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Dangerous for You

Page 8

by Antonia, Anna

  I frowned and then quickly smoothed my face into a pleasant expression.

  “Ha! I saw that. The truth is all over your face. Go ahead, love. Try to deny it. No? I didn’t think so.” He smirked and waggled his finger. “Your move, Ms. Adams.”

  I crossed my arms and then re-crossed them. Finally I sighed. “How did you know?”

  “Because, my dearest, I know you.” He threw a glance at the stove. “I also find it convenient that you started cooking chili when you’re supposed to be getting ready.”

  “What?” I tugged at my tank top. “I am ready.”

  Gabriel nodded quickly as he stood up. He walked into the kitchen a couple of seconds later and joined me at the stove. “Baby, you could wear a sack and make it look delicious, but I think the pajama bottoms really don’t say ‘boutique shopping.’ You know what I mean?”

  “Fine. But you know my chili will be ruined if we leave now.”

  “Wrong.” Gabriel ducked into his pantry and brought out a large cooker. “I already read the manual, Emma. You can put the chili in this and we can still eat it tonight.”

  “Honey! You bought a crock pot!”

  Gabriel puffed his chest out. I giggled again, charmed by his boyish delight. He cleared a spot on the counter and plugged it in. Quickly, Gabriel poured the chili into the crock pot and pushed a button. “Did I do it right, Professor Adams?”

  I peeked around his arm. “Perfectly.”

  “Wonderful.” Gabriel turned around and crossed his arms. “Now, Emma. Where are my boots?”

  I sighed and pushed off the counter. “Under the bed. The first place you should’ve looked, by the way.”

  “Now why ever would I look there?”

  “It’s the most obvious, isn’t it?” I called over my shoulder as I walked down the hall. Once I reached the bed, I neatly plucked his large boots out from under it. “Here you are. Happy?”

  “Very much so. You know these are my happy boots. I can’t help but feel a springy step each time I wear them.” Gabriel accepted his footwear with a flawless bow. “Thank you, madam. You’re so very kind.”

  I curtsied. “Will the young master require anything else?”

  “A massage. Naked.” He added hastily after I raised my brow archly, “Right. But not at the moment. We’ll save that for tonight.”

  Shaking my head, I left the room. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “Hey! Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to get changed since someone who shall remain nameless—no, scratch that. Someone by the name of Mr. Bossy Pants is making me change out of my very comfortable clothing.” I raised my voice louder and louder the closer I got to the door.

  “Mr. Bossy Pants, huh? I’m afraid I haven’t made his acquaintance yet, Emma. You really should introduce us one day, but obviously not today since we’re going shopping for your new dress. Oh! And shoes too. And a new purse. And definitely some new earrings. And a necklace. Probably a bracelet too. I know just the jeweler for this…”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I picked up my purse off the dining room table and rifled through it for my keys. I couldn’t very well tell Gabriel to ease off the jewelry since I told him I’d accept his money along with him

  Besides, we both uncovered my secret lust for sparklies in D.C. Hell, Gabriel called it the first time he bought me shoes. I had to admit I felt a little giddy just thinking about lovely, lovely jewels.

  “Don’t take too long, my girl, or I’ll have to come find you. And you know how needy I am, Emma. You leave me to my own devices and who knows what I’m liable of doing?”

  “God knows that’s the truth,” I muttered with one hand on the door.

  “What was that, Emma?” Gabriel called out in a sing-song voice.

  “Nothing! I’ll be back.”

  To think I had a lifetime to get used to Gabriel’s high-handed ways. I should’ve been aggravated instead of walking towards my apartment with a goofy grin plastered across my face.

  Once in my bedroom, I rifled through my small wardrobe and picked out a lightweight dress, figuring it would be easier to try on other dresses if I didn’t have to take off too much. Remembering how I had to undress in front of the shop girl, I decided to slip on prettier underwear.

  I had just sat on my bed and put on my ballet flats when Gabriel let himself in my apartment.

  “Gabriel! I haven’t been gone that long!”

