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Dangerous for You

Page 12

by Antonia, Anna

  Keri jumped to her feet, girlish grin plastered on her pretty face. “Mr. Gordon, it’s so good to see you. I see you found Ms. Adams with no problems.”

  What? Oh, so that’s who was on the phone.

  Gabriel avoided my subtle but outraged look. “Hello, Keri. I trust everything is running smoothly under your capable command?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I shot Gabriel another look. Ridiculous as it might seem and knowing how my love reacted when I said it, I considered that three-letter word mine. Jealously so.

  Amusement glittered as he shot a gloating look back at me. “Good. Apparently, my girlfriend needs to check out. Can you take care of that for us?” Gabriel then gestured to Jason. “By the way, your coworker caught us.”

  “Caught you?” Keri’s adorable face scrunched into an uneasy frown.

  “Caught us with banned substances.” Gabriel held up the half-eaten cinnamon bun. Keri giggled at his woeful expression.

  “There’s no food allowed in the facility.”

  I winced hearing Jason’s unyielding reiteration. Surely Gabriel’s patience was about to run out.

  Keri apparently thought the same because she said meaningfully, “Jason, this is Mr. Gordon. He owns the whole building.”

  Before Jason finished stammering out an apology, Gabriel mused, “You remind me so much of someone I know.” He shook his head. “Rules, rules, rules! Do they never end? No. You have my sympathy.” He rolled his eyes and whisked me out to the whispered sounds of “Oh shit! I didn’t know he was the boss man, Keri!”

  “You’re lucky he didn’t fire your ass.”

  We left the gym and walked to the elevator hand in hand. “You’re not going to fire him, are you?”

  “For doing his job? Of course not. Oh, you mean for not knowing who I am and kissing my ass? Double of course not. He takes his job seriously and I respect that.”

  “Keri knew.”

  “Knew what?”

  “Who you were.”

  Gabriel stopped abruptly. He bent down until his lips were scant inches away from mine. “Is that jealousy I hear, Emma?”

  My chin lifted. “It’s an observation.”

  “Yes, well. She should know me since I hired her.”

  “I see.”

  We arrived at the elevator. Gabriel pushed the button and we waited. “Do you really?”

  “I do.”

  “But you’re still a little suspicious?”

  “No, not really.” I meant it. Apparently, Gabriel believed me.

  “Then why is your beautiful face so glum?”

  I sighed, a tad forlornly. “Because I spent all this time running around and you got me so hot.”

  “That sounds like a good thing to my ear.”

  “Yes, but we’re now so far away from your bed.”

  Gabriel smiled like the handsome devil he was. “In that case…” He pushed another button for the elevator. “Up we go.”


  “You’ll see.”


  A couple of minutes later I found my legs really were made of jelly. I also was thoroughly convinced that my lover was indeed a sadist. I wanted him to take me to bed and he decided to give me a heart attack instead.

  Plastered against a wall, I watched in mounting terror as Gabriel walked along a path cutting through and across an infinity edge pool. While the execution of the design was jaw-dropping, there was a huge flaw that kept me from fully appreciating the view.

  Namely, the lack of railing to keep Gabriel from falling forty stories.

  A biting wind whipped through in bursts, making it hard to believe we weren’t just going to be plucked and tossed off the private terrace at any moment.

  Unperturbed at how close to death he was, Gabriel strolled along the edge of the pool. He stopped and ran a hand through his golden hair. It shone like a beacon in the setting sun, bringing imaginations to my fevered mind of fallen angels and pagan gods. When he turned his perfect face up to the darkened sky I half-expected him to take one step off the edge before taking flight.

  Beautiful. He’s always so damned beautiful.

  My fascination slowly brought me away from the wall. I wandered past the plush outdoor seating, fire pit, and potted greenery. “Be careful, Gabriel.”

  He threw me a glance full of grace and wickedness. “I’m more than fine, love.” He crooked his finger. “Why don’t you join me and see for yourself?”

