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Protecting My Forever (Blackthorne Security Book 1)

Page 24

by Nicole Vidal

  I lift my head from his shoulder. “I will.” The look in his gray-blue eyes is heart-wrenching. I lower my mouth to his and kiss him hard at first. Though we soften a bit, the intensity remains the same. Our kiss embodies fear and love at the same time—fear mostly from my side and love from both sides. Someone clears their throat behind us.

  “I’ll be right in,” Connor informs whoever is there. “I love you.”

  I pull my lower lip between my teeth to stave off the tears forming in my eyes. “I love you.” I kiss him softly and move out of his arms. With the plate in my hand, I follow Connor inside.

  After some more instructions to the team, they assemble near the elevator. Connor’s eyes pin to mine until the door fully closes. I exhale sharply, move to the kitchen, and wash the mountain of dishes in the sink.

  “You don’t have to handle that. The team will take care of it,” Jake informs me.

  I sigh. “Thanks, but it’ll give me something to do instead of worry.”

  “Connor is one of the best in this field. He’ll be fine.”

  I need to trust Jake’s opinion. I don’t want to go back to the days before Connor was part of my life. Alex and Finn return to the kitchen. Alex steps beside me and dries the dishes while Finn fumbles to put them away.

  “Thanks for the help.” Both acknowledge me and settle onto the couch in the living room. “Jake, is my luggage here?”

  “Yes. Right this way.”

  I follow Jake past the bathroom I used before. This home is beyond words, and I have probably only seen one third of it. The park view from the master bedroom is stunning. I can only imagine how amazing it is at night. I rifle through my stuff and locate my lyrics notebook and pages of sheet music. “Can I stay in here?”

  “Sure. I’ll be nearby if you need anything. Thank you, Callie.”

  “I didn’t do anything.”

  “You did. You brought happiness back into Connor’s life, and our family is grateful.”

  “You’re welcome. I didn’t think there was someone who would help me carry the heavy baggage that comes with my childhood. I’m glad I was wrong. Will you update me when you can?”

  “Of course.” Jake leaves.

  I spread my notes and sheet music out on the ottoman near the fireplace. This is the same song I have been working on since my tour stop in Dallas. The melody for the chorus isn’t flowing properly. I review the lyrics and notes I already wrote. Now it sounds fine. Ugh! I was hoping to get my mind off the fact that Connor is risking himself for me. It’s his job, Calliope! It’s how you met. I’m pacing the length of the room when Jake knocks on the door.

  “Sorry to interrupt. Madeleine called. I put her on hold. Do you want to talk to her now?”

  “Sure. Thanks.” I take the phone and sit on the dressing bench at the bottom of the huge bed. “Hey, Madi. What’s up? I wasn’t expecting to hear from you today considering your position on my attendance this morning.”

  “Hi, Cal. I’m calling to check on you. No business to discuss. That wasn’t the same bodyguard who has been answering your phone, was it?”

  “No, that’s his partner.”

  “Truly, Cal. How are you?”

  I take a deep breath. “Being in the same place where my parents took their last breaths was difficult for rehearsal. However, having time to talk to them privately, at least in the sense that it’s their burial site, was hard at first, but then I felt this eerie calm. Standing before their names as myself with no way to hide was easier than I thought. I’m sure Connor’s presence helped with that too.”

  “You’ve fallen for him,” Madeleine states the obvious.

  Completely. “Madi, he makes what I need to carry lighter without being presumptuous that I need help at all. He makes me feel whole.”

  “I’m happy for you, Cal. If anyone deserves happiness, it’s you.”

  “Thanks, Madi. I don’t want to discuss it right now, but I asked Olivia to terminate Bruce’s employment. Just a heads-up. After Atlanta and my security issues are handled, we can discuss if the position should be filled or not along with everything else.”

  “Thank you for letting me know. Will you share why?”

  “Jake answered the phone because Connor is handling a security breach that Bruce created. Blackthorne will provide a report, and I will share it with you.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Not your fault. I clearly missed some signs too. Thank you for calling, Madi. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  “Bye, Cal.”

