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I Love It: 10 Intense Stories to Keep the Passion Alive (Shameless Book Bundles 6)

Page 16

by Saffron Daughter

  “You’ve got it all wrong.”

  “I’ve got it right. You lied to me. You didn’t want me at that party, to even know about the awards. I’m not in your world, so I’m not good enough for you.” Not worthy of your love.

  Showing signs of his own frustration, Patrick pointed a finger at the picture and put his hand on his hip. “Now, wait a minute, that’s not what this is.”

  “Patrick, if it waddles like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s a fucking duck.” Close to bursting into tears and shaking with hurt and anger, Cate turned on her heel and stormed into the kitchen. Just looking at him made her heart bleed. Trying to keep the tears at bay, she gripped the sink and looked out at the rain pouring down her window.

  “This is bullshit. Absolute fucking bullshit.” Patrick slammed through the door and came to stand at her side. “Of course I wanted you there. It was one of the highlights of my professional career, a big fucking deal. You want to know why I didn’t ask you to come? Why I didn’t even tell you about it?”

  Cate turned her head and looked at him. The look of hurt on his face was still there under his anger.

  “I know how much you hate events like that. Plus, the fact that I knew Paul was going to be there. I didn’t want to pressure you into doing something you’re not comfortable with and risk losing you.”

  “You should have given me the choice” she seethed.

  Running a hand through his hair, Patrick let out a huff of frustration. “For fuck’s sake, I’m bending over backward here trying to do all the right things and all I get is this bullshit.”

  “Right things?” she shouted. Are you kidding me?

  “Shit. That’s not what I meant.” Tipping his head back, he expelled a deep breath. “What I meant was… You made it clear from the start you weren’t interested in pretty much any part of my social life. I don’t really give a damn about most of that shit. I’d rather spend my time with you. Curled up in bed, going to a movie or even chilling out here with my computer while you’re working. When I’m around you I’m happy. But, I have a high profile job. That means dinners with clients, media junkets and gala dinners. All those things I’ve done my best to avoid these last few months, but I can’t ignore them completely.”

  The pounding in her ears started again, but for a different reason as she listened to Patrick. Just how much had she made him change to be acceptable to her? She’d met a few of his friends, but mostly they hung out with hers or by themselves. He was the one that gave up the comfort of his own bed to stay at her place because it was closer to her work, only to have to wait in bumper to bumper traffic to get to work the next morning. She’d never once thought about the demands of his job and what she could do for him. Gee, selfish much?

  “Patrick, I… I’m sorry…”

  “No, don’t apologize. I suppose it was stupid to think that I could keep it separate for a while. I wanted us to be stronger. I did my damndest to make you fall in love with me as hard as I’ve fallen for you. But, instead of being happy I’ve kept you out of the spotlight, you’re questioning whether I wanted you there with me or not. I swear I want nothing more than you right by my side, but I thought I was doing the right thing.”

  Cate’s mouth was agape. No words. She could find no words to explain that she got it. She had to have it shoved in her face to see it, but she understood why he’d done what he’d done.

  “If you’d had just given me a chance to explain, instead of trusting your assumptions, I’d be holding you in my arms, kissing you, loving you. But instead, you don’t trust that I’m telling you the truth and have enough faith in us, in me, that you’ll fight for us.”

  She reached out and grabbed his hand and held it in a firm grip. “I do want to fight. For us. What we have.” She moved and wrapped her arms around him.

  Reaching up, he gently wiped the tears that Cate didn’t even realise had begun to fall. “And as for you not being good enough, that is the biggest load of crap I’ve ever heard. Cate, you are an amazing person. You’re beautiful, and I pinch myself sometimes to make sure you’re real. My parents are going to love you. It really has just been really bad timing to get us all together, but I promise you, I want you to meet them. You’ll meet them at the wedding anyway.”

  She looked up at him from under her lashes. “So, I’m invited then?”

  “Of course you are, and not just because you’re going to bake the world’s best wedding cake either. I’m sorry that I made you doubt how special you are to me. I love you, Cate.”

  Hearing the words soothed her soul. “I love you, too.”

  “Am I forgiven for being a total idiot and thinking I was doing the right thing?”

  “Only if I am for thinking the worst case scenario was the only answer.”

  “Done. Next time, I’ll give you the choice. But if you make the wrong one or try to run, I’ll just tie you to the bed and work on changing your mind.”

  “I love you, you idiot.”

  “Hmmm, and I love this mouth.” Moving his hand around to cup her jaw, he kissed her sweetly making the tears turn from hurt to happiness.

  “I love this neck. It’s the only way to eat caramel sauce.” He kissed his way down her throat and a smile broke out on her face as she decided that was one item permanently on the menu.

  “I love these breasts.” His hands started massaging her bosom over her shirt, turning her temperature to scorching. She relaxed with the rush of relief that she hadn’t been wrong. Their connection was real, a powerful combination of love and lust. He recaptured her mouth with his and caressed her pulsing core. “I love everything about you, but I especially love the way this pussy grips my cock.”

  “Oh god, Patrick. Get naked.”

  “I plan to. I want you so bad.”