  “You were gone long enough.” Gabriel plopped on the bed next to me and rested his head on my shoulder. “Don’t tell me you didn’t miss me as much as I missed you.”

  “You’re unbelievably needy—”


  “And have no respect for normal boundaries—”

  “Definitely true.”

  “And you make me scared thinking what will happen to you when I’m no longer here for you—”

  “Oh, you mean when you die sixty years from now? If I survive your initial passing, I’ll just have to climb into your coffin too.”

  I ruffled his hair. “You’re hopeless.”

  “And in love with you? Absolutely.”

  “How did you build a billion-dollar net worth again?” I kissed the top of his head.

  “Well, I had to do something to pass the time until I found you again.”

  “I thought I found you. Sort of. On accident. You know what I mean.”

  Gabriel waved his hand lazily. “Let’s not quibble over details.” He looked me over once. “You look nice, Emma.”

  “Now you get another kiss for that.” I pressed my lips against his soft hair and squeezed his wide shoulders. “And an extra for being so sweet.” I kissed him again and Gabriel hugged my waist.

  “I’d love to sit here and let you kiss my head all night long. You’re becoming such a bad influence on me, Emma.”

  I shoved him off me with a bark of outraged laughter. “I’m a bad influence on you? Come again?”

  “You heard me.” Gabriel smiled angelically while leaning back on the bed. “Are you ready to go, my little cat? Or do you want to hiss and spit at me some more?”

  “Unbelievable.” I stood up, shaking my head with my hands on my hips. “I’m a series of pets for you, aren’t I?”

  “Very true. I can’t decide if I like the bunny or the cat in you better.”

  “You’re unbelievable.”

  “So you’ve said twice.” He buffed his nails against his collar and then held his hand out, examining his nails. “Admit it, Emma. You love it. You’d love it more if I bought you a pair of ears and a tail too.”

  “I admit nothing.” Tugging on his arm, I tried to get him to stand up to no avail. Gabriel watched me with a lazy grin dancing across his lips. The more I pulled the wider it got. He was like stone, immobile, no matter how firmly I planted my feet.

  Before I could complain, Gabriel suddenly stood up and lifted at me over his shoulder. I let out a scream. “What are you doing? Let me down!”

  “Nah! Don’t feel like it.” He kept his arm firmly against my thighs, making sure that my dress was tucked securely in place before setting off.

  I lifted up and saw him pick up my purse from where he must’ve left it on the breakfast bar. “Uh, Gabriel? You’re seriously not going to walk out of here with me over your shoulder like a sack, are you?”

  “You’re not a sack, baby. You’re a spoil of war.”

  “What war?”

  “The one where you tried to out-tease me.”

  “I did no such thing!” I yelped when his free hand came down hard on my behind.

  “Yes, you did but you lost. Who knows? Maybe next time you’ll have a better showing. You are learning from a master, after all.”


  “Yes, Emma?”

  “One day I will out-tease you.”

  Gabriel paused at the front door. “I look forward to the challenge.”

  “Can you put me down now? Pretty please?”

  He considered it for a mom
ent and than replied, “Nah. I need to parade you throughout the town so everyone will know you’re my spoils.”

  I rolled my eyes. He was such a silly man, but I wouldn’t have him any other way.



  “A little.” I looked out the window, waiting for the limo to pull up to the front and let us out.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”

  I turned to Gabriel and smiled. “Oh, about seven or eight times.”

  “That’s all? I’m going to have to change that. It should’ve been at least a hundred by now.”

  My fingers straightened his black tie, not because it was necessarily crooked but for something to occupy my attention versus the blasted nervousness running through my veins like a live current.

  “I’m glad you picked the red versus the blue. It suits you perfectly, Emma.”

  I smoothed my hands over my knees, tugging the dress here and there. Long and flowing, much like the gown I wore at the benefit except this one tied at one shoulder in an intricate knot, the dress demanded attention through fit and shade.

  Which I wasn’t exactly comfortable with.

