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The Endless Knight: The Seekers Trilogy (The Watchers Series Book 6)

Page 18

by T. C. Edge


  The Plunge

  As the morning sunshine blasts its warming rays down from above, the first sounds of battle reach my ears.

  From the left and right, far in the distance, the booming of explosions filters through the air towards us, several miles away in each direction. Already, the bombardment of the two cities has begun, our artillery units and tanks firing projectiles from range as our infantry units begin to move in.

  From the sky, planes also rush, pulsing through the air with sonic booms as they shatter the sound barrier. Mere moments later, they shower the extremities of the cities below with bombs, weakening their defences. Despite being far from the immediate action, the world is quickly engulfed by the chorus of battle.

  As the two cities begin their defence, firing back with their own missiles and explosive shells and all manner of other weapons I don’t understand, our forces gather in the hills leading down towards a valley below.

  By now, we’ve had to leave our cars and jeeps behind and continue on foot, the coast several miles away and no roads suitable for the passing of such a convoy. Driving single file through these lands would make us vulnerable, creating a bottleneck that would be easy to defend.

  Instead, we will work now as a series of infantry units, some lightly armed with automatic rifles, and others with heavy weapons used to apply support from the rear. Other heavy duty explosive weapons are also at hand, with many of us carrying the multi faceted guns capable of firing automatic machine gun rounds, shotgun shells, armour piercing rounds, explosive devices, and incendiary devices too.

  With Athena at the head of some of the Western troops, and Jackson leading The Guardians, we begin creeping forward through the sparsely wooded hills, many keen eyes looking for any spies hidden around us. So far, no one has been alerted to our presence, the valley below growing closer and clearer. Soon enough, we’re at the edge of the hillside, searching through the shrubs at the sight of a large encampment below.

  It appears to be loosely constructed, extending out from a solid town that once stood here. By the looks of things, this is a forward base for reserve forces, although there may be some civilian refugees in there as well. The count of soldiers is impossible to determine, but the many buildings in the town itself, and the array of tents and corrugated iron huts in the camp beyond, suggest there are several hundred here at least.

  A quick conference begins between our commanders as we shuffle a little way down the hill and out of sight.

  “We could go round?” suggests Ellie. “Flank it…”

  “We might find a larger force if we do that. We can expect to find camps like this regularly positioned through the area,” says Jackson.

  “What does you inside man say?” asks Drake.

  “He won’t have been this far North. His camp was nearer to the South, outside Piscator.”

  “Then we send out scouts immediately to feed back to us,” says Drake.

  Quickly, several scouts are ordered to spread further to the North and South, making sure to keep out of sight among the woods and scattered urban areas.

  The world continues to boom and burst all around us, the orchestra of war building to a grand finish with the whistling of missiles and the rushing of aircraft, the booming of artillery and the endless chatter of machinegun fire.

  After half an hour, word is coming in from our scouts, suggesting that there are few passable areas that are going to be any more simple than this. To the North, a much vaster camp spreads out over an area of open plains, appearing to be more heavily guarded. To the South, where the larger city of Pisctor and its suburbs spreads out, a base of armoured vehicles sits in wait, preparing to grind out to greet our army.

  “We go straight on then,” says Drake. “Jackson, I need you to take your force around that area of wood and come at the camp from the North side.”

  “Another diversion?” asks Jackson.

  “Yes. Draw their eye and the rest of us will move in with Athena’s forces and try to slip past. We have no time to wait here for Link. We will use the Watchers we have and cut a line straight for the power station.”

  He talks to all of us, directing the orders. Jackson takes them on board and then looks to Cyra and me.

  “Keep each other safe,” he says, drawing both of us into a hug. “I love you both dearly. I’ll see you after…”

  None of us allow our eyes to soften or grow weak. With the briefest of kisses for Cyra, and a firm shake of my shoulder, he steels his eyes and then begins moving off, whispering orders to his men as they disappear.

  The rest of us wait for the sound of battle to commence once again, for my father’s assault to begin. How I’d like to go with him, fight alongside him, protect him. How I hate all of this, with everyone I care about constantly under threat. It’s not my own safety I care for, but that of my parents and friends, that of Velia.

  Beside me now, I look at her eyes and see that same steel that filled my father’s. It’s a look that urges the same from me, forces all thoughts from my head except a single one: we need to get to the power station, get inside, and end this thing as soon as we can.

  Then, suddenly, from down in the camp, a rattling sounds, dozens of weapons all firing at once. It comes from our own troop, spread out to flank the enemy from many angles, quickly joined by voices and calls of alarm as the war comes to this calm suburb of the grand, sprawling battleground that covers so much of the coastline.

  No longer is it calm. Now, it has entered right into the chaos as the reserve forces of the Baron organise their defence. Moving forward, our brave men and women come, dragging all eyes and ears across the area to them.

  Then, leading us on, Drake and Athena begin moving, along with Cyra and Velia and me and Ellie and the several hundred Westerners we command. Moving out of the hills and into the valley, we spread quickly around the edge, entering into the urban jungle below that peppers these lands all the way to the coast.

