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Protecting My Forever (Blackthorne Security Book 1)

Page 8

by Nicole Vidal

  Calliope exits the bedroom, dressed except for her pink wig and shoes.

  “Callie Sutton, this is Christoph.”

  If I thought she looked tiny compared to me, Christoph makes her look childlike. He has a solid three inches of height on me, and I tower over her.

  “Hi. Pleasure to meet you. Thank you for being here.”

  “You’re welcome,” Christoph replies.

  “Please help yourself to some coffee. Connor, could you come review the response I got from Olivia?”

  “Thank you.” Christoph moves to the sideboard and prepares himself a cup of coffee while I follow her into the bedroom.

  “Check out the draft termination letter. It’s the first email.”

  I quickly read the letter and note at the bottom it’s set up for Olivia and Bruce’s signature. “Why does Bruce need to sign it?”

  “He’s the one who entered into the contract. Olivia felt it was wise for him to also be a signatory to terminate it.”

  “What is his position in your corporation? Is he on the board?”

  She turns to face me after putting on her shoes. “He’s simply an advisor. He isn’t on the board.”

  I reread it again and approve the letter. In the meantime, the transformation to Carys is complete. “Ready to go?”


  I follow her into the living room and hand the keys off to Christoph. “We’ll be down in fifteen minutes. Please follow like we discussed.”

  “No problem.” He leaves the suite.

  Once the door closes, I pull her into my arms. I need to settle myself before we leave. The fifteen minutes we’re alone passes much to quickly for my tastes. I release her slowly, press a kiss to her forehead, and lead her out the door.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Something is off. Connor is off. He’s worried about the transportation company. I didn’t help by questioning Christoph’s qualifications. We step into the elevator and ride down to the garage. Even though he shouldn’t since we aren’t in my suite, Connor rests his hand on the small of my back. His touch makes me want to kiss him repeatedly, screw the security protocols he wants me to follow.

  I don’t want to put him in a more awkward position. I believe he’s Christoph’s boss in some way, so I’ll behave as much as I don’t want to. Once I settle into the car, he closes the privacy screen.

  “Ca….” He leans closer to me, “I know you’re nervous. I will protect you if it’s the last thing I do.”

  “Don’t say things like that.” My words are harsher than necessary.

  “It’s true and, honestly, not only because it’s my job.”

  I lean even closer, setting my forehead on his shoulder. “I’m scared.”

  “I know. I’ll be in your line of sight the entire performance.”

  The car lurches forward. He instinctively throws his arm in front of me. Over the intercom, the driver says, “Sorry about that. There’s an accident on the next block.”

  I push the intercom button, but Connor replies, “Thank you. Will it impact our arrival time?”

  “I don’t believe so, sir.”

  “Thank you.” He removes his arm from in front of me and sits back. When I lean back, his hand is flat against my back. I’m kicking myself for not choosing the dress with the cutouts. My need to feel his skin against mine increases the more time I spend with him. Suppressing the shiver from the memory of his skin against mine is impossible.

  “Want me to move?”

  “No, not at all, but I need you to anyway. I need to focus on Carys, not you.”

  I lean forward, and Connor slides his hand out from behind me. His opinion mirrors mine. He didn’t want to move but understands the need to draw a line when we’re working. “Thank you.” I close my eyes and focus on the order of the songs for tonight. I’ve run through the list at least three times before I open my eyes. Soon thereafter, we stop at the entrance to the parking garage.

  “We’re right on time. Ready?”

  I paste on a Carys smile. Very few people know the difference between my real smile and a Carys smile. I’m confident there are only two people. Honestly, I’m looking forward to my time off. I need to recharge and find out if there can be an us when the tour is over. Only two shows left and I can relax for a bit. You can do this! “Yes.”