  I end the call and sigh before gathering gather my papers and shoving them back into the notebook. I don’t foresee any progress on this song today.

  I move into the kitchen for a drink. When I turn after filling the glass, I see Jake’s face. It’s ashen and pained. Something went wrong. Fear slices through me as the glass falls from my hand and shatters on the marble floor.

  Chapter Forty Three


  The last thing I see as the elevator door closes is her. Fear and worry consume her. It’s in her eyes, her posture, and her clenched fists at her sides. The logical part of me knows handling Kellerman and Kincaid renders her safe and will allow her to move forward. The illogical part that includes my own personal desires and needs—I need her—wants me to send everyone else and stay with her myself. Then my logic kicks in again. I know Kellerman and Kincaid, if they are indeed following her, are looking for me. If I’m not there, they will know it’s a setup.

  I slide into the back seat of the vehicle after Maia. She’s dressed casually in jeans and a hoodie with a blonde wig. Calliope was spot-on when she corrected Christoph; Carys isn’t here. Maia doesn’t need to act like Carys. As far as I can tell, the fact that Calliope is Carys hasn’t been leaked. The only potential hitch is whether Bruce shared that key information with Kellerman and Kincaid.

  When we arrive, it would be expected for me to be with Carys in the back of the car. During the ride to the private airport, I run through all the potential outcomes for this. The only redeemable aspect is Calliope isn’t here. I don’t like risking Maia for the woman I love, but it needs to be done to protect Calliope.

  “Connor.” Maia sets her hand on my forearm. “We’ve got this.”

  The fact that Maia is the only woman on our team puts her in vulnerable positions more than the rest of the team. Thankfully, Alex will be able to take some of the risks going forward. Maia was abducted last year when we used her as a decoy for Norah. Now, she’s doing the same thing for Calliope. “Thank you, Maia.”

  “No thanks are necessary. It’s my job. Even if it weren’t, I would be here beside you. Not only are you my boss, but you’re my friend. She’s good for you, like you are for her.”

  I close my eyes, attempting to push an image of Calliope out of my mind. It’s virtually impossible. She’s in my bones. Calliope consumes all of me. Those thoughts would alarm me if it wasn’t specifically what I have been searching for in a partner. I wasn’t expecting her, but I refuse to let her go now that I’ve found her. “Thank you.”

  Christoph is driving, and Cruz is in the passenger seat. I faintly overhear portions of Cruz talking with local backup about the distance from the airport for staging and providing our ETA to whomever he’s talking to. Never have I needed to take this extra time to focus on an assignment. This one is the biggest of all. It’s the last one I’ll ever take. All the new hires are working out well. Alex is still learning how we do things, but her skill set will be helpful in the future. According to Gemma, Sawyer, Hayden, and Drew are following the plan that Jake set out before he came to New York.

  Christoph exits the highway and eases into the airport parking lot. He takes the spot closest to the terminal entrance. I’m finally able to compartmentalize my thoughts, at least for the next hour or so. Not only do I need to do it for Maia but for Calliope. After parking, Christoph rounds the car and stands beside the rear door. Cruz is standing outside the door as well. Once they open it, I step out and tur
n for Maia. She slides out between us as we enter the building.

  A quick scan reveals that no one is in the lobby right now. We walk straight into the terminal and are greeted by a flight attendant. She’s the epitome of what every flight attendant on television looks like: tall, blonde, and too thin.

  “Good afternoon. I’m Shannon. Your flight is on schedule. You can continue down this corridor to the tarmac. Casey will meet you on board.”

  “Thank you,” Maia replies.

  As we walk down the corridor, Maia is between Christoph and Cruz with me beside her. I feel Christoph tense. Then I hear it too. Shouting from behind us. We hurry down the rest of the corridor and find the plane isn’t ready despite Shannon’s assurance.

  Heavy footsteps sound around us. Kincaid pushes against the door at the end of the hallway. “Where is she?” he demands.

  “Who?” I ask.

  “Carys. He said she would be here.”

  While I keep him talking, Maia slides behind me and Cruz. Christoph is behind Kincaid. From his vantage point, Christoph discreetly indicates he has a weapon of some kind.