  Dressed as they are, our strike force of Watchers are hidden, just several of a force of many, sneaking forward as the battle rages on across the other end of the base. As we move in, however, it becomes quickly evident that it wasn’t going to be that easy.

  With a shout of alarm, a fresh troop of enemy soldiers appear around a building, and my abilities sudden blaze to life. Bullets come clattering, and explosions sound as charges are set off, and fire begins sweeping through in their wake. Immediately, our soldiers fire back, dispersing down streets within the solid section of the camp, officially joining the war once more.

  Of my close allies, only Ellie stands without the ability to see into the Void. And yet, despite that, she’s a proficient soldier and leader, and immediately joins the fray. As we move through, I notice Cyra staying close to her, watching over her for any stray bullet or unseen attack. The rest of us Watchers, including Athena’s students, do the same as we advance, shielding those we can from death with our powers and the bulletproof bodysuits that lie concealed beneath our clothes.

  Before the battle, we discussed the idea of trying to keep our abilities hidden if possible, trying to not be too overt with them, to not alert the enemy to our presence until we were right on their doorstep. I recall one particular thing Drake said that I didn’t much like, but which didn’t come as a surprise either.

  “Even if you have to let someone die to keep your identity hidden, do it,” he’d said. “If the few have to die to save the many, then so be it. Our mission must succeed.”

  I understood it, and we all agreed to it. But here, now, it seems almost impossible to follow through. Urged on by the pulsing of my heart and the steady beat of battle, I find myself saving anyone I can, cutting down any enemy foolish enough to cross my path.

  But in the heat of it all, no one can possibly know. Anyone who might see me coming is quickly dispatched, and before too long we’re advancing quickly through the camp and escaping to its extremities at the rear, leaving Jackson and his troop to maintain the fighting

  Before us now, the lands are undulating and crisscrossed with roads and tracks linking the cities of Piscator and Mercator. Some hills rise up a little higher, little portions of woodland are visible, and everywhere, small hamlets and villages and larger towns dot the landscape.

  But beyond all of that, only a few miles away, the coast awaits, so close we can smell the sea, that pungent salty aroma that sweeps right up my nose.

  Along with our troop, we continue the advance, moving onwards and leaving my father behind. In the depths of the enemy’s territory now, attack can come from anywhere. Duly, as we reach what appears to be an abandoned town, a fresh force of mercenaries arrive, pouring towards us from the South. They come on foot and in jeeps and with larger weapons, alerted to our presence.

  But all over, with our thousands of troops closing in on the cities and towns, our plan is surely working. Their forces are being stretched to the left and right, and then drawn right here into the centre as they get wind of another attack.

  Through the streets we go, unwilling to have our progress halted now. It’s easy enough for our troop of Watchers, continually advancing without facing any competition that can do much more than slow us. But for the rest it’s not the same, their presence doing nothing but holding us back.

  Gathering in a building, as our soldiers fight outside, we quickly determine a route forward.

  “We’re going right to the coast,” says Drake. “There’s no sense is being coy anymore. The Baron knows we’re coming…”

  “Go,” says Ellie. “I’ll hold the fort here, and do what I can with our troops to keep them back.”

  “You might be overrun,” says Cyra. “There’s no way I’m leaving you behind.”

  “Cy, you have a bigger role here than me. All of you do. If you don’t go now, all of this might be for nothing anyway.”

  As his radio crackles, Drake moves off outside of the house, casually stepping into the warzone as he picks up the communication. I watch for a moment as he stands in the open street, occasionally moving to the left or right, or ducking low to avoid a stray bullet. I see him shake his head and grit his teeth before he comes storming back in.

  “What’s the matter?” asks Cyra quickly.

  “Link and Ajax are caught up in the fighting in Piscator,” he says. “There’s no way they’re going to get here any time soon.” He turns to Ellie. “Ellie, there’s no sense in you being here now. You’re too deep behind enemy lines and will have no chance without our protection. Return to Jackson’s troop and hold the fort at the front line.”

  “Are you sure, Drake? I don’t mind staying…”

  “I’m sure. There’s little else that anyone can do now. Just one last favour…”

  “Of course. Anything.”

  “Give us some covering fire to shield our exit. The fighting is quite concentrated out there. We’ll move out and flank around the town. Once we’re through, begin your retreat, and try to get them to follow you.”

  “One final diversion?” she asks with a grin.

  He smiles back at her and nods. “Make it count.”

  With that, the orders are quickly passed down the line to the rest of the Western troops and their commanders. The fighting continues to escalate, more mercenaries called to the battle. And under the cover of a brutal barrage of fire, our small force of Watchers begin moving to the far boundary of the town, the gunfire growing weaker in our ears as we go.

  Drake, Cyra, Athena and her two Watchers, Velia, and me.

  Now it’s down to us.


  Rise of Evil

  The sky is no longer warm and blue. The sun no longer burns down from above.

  Smoke pours from the cities to the North and South, poisonous fumes filling the air and spreading wide on the wind. Plumes and columns, large and small, rise up to the heavens, joining the growing blanket. A covering of man-made smog that blots out the light and casts the world below into shadow.

