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Wicked Beginning: An Ivy Morgan Mystery Books 1-3

Page 34

by Lily Harper Hart

Max held his hands up in mock surrender. “I think it’s great,” he said. “Personally, I would’ve waited until Ivy’s house was empty of an impressionable teenager, but that’s just me.”

  “I’m going to beat you,” Ivy warned.

  “I think Jack is going to do that for you,” Max said.

  “I just might,” Jack said, refusing to let go of Ivy’s hand even though she was trying to extricate her fingers from his. “How was Kelly tonight?”

  Max reluctantly disassociated from his joyous teasing. “She was good,” he said. “I showed her around town, which took all of five minutes. I took her out to Mom and Dad’s and she worked in the garden with Dad for a few hours.”

  “She worked in the garden with Dad?” Ivy asked, surprised.

  “Yeah,” Max said. “Dad was careful. There were no sudden movements, and he let Kelly plant some tomatoes. Then I took her to dinner in town. Mom was making tofu, and I didn’t think anyone deserved that.”

  “Where did you take her?” Ivy asked.

  “Just to the diner.”

  “Did anyone ask who she was?” Jack asked.

  “No,” Max said, searching his memory. “People pretty much left us alone. She was fine the whole day until we got out to the parking lot.”

  “What happened then?” Ivy asked.

  “I don’t know,” Max said. “I was already in my truck, and when I looked out the passenger window, I saw she was just standing there and staring at the far end of the parking lot. I said her name, but she didn’t answer. She didn’t even look at me.

  “I got back out of the truck, but I couldn’t find what she was staring at,” he continued. “She finally got in the truck, and I asked her what she saw because she was kind of pale. She wouldn’t tell me, though.”

  “You’re sure you didn’t see anyone?” Jack asked.

  “I’m sure,” Max said. “I looked hard, too. It was almost as if she’d seen a ghost. She claims she didn’t see anything, but I’m not sure I believe her.”

  Jack rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. “We really need her to tell us what’s going on.”

  “I think she’s close,” Max said. “I know that doesn’t help you two because you’re not going to be able to get … carnal … while she’s under the same roof, but I do think she’s close.”

  “I’m going to kill you,” Ivy seethed.

  Jack ignored the exchange. “I’m going to see what I can do about tracking down the brother tomorrow,” he said. “Ivy has promised to push Kelly for answers. We’re stuck until Kelly decides she can’t live with the secrets.”

  “Well, for your sake, I hope she comes clean soon,” Max said.

  “I hope so, too,” Jack said, tugging on Ivy’s hand. “Come on,” he said. “I’m exhausted. I think some sleep is going to do us all some good. We can approach this fresh in the morning.”

  “Are you two going to sleep together on the couch again?” Max asked, his eyes twinkling.

  Jack didn’t answer. Instead, he offered Max a half-hearted wave as he led Ivy into the house. “Goodnight, Max.”

  “ARE you sure you’re okay with this?” Ivy asked, her eyes flitting nervously as she regarded Jack’s naked chest on the couch.

  “Lay down,” Jack ordered, lifting the blanket so Ivy could climb in next to him. When she was settled, he flipped the button on the lamp and plunged the room into darkness before snuggling up behind her.

  “We really need to talk about what we’re doing,” Ivy said, her voice weary.

  “Later,” Jack said, resting his face against the pillow and rolling her tighter against him.

  “I … I don’t want to pressure you,” Ivy said. “This isn’t fair to you.”

  “Life isn’t fair,” Jack said. “And, in case you haven’t noticed, I’m not complaining. Now shut up and go to sleep.”

  “Okay,” Ivy said, pressing her eyes shut.

  Jack’s breathing was deep and regular, sleep claiming him first. Ivy wasn’t far behind, and for some reason the steady beat of his heart reassured her that nothing could touch her as long as he was around.



  Ivy’s face was incredulous when she opened her eyes and found herself on Jack’s gritty dream street.

  “I’m sorry,” Jack said, glancing around. “I don’t know why I keep doing this.”

  “You need me.”