  “Who said Carys would be here?”

  “Her manager, Billy. No, that isn’t right. Bruce. He said she would be flying out of here today at this time.”

  “He simply shared her flight schedule?”

  “No, I paid for the information. Then I double-checked it with Casey the flight attendant for her flight. Casey and I go way back. Where is she?” Anger seeps into his voice as he isn’t getting what he wants.

  “Carys isn’t here. I don’t know where Carys is. I’m not on her detail this week. As I’m sure you know, there’s a break in her tour.” My voice is steady and calm. Calliope was right. I’m glad Maia isn’t disguised as Carys right now.

  He shakes his head and starts pacing back and forth in front of us. We take two steps back as a group.

  “No. He said she would be here. You’re her bodyguard. He really needs to talk to her, just talk. Where is she?” The tone of his voice is getting increasingly angry and hostile.

  “Who needs to talk to her?”

  He shakes his head, stops pacing, and glares at me. “Theo needs to talk to Carys. I don’t know why. I want to make him happy. He has been trying to contact her for years.”

  The connection we already knew. “Is he here? Why does he want to talk to Carys?”

  “No, Theo doesn’t even know I’m here. He wasn’t specific. Only that they had something in common and he wanted to talk to her.”

  How does Kellerman know Carys is Calliope? Does Kellerman know about Calliope’s parents, or is it something else?

  “Why not send a letter or email to her? Her fans have access to her through her website and publicist’s website.”

  “He did. He got canned responses until he made a specific request for a meet and greet in Chicago. Who is she if that isn’t Carys?” Kincaid points to Maia.

  “It doesn’t matter who she is. She isn’t Carys.”

  He drags his hands through his hair, pulling it so now it’s standing straight up. “You’re going to take me to her,” he yells, directing his statement to me.

  “Like I said, I don’t know where she is right now. I’m not on her detail.”

  He reaches behind his back and pulls out a gun, aiming it at me—center mass. Cruz’s arm is now positioned to draw on Kincaid. I move Maia further behind Cruz and take a step forward. It seems counterintuitive, but it puts more space between the weapon and the client. True, it’s Maia, but Kincaid doesn’t know that.

  “Call your boss and find out where she is now!”

  “No.” Pissing him off more is not the best option, but the ones I have right now are limited. I won’t lead him to Calliope, and I won’t allow him to hurt Maia.

  He moves his finger from the side of the 9MM to the trigger. “Call now or—”

  “Do what he says, or I’ll shoot your blonde friend here,” a loud voice from behind me states.

  Cruz shoves Maia to the floor and draws on the voice from behind me. Maia scrambles back a few feet toward the rear of the hangar. I’m sure it’s difficult for her to pretend she’s a damsel in distress. She could drop Kincaid easily if necessary.

  “NYPD, drop it! Set the weapon on ground, slide it this way, and lie on your belly!” Cruz announces himself and directs Kincaid’s accomplice.

  At the same time, Kincaid moves his trigger finger, and Christoph tackles him as a single shot rings out. A familiar fire rips through my right flank as my hand comes away red. Clutching my side, I fall to one knee on the hangar floor.

  Christoph kicks Kincaid’s weapon away and restrains him with zip ties. I take a few deep breaths and wait for Cruz to finish talking down our new friend. Christoph crouches and moves to Maia. He secures her behind him and waits for Cruz as well.

  “Put the weapon on the ground, slide it away, and lie on your belly, now!” I hear Cruz order the accomplice again. Slowly, I turn my head to look at Kincaid’s helper. A tall brunette wearing a flight attendant uniform is lowering her weapon as instructed. She pushes it away, and Cruz handcuffs her. Once she’s restrained, Cruz calls for an ambulance. Christoph and Maia scurry to my side.

  I overhear, “This is Lt. Cruz. I need EMT rescue at Jones private airport and roll backup.”

  Maia takes off her hoodie and presses it against my side. I grit my teeth to prevent myself from screaming in pain.

  “Suck it up, Connor. Help is on the way,” Maia orders.

  A chuckle gets stuck in my throat as sirens grow louder. Two cruisers and an ambulance pull into the hangar.

