?”

  My head popped up. My gaze searched his in the darkness. “Why would I be disappointed?”

  “Because I promised you a date where we’d go shopping, have lunch, go to a museum, have dinner, see a show, go out for drinks, and then bed. Where we’d then fall asleep after an hour or two of vigorous sex.”

  “Didn’t we do it?”

  “Everything but the shopping and the show.”

  “What about the notebook you bought at the first gift shop we went to?”

  “Emma,” he drawled. “That’s not the kind of shopping I meant.”

  “I know. Still, thanks for the notebook.” I smiled sweetly. “And I did see a show.”

  “When?” Gabriel’s hand stroked my back.

  “Watching you all day today was better than any stage production I could’ve seen.”

  He became quiet for a bit. “I’m not sure I how to take that, Emma.”

  “Watching you be happy made me happy.”

  “I’m always happy.”

  The darkness made it easier for him to lie. Still, I wasn’t going to prod and challenge him on it. Gabriel had a right to be vulnerable, to be human, and to have his secrets.

  “So am I—when I’m with you.”


  Looking back, I saw how much I wasted by remembering things strangely—distinct one minute, hazy the next. Naively, I didn’t think I’d have to commit every minute to memory because I thought I’d have an unlimited supply of time with my beloved.

  I wish I’d have never forgotten just how quickly a dream dies.


  “How are you surviving the day without me, my dearest love?”

  I swiveled in my chair and played with the end of the cord. Kevin was out to lunch, so I didn’t have to worry about keeping my voice down to a near-whisper. “I’m barely making it. How about you?”

  “The same.”

  “I wish we were still in D.C.”

  Gabriel sighed on the other end. “I wish we were still on vacation but my feet still need a rest. What was I thinking? I should’ve taken you to the beach instead.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh, remembering our trip and how much Gabriel complained about all the walking we did yesterday—while we were doing it. “Oh, my poor baby. You’re such a tenderfoot.”

  “Damn straight I am. You should’ve let me hire a car instead of making me march from one far flung site to another.”

  “That would’ve been completely impractical, Gabriel. You saw the traffic and how thick it was. We would’ve spent over half our trip inside the car.”

  “True, but—”

  I neatly cut off his whine. “Besides, we rode on the tour bus. Remember? That was fun.”


  It was, especially since we rode on a double-decker bus and sat at the top. “See, we didn’t walk as much as you say we did.”

  “Emma, you had us hop off more than we hopped on. You were actually pretty brutal with me. Are you sure you weren’t punishing me for some imagined slight, my girl?”

  “I would never!”

  “I’m not so sure.”

  “Tour bus—remember? We did that especially so you wouldn’t have to walk so much.”

  “I remember it differently than you because the tour bus didn’t negate the hundreds of miles we still had to walk yesterday. And those damned maps lied. It was at least two miles from the Metro Station to the Washington Monument and from there another three miles to the Lincoln Memorial.”

  “It was only about a mile.”

  In a fine huff, he continued as if I hadn’t spoken. “Not to mention the insane uphill trek we had to go through just to get to the White House, only to find out the regular entrance was blocked and we had to walk another bazillion miles out of the way.”

  I grinned, imagining the incensed fire in his eyes. “It wasn’t that long, Gabriel.”

  “Tell it to my feet! How am I supposed to be the mighty, fearsome Gabriel Gordon, master closer of deals, if I’m hobbling into the board room?”

  Pitching my voice softly, I asked, “You didn’t have any fun yesterday, Gabriel?”

  My darling lover took the bait just as I trusted he would. “I wouldn’t say that at all, baby. I’d walk on lava if I had to—as long as you were by my side.”

  This man melted me. Completely.

  “You say the sweetest things.”

  I could hear the preening in his voice. “I know. I’m a veritable bowl of chocolate.”

  “Hmm, that you are.”

  “Are you ready for lunch?”

  “Not quite.”


