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Tied to a Boss 3

Page 10

by J. L Rose

  “We can discuss that after you’ve answered my questions,” Alinna responded, folding her arms across her chest. “I’m waiting, Nicole.”

  Taking a deep breath and then slowly releasing it, Nicole looked over to her husband, who was unconscious beside her. She looked back to the women and said, “I only know that Monica is in Florida City somewhere with an old friend she used to work with at the DEA.”

  “What’s this friend’s name?” Natalie asked from beside Alinna, stepping up from where she stood with both James and Gomez against the wall next to the bedroom door.

  Staring at the other Spanish woman she hadn’t noticed earlier, Nicole looked back to the first woman and said, “Her name is Evelyn Owens.”

  “How do you contact her?” Alinna asked Nicole.

  “I don’t . . . Wait!” Nicole cried as Alinna held up her hand for the woman torturing her husband to stop.

  “I’m listening, Nicole,” Alinna said calmly. “This had better be something I want to hear.”

  “I can’t contact Monica, but she calls me. She’s supposed to call me tonight at 10:00 p.m.,” Nicole explained, watching as Alinna looked back over at the two men leaning against the wall.

  “It’s 7:15,” James told Alinna, checking his Kenneth Cole watch that she had bought for him.

  Looking back at Nicole, Alinna said, “You better hope your sister calls, or I promise you I’ma have something worse than death for you and your husband.”


  Hearing her phone cranking up and ringing from the passenger seat as he was driving off from handling business, Rob snatched up the phone, saw it was Fish Man, and answered, “What’s up, nigga?”

  “What’s up, my dude? You tried to hit me earlier today?”

  “Hell yea. You not gonna believe who the fuck I ran into earlier while I was with my lady over at this nigga Kyree’s spot.”

  “Who that, nigga?”

  “This bitch Vanessa and Amber ass. Them the same hoes that was fucking with that bitch Alinna’s ass.”

  “Fuck was they doing over there?”

  “I guess they was copping work from this nigga too, but they look like they still sitting on some paper. They pulled up in a Benz truck and was looking fly as hell, too.”

  “Dude, you sound like a fan and shit. Fuck is wrong with you?”

  “Fuck all that you talking about, nigga? I just respect them hoes when they was running shit out here. They was doing shit big for a minute.”

  “Fuck them hoes!” Fish Man said, sounding pissed off. “You ain’t see that bitch Alinna with ’em?”

  “Nigga, didn’t I just say I saw Vanessa and that bitch Amber. What’s up with you sweating that bitch, Alinna?”

  “Ain’t nobody sweating that bitch! I just owe her ass for trying to shine on me the last time I saw the bitch.”

  “Well, I may be able to find that out.”


  “My lady knows them hoes. I just found out, and I can probably get that information out of her for you.”

  “Handle it, my nigga. Get me that information, and I’ma bless you, my dude.”

  “Relax, my nigga. I fuck with you, so I’ma handle this as soon as I get at my lady.”

  “I owe you, my dude.”

  Hanging up the phone with Fish Man, with a smile on his face and shaking his head, Rob instantly forgot about the conversation he just had as soon as his phone rang again. He saw the name of the new female he just started fucking with now calling him.


  H olding up the ringing cell phone and seeing both name and number blocked, Alinna walked over to stand beside Nicole, who was still tied to the wooden chair, and said, “Remember what I said. Find out where Monica’s at in Florida City.”

  Nodding her head in understanding, Nicole saw Alinna hit the speaker button on the phone and answered the call: “Hello.”

  “Nicole, it’s Monica. What took you so long to answer the phone?”

  “Hey, Monica. I was inside the kitchen when you called. Erick just bought me the phone.”

  “How my brother-in-law doing?”

  “He’s alright,” Nicole replied. She then paused a moment before she continued. “When are you coming back home?”

  “Nicole, I already explained this to you. I’m not coming back until I finish what I’m doing.”

  “What exactly are you doing, Nicole?”