  “Who is coming with me and who’s going with him? Don’t even bother to argue with me, you need to go to the hospital,” Cruz addresses us with the accomplice zip-tied and leaning against the opposite wall so she can’t talk to Kincaid.

  “I’ll go with him. Christoph knows more about the background and information for questions to ask Kincaid,” Maia offers.

  “Understood,” Cruz replies.

  “I’ve got this, Michelson.”

  “Thanks, Cruz.” I don’t miss the unspoken ‘to protect your woman’ in his statement.

  The EMTs tend to me and load me into the ambulance. We take off, and the driver calls in my condition while the EMT inserts an IV and takes my vital signs.

  “Call Jake,” I mumble. A memory of Calliope smiling at me floats into my mind. It’s the last thing I remember.

  Chapter Forty Four


  The glass shatters at my feet. Alex and Finn are off the couch and demand I stay still until they clear the glass. I ignore them, lift myself onto the island, slide across it, and rush out to the terrace.

  “Okay. Thanks, Maia.” Jake ends the call.

  Jake turns in my direction but doesn’t utter a single word.

  “Tell me,” I plead with Jake.

  I’m grappling with a substantial number of what-ifs in my head. I can handle whatever it is. Almost anything.

  Jake pauses before sharing, “Kincaid shot Connor.”

  All the air leaves my lungs. My chest is tight, and I feel like I can’t breathe. Somehow, I rasp out, “No, I love him. I can’t do this again.”

  “He knows. Maia is there to take care of him. She’ll update us as often as she can.”

  I’m shaking my head in rhythm with my hands clenching and unclenching. “No, that’s my job. Jake, take me to the hospital or I’ll go on my own.” I know what will sway Connor, and it isn’t much if it pertains to my safety, but I don’t know Jake well enough yet. “I assume Cruz took whomever into custody.”

  Jake nods almost imperceptibly.

  I continue, “There are three of you here. Was Kellerman there?

  Jake shakes his head in response.

  “Is Mr. Kellerman actually a threat to me right now considering his boyfriend is presumably being questioned by Cruz and Christoph?”

  I see a small shift in his facial expression. The only problem is I don’t have mu
ch more to persuade him with. I decide to throw it down. Being beside Connor is where I need to be right now. “I will fire you right now and get myself to the hospital.” He hangs his head. That did the trick. I very well may not need security anymore, but Jake isn’t willing to find out or risk Connor’s anger without more concrete evidence.

  “Fine, we leave in thirty minutes,” Jake grits out.

  I throw my arms out and hug him. “Thank you. I’ll take whatever anger Connor has for you when he comes to.”

  “Yes, you will.” Jake’s tone is softer than I expected.

  “Did Maia say anything else about his condition?”

  Jake shakes his head, and I walk away for shoes and a hoodie. Minutes later, I’m waiting for Jake, Alex, and Finn to finish their route to get to the hospital. Once they finish planning and rechecking, we drive to the hospital. I’m confident this is the fastest route, but it feels like an eternity.

  Jake answers a call. “Yeah, Cruz?” He listens for a moment and then turns to me. “Who answers your fan mail and emails?”

  “My publicist, Pamela Gaines, answers my innocuous fan mail and email. Why?”

  Jake shakes his head and relays my answer to Cruz. “We’re heading to the hospital.” There’s a brief break. “Yes, I’m aware of the wrath I may face from Connor. Frankly, his woman is equally determined and persuasive as he is.”

  I smirk and wait until Finn parks near the emergency entrance. With Alex in front of me, Finn behind me, and Jake beside me, we approach the check-in area.

  “I’m looking for my brother, Connor Michelson.” Jake informs the nurse behind the desk. Biologically that statement is a lie, but in every aspect that matters, it’s the truth. Like Connor, Jake exudes calm even in the face of injury.

  The nurse taps a few keys and directs us to the receptionist on the fourth floor. When we enter the elevator, I note the placard indicates the fourth floor is a surgical floor. Panic floods my veins. I won’t recover if he doesn’t survive. It was for me. I can’t handle that. My fists are balled at my sides, and my jaw is clenched.


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