  “It’s a bold color, bolder than I usually wear. Lately I’ve been wearing it with you though.”

  “I know. That’s why I’m glad you picked it.”

  “You know I only got it because you liked the color.”

  “It’s the color of passion. The color of us.” Gabriel’s gaze focused on my mouth, darkening with yearning and hunger. “I’ll have to send you dozens of red roses tomorrow.”


  “Just because I like you in red.”

  Smiling, I resisted the urge to check my compact to see if the matching crimson lipstick was still in place and not smeared all over my teeth. Only the fact that I’d already checked it five times already in nearly as many minutes stayed my hand.

  “How do you like your first set of jewels, Emma?” he asked abruptly, voice rough and low.

  He wants me. God, it’s so erotic to know that.

  I lightly touched the large ruby pendant, voice gone soft and breathy. “They’re beautiful, Gabriel. I love them.”

  “I’m going to enjoy showing you off tonight. It will be the bright spot of my evening.” Gabriel’s hand closed over mine, effectively halting my nervous movements.

  “Are you going to show me off like a poodle?”

  “Nah, you’re not high strung enough to be a poodle.” He cocked his head and studied me. “Maybe more like a Chow Chow. You’ve got that steely stare and quiet demeanor that never lets one know if you’re going to lick someone’s hand or bite it off.”

  “Thanks. I think.”

  “No, you’re right to thank me. It was a compliment for sure. I’ve never cared for poodles.”

  Gabriel winked audaciously, gifting me with his gleaming grin that instantly put me at ease. I leaned closer to kiss him before stopping with a small sigh. I couldn’t smooch him as long as I still wore my dark lipstick.

  “I’m going to be so glad when I get to scrub this stuff off my mouth.”

  “I can help you with that, Emma. You can leave a trail of kisses all over my body—seriously. I won’t mind.”

  The limo stopped at the entrance before I could lob back a reply. It was time. I tensed up, touching the side of my head and hoping my upswept hairstyle was still as well done as it was when I left the salon. It was something I’d arranged on my own, not wanting to rely solely on Gabriel for my appearance.

  While it wasn’t as easy-going as having Marie’s girls work on me, the stylist had done a beautiful job. I’d also sent a picture of myself to Gretchen to which she’d promptly replied:

  Lovely, lovely. Happy to see you happy. Have fun with your gentleman. xoxo

  I loved Gretchen’s sense of repetition. Sometimes I wondered if she was aware of her verbal OCD.

  I wished she were here to see me all dolled up. That and give me a boost of confidence.

  “Breathe, Emma. It’s going to be more than fine. I daresay you’ll even have fun tonight.”

  “I know, I know.” I laughed nervously. “I’m not sure when I’ll stop being worried about stuff like this.”

  “Considering I’ll be taking you to many more events, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of practice.” Gabriel picked up my hand and kissed the back of it sweetly. “You have a place in this world too, Emma. Don’t ever let anyone try to make you feel otherwise.”

  My gaze softened with love. “At your side?”

  He nodded. “That’s right. As long as you’re here with me, nothing will ever happen. Promise. If someone gives you evil eye then I’ll blacken it. And if it’s a girl who evil eyes you…then I’ll come up with something suitably nasty in a non-violent way.”

  “Ooh, bloodthirsty yet civilized. Bravo!”

  He leaned closer until his mouth hovered right over mine. “When it comes to you? Absolutely.”

  “You’re a man of many faces, Gabriel. I don’t think I’ve seen this one yet.”

  “You like?” he asked with a shameless waggle of his brows.

  “I definitely like.”

  “Kiss me and prove it.”

  “My lipstick will smear.”

  “Kiss me anyways.” Gabriel closed his eyes and puckered up. He made loud kissy noises until I gave in and lightly pecked him on the lips. “Aww, that’s it?”

  “That’s it, Gordon.”

  Huffing, Gabriel straightened up and grumbled, “Fine, Adams. You’re so stingy.” He smoothed his thumb over his lips, catching the tiny amount of paint and wiping it clean.

