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Country Boy vs. City Girl

Page 19

by Shanna Hatfield

  Walking the block from the restaurant to the symphony, they laughed and talked and enjoyed the night out. The holiday selections the symphony performed were wonderful and afterward they walked across the street to a cozy little bistro where they had dessert. The girls sat sipping hot peppermint tea while Josh and Clay enjoyed foaming mugs of hot chocolate.

  The drive home was quiet. Jenna fell asleep as soon as they hit the city limits and Callan snuggled against Clay in the backseat.

  “Is Jenna doing okay, Josh?” Callan asked as they drove toward home.

  “I think so,” he said, honestly. “She gets tired easily and her blood pressure has been a little high, but the doctor said that is all normal. She has a hard time resting because it seems like those two little guys know the second she is trying to sleep and start fighting in there to beat the band. The other night she was trying to sleep and they were kicking so hard, the covers were actually bouncing. I don’t know how she isn’t bruised black and blue from the inside out, but those two were really going at it. When I put my hand on her stomach, I could feel them kicking and pushing. If that is any indication of their future personalities, I think we might have a couple of scrappers on our hands.”

  Clay laughed. “Well if they are that rambunctious, it is a good sign they are healthy and active, right?”

  “Right you are,” Josh said, grateful that so far Jenna hadn’t experienced any complications and for all appearances the boys were growing normally and right on schedule.

  He couldn’t even begin to fathom how heartbreaking and painful it must have been for Callan to miscarry when she was four months pregnant. Callan hadn’t told anyone, including Clay, she was expecting until just a few years ago, three years after it had happened. Clay finding out was probably the lowest point in their marriage, the one that made them decide to work things out and try again. Josh was glad they had because they seemed more in love and so happy with each other now, it was easy to forget the painful times they had faced.

  “Well, if there is anything we can do to help you’ll let us know won’t you?” Callan asked.

  “I think you’ve done more than your share as it is, Cal. Jenna is thrilled with the nursery and so excited about the baby shower. When you told her you would be happy to watch the boys one day a week, she was nearly beside herself. With you watching them on Mondays and Amelia watching them on Wednesdays, Jenna will work from home the other three days and everything should be smooth sailing, or as smooth as it will get with twins.”

  “I was so happy that she asked me. I’ll get two little babies to love and cuddle and fuss over every week. I won’t have them often enough that I’ll get tired of babysitting. With the girls in school, I miss having some noise in the house during the day. It will be perfect.”

  Clay gave Callan a kiss on her cheek, knowing how much she loved to cuddle babies. “And if their favorite uncle just happens to take a long lunch or have a free class period, he might run home to spend some time with them too.”

  “Since when did you get all loopy over babies, Clay?” Josh asked, laughing at the picture in his head of his burly brother-in-law making funny faces at two little babies.

  “Well, wouldn’t you like to know?” Clay said, not answering the question and giving Josh a look that dared him to interrogate him further.

  “So have you gotten around to picking any names yet?” Callan asked. She and Jenna had discussed a long list of names but the ones Jenna liked Josh didn’t and the ones he thought were great, Jenna declared completely awful, especially when Josh suggested they name the boys Espn and Fox, for the sports television networks.

  “Willard and Ashley,” Jenna said as she came awake and joined in the conversation. “How about those names, Josh?”

  “Absolutely not! Sounds like a couple of poets,” Josh said with disgust. These were going to be farm kids, after all. They needed salt of the earth, solid names. “I already picked out two great names and you shot them down without even blinking.”

  “Espn and Fox are not great names. Even Clay wouldn’t suggest names like that would you?” Jenna said, turning to look at Clay in the back seat.

  “Well, um…” Clay didn’t want involved in this conversation at all. No matter what he said, he’d end up making one of them mad at him. “Why don’t you name them after both of your dads or some family name?”

  “Hmm,” Jenna said, growing quiet and thoughtful. “That isn’t a bad idea, Clay. Thanks.”

  Clay could feel Callan patting his leg, which meant she was pleased with him. If he continued to behave himself the rest of the evening, he hoped he would get a reward for being good. When Jenna turned back around, he gently poked Callan in the ribs then blew in her ear. She gave him a glare that said he was treading on thin ice.

  “Maybe you can help me with some of your family names, Callan,” Jenna said, trying to think of good names in her own family tree.

  “Sure. I’ll bring a list when I come this week to work on the nursery,” Callan said, already going through names in her mind and rejecting most of them.

  Soon, Josh was pulling into their driveway and bidding them goodnight. “Thanks for another fun evening,” Callan said as Clay held her door and offered her a hand on the icy sidewalk. “I hope we can get in another one or two date nights before the twins arrive.”

  “Me, too,” Jenna said, trying unsuccessfully to stifle a yawn, which made them all laugh.

  “I think I better get her home,” Josh said as he waved goodnight to Clay and Callan. Once they were back on the road, he turned to Jenna. “It’s good we are spending more time with them. They’re both a lot of fun, aren’t they?”

  “Yes, and I’m so glad we enjoy one another’s company. It’s nice you and Callan have each other, considering,” Jenna said.

  “Considering what?” Josh asked.

  “Well, considering how well you both get along with Bob. I just meant that it is nice you two are close and enjoy spending time together and that Clay and I both enjoy tagging along.”

  “Yeah? It’s good you two enjoy tagging along.”


  Christmas Day found Clay and Callan’s home filled to overflowing with guests and holiday joy. Audrey and Emma were both up early, squealing in delight over the gifts from Santa as well as those from their parents.

  Josh and Jenna were the first to arrive and Jenna couldn’t stop bragging about the wonderful rocker Josh had given her that morning for the nursery. The rich navy overstuffed chair rocked and also swiveled from side to side. A matching ottoman would give Jenna somewhere to rest her feet and she could just picture tiny little hands holding onto the edge, learning to walk around it.

  “I can’t wait for you to come see it,” Jenna gushed to Callan as they worked on meal preparations.

  By the time everyone arrived, gifts were once again overflowing from beneath the Christmas tree.

  “Mama, who’s Willard and Ashley?” Audrey asked, running into the kitchen and tugging on Callan’s apron.


  “Willard and Ashley? There are some packages under the tree that say they are for Willard and Ashley,” Audrey said, confused by the look that passed between Jenna and Callan.

  “Does it say who they are from?” Jenna asked pulling Audrey into a warm hug and brushing the hair back from her face.

  “Nope. Who do you think they are from?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m sure we’ll find out,” Callan said, sending Jenna a rueful smile. “For now, you and Emma just leave them alone, though.”

  “Okay, Mama,” Audrey said as she ran off to play with the other children.

  Later, as they all crowded into the living room to open gifts, Jenna looked around the room and felt very blessed to be part of this family. Big Jim, Bobbi and Steve, Jake and his parents, Josh and Callan’s Aunt Julie and Uncle Ralph, as well as Laken and Tyler Johnson and their two kids were all there to enjoy the day. Thankfully, Bob and Donna were not in attendance.
  When there were only two packages left under the tree, both addressed to Willard and Ashley, Jake handed one box to Jenna and the other to Josh. Opening the boxes together, Jenna laughed when she pulled out two pairs of the tiniest little Wranglers she had