  Cate jumped into his arms and ran her fingers through his hair as she sealed her lips to his. The days without touching Patrick and the threat of never touching him again made her savage. He grabbed handfuls of her arse and walked over to the bench in the middle of the room. As soon as she was perched on the edge she wound her legs around his hips to keep his raging hard on pressed firmly against her pulsing core.

  “This isn’t going to last long. I’ve seriously been hard for you for four days.”

  They were both laughing breathlessly as they tore each other’s clothes off. Frenzied kisses in between jockeying for position, applying a condom and making sure Cate didn’t end up on the floor ended when they were finally naked. With slow and steady precision Patrick lined up the head of his cock at her entrance and cupped her jaw in his hand.

  “You’ve got me nearly losing control, babe. I don’t want to drop you or bash you into the bench, so lay back.” he growled breathlessly.

  Her skin tingled as it made contact with the coolness of the bench. Then it was Patrick’s hands making her tingle, upwards from her stomach to her breasts then guiding her hands to grip the edge of the bench. He lifted her butt and was seated in one thrust. Cate locked her ankles around his waist so she wouldn’t lose the intense pleasure radiating from the fullness.

  His rhythm was hard and fast. The look in his eye told her this was no sweet loving, but a fierce demonstration of ownership. She loved every second. She closed her eyes when he leaned forward and bit her nipple. He licked and sucked while increasing speed, hurtling her toward the edge.


  He latched on to her neck and sucked. The rawness unleashed the pent up emotion and her orgasm triggered his.

  Cate sat up when she floated down from the clouds and followed Patrick into the little bathroom. Looking in the mirror, she looked well satisfied. And she was, with life and her man.

  “I can’t believe you gave me a hickey. How am I going to cover that up tomorrow?” she asked as she stroked the purple mark on her neck.

  Walking up behind her, Patrick wrapped his arms around her waist and put his head on her shoulder. “What can I say? You bring out the animal in me.”

e smiled. “You’re an idiot.”

  Meeting her eyes in the mirror, his face became serious. “That may be, but I’m your idiot. Don’t ever doubt that I love you, Cate.”

  Turning around in his arms, she cupped his jaw with her hands. “I love you, too. I promise no more secrets or over thinking things. We’ll talk about our feelings from now on.”

  “I totally agree. For instance, I feel like you should grab some chocolate and whipped cream so I can make a Catey sundae.”

  She bit her lip as she ran her fingertips up his semi-hard cock. “Or….I could make a banana sundae.”

  “Well, it does come with nuts.”

  Laughing, they headed back in to the kitchen where the sun had begun to shine again.


  “Stop fidgeting. It’s going to be fine.”

  Cate let out a breath and ran her hands down her skirt before digging her nails into her knees. Now that they were on their way, Cate wished Patrick was driving her anywhere but his parent’s house. She’d changed outfits dozens of times, finally deciding on an A-line skirt and a top with frilly lace that she hadn’t even realised she’d owned. She really should have worn another top. This one was making her itchy. Or maybe it was hives? At least it covered the hickey on her neck that was taking forever to fade.

  “Calm down, Cate.”

  Patrick took her hand and she realised they’d stopped. In front of a mansion. Turning to Patrick, she was going to tell him she couldn’t do it, until she looked into his eyes. This wasn’t the same as the last time. She didn’t need to be afraid that this would spell the end for her and Patrick.

  In the week since ‘The Fight’, they had both opened up and talked for hours about everything. Nothing was too big a hurdle for them to overcome and while they’d made no long term plans for the future, Cate felt secure that there was a long and happy one to come for them. He was her idiot and no one was taking him away from her.

  “I’m fine. Let’s go in and see your folks.”

  Patrick ushered her through the double doors and out onto the patio where his mother and father were waiting. He let go of her hand to wrap his arm around her waist and hug her close.

  “Cate, this is my mum and dad.” Turning to face her, he continued “Mum, Dad, this is Cate. The woman I’m going to marry.”


  About the Author

  Bianca Sarble

  Once upon a time, in a land called Australia, there lived a delightful young girl named Bianca who loved to read. As she grew older, her sarcastic tendencies and warped sense of humour became evident, as did her preference for raunchy romances. Now, as well as reigning over their 1/4 acre kingdom with the handsome Prince that stole her heart and feeding their ever-growing children, she not only reads everything she can, but pens her own deliciously sexy stories.




  Also from Bianca Sarble

  Operation: Sexy Soldier (Naughty Whispers Book Club 1: A dare is a dare after all.

  Suzette Miller’s mission, issued by fellow members of the Naughty Whispers Book Club, is one she can’t refuse. She must find a sexy soldier and burn up the sheets in a night of scorching passion. It’s been her fantasy since forever, but what if her military man is also the man who can break her run of bad luck in the dating world?

  As a Marine, Zane Cooper can handle intense situations. But when it comes to Suzette, and the lingering feelings she inspires, he’s in unfamiliar territory without a tactical handbook. Though his life’s compass is spinning out of control, the right direction could be closer than he thinks.

  Drawn together by lust and pulled apart by assumptions, can they work together to complete their mission for love?