  “Don’t worry about it, Nicole. Just know that I’m safe, and when I’m done, I’ll be home.”

  “Well, tell me where you are, so I can come and at least visit.”

  Quiet for a moment, Monica finally said, “That’s not a good idea right now, Nicole.”

  “Why not? What the hell is going on, Monica? I don’t under . . . ,” Nicole burst out in tears, unable to finish what she was saying.

  Tired of waiting, Alinna took the phone away from Nicole, placed it to her ear, and said, “How’s it going, Monica? It’s been a while since we last talked.”

  Quiet for a moment, Monica said, “What the hell you doing with my sister, you bitch? I swear if you do anything to—”

  “I tell you what I want,” Alinna began, cutting off Monica. “You get Dante out of jail and this case thrown out, and I’ll release your sister and brother-in-law. You don’t . . . and the next time you’ll see her, she’ll be a story on the news about a dead body being found. You got six seconds to think about it.”

  Alinna hung up the phone, just as James called out when he walked into the room. She looked over her shoulder as he walked in holding her cell phone. She then gave him a look.

  “Dante!” James told her.

  Taking the phone just as Nicole’s phone started ringing again, Alinna told Dante to hold on. She then said, “It’s either yes or no. Decide one now.”

  “Okay! Give me some time to try and work this out,” Monica said, giving in to Alinna’s demands.

  “You’ve got twenty-four hours,” Alinna answered, hanging up the phone and then holding up her phone back to her ear. “Hey, baby, what took you so long to call me?”

  “I had to deal with a little problem in here that came up,” Dante answered, but then asked, “Who was you just talking to just now?”

  “The person that’s getting you released from that place.”



  “How’d you find . . . ?”

  “I found her sister,” Alinna told him. “I gave her twenty-four hours to get you released.”

  “That may just be a problem, Alinna.”


  “This state attorney has got his dick hard to fuck me, shorty! He’s gonna fight against me being released.”

  “But with no witnesses to talk, what do they have, Dante?”

  “I hear you, but the best way is to handle this state attorney to be sure.”

  “Hold on, Dante,” Alinna told him, turning to face James. “James, go get Dre. Tell him I’ve got one more job for him and Wesley to handle.”


  “Hello,” Senior DEA Agent Victor Murphy answered, half asleep.

  Monica wasted no time saying, “Victor wake up. It’s Monica. I need you to get the hell up now!”

  “Whoa . . . ! What’s the problem, Martin?” Murphy inquired, sounding more alert now.

  “I need you to release Dante from jail. Drop the charges against him.”

  “What?” Agent Murphy yelled in both surprise and disbelief. “What are you talking about, Martin?”

  “Victor, I’m on my way back to Miami now. Just trust me on this. I need you to get Dante Blackwell released from jail and his charges dropped. I can’t really explain right now, but I really need you to do this for me.”

  “Shit!” Agent Murphy shouted, sighing loudly over the phone. Sounding as if he was moving around, he finally said, “Alright, but it’s going to take me some time to get this

  done . . . if I can get it done. But as soon as you get here, I want to know exactly what the he
ll is going on.”

  “I will,” Monica promised. “Also, Victor, we’ve only got twenty-four hours to have Dante released . . . and the clock is already ticking.”


  Alinna was at home and lying in bed with D.J. when Dre called to let her know that the state attorney was no longer an issue. He told her that he and his family decided to go on a faraway boat trip, diving in deep waters. Alinna hung up with Dre with a smile on her face. Her phone rang again and she answered, “Yeah.”

  “Alinna, this Vanessa. We’ve got a problem.”

  “What now, Vanessa?”

  “It’s Harmony. She’s in the hospital. I don’t know what happened, but Keisha just called me a few minutes ago saying something about Harmony needing to go to the hospital with some bad bleeding or something.”

  “What hospital she at, Vanessa?” Alinna asked as she climbed out of bed.

  Alinna hung up the phone with Vanessa after she found out the hospital at which Harmony was admitted. She quickly got dressed and woke up Ms. Rose to take care of D.J. She then woke up James, who was on the other side of the house.