  I hurry backstage and follow my routine. My costumes are good. After a short vocal warm-up, I walk through the performance again. I try my best to keep the show the same from city to city, mostly because it’s easier for everyone. The stage at this venue is the largest of the tour, so I need to verify the spacing. I look to my right, and there he is, dutifully watching me. There are two distinct sides to Connor, when he’s working and when he’s not. Separately they are attractive. Together, it’s a potent combination that makes my heart swoon and my head spin with yearning and comfort.

  He asks from afar, “Are you okay?”

  I reply yes and continue checking the spacing. I stop the dance routine, hop off the stage, and walk halfway up the aisle. I direct my dancers to start again as Connor steps beside me. Honestly, I wasn’t thinking. I knew the view would be better from here. If he’s irritated with me, he doesn’t show it much like he didn’t when he arrived in Orlando. I’m not suggesting I want to find out, but does he ever get angry?

  The whole routine needs to be moved two feet to the right. Once I inform the dancers and they find their new spots, I move on. Twenty minutes later, I’m sitting in the makeup chair with Connor beside me waiting for Shelley.

  He raises his hand to touch me, but slowly lets it drop back to his side. “Do you want something to eat?”

  “Sure. It won’t take Shelley very long once she arrives. Do you know where she is?”

  “I don’t. Isn’t she normally waiting for you to arrive?”

  “Yes.” My reply is short and worried at the same time.

  Connor pulls out his phone and texts someone. “Christoph is going to look for her.”

  “Can I ask you something?”

  His head tilts toward me as if he’s worried he won’t want to answer. “Of course.”

  “Do you ever get angry?”

  “Yes. Why do you ask?”

  “Earlier I wasn’t thinking. I hopped of the stage and walked down the aisle. I was angry with myself. Yet you moved toward me with your graceful gait and waited for me to correct the positions.”

  A small grin graces his face as he leans closer to me. “If you need to hop off the stage to make sure your performance is perfect, do it. It’s my job to make sure you’re safe. You shouldn’t worry about that. It’s what I’m here for. I know you’re a private person and this may not happen, but I would ask that you don’t do anything like that as Carys in a public place.”


  “Graceful, huh?”

  I was hoping he would gloss over that tiny compliment. “Couldn’t simply take the compliment and tuck it away.”

  “Nope,” he says, flashing his signature panty-melting smile in my direction.

  There’s a strong knock on the door.

  “Come in,” I state.

  Christoph enters the room. “I’ve searched everywhere backstage, and I even checked all the ladies rooms. She isn’t here.”

  I run through the list of staff for this venue in my mind. “Christoph, can you locate Melissa for me? She’s one of my dancers. She’s tall, brunette, blue eyes, and has a Celtic tattoo on the inside of her left wrist. Connor, can you call Bruce and ask him to come here as soon as possible please?”

  “Yes,” both men answer at once.

  Faster than I expected, Christoph returns with Melissa. “Thank you, Christoph.”

  “Hey, Mel. Can you do my makeup? Shelley isn’t here.”

  “Sure can, doll. Let me get my kit, I’ll be right back.” Melissa hurries out of the room again, and I exhale slowly.

  Bruce enters the room as Melissa returns.

  “What’s going on
?” Bruce asks Connor.

  “Shelley isn’t here. Can you reach out to her please?”

  “Of course. Will you be ready for the meet and greet, or should I push it off?” Bruce asks. His question is directed at me and Melissa, I guess.

  “She will be ready, Bruce,” Melissa responds.

  Bruce nods and leaves the room. Connor steps back and converses with Christoph. I can’t hear what they’re saying. After a few minutes, Christoph leaves the makeup room.

  Melissa, however, is gushing over both of them. “Girl, where did you find them? They’re smoking hot, even more so than any of the others you’ve had.”

  I smile. She isn’t wrong. “Lucky I guess.” I shift my gaze over to Connor who is now looking at me. Bruce choosing Blackthorne might have been a stroke of luck, but Connor getting this assignment might be the best thing that has ever happened to me.