  Oh no. There it was. The imperious tone of a boy-king who didn’t like his favorite toy not being available for his pleasure. “Kevin is out to lunch.”

  “The analyst on the other side of you.”

  “Mmm, that’s right.”

  “So you have to stay until he gets back just in case the boss needs something.”


  Gabriel huffed. I knew what was coming. Picking up the framed picture of us that my love had presented to me that morning, I smiled and waited to hear his newest way of getting me to turn in my resignation.

  “Emma, darling dear girl. You know if you worked for me you’d be free to have lunch whenever you wanted.”


  “Whenever, Emma. You wouldn’t be locked into your cubicle cage like this. You’d be a free range employee. You’d be free to eat with me. Let me help you, my girl. All it will take is one call. Just one.”

  “You absolutely are a bowl of chocolate. Super sweet.”

  “I live to set you free.”

  I giggled at my boyfriend’s melodrama. “But…”

  “No! No buts.”

  “Yes buts.”

  “Emma. Emma. Emma.”

  “Gabriel. Gabriel. Gabriel.”

  “You’re going to give in, Emma, sooner or later.”

  I brought the frame up and kissed the smiling photo representation of my Gabriel straight on the mouth. Quickly looking over my shoulder to make sure no one passing by saw me, I did it again.


  “I’m still here.”

  “So you are. Your silence proves me right, Emma. I can’t wait until you begin work officially as my muse.”

  “I’m afraid to tell you—”

  “Then don’t.”

  “That you’re going to be waiting a very, very long time.”

  “Ooh, surely not.” Gabriel sighed and then said, “Today’s match is a draw.”

  “Isn’t it always? Really, when are you going to quit? You know I’m not leaving Med-Tech for anything.”

  He chuckled, laughter sliding over me like warm honey. “You don’t think I’d let a little thing like failure get in my way again, do you?”

  I highly suspected he wasn’t addressing the present circumstances but rather our past. If that was true, then I was absolutely in danger of becoming his muse. “Hmm, I guess not.”

  We chatted a couple of more minutes before Gabriel made me promise I’d call him back the very minute Kevin got back from his lunch. “And remember, Emma, I’ll know if you don’t.”

  I put the picture frame back onto my desk, a little harder than necessary. “Gabriel, your security guards and building cameras have more important things to do than watch for Kevin Lewis.”

  “Not when it comes to you, Emma.”

  I sighed and shook my head, knowing Gabriel’s implacability on certain points—namely our lunches. “Fine. I’ll call you when he gets back.”

  “You’ll call me the minute he gets back.”

  “Yes, yes.”

  “Say it.”

  “I already did.”

>   “Emma…” he drawled, voice low and sexy with a thread of warning shot through for extra spice. It worked me so easily.

  “I’ll call you the minute Kevin gets here. Now I’m sure you’re probably pretty busy right now so…”

  “Emma, you’re not just trying to get me off the phone, are you?”


  “Good. I love you, Emma.”

  “I love you too, Gabriel.”

  “I look forward to your call, baby.”

  “Yes, Sir. Goodbye, Gabriel.” I set the phone down and stood up, saucy grin at the groan he gave just as we hung up. Who knew he’d have such a kink for one particular word?

  Or that I’d enjoy saying it as much as I did?

  Nervous energy ran through my body, much as it did every time I spoke, saw, or was anywhere near the same vicinity as Gabriel.

  I’m a goner for sure.

  I knew I was going to call Gabriel exactly as instructed. I also knew it was only further encouraging his tyrant behavior, but I didn’t give a damn.

  I was happy and happy wasn’t something I was going to sacrifice anymore.

  For anyone.

  Footsteps sounded. I perked up, half-smile affixed to my lips. Kevin’s sturdy frame rounded the corner.

  “Thanks for covering for me, Emma. Really appreciate it.”

  “It was no problem, Kevin.”

