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Knight Defender (Knight Chronicles)

Page 13

by Rue Allyn

  She opened her mouth but got no chance to plead with him for more. His tongue darted within and quenched one need while it stoked the aching fire in her belly and between her thighs.

  He lifted his head.

  She heard a dazed moan come from her own mouth.

  A satisfied smile bloomed on his face. He traced her lips with a fingertip. “Is that better?”

  “No.” She took in a huge breath. “’Tis much worse, for now I ache and burn all over.”

  “Really? Tell me where.” His grin broadened, and he arched a brow. He rolled over, bringing her swiftly beneath him, and framed her face with his hands.

  “Please, a chiallaich, let me show you how much better it can be.” He cupped one hand over her breast and squeezed.

  The twinge between her thighs tightened. Her hips lifted, and she pressed herself against his maleness.

  “Ah that feels so good, Jessamyn. I can scarce stand this petting much longer.”

  She whimpered with a need she could not understand. Her legs moved restlessly. “Raeb, please hurry, I don’t know how much more I can stand either.”

  “Soon, darling, soon.”

  Cool air prickled her burning flesh then his mouth covered her breast and sucked. Heat sizzled through her body, met the throbbing fire where she rubbed against him, and exploded.

  She was lost, spinning in some vast expanse of pleasure. She cried out in surprised wonder and clung to the man who’d sent her into an ecstasy that stole her breath.

  “Ah, Jessamyn, you are beautiful. Your passion is a glory to behold. You humble me with such a gift.”

  She floated back on the strength of those whispered words. His voice urged and stroked, like the hands that earlier removed her clothing and made her moan when they brushed over her too sensitive breasts.

  His palms teased across her hips. He rubbed circles there then danced his fingers lower to her pale curls. Her eyelids fluttered up, and she focused on Raeb kneeling between her legs.

  “That’s right, look at me. I want to see you, to know that you see me.”

  Velvety hardness probed at the apex of her thighs, and she could feel the ache start to flame and build again in her belly.

  She watched him study her. Followed his glance with her own across the flush that stained her chest, over the hardened nipples, past the dampened fluff to where his hand stroked her flesh into delicious excitement.

  He shifted his hips forward. Pressure built within her at the small movement. She gasped and arched her body. His hand left off its stroking. She whimpered at the loss while he pressed her back to the furs. “Not yet,” he crooned. His hands grasped her hips, making small adjustments in their position. With every move, the ache knotted tighter. She thrashed her head, frustrated by his iron control.

  “Raise your hands and grasp them above your head, Jessamyn. Dinna let go.”

  The blood pounding in her ears made his voice sound far off, but the swelling pressure inside her told her how close he truly was.

  “Jessamyn.” His voice held a note of warning. “If you dinna do as I say, I canna go further.”

  “But, I want ... I want ... ” She knew not what she wanted. “You must!” she insisted.

  “Then place your hands as I bade you.”

  She growled her impatience and lifted her arms.

  No sooner had her fingers found purchase with each other than the pressure lessened. She felt his body leaving hers and knew that was the very thing she didn’t want. “Nooo.” Her protest changed to a cry as she felt his thrust. The swift return of pressure within and the small twist of pain were gone. In their place, built a need so intense she clutched him with every muscle and fiber of her being. She knew in the moment that loving him would break her heart. Sighing into ecstasy, she vowed not to let that happen.

  • • •

  Raeb panted, trying to restrain himself. Lust urged him to move within her, to rut and satisfy his body’s hunger for climax. But more than that he wanted to savor the most intense pleasure he had ever felt. This woman, so unlike any other woman, was a true pearl beyond price. He would not treat her cheaply with hurried fucking like a whore. He found himself wanting to find pleasure with her, not take it from her. He looked into her eyes and saw tears pooled on her lashes.

  With one hand he stole the salty dew and lifted it to his lips. “Jessamyn, sweet, you are suffering.”

  “No,” she gritted through her teeth and tossed her head.