  Melissa finishes my makeup and proudly smiles. “All done.”

  I stand and hug her close. “Thank you. You’re the best.”

  With five minutes to spare, I hurry down the hall to the meet and greet. Thankfully, the meet and greet and my performance go well. Connor was stationed stage right the entire performance and even hustled beneath the stage to check on me. Tonight’s performance rocked! Now to get through the transportation issue. I’ll do what Connor asks because he clearly knows what he’s doing. It doesn’t mean I have to like it.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Her performance tonight is almost over, and it has been fantastic! Even with the changes she made for the dance routines, Shelley being a no-show, and the rush to eat something, she still rocked. Now the real work for me begins.

  Christoph appears beside me halfway through her last song. “Everything good here?”

  “Yes, you?”

  “All quiet since the Shelley issue,” Christoph confirms. “Venue security is tighter than I would expect even without us here.”

  “I agree.” The last song ends, and she walks offstage. I hand her a water. Fortunately, there’s only one curtain call tonight. The three of us approach her car. I note the driver is the same one from Dallas. Christoph and Carys walk along the passenger side of the car near the rear door. I knock on the window and ask the driver to step out.

  He steps out of the car, keeping the door between us. He’s tall, lanky, and awkward. “Can I help you, sir?”

  I nod. “Yes, what is your name?”

  “C.J. Falsen.”

  I already knew, but I wanted to see if he would be truthful. “Why are you following Carys?”

  His demeanor shifts instantly. His eyes fall, and he starts to fidget. “It’s my job. I go where she goes. I took this assignment because no one else wants it.”

  “I’m not buying that. There are plenty of high-profile celebrities in Dallas that use your car service. Why her?” Something about that particular question sets him more on edge.

  “He said he would pay top dollar for me to get a photo of her without the wig. To find out who she really is.”

  My blood is starting to boil. “Who? What is his name?”

  “I don’t know! Someone sent me a message at work two weeks after I was assigned as her driver.”

  My mind is spinning. Where did the message come from? He’s clamming up. I can’t have that. “Was it from a messenger service?”

  He nods.

  “Do you remember which one?”

  He shakes his head initially. “Wait, the envelope was yellow with red writing. Express something.”

  “How were you supposed to get the photo to the anonymous sender, assuming you were successful in obtaining one?” I push further.

  “I was supposed to call a burner.”

  “What is the number?”

  C.J. pulls a small slip of paper rattles off a burner number and informs me the sender would give him the email over the phone.

  “How much was the fee?” I continue with my questions.

  “It didn’t have a specific amount, only top dollar.”

  “Thank you, C.J. The contract with your company is in the process of being terminated. You will not go near Carys ever again, do you understand? You can leave. She doesn’t need your car service this evening.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I take three steps away from the door. He closes it quickly and backs up fast but as safely as he can.

  Me: Can you come back and pick me up?

  Christoph: On my way.

  While I wait, I open my email and send Blaine the information that I learned from C.J. I barely have time to finish the email before Christoph pulls into the spot where the car service was parked.

  I open the rear door and slide in with Calliope. My thigh against hers is going to have to be enough. It will never be enough. “Did you even leave?”

  “No, I drove up to the top of the garage and parked for the last ten minutes.”

  It takes a lot to keep the green-eyed monster in check, even though I know without any doubt none of my brothers would make a play for another’s woman. “Makes sense. You good?” I ask Calliope.

  She nods. Her body calms the longer I’m beside her. Her foot is no longer tapping on the floor mat, and her left hand isn’t clenched into a fist anymore. “When we get back to the suite, can you verify that Olivia handled the termination?”

  “Sure. Do you plan on sharing what you learned? Have you heard anything about Shelley?”

  Christoph rolls his eyes before turning toward the hotel. I don’t need to pay attention to the route, he knows the protocol. Yet I still keep my eyes on the road.