  I’ve never witnessed such a thing. The battles I’ve fought up until now have been mere skirmishes compared to this. The prelude to the main course, the final act. Mile upon mile of coastline, filled with huge cities and towns and military bases, all drawn into a simultaneous fight for survival.

  A fight for the future.

  Everywhere, booms and colossal explosions continue to pulse up through my body, the ground shaking and sending shockwaves from miles away. I can only imagine how many people are being killed out there, how many buildings are being blown apart.

  Above us, in the air, aircraft continue to whiz past, the battle for the skies raging. As we rush across a patch of open land towards another town, one gets shot down by a missile, one of our own crashing right down in front of us.

  We all see it early enough, and hold our ground, watching in wonder and horror as the jet comes hurtling to the floor before us. It explodes on impact, blazing a trail of fire across the scorched earth, its pilot unable to eject before being swallowed up in the crash. There’s nothing we can do to help him.

  So we continue straight on, the fighting in the towns and camps behind now growing a little quieter. Back there, Ellie and the Westerners continue the fight, luring the larger troop of the enemy towards Jackson and The Guardians as they retreat.

  The lure worked. Now, we move forward unopposed, moving into another small town that sits silent among the plains. Down the central street we run, the lands beyond becoming visible through gaps between low slung and formulaic buildings, used for housing those who work in the larger cities of Piscator and Mercator to the South and North.

  Ahead, the sight of the ending of the earth appears, the low cliffs that signal the beginning of the ocean. And right there, across rail tracks and roads and a patch of clear earth, a small power station awaits, partially hidden behind low walls and gates. An otherwise nondescript place that hides a sinister purpose beneath it.

  We stop for a moment and set our eyes upon the target.

  “That’s it,” says Drake. “We go straight in, right for the front gate. Watch each other’s backs. They’ll be waiting for us.”

  We all nod and grip tighter at our weapons, and with the need for secrecy no longer relevant, shed our cloaks and desert gear. First to do so is Drake, tossing his to the ground and leaving him more appropriately dressed in a black bodysuit, capable of repelling all but the most deadly of attacks.

  The rest of us follow suit, leaving us all dressed in black, fully armed and armoured. On my belt, the extendable sword once given to me by Athena sits tight, with my bear claw necklace hanging to my chest for good luck. Cyra looks upon it with a knowing eye.

  “Didn’t I confiscate that?” she asks, with a small but accusatory smile.

  Then, she moves towards me and, for a split second amid the madness of war, becomes my mother again.

  “I’m so proud of you, Theo,” she whispers, quiet enough for no one else to hear. Her lips dart to my forehead, and her palms clasp to my cheeks. “Now let’s finish this…together.”

  As one, we turn towards the stretch of land and the power station beyond. Around us, the beating drum of war continues to sound, off in the distance in almost every direction. But here, all is quiet and still, our path ahead seemingly open.

  “This doesn’t seem right,” says Athena, peering forward with her sleek eyes. “It’s a trap…”

  Her words give us cause to suddenly doubt our next move.

  “Trap or not, we have no choice,” says Drake. “Expect fierce competition behind those walls.”

  He’s right. We’ve come this far, and there’s nowhere else to go. No doubt the Baron will be fully protected. No doubt he knows we’re coming right for him.

  And we’d better not disappoint him…

  Led again by Drake, and with the rest of us in formation behind, we step out of the confines of the small town and begin working our way across the open fields. I feel suddenly exposed out in the open, and centre my mind on any incoming threats. But nothing
comes forth, nothing is apparent.

  We rush quickly, darting low and with our weapons and minds primed. I couldn’t hope to be among such safe company, every single one of us capable of seeing far into the Void, watching for any and all threats that may come.

  Across the fields we go, crossing roads and old tracks and railway lines, some still used today, others relics of the past and long fallen into disuse. Soon, the smell of the sea grows stronger, the scent appearing amid the stench of smoke and the toxic fumes being belched up from the burning world around us.

  And between the booms and roars and thundering sound of explosions, the casual swishing of waves can be heard, crashing against the rocks right at the base of the cliffs ahead.

  My eyes scan the walls to the power station closely. They’re not high and manned by guards, but meant for nothing but to keep out trespassers, their tops covered in barbed wire and electric fencing. The gate, too, is a simple structure. Not the sort you’d get at a fortress or military base, but that which you’d expect to find at a place like this that no one would ever think to infiltrate.

  I suppose that was the thinking when Drake and Aeneas Stein devised this place. Make it appear just like a small power station, and no one will take any notice. Turns out, that works well for us, the place under-guarded by any serious fixed weaponry.

  Reaching the gate, we see no defensive machine gun turrets or missile launchers, the entrance to the power station awaiting us ahead. Narrowing our focus further, we move through the gate and into the space beyond, entering a central square between large buildings and warehouses, Drake leading us towards our primary target.

  Half way in, however, Drake and Athena stop in motion. Their sudden paralysis trickles back to the rest of us, each of us turning static, our limbs fixing to stone.

  “Get ready…” whispers Athena, her weapon lifting to the left and pointing at the entrance to a building.

  Drake’s goes right, and suddenly we’re all turning with our backs to one another, knowing what’s coming.


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