  “Of course you are, and I am a fool.” He blundered on, searching for words to ease a hurt he knew could only be soothed by time. He lowered his lips to hers. “’Trust me, please. ’Twill be better soon.”

  “Yes, it will be better if you will please start to move again. I cannot bear this waiting.”

  He smiled. “As you wish.” He began a slow withdrawal and felt her inner muscles ripple over him. “Ah, so sweet.” Then he thrust inward again. Her body clenched around him; her answering moan vibrated through him. Setting an easy rhythm, he watched passionate wonder grow on her face.

  “I want to touch you.”

  “Not yet.”

  “Please,” she pleaded. “I need to feel you.”

  “Feel this.” He twisted his pelvis as he thrust, first one way, then another.

  Her hips jerked from his grasp and followed his lead.

  The slick grip of her body on his penis tightened, and he lost what little control remained. He plunged deeper and deeper still. She arched against him, once, twice, and a third, long heave that drove him over the edge. His seed burst forth in long, throbbing streams. His mind tumbled free. Only her cries, sounding faintly through the pulse that pounded in his ears, and the heavy gasps of her chest against his told him that she shared his delirious ecstasy.

  Raeb rolled to the side and pulled Jessamyn to him, settling her head on his shoulder.

  She looked up into his eyes and smiled, then reached out with her tongue and licked a small patch of his sweat-dampened skin. “Mmmm. Will you teach me how to make you feel like this?”

  “Like what, my lady?” He knew exactly how she felt but wanted desperately to hear her say it.

  “All liquid and relaxed. As if all the bones in my body melted into a heated pool of pleasure and I drowned there, happy in the dying.”

  His smile broadened. “Aye, Jessamyn, I will teach you many ways to pleasure us both.”


  “After we have rested a while.”

  “Will it take long, this teaching?”

  “Aye, I hope so.”

  “Good.” She snuggled against him and was soon asleep. He drifted into sleep himself, thinking that life might be very good indeed with a woman like Jessamyn. What a shame she was English.


  The sun was still well above the horizon when Raeb woke her and said they must leave. But dusk had fallen when they reached the Dungarob stables. She dismounted then removed Persia’s saddle before leading the mare to a spacious stall. Raeb joined her.

  “We must talk.”

  She raised a brow as she began to brush Persia. “Very well.”

  “I’ve taken your virtue. We must wed within the week.”

  She suppressed a frown. Arguing would gain her nothing, and since she intended to leave with the ship now in the harbor, agreeing would gain her much.

  “I see little difference whether we wed today or at midsummer, but if it will please you, by all means arrange it with the priest.”

  “My sisters will want to prepare a large feast and invite every neighbor and stranger they can find.”

  She smiled. “I would want the same if one of my brothers were marrying.”

  “Then while we will have a large feast in a week, I will ask the cook to prepare a special meal for Clan MacKai tonight. I wish to announce our decision and celebrate it now.”

  She nodded and reached for a currycomb.

  He kissed her cheek and took the brush from her hand. “Allow me to tend your mare

  “I rarely let anyone but myself care for Persia.”

  His eyes caressed her.

  She flushed.

  “Allow me to do this for you. You are sore, and a bath will ease your aches.”

  She rolled her shoulders against the weariness there. “’Tis true, but I am like to fall asleep and drown if I bathe now.”

  “I’ll send my sisters to you.” He grinned. “None could sleep with all their chatter.”

  “And here I thought you were being kind. Instead you punish me with a flock of chirping birds.”

  He shook his head then bussed her lips. “Go now, or I may take you here in the hay.”

  “Hmm,” she mused. “A flock of sisters or lovemaking in the hay. There is no choice. Which stall would you like to use?”

  She fluttered her lashes at him.

  Though he smiled, his tone was stern. “You will have to wait for our wedding before you get more of that, wench. Now go.”

  “Very well.” She sighed as much with guilt as disappointment. She had no intention of going through with the wedding; other promises prevented it. Nonetheless, she conjured a flirtatious smile. “But I only go because I know you’ll suffer as much as I.”