  “Yes, I’ll tell you after we get back. As far as I know, Shelley hasn’t been located yet.”

  Her face falls. I ache to pull her into my arms and comfort her. My desperate need to make sure her world is safe is the strongest I’ve ever felt. Never before her has a woman made me worry every second of the day. Even if Christoph wasn’t with us, I wouldn’t be able to comfort her because I would be driving. When we arrive, Christoph pulls in front of the elevator.

  “What time should I be back in the morning?” He directs his question to Calliope, but she doesn’t answer right away.

  I set my hand on her forearm. Her eyes lift to mine. “I’m sorry. What was your question?”

  “What time should I be back in the morning?”

  “Noon works. Thank you.” Something else is on her mind.

  “You’re welcome. Connor, call me if you need anything.” There’s a note of awareness and jealousy in his voice.

  I’m not hiding my feelings as well as I thought. I glare at him. “Will do.”

  Calliope pastes on a fake smile, and we exit the car. She waves to the large throng of fans in the garage. Once we’re in the elevator, she starts to relax the tiniest amount. A large part of me wonders what every-day Calliope is like. Her tour days are exhausting. What does she do on a day where she has nothing scheduled?

  I escort her to the suite and lock the door. When I turn into the room, her arms tighten around me and her head is against my chest.

  “What if they went after Shelley because they can’t get to me?” She takes on so much more than she needs to.

  I bring my hands to cup her face and tilt her gaze upward. “I have no reason to believe that’s the case.”

  “Would you tell me if it was?”

  “Yes. I won’t lie to you, Calliope, ever. Blackthorne has no jurisdiction here. Bruce informed the local police and requested they keep him informed. He’s scheduled to get an update first thing in the morning.”

  She nods her head in my hands.

  “Do you want to talk now or after you change?”

  She pushes out a harsh breath. “After please.”

  “Do you want to eat?”

  She shakes her head, rises on her toes, and brushes her lips across mine. That is all it takes. I lift her into my arms, and her legs wrap around my waist. Pinning her against the door, I explore her lips, face, and neck with my mouth. Anyt
hing more will need to wait until after tomorrow. We need to talk first. Odd for a guy to think that, I know, but she is my client. This contract has an end date. Even though I crave her more than any woman I’ve ever met, that doesn’t mean she wants to be in a relationship despite her admission that she is drawn to me too. The pull she has over me is complete, and I’m utterly powerless to stop it. After savoring as much of her exposed skin as possible, I press a soft kiss to her lips, nose, and forehead.

  “I’ve wanted to do that all day,” she murmurs while my lips are against her forehead.

  “Me too.”

  “Can we have a talk about what this is?” She adds some space and motions between the two of us.

  “Yes, when we’re somewhere private and we have enough time without interruptions.”

  She smirks. “Is that even possible?”

  I consider her question. I suppose for her that isn’t possible when she’s on tour. “Have you ever truly been happy and relaxed?”

  A look flashes in her eyes. “Honestly, it’s been sometime since I was both at once.” She sets her head on my shoulder and throws her arms around me.

  “We should work on both during your break. What do you think?”

  “I love that.” Her words are muffled because her lips are against my neck.

  I back up a few steps and turn toward her bathroom. I set her on the floor and turn on the water. “It’s been a long day. Clean up, and then I’ll share what I learned from the driver.”

  She nods and starts stripping off her costume. Backing out of the bathroom is a monumental feat, especially considering I want to peel the costume from her body and savor every inch of Calliope all night long. With every ounce of chivalry I can muster, I close the door before she steps out of her costume.

  After changing, I check my email again. Blaine hasn’t heard anything on Shelley, but he has a lead on the messenger service. They deliver messages nationwide. He’s narrowing down who may have sent the message. Hopefully, he’ll have some success. Eliminating every threat against her is a priority. She won’t feel safe to be herself until she’s comfortable and there’s no one hell-bent on harming her.


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