  Jack shifted his eyes to her. “What do you mean?”

  “You need me,” Ivy repeated.

  Jack was starting to get that. “I don’t want you to see this, though,” he said. “I may need you. I definitely want you. I just … don’t want you to see this.”

  “I don’t want to see it either,” Ivy said, lifting her hand and pressing it to the spot above Jack’s heart. “You know we’re on the couch right now, right? Your arms are around me, and I can hear the beat of your heart.”

  “How can we be two places at once?”

  Ivy shrugged. “You brought me here. You tell me.”

  “I don’t want to keep reliving this,” Jack said. “More than anything I don’t want to keep dragging you into this. You should be dreaming about open fields … and picking flowers … and sandy beaches.”

  “So take me there,” Ivy prodded.


  “Imagine where you want us to be,” Ivy said. “Think hard. Don’t let anything distract you.” She glanced down the road, the furtive shadow closing the distance between them. “He’s coming.”

  “I’ve never been in this position before in the dream,” Jack said, turning quickly. “I should be on the other side of the street.”

  “See, you can change the dream, Jack. You’re already doing it.”

  “I don’t know how I’m doing it, though.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “Because I dream about this almost every night.” Jack was frustrated.

  “No, that’s not what I mean,” Ivy said. “Why did you walk over here tonight.”

  “I … .” Jack broke off, realization dawning. “I was looking for you.”

  “You knew I’d be here,” Ivy said. “You came for me because you wanted to protect me, even though I wasn’t in danger.”

  “What should I do?”

  “What do you want to do?” Ivy asked. “Do you want to change this dream, or move on to another dream?”

  “Can I do both?”

  “I’m not sure,” Ivy said. “I don’t understand what’s going on here any more than you do. Whatever happens, though, we’re going to do this together, Jack. I’m not letting you walk across that street without me.”

  “You’re safer here.”

  “I’m safe there,” Ivy said. “I can’t die here.”

  “It’s my dream, which means it’s my subconscious,” Jack argued. “The things I’m scared of in life are the same things I’m scared of in my dreams.”

  “I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.”

  “I’m terrified of losing you in life,” Jack admitted, running his hand down the back of Ivy’s head. “I can’t bear the thought of it. This is my nightmare. The only thing worse than me being shot over and over again would be for you to be shot.”

  “Even if I’m shot in your dream, that doesn’t mean I’ll be hurt in real life,” Ivy said, her heart rolling at Jack’s words. “I’m right next to you, Jack.”

  “You need to run,” Jack said. “He’s coming for me. I won’t let him hurt you.”

  Ivy glanced at the faceless figure. It was just a shadow. Jack wasn’t allowing it to have form. He was controlling the dream without realizing it. She made up her mind quickly. “I think it’s my turn to protect you,” she said.


  “You keep putting yourself in danger to protect me,” Ivy said. “It’s my turn.”

  “Don’t you dare,” Jack warned, reaching for Ivy’s hand as she moved away from him. Ivy sidestepped him neatly, shooting him a whimsical smile as she mo
ved toward the center of the road.

  “Stay there,” Ivy said.

  “You come back here right now,” Jack said, his voice ragged.

  “I’m going to be fine, Jack. I promise.”

  “Ivy, please.” Jack was begging now, and he didn’t care how pathetic he sounded. “I can’t watch you be hurt. It will kill me.”

  “I’m not going to be hurt,” Ivy said, resolute. “I’m right next to you, Jack. Your heart is beating against mine. Just remember that.”

  Ivy turned to face the shadow, anger coursing through her. As the shadow approached, his features evened out. Ivy didn’t know what she was expecting. In her dreams, evil always looked … well … evil. This was a normal looking man, handsome even. He was shorter than Jack, although his shoulders were equally broad. His hair was dark, and his brown eyes were so dark they bordered on black.

  “Who are you?” Ivy asked.

  “Who are you?” the man shot back.

  “I’m Ivy Morgan.”

  “Well, Ivy Morgan, what do you think you’re doing out on the mean streets of Detroit all alone at night? A pretty little thing like you should be home. It’s not safe out here.”