  As she left, she purposely twitched her hips, showing him exactly what he’d be missing. Mayhap she should consider changing her goals. She loved Raeb’s sisters and his clan. Dungarob was not as pleasing on the eye as Blancmer, but it had deep valleys and good grazing. She would enjoy helping Raeb rebuild his stables and the MacKai reputation as horse breeders. Her heart raced. Was she truly thinking of abandoning her long-held dreams? After her bath and the sisters left, she warned Margery that there might be a change in their plans. The maid had warned her to decide soon. The ship was to sail on the morning tide, and if Jessamyn changed her mind, the arrangements with the ship’s captain must be canceled. Jessamyn promised a decision by the time supper ended.

  • • •

  Descending to supper that night, Jessamyn heard low voices ahead on the first landing. The voices grew louder as she approached.

  “The MacKai horses have been left at Strathnaver as you instructed until the Dungarob stables are restored enough to house the steeds properly.” That voice belonged to Dougal. The captain of the MacKai guard must have returned.

  She paused, uncertain whether to interrupt the men or return to her room.

  “I’ve delivered all the messages you sent to those who will help discourage Longshanks from using Dungarob as a base for conquering Scotland.” Dougal continued, “I even encountered Rhuad MacFearann on my travels. He said to tell you that MacTavish accepts your offer and will arrive two weeks before midsummer for his bride. MacFearann also confirmed that throughout the Highlands warriors are arming and training in preparation to take Edward I’s ships and his men. I was welcomed home with rumors that you’ve warmed toward Lady Jessamyn. Have you changed your mind about sending her back? Do you now plan wed the lady?”

  Warriors? Armed to take English ships and men? Jessamyn could not hear the reply, but it had to come from Raeb. No one else had any reason to plan to marry her. She crept closer while staying hidden by the curve of the staircase.

  “Do you no think she will object to such a betrayal of her godfather?” Dougal asked.

  “Aye.” Resignation rang in Raeb’s voice. “I doubt she’ll be happy, but Edward canna be allowed to gain a foothold in the Highlands, or we’ll end the same way as Wales, a conquered people dispossessed of our homes and our rights, taxed beyond bearing. Besides, as soon as Jessamyn has a bairn or two, she will no worry over the affairs of kings.”

  “If that’s what you think, you’ve less understanding of women than I believed.”

  “What I know of women is neither here no there. What’s important is that we keep our plans quiet, especially since we still wait information on how many men Edward will send.”

  “I’ve no envy for you when your lady discovers what you plan.”

  “I’ll send her with my sisters on a visit to Sorcha at Strathnaver. With luck ’twill be over before she ever knows about it.”

  Nausea curled in her stomach and her head spun. Shaky, she leaned against the stone wall. She’d trusted Raeb with her body, had been on the verge of abandoning her dreams for him, and all along he plotted betrayal. She couldn’t allow his plan to come to fruition, especially in light of her father’s hurried farewell. Since he was too busy, her brother Simon would sail on one of Edward’s ships to Dungarob to witness the wedding. Simon could be killed. Raeb could be killed. Though she shouldn’t care, she did. She stiffened her back, turned, and paced softly up the stairs. ’Twas best for everyone if this plot were squashed before it ever began. If she got word to Edward quickly, he would not send his ships. She sped down the hall to her chamber.

  Margery was still in the room, straightening up from the earlier bath, when Jessamyn hurried in.

  “Oh no, my lady, what will you do?” her maid asked after hearing Jess’s story.

  “We will proceed as originally planned. However, for safety’s sake, I’ll write a note to King Edward. You’ll sew the note into the lining of your wool cloak, finish packing your trunk with my dowry, and leave for the harbor. I’ll join you before the morning tide.” She gathered quill, ink, and vellum as she spoke and began to write.

  “What if we’re discovered, and what of your horse?”

  “Though I had hoped to take her, I regretfully must leave Persia here. We cannot bring her with us and maintain complete secrecy. The stable hands would miss her and give the alarm. As for discovery, no one knows what we’re doing, so we can’t be discovered. If, however, we get separated, you must take the ship without me and get this note to King Edward.”