  Realization of exactly how far I’d moved away from my safety zone hit me hard. My legs locked up and I couldn’t take another step. I wanted to come closer but I just couldn’t.

  “No, I believe you.”

  My answer and obvious paralysis amused him. “Come on, Emma. Don’t tell me you’re afraid of heights.”

  It was difficult to swallow past the enormous lump clogging my throat. “Only sometimes and only when there’s no railing. Gabriel, why don’t you come over here?” I called out in a raspy whisper, hoping my words hadn’t been whisked away without even being heard.

  “Oh, because this is much more fun. Aren’t you even the slightest bit curious, baby?”

  “No, I’m good here. Really.”

  He laughed and rocked back on his heels. I rushed forward to yank him back before once more freezing in place when he stopped. “Gabriel, please be careful.”

  My golden boy walked along the edge, hands in pockets, as if he was simply strolling along the sidewalk 400 hundred feet down below. “You know I used to come out here all the time. It was the best place for me to get away and clear my head.”

  “Why’d you stop?”

  His kissable lips curled into an unrepentant grin. “Because I’ve had my mind full of a certain girl who’s the love of my life. Why would I want to clear her away?”

  I blushed, momentarily forgetting how scared I was being up this high.

  “You know my penthouse isn’t much lower than this. You weren’t scared then.”

  “That’s because there’s a wall to keep us from going splat.”

  “There’s a safety net here.”

  “Really?” I perked up only to be dashed.

  “Well, of sorts. More like another narrow balcony below this floor. We’d probably break our arms and legs but at least we’d survive. Does that give you a little more comfort, Emma?”

  I shook my head.

  “Really? That’s too bad. The view here truly is magnificent.” Gabriel turned away, giving me his profile. His face relaxed, eyes becoming heavy-lidded with pleasure.

  Mesmerized, I sank to the ground and curled my legs beneath me. My fingertips dipped into the pool’s cool water as I stared at him. Gabriel stood there at the edge of the world, completely removed from fear. I envied him because deep down inside I’d always been influenced and controlled by my fear.

  Gabriel glided forward. He came down the middle of the pool, steps clicking rhythmically in the lull of silence. “I can see it in your eyes, Emma. You want to see what I see, don’t you?”

  “How did you know?”

  “Because I spent years watching you. I know that look.” He stopped, beautifully attired body standing halfway between me and the building’s ledge. “Do you trust me, Emma?”

  My answer took no time coming. “Yes.”

  “Do you trust me to keep you safe?”

  This time my gaze bounced from his hand to the ground and to the sky beyond. “I do, but—”

  “No. Don’t explain further.” Gabriel stood perfectly still. The dying sun cast his hair in a halo. “I want you to come to me, Emma.”

  I inhaled deeply, trying to muster the strength to stem my beating heart. “I’d like to.”

  “So do it.” Gabriel crouched down. He held his hand out. “You can crawl if you’d like, Emma. No one will see. We’re up higher than the other buildings around us. It’s just you and me.”

  “Crawl like a kitty?”

  “Only if you’d like.”

  I licked my lips. “
Would you like to see me crawl to you?”

  “I’d enjoy it—yes.”

  “Is that the purpose of this?”

  Gabriel cocked his head. Pride flitted across his face. “My clever girl. There’s usually a purpose in everything I do, but when it comes to you…” He stopped, seemingly searching for the right answer. “Yes, there’s a purpose. Two of them in fact. I’ll tell you one—I want you to trust me enough to know I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”

  “Gravity says differently.”

  “Gravity will get sued into the next millennia if it even thinks to interfere up here.”

  “Gabriel…” I giggled.

  “I’m not joking, Emma. My lawyers are a bloodthirsty group. They live for courtroom carnage.” Once our laughter died down he asked, “Which shall it be? Walk or crawl?”

  “I don’t suppose you can come a little bit closer first?”

  “Sorry, my love. That defeats the purpose of this exercise.”