  Primal Urge

  – Maxine Clematis


  Jack was watching Monster's Ball on his wide-screen when the phone rang on the end table beside him. He was at the point in the film where Halle Berry was begging Billy Bob Thornton to make her feel good, and he had no intention of picking up the receiver. But he was intrigued that someone would be calling him at home because almost no one ever did, and so he pushed the pause button on the remote and let the answering machine do its job.

  "Jack, you fucking recluse, I know you're there."

  It was Janice. Even though he was surprised, he picked up immediately.

  "Hey, girl. I didn't know you had my number."

  "You and your damn rules, I had to call Bob to get it."

  Although he and Janice were close friends at work, and had been for years, they didn't hang out together once their shifts were finished. Jack had made it a point to keep work and his personal life separate -- he palled around with a few of the guys, sure, but rarely any of the women. His brief relationship with Janey had vividly illustrated just how messy and painful work affairs could be, especially when you still had to see the other person day after day, and Janice was aware of how he felt. There was absolutely no reason why she would be calling him unless something was wrong. And so, he couldn't help feeling slightly apprehensive as he listened to her low, smoky voice drift into his ear.

  "Are you okay?" he said.

  "Why? Does something terrible have to happen before I can call?"

  "Of course not."

  "That's mighty white of you." She paused. "Well, for your information, I am upset."

  He leaned forward in his easy chair. "What happened?"

  She sighed. "I got stood up."

  Jack felt a sudden sense of relief, and couldn't help but chuckle.

  "Aww. A beautiful woman like you? I bet that's a first."

  "Kiss my caramel-colored ass, Jack," she said shortly. "I need a favor."

  "Name it, sweetheart."

  "Well, I was planning on going to the blues festival tonight, and now I don't have anybody to go with."

  "What do you want me to do about it?"

  "Stop being an asshole, Jack. This is an emergency."

  "There must be all kinds of men you could call."

  "Are you turning me down?"

  "It is kind of late."

  "Jesus, Jack. It's only seven. Aren't you a little old to have a curfew?"

  He chuckled again. "Self-imposed."

  "Well, un-impose it. When's the last time you had some fun with an uppity colored gal like me?"

  Jack got testy. "Stop talking about yourself that way. You know I don't like it."

  "Quit stalling, Jack. A simple yes or no will do."

  "What am I? A mercy case?"

  "Pick me up in an hour. We're meeting Sarah and Don."

  Jack sighed. Despite the rules, he did have some decidedly non-friendly feelings for Janice, and if there was another woman at work with whom he was prepared to take a chance, it was with her. Janice was beautiful and vivacious and intelligent. She knew more about him, and he knew more about her, than any two good friends should know. They talked about everything and held the same views on most things. Money, religion, politics, and relationships -- nothing was out of bounds. A year or so ago, she'd shown him some topless selfies she'd sexted to her boyfriend at the time. Janice had been worried the guy was cheating on her and she'd wanted Jack's opinion if she was sexy or not, and the images of those big, firm breasts and big brown nipples had scorched themselves indelibly into his brain. She'd taken one in the shower -- no face, just her body -- her strategic areas lathered lightly with soap, and his mouth still grew dry when he thought about it. Deep down, he couldn't deny wishing she'd taken those pictures for him.

  "This is our little secret, Jack," she simply said at the time. "Please don't tell anybody about it."

  He had kept her secret, only dragging it out occasionally when he jerked off.

  "Goddammit, Jack? Are you there?"

  The impatient sound of her sultry voice brought him ba
ck to reality.

  "Yeah, I'm here."

  "Don't sound so enthusiastic."

  "What do you want from me? You know I don't date people from work anymore."

  "This is not a date, Jack. It's a favor."

  He sighed. And then, against his better judgment, he said, "What should I wear?"

  "Jesus, I have to dress you, too?"

  "Kiss my lily-white ass."

  "You wish," she said, and hung up.

  Yeah, he thought, replacing the receiver. I do. And that's the problem.

  Jack went into his bedroom. He wasn't sure what she expected him to wear, but it was a hot, sticky summer night and he had no intention of putting on jeans. He slipped into a pair of tan shorts, a green-and-yellow Hawaiian shirt, and a set of brown leather sandals. He brushed his hair and his teeth, briefly thought about shaving, and then shook his head.

  Fuck it, he thought. What's she expect, calling me at the last minute?


  Janice lived on the east side of town in a two-bedroom house she'd bought two years ago with her own money. Her folks had offered to help out with the down payment, but she had refused. Jack had been here for the housewarming party, and hadn't been back since, but he still had no problem remembering what it looked like from the outside. As he pulled into the gravel driveway, he noticed some things had changed. The big oak tree that he had said was growing too close to the house had been removed. There was also a new picture window, and the front door had been replaced. He turned off the motor and climbed out of his truck. He sighed, staring at the house, and then shook his head. His misgivings had returned. The sun was on a downward spiral in the west as he walked up the driveway. The color of its light was changing and the shadows were growing longer as he stepped up on the porch and rang the doorbell. Janice opened it a moment later and smiled.


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