  “I couldn’t.”

  “If you care for me, you must, else England and Scotland will be at war, and all of our loved ones will be at risk.” Jessamyn dusted the note and sealed it.

  Margery nodded and squared her shoulders as Jessamyn pressed the message into her hand. “Yes, Lady Jessamyn. I’ll do as you instruct. I promise.”

  “Bless you, Margery. You’re being very brave. Do not forget to have a very loud and angry argument with me at supper tonight.”

  “Yes, Lady Jessamyn.”

  Leaving the maid behind Jessamyn prayed none of the million possible problems would occur. She felt little of the confidence she’d manufactured for Margery’s sake. Nonetheless, Jessamyn steeled herself to do what was necessary to succeed. She could not let war threaten those she loved.

  • • •

  Motioning to a serving lad for more mead, Raeb watched Jessamyn laugh and move among the lower tables. Why had his betrothed avoided him all evening? She’d fidgeted all through the meal and, the moment the servants removed the platter, took the first excuse to leave his side. He’d followed her for a while. They were lovers, and if she wished to mingle he’d no difficulty with that. ’Twas an excellent idea for the clansmen and women to become better acquainted with their new lady. He was smiling the first time she sent him off to get some trinket she wanted to show his sisters. He kept smiling the second and third times, but when she turned to him a fourth time …

  “Prithee, Baron, could you go … ?”

  “Send a servant,” he snarled before she finished. Then he stalked back to the dais. There he slammed himself into his chair and prepared to indulge in some serious drinking, since his affianced wife had no better use for him than errand boy.

  “Tired of playing fetch for Lady Du Grace?” Dougal settled into the next chair ...


  They spent silent moments watching Jessamyn flit about the hall like some rare bird frightened of capture. “What ails the woman?”

  Dougal shrugged. “What ails any woman? ’Tis not as if their actions make any sense. Your sisters are always changing their minds.”

  Letting the other man ramble, Raeb nodded in sympathy. Jessamyn isn’t like that. She’d known what she wanted before she arri
ved in Dungarob, and it had not been marriage to him or any other man. He leaned forward, resting his forearms against the edge of the table. What was it that Artis had said?

  “Lady Jessamyn willna be sold like cattle. Her dearest wish is to retire to a nunnery and raise horses for the nuns to sell.”

  He sipped his brew. But she made love with me, practically begged me. She can’t possibly imagine I would nae want to wed her when I’m the one who took her maidenhead.

  Did she think to claim it was some other man? If that was her plan, then she wasn’t the intelligent woman he imagined her to be. He’d wed her anyway. She was up to something, but what?

  He tracked her progress across the room. Artis stopped his betrothed, taking her hand just as she was about to leave the hall. It appeared as if his youngest sister was pleading with his betrothed. Looking troubled, Jessamyn shook her head. Artis tugged on her hand. Even at this distance the frown Jessamyn turned on Artis was fearsomely stern. The lady shook her head again and trod on the first step.

  His sister flung the lady’s hand away. Then the girl dashed from the hall toward the kitchens. Raeb knew Artis was in the habit of confiding her troubles in the cook.

  He was about to go after her when across the hall, Margery stalked toward her mistress. The woman looked angry. Since she was as much friend and confidante as maid to Jessamyn, Raeb could not imagine what the maid was about.

  “Lady Jessamyn. I can stand no more ill treatment. I demand you pay my passage back to England on that ship in the harbor.”

  Jessamyn jerked, clearly startled by the maid’s loud and rude pronouncement. She turned to confront the servant. The hall fell silent.

  Raeb shot out of his chair and made his way to Jessamyn’s side with all possible speed.

  “If someone has been less than courteous, tell me whom, and I shall have Baron MacKai punish them for daring to discomfit you.”

  “Aye, tell us who,” he said.

  Jessamyn placed her hand on his chest. “Allow me to handle this, please.”


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