  I was still laughing when Waylon opened the door and held his hand out. I took it without hesitation and exited the limo as smoothly as if I’d done it my whole life. Murmuring my thanks to our driver, I waited for Gabriel to tuck my arm in his.

  “Ready for the ballet, baby?” Gabriel’s sparkling smile touched the milling people around us, inspiring them to return his nonverbal greeting.

  “I’m ready to see your mother again.”

  “Nice deflection.” We walked up the carpeted stairs, Gabriel nodding to the people he recognized and smiling at the ones he didn’t.

  “Where is your mother? I’m surprised she didn’t ride with us.”

  “She came here on her own.”


  “She wanted to give the lovebirds privacy. Too bad we didn’t take advantage of it with a romp in the limo, huh?”

  Once inside I expected us to sit in the main seating, perhaps close to the front, but instead we were escorted up a roped off staircase. Several steps down a dimly-lit corridor and then we were shown to a door. Behind which was apparently the Gordon box.


  “I see that look, darling.”

  “What?” I whispered. “I’m impressed even though I’m not surprised. It’s…”


  “It’s typical over-the-top Gabriel Gordon.”

  He whistled. “Then you won’t be surprised when I show you my little boat or my quaint cottage by the sea.”

  The usher opened up the door with a murmured “Enjoy the show.”

  Gabriel shook his hand. I noticed a flash of green pass between them when Marie stood up and greeted us. Her joy was infectious. “Gabriel! Emma! I’m so glad to see you both made it.”

  Releasing my hand, he strode into the small room, hugged his mother, and then kissed her powdered cheek. “We wouldn’t miss it for the world, Mama.”

  I stood back, suddenly shy at how warm and affectionate they were with each other. I never doubted my mother’s love, but somewhere between her long work hours and my intense focus on school, hugs and kisses weren’t as common as they should’ve been.

  I need to make sure I give my mom an especially long hug next time I see her.

  Gabriel held out his hand. “Come closer, Emma. I can barely see you in the dark.” His teasing inspired smiles in all of us. I joined his side and
he immediately slipped a possessive arm around me. “Doesn’t Emma look especially beautiful tonight, Mama?”

  Marie agreed while she took my hand in greeting. “I love that color on you, Emma. You look so regal.”

  “Thank you.” I hesitated a beat before saying, “Your dress is spectacular, Marie.”

  The voluminous emerald skirt emphasized her tiny waist while the black bodice tastefully showcased her décolletage. The velvet wrap added another level of glamour. Gabriel’s mother truly looked like an exquisite doll. I tried hard not to stare, but she was so beautiful it was hard to ignore.

  “You’re so sweet, Emma. No wonder my son is smitten with you.”

  I blushed and murmured something appropriate.

  “Mama, don’t embarrass us both. My Emma is very shy, can’t you tell?”

  She laughed softly. “I’ll try but it seems to be hardwired into mothers to embarrass our children at least once a day. Which apparently includes their girlfriends.”

  The lights dimmed several times, an indicator we should take our seats. Soon I forgot all about my blushes as the orchestral program began. The next hour flew as fast as the dancers leapt and twirled onstage, plumed in brightly colored costumes that made me wish I’d worn a tutu at least once. I exchanged glances of admiration with Marie as we both were swept up in the retelling of Romeo and Juliet.

  “You look like you’ve gotten ballet-fever,” Marie whispered during a lull. “I’m afraid there’s no cure other than to continue coming to performances.”

  “I think you’re right.”

  She patted my hand. “I’ll go with you when Gabriel can’t. Which will probably be more often than not considering he doesn’t really like the ballet.”

  “I can hear you, Mama.”

  We giggled softly together, conspirators.

  I almost groaned aloud in disappointment when the intermission came. Turning to Gabriel, I gushed, “I’m so glad I came tonight! I’ve never seen anything this exciting!”

  Before he could answer the door opened. We looked over in curiosity. Gabriel’s arm tensed beneath my fingers and Marie immediately rose to her feet. My mouth parted in surprise.


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