  He passed me a knowing glance on his way to his cubicle. “You probably should be on your way to see your young fellow.”

  I blanched. Gabriel didn’t do anything, did he?

  “I, um…” Blowing out a breath, I started again. “Why do you say that?”

  Kevin hung his coat on a hook. “You never miss lunch with your boyfriend, that’s why.”

  “Oh.” Relief washed through me. Gabriel wouldn’t have done anything to embarrass me in front of my colleagues, especially knowing how much my work meant to me. “I better get going then.”

  “That you do.”

  I gathered my things, reminding Kevin my phone would be on if he needed to get in contact with me, and then I left quickly while dialing my lover.


  “Hey, I barely made it but I managed to call right within the requested timeframe.”


  Gabriel sounded distracted. My walk slowed. “Is everything okay?”

  He hesitated. “Yes.” A tense moment of silence passed before he said, “My mother called.”

  “Oh.” Was this bad news?

  “She’d like to meet us both for lunch. Today. Now actually.”

  His clear discomfort automatically raised my guard. I fought against my natural inclination of immediately thinking the worst. “Hold on, Gabriel.”

  “Emma, fuck! That came out wrong. I’m sorry—”

  “No! It’s okay. Honest. I just wanted to wait until I was outside of the office before I said anything else. Give me another minute…” I waved at our receptionist David and then was out the door. The hallway, thankfully empty, would give me a bit of privacy. “Okay, tell me what you need from me, Gabriel.”

  “I’d like us to see her.”

  “Okay. I’m ready.”

  “Okay. That’s it? Truly?” The relief was palpable in his tone. “You don’t mind?”

  “Why would I mind?” I knew the answer as soon as I asked the question.

  He’s trying to keep me away from anything I’d see as uncomfortable—which usually has to do with his background and money. Family too?

  I closed my eyes and leaned against the wall. I’d done so much to make Gabriel unsure of me, of my acceptance of him. If only I’d known that in trying to protect myself over all these years, I’d also inflict so much damage to someone who only wanted to love me.

  I’m sorry, Gabriel. I’m going to do everything I can to make it up to you.

  “I know this is short notice and all.”

  “Nope. I’m free for as long as you need me…well, before I have to be back at work that is.”

  “You’re a doll. I’ll be right down.”

  “See you.” I pocketed my phone and waited by the elevator. Guilt colored the edges of my contentment. I thought about how Gabriel felt he had to hide his truths from me because I’d shown him nothing but rejection.

  It made me feel unlovable, judgmental, and an outright witch. Although I felt I’d come a bit of a way concerning my insecurity, I knew it was right there waiting for me to slip up.

  I tried not to give thought to Embry or her accusations, but moments like these easily brought her words to the surface of discontent.

  “Why are you worth so much to him? You don’t even know who Gabriel really is and you’re too blind to ever see it!”

  I always thought it was just about Gabriel’s sexual subtleties I had to navigate. I damned near driven myself crazy just a short week ago, thinking I had to turn myself inside out or I’d never be able to be with my lover. Just when I thought I had it…

  “Why the frown, buttercup?”

  I smiled, hurriedly throwing my doubts over a railing. “What frown? See—I’m all grins for you.”

  Gabriel enfolded my hand in his. “Don’t be nervous, baby. My mother is one of the sweetest women in the world. And I’m not just saying that because I’m her son either. Family doesn’t get an automatic pass with me, just so you know.”

  I kissed his cheek. “How can I be nervous when you’re right here with me?”

  Surprised that I’d initiated the PDA between us during office hours, Gabriel considered me with a thoughtful frown. “Hmm.”

  “Don’t ‘hmm’ me, Gabriel. Not when I broke my own rules and kissed you in front of my office.”

  “Well in that case…I think I’m in need of another kiss, baby. How about right here this time?” He tapped his mouth for good measure.

  I leaned forward and pecked him quickly. “How was that?”

  “Stingy, but I’ll take it.”