  The two of them left the house five minutes later, with James driving Dante’s Mercedes-Benz. Alinna pulled out her phone and called Tony T, making sure he was told what was going on with Harmony.

  “What’s up? Who this?”

  “Tony T . . . this Alinna. Where you at?”

  “I was just handling some business just now. Why? What’s up?”

  “You need to get to Jackson Memorial Hospital. Harmony in the hospital, boy.”

  “What the fuck you . . . !”

  Hearing the click of the phone in the middle of what Tony T was saying, Alinna looked at her phone to see that Tony T had hung up. She shook her head as she put down her phone.


  Alinna and James arrived at Jackson Memorial Hospital about fifteen minutes after she hung up with Tony T. They entered the hospital parking lot, ran through the front entrance, and rushed over to the elevators.

  Taking the elevator to the fourth floor, both Alinna and James stepped off and rushed up the hallway to room 107. Finding the others all crowded in front of the room, Alinna had barely stopped, when Tony T came flying around the corner.

  “What the fuck happen to my girl?” Tony T yelled, face balled up in anger.

  “Relax, Tony T!” Vanessa told him calmly, showing a small smile. “Harmony’s okay.”

  “What do you mean, she alright?” Tony T asked, looking from Vanessa to Alinna and then to the others, only to find himself looking back at Vanessa.

  “The doctor’s in there with her now, and we don’t know what was wrong with her. But we do know that she’s not in any danger. The doctor told us that much,” Vanessa broke down, explaining for Tony T just as Harmony’s room door opened and the doctor stepped out. She stopped the middle-aged man and asked, “So what’s the word, Doctor?”

  “Well, as I told you all before,” the doctor began, looking around at all the faces outside his patient’s room, “Ms. Harrison will be just fine. But she needs to take it easy as her pregnancy continues further along.”

  “Whoa . . . !” Tony T said as he walked up to the doctor, stopping only a few inches from him. “What the hell you just say? Pregnancy?”

  “Yes, sir,” the doctor replied. “Ms. Harrison is two and a half months pregnant.”

  Vanessa moved toward Tony T, realizing he was just moments from losing it. Alinna then led him into Harmony’s room and then thanked the doctor as he walked away.


  Stepping back in the hallway outside of Harmony’s hospital room, Keisha checked her cell phone to see if she had any missed phone calls or voice messages from Rob.

  Trying Rob’s number again, Keisha stood a moment listening to the number ringing until his voicemail picked up. She hung up and was about to shut off her phone, when it rang inside her hand. Smiling at seeing Rob’s phone number on her screen, she answered, “Hey, baby!”

  “Ummm . . . ! Who is this?”

  Caught off guard by the woman’s voice, and looking at her cell screen again to see Rob’s name and number, Keisha got back on the phone and said, “Who the fuck is this? Where is Rob?”

  “Rob’s in the shower right now . . . and this is his woman you’re talking to. Who the hell are you?”

  “His woman, huh?” Keisha asked, laughing lightly. “Well, do me a favor. Tell Rob I said to lose my number.”

  Hanging up the phone, Keisha stood where she was a few moments. She was thinking about what the hell had just happened, when she heard behind her, “You alright?”

  Turning around, she saw Alinna walking out of the hospital room. Keisha nodded her head and was just about to lie and say that she was doing alright. But she then remembered that she wanted to asked Alinna something about Rob. “Alinna, do you know somebody named Rob?”

  “Which Rob you talking about?” Alinna asked, staring a little harder at Keisha.

  “His real name is Robert Bell.”

  “You mean the same Rob that sells weed and coke?”

  “He just sell coke now,” Keisha corrected Alinna and then added, “Earlier today, he asked me about you, and once before, Vanessa and Amber seen him at Vanessa’s spot out in Fort Lauderdale.”

  “What the hell he doing over there?” Alinna asked, raising her voice a little and staring hard at Keisha.