  I looked beyond him, seeing the skyline surrounding us. I did want to see it. Taking a deep breath, I rose on my knees and placed my hands on the concrete. It was rough but not rough enough to encourage me to stand up.

  I took one step, as it were, and then another. And then another still. I didn’t look down or think about the potential humiliation of being found like this. I merely focused on Gabriel’s eyes, letting them draw me closer. My mind was blank but for him. I barely remembered the circumstances that led me here.

  All I cared about was reaching him, to being welcomed into his embrace and never, ever letting go.

  Once I got to Gabriel, he instantly gave me what I wanted. Enfolding me in his strong arms, he hugged me tight. I pressed my face against his chest, breathing in his scent and hearing his heartbeat beneath my ear. All the tension seeped out of my body.

  “I love you so much for doing this. You’re my brave girl, Emma—the bravest one I’ve ever known.”

  I soaked in his praise, thirsting for more and delirious for hearing it at all.

  “Careful there, Emma. You’re looking at me like I’m some sort of god and you know I’m liable to let it go to my head.”

  I touched his cheek. “Maybe it’s because you are to me.”

  “Then it’s fitting considering you’re my goddess.” Gabriel brushed his mouth against mine, keeping his kiss chaste and sweet. “Can you stand up for me now?”

  “Help me?”

  Gabriel took my hands in his and helped me up to my feet. My legs wobbled a bit, but he patiently waited for me until I felt more stable. “Are you doing okay, Emma?”

  “Better than I thought I’d be.”

  He put his arm around my waist, securing me tighter against him. “You knew I’d want you to walk with me but you didn’t ask first before agreeing. That’s wonderful progress, Emma.”

  “I’m trying to let go. Be different.”

  “I know, baby, and you’re doing exceptionally well. But you know I don’t want you to change who you are, don’t you?”

  “I do. You want me to stretch my wings a bit.”


  “Let’s hope I don’t find out in the next few minutes that I really don’t have wings.”

  Gabriel leaned down and nipped the base of my throat. “You’re not going to fall, Adams.”

  “You’re willing to bet your fortune on that, Gordon?”

  “Down to the last dollar, pound, euro, and yen.”

  “Okay then. I’m completely in your hands.”


  I tightened my hold on his waist and whispered, “Yes.”

  “I’ve got you, Emma. I won’t let you fall, but before we go forward I want you to promise me that you won’t run if you get scared. Just stand in place, but don’t run—especially if we’re near the edge. Okay?”

  “Okay. I can do that.”

  Gabriel took one small step and waited for me to take one too. When we got closer to the edge, I had to stay in place for a couple of minutes. Gabriel merely nuzzled my temple and murmured soft encouragement in my ear.

  I wasn’t entirely sure of why it was so important to Gabriel for me to be able to do this, but because I didn’t want to let him down I inched forward until we were at the end of the wide walkway.

  From this vantage point, I could see we weren’t as close to death as it appeared from my initial spot against the wall. Still, the world stretched beneath our feet, beautiful and dangerous.

  “Breathe, Emma. Breathe and take it in.”

  I raised my head, not brave enough yet to face the danger, and instead focused on the beauty. Countless windows glimmered gold all around us, sparkling like jewelry, while cotton candy clouds stretched across the apricot sky above.

  It was…magical.

  The world expanded and contracted. We were alone, observing thousands of people who might as well have lived on another planet. I could hear them as a whisper on the wind. Euphoria tingled and the urge to creep closer and peek over the edge unfurled.

  “I can feel your heartbeat, Emma. Is this too much for you?”

  “No, not all.”

  It’s quickly becoming not enough.

  “Do you want to walk with me?”

  I nodded with jittery excitement.

  Gabriel looked at me a moment longer and smiled. “I knew you’d like it.”

  “Am I such an open book?”

  “My favorite kind and my favorite one.”

  We walked slowly along one edge before coming back to cross the pool. “Do you ever swim in it?”