  And with that we took the elevator to the garage so that Gabriel could drive us to the restaurant. Traffic was heavier than usually but we still managed to get there within ten minutes. Hopefully we’d be served quickly because I really didn’t want to have to run out on my very first meeting with Mrs. Gordon.

  “You sure you’re not nervous?” he asked once again before we entered the restaurant.

  “Of course I am. But this is important to you both so it’s important to me.”

  “You don’t think we’re moving too fast? I mean, I am introducing you to my mother.”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never met anyone’s parents.” I wished I’d bitten my tongue instead of sharing that particular tidbit. I really wasn’t ready for Gabriel to know I’d never had a boyfriend until now.

  “Really? How rude of your past lovers.” Although he said it lightly, I could hear the thread of irritation in his voice.

  I smiled the mysterious smile of my gender, saying everything and nothing all at once.

  Gabriel gave me a sharp glance before letting his expression melt. I suddenly wished I hadn’t kept my lackluster love life a secret—all for two seconds.

  He’d never let me live it down. He’d swear I was pining for him for seven years. Which might have been the truth, but this is one thing he doesn’t need to know. Really.

  I squeezed his hand once. “Ready, Mr. Gordon?”

  “Absolutely, Ms. Adams.”

  We were shown to our table, only to see Mrs. Gordon was already there. Still stunningly attractive and dressed in a figure-forming white dress with a fitted black jacket, she looked as if she could be Gabriel’s sister and not his mother. Her eyes were the same light shade as Gabriel’s and I suspected he also got his smile from her.

  His mother looks like a little doll. She’s so, so pretty.

  She stood up with a genuine smile, confirming my suspicion of where my lover’s devastating grin came from, and reached out to hug her only child, leaving the faint imprint of a kiss on his cheek. “Gabriel! I’m so g
lad you could fit me into your busy schedule.”

  “I’m never too busy for you, Mama.”

  I was surprised to hear the sweet title for his mother because I called mine “Mom” for as long as I remembered. It just went to show how obviously close they were with one another.

  Gabriel’s petite mother turned to me with a wide smile. She reached out and held my hands in hers. “Emma, I’m so happy to meet you. Truly.”

  “It’s a pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Gordon.”

  “Please call me Marie.”

  When the name rolled off my tongue a little hesitantly, Marie’s eyes glittered merrily. Nervous, I tried again. “Thank you so much for inviting me to your lunch with Gabriel, Marie.”

  “It’s my pleasure, Emma. After all, my son has been madly in love with you since he was in high school. I can’t even count how many times I heard your name. It’s only about time that I finally get to meet you.”

  “Mama! Please wait to embarrass me until we’ve all at least sat down!” Gabriel groaned comically.

  “Then I suppose we should take our seats then?” she answered all sugar and spice.

  Gabriel gracefully pulled back our chairs at the same time, obviously wanting to give both of us respect but not at the loss of the other. Admittedly, I felt the flutters in my stomach grow at this point. Gabriel obviously loved his mother to bits and while he loved me as well, if Marie and I didn’t get along—where would that leave him?

  Ah, now I emotionally understand a bit more of why meeting someone’s parents is such a big deal. Everything can fall apart once family gets involved.

  Thankfully, it didn’t seem to be a bridge he’d have to cross anytime soon. Marie, with her smooth unlined face and pale shoulder-length hair, was as lovely towards me as she was beautiful. She had an easy way about her, seemingly putting me at ease without my being aware of it.

  Perhaps this is where my golden boy also got his charm?

  I looked over at Gabriel and my heart nearly clenched with a sweet pang. He seemed so happy and younger than usual. Relaxed. Gabriel caught my gaze and winked.

  I’d watched enough T.V. to expect a polite interrogation starting with “So, Emma, tell me a bit about yourself.” So I was more than pleasantly surprised to find Marie didn’t ask me the typical questions of background, employment, and hobbies.


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