  “I’m perfectly safe,” Ivy relied, nonplussed. “I’m home on my couch, a strong man wrapped around me. You’re the one who doesn’t belong here.”

  The man widened his eyes, surprised. “Are you threatening me?”


  “Listen, little lady, I’m not the type of man you want to threaten.”

  The moonlight glinted off something by the man’s waist, and Ivy wasn’t surprised to see it was a badge. She was surprised to find the man was apparently on duty when he shot Jack. She fought the urge to turn to Jack, a million questions racing through her mind. Now wasn’t the time to pressure him into an explanation.

  “You don’t belong here,” Ivy said. “You’re nothing but a figment of Jack’s imagination. Sure, you existed somewhere at one time. I don’t know if you do now, but you have no power here.”

  “I have power everywhere,” the man seethed, reaching for Ivy. Before he could grab her, though, Jack was pushing between them.

  “Don’t touch her, Marcus.”

  Ivy stepped back, surprised by Jack’s appearance and vehemence. He was taking control of the dream. Not because he wanted to protect himself, though. No, he was taking control of the dream to protect Ivy. Inherently, she knew he would always do just that.

  “You should know better than bringing your girlfriend out here,” Marcus said. “I have a job to do, and I don’t care if she’s a witness or not. I’ll kill you both.”

  “You already tried to kill me, Marcus,” Jack said. “You failed. I’m alive.”

  “I don’t fail,” Marcus snapped.

  Jack glanced at Ivy, his eyes soft. “You’re right. I can change the dream.”

  “Change it to something better,” Ivy said.

  Jack held out his hand. “Hold on.”

  Ivy took it, gripping it tightly, and watched as Jack shifted his gaze back to Marcus. “I don’t want you coming back here,” he said. “I’m not coming back here.”

  “Oh, really? Where are you going to go?” Marcus asked.

  “Heaven,” Jack replied, and as he clasped Ivy’s hand so tightly she could almost swear he was cutting off the blood supply, the street tableau fell away and Ivy found herself standing in front of a river.

  “Where are we?”

  “This is the river by my house,” Jack said.

  “This is your happy place?”

  “No,” Jack said, shaking his head. “Although I do like the sound of the river. My happy place is here,” he said, pressing his finger to the spot above Ivy’s heart.

  “Oh,” Ivy said, her cheeks coloring.

  Jack didn’t give Ivy a chance to argue, or fret, or think of a reason for them both to wake up. He grabbed her, his hands snaking around the back of her head, and pressed her face against his.

  This time no one interrupted their kiss, and in the real world, Ivy sighed as she snuggled closer to Jack on the couch, while he pulled her as tight as he could without smothering her.

  The dream had changed, but the reality was still the same. Jack knew he wasn’t going to let her go in either world. It was too late for that.


  “Good morning, honey,” Jack murmured, brushing his lips against Ivy’s neck as she stirred beside him the next morning.

  “Good morning,” Ivy said, giving herself permission to relish his warmth for a few moments before the day beckoned.

  “How did you sleep?”

  “Wonderfully. How did you sleep?”

  “I’ve never slept better,” Jack said, and he was telling the truth. “I … thank you.”

  “I didn’t do anything,” Ivy said. “You changed the dream.”

  “I couldn’t have done it if you didn’t force me into a position where I had to,” Jack said. “You put yourself in danger to free me.”

  “I was never in danger, Jack.”

  “Stop arguing with me,” Jack said, grabbing her chin and kissing her softly.

  When they parted, Ivy fixed him with a hard look. “You need to stop doing that.”

  “No,” Jack said, pushing himself to a sitting position and running his hand through his hair.

  “No?” Ivy arched a challenging eyebrow.

  “No,” Jack repeated.

  “But … you said … .”

  “I know what I said,” Jack said. “I’m not saying it again, so you can stop bringing it up. I changed my mind.”

  “You changed your mind?” Ivy was flustered, and when she was flustered she lashed out the only way she knew how: by fighting.