  Keisha explained how she had been seeing Rob for a few months and how she introduced him to Kyree on a business-type level. Keisha added, “I’m cutting his ass off, though. I just called his phone, and some bitch answered talking about she being his woman.”

  “Don’t cut ’im off yet!” Alinna told Keisha with a smile. “Rob owes me from a fucked up business deal some time back. I want you to just hold on to him a little while, and I’ll let you know what I need you to do for me.”

  “Well, I know he has a team he works with. Some guys from out of town. Some fat ugly nigga that goes by the name Fish Man.”

  “Wait, Keish!” Alinna cut in. “You say what the other nigga’s name is?”

  “Fish Man,” Keisha repeated, now seeing a change of expression on Alinna’s face.

  “So his fat ass back in town after all, huh?” Alinna said more to herself. She then looked back toward Keisha and said, “Yeah, Keisha. Hold onto Rob just a little longer. I’ve got a plan.”


  Monica had received Agent Murphy’s emergency message, but finally got the chance to call him back after checking into a motel across town off of 27th Avenue and 79th Street. She stood in front of her motel window listening to the line ring a moment before he answered, “Martin, this you?”

  “Yeah, Victor. What you got?”

  “I don’t know what the hell is going on, but the state attorney also has gone missing now. What in God’s name is going on?”

  Alinna Rodriguez doing what she needs to, to get Dante out of jail, Monica thought, but responded to Agent Murphy, “Whatever’s going on, Victor, we’ll get to the bottom of it. Did you get the judge to release Dante from jail yet?”

  “I spoke with a few people who spoke with Judge Thomas. They explained that the DEA was dropping the charges against Dante Blackwell, and the response I got back was that once the judge spoke with the state, we would get an answer.”

  “But you just said that the state attorney is missing.”

  “And that’s why the judge signed the release on Blackwell,” Agent Murphy told Monica. “Blackwell should be out of jail within two or three hours.”

  “I’ll call you back, Victor,” Monica said, hanging up the phone just as Agent Murphy yelled her name.

  Monica quickly called her sister’s phone number. After two rings, she heard Alinna’s voice over the phone: “I better hear something good.”

  “Dante’s being released in a few hours,” Monica told her, but then asked, “Now will you release my sister?”

  “Call me back once Dante is released, and then I’ll tell you wh
ere you can meet your family.”

  Upon hearing Alinna hang up the phone, Monica caught herself before slinging her cell phone across the room. Instead, she took a deep breath and slowly released it.

  She then called Agent Murphy back. He answered on the start of the second ring as Monica said, “Victor . . . it’s Monica.”

  “Martin! What the hell is going on here?” Murphy demanded, yelling into the phone.

  Sighing deeply, Monica told Agent Murphy about her family being kidnapped by Dante Blackwell’s fiancée and about Alinna Rodriguez’s demands of Dante’s release and all charges being dropped against him.

  “So let’s just arrest his fiancée after we get your family back. We can even get the FBI in on this case, and then go after Blackwell again.”

  “Victor, if you lay one hand on Alinna Rodriquez, Dante will lose it. He’s a thinker and a planner, but he’s a first-rate murderous fool. But I’ve learned that if there’s one thing he will completely lose it over, it’s Alinna Rodriguez. It will be a murderous day or week, until he is no longer breathing, but then Alinna is just as bad as he is. So we may be just talking about starting the largest murderous season Miami has ever seen. Believe me when I say that both Dante Blackwell and Alinna Rodriguez aren’t alone and have a lot of help behind them.”

  “So what the hell are we supposed to do? We can’t just let these bastards get away with what they’re doing!”

  “We’re not, Victor,” Monica said to Agent Murphy while already planning inside her head. “But for now, we just let them think we’re backing off. Let things cool off. But we’ll keep a watch on them, and then build a bigger and stronger case than before.”

  “You sound as if you’re coming back to the agency, Martin.”

  “You offering me back my job, Victor?”

  “I’ve still got your gun and shield in my desk drawer. It’s here when you get here.”


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