  “It’s not deep enough to swim in, but I do put my feet in it sometimes.”

  “I’m trying to imagine that. You in your ridiculously expensive suits and how wrinkled your pants must get when you roll them up.”

  Gabriel chuckled. “I’m sure I look silly. Still, it’s a great way to shock myself awake especially when my work stretches late into the night.”

  “Did I take you away from it today with my ill-planned escapade?”

  “No, you didn’t. Luckily for me you caught me in a lull.”

  “I didn’t know you had those.”

  “They come often enough, thank God.”

  I laughed and mused, “I bet Rick’s been up here plenty of times to catch you playing hooky.”

  “Oh, you know me so well, Ms. Adams.” Gabriel attacked my neck with a butterfly kisses.

  I turned into him, giggling and unable to keep myself from wanting more.

  “I don’t think a lifetime will be long enough to know you, Mr. Gordon.”

  “Then we’ll spend as many lifetimes as it takes.”

  “You’re such a romantic, Gabriel.”

  His steps slowed. Pulling me in front of him, Gabriel turned us both back around. We looked back from where we came from, setting sun and night sky quickly swallowing the light.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” he whispered against my shoulder.

  “It’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen in a long time.” My burning gaze communicated he was first. “Gabriel?”

  “Yes, my dearest love?”

  “I’m not scared anymore.”

  He touched the sensitive spot beneath my ear with his lips. “I know.”

  Thoughts of Lucas and Embry tainted my peace. I ripped through them, deciding we could talk about what happened at the ballet later.

  Tonight belonged to us.

  We stood there for a while, moving to the chaise only when the stars shone faintly beyond the reach of the city sky.

  Gabriel held me in his arms, speaking of the future and the brood of children we were sure to have but only after we married most lavishly.

  “I never pictured myself married.”

  “Well, I should hope not.” He answered my silent question with “Considering our reconnection you would’ve imagined someone other than me in the role of groom. Completely unacceptable!”

  “You’re so haughty, my lord Gordon, considering you weren’t so far
from the altar yourself.”

  Gabriel made a noise somewhat between a cross of a growl and a sigh. “Emma, do you think you might forget all about that in a year?”


  “Five years?”



  “You wish.”

  “Fifty. Surely fifty years will be long enough?”

  I considered it, finger tapping against my chin. “I might forget your name by then so it’s possible.”

  “What a mean, spiteful thing to say. That’s it! You’ve finally crossed the line, Ms. Adams.” Gabriel hauled my wriggling form over his lap and tossed my fluttery skirt over my waist. His large hand landed hotly over my flesh. I arched up, feebly struggling just to put up some sort of fight. Gabriel wasn’t having it.

  “Lay still.”

  I grasped his strong thigh and gave myself over to the rhythmic strikes. Stretching across the smudged lines of pain and release, I worked towards that beautifully clear space where I lost all worry. Soon the constant noise in my head would lose volume and I’d feel I was completely Gabriel’s.

  Trusting him to dole out my punishment, to see me so vulnerable, truly had become the greatest intimacy I’d ever shared with anyone. My pride was such that I’d never let anyone see me in pain, but Gabriel was and had always been my glorious exception.

  “Running away from me…driving like a maniac…being absolutely rude on the phone…all those transgressions against me are enough to merit this, Emma, really. But the absolute worse thing you’ve done today…the thing that I simply cannot allow to pass is the suggestion you’d ever forget my name.”

  “It’s not like I’d… it on purpose.”

  “I must not be doing my job if you can still speak.”

  I prepared myself for another stretch of spanks, knowing Gabriel didn’t let up until I was a gasping mess on his lap. Instead, Gabriel turned me over and kissed me roughly. I clung to him. My fingers tunneled through his hair, greedy to keep my lover as close as physically possible.

  His teeth scraped against my lip, soothing the sting with his tongue before doing it again. I moaned softly into Gabriel’s mouth, pleading for more. In response, his warm hands cupped my face firmly as he kissed me into liquid submission.


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