  “I told you last night that we’re not going to talk about this until Kelly is taken care of,” Jack said, turning his attention to the quiet kitchen. “Once that’s finished, once it’s just the two of us, then we’re going to have a long talk.”

  “You can’t make decisions for the both of us,” Ivy said.

  “I just did,” Jack replied, unruffled. “Now, I expect you to sit there and stew for five minutes. Then I expect you to pick a fight. I’m going to cook breakfast and leave for work without engaging in said fight. By the time I get back later today, I’m hoping you’ll have wrapped your head around this so we don’t have to fight. If you still want to fight, though, I’ll be ready then.”

  “You can’t dictate terms in my house,” Ivy said.

  “Huh, and yet I’m going to do just that,” Jack said, leaning over and giving her another short kiss. “And look at that, it seems to be working in my favor.”

  “WHY are you so … glowy … today?” Brian asked, glancing at his partner as they drove toward Gaylord. After searching through Kelly’s records, Jack finally found mention of her brother. Several data scans revealed his location, and he wasn’t too far away, so Jack and Brian were going to see him in person.

  “I’m in a good mood,” Jack said. “I slept like a rock last night.”

  “Did you sleep alone?” Brian was teasing, but when Jack turned to him and shook his head, he instantly sobered. “You two did it while Kelly was under the same roof?”

  “We didn’t do anything,” Jack said. “We just slept on the couch together.”

  “Seriously? I thought you were anti-relationship?”

  “So did I,” Jack said. “It turns out, I’m full of crap when I want to be.”

  “So, wait, are you and Ivy officially a couple?”

  “Nope,” Jack replied. “We’re not going to officially be anything until Kelly is safe and settled in her new home.”

  “Ah, that’s why you’re so gung-ho to find her brother, isn’t it? I wondered.”

  “I want to find her brother because I’m hoping that he’ll be willing to see Kelly,” Jack said. “Something has to make her talk. I’m hoping he’s going to be the one to do it.”

  “He hasn’t seen her in eight years,” Brian said. “He was in the sy
stem, too. You realize he might be just as much of a mess as she is, don’t you?”

  “I do,” Jack said. “His record is clean, though. He’s got a good job at the lumber yard out there. I’m not expecting him to come in and instantly erase all of the bad feelings Kelly has about family. I am hoping he’ll be able to help, though.”

  “What if he doesn’t want to help?”

  “Then we’ll figure something else out.”

  “When did you become a glass-half-full guy?” Brian asked, smirking. “Was it about the time you cuddled up on the couch with Ivy?”

  “Maybe,” Jack said. “If you’re trying to rile me up about that, it isn’t possible. I’m in too good of a mood.”

  “Because of Ivy?”

  “She’s part of it,” Jack said. “I’m not embarrassed, so tease away.”

  “I have no intention of teasing you,” Brian said. “Well, I probably will down the line. I don’t plan on doing it now, though. I think this is great. You and Ivy have been sparking around each other since the moment you met. I have to ask, though, why now?”

  “I can’t fight her,” Jack replied honestly. “I’ve tried so hard to pretend I don’t have feelings for her that I’ve lost sight of the bigger picture.”

  “Which is?”

  “Some things are destined,” Jack said.

  Brian pressed his lips together, fighting hard not to laugh. “Are you saying Ivy Morgan is your destiny?”

  “I’m saying I’m done trying to live my life without Ivy in it,” Jack said. “I can’t do it.”

  “My wife is going to be so disappointed,” Brian said, chuckling. “She’s convinced herself she’s going to find you a mate. She was crushed when I told her you were adamant about not dating.”

  “Your wife will survive,” Jack said. “I’m not dating anyone but Ivy. Period.”

  “How does Ivy feel about this?” Brian asked. “She was dead set against dating, too.”

  “She’ll come around.”

  “She’ll come around?”

  Jack sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “She’s mad because I’m dictating terms without letting her talk about the elephant in the room,” he said. “We can’t talk about it until Kelly is taken care of, so she’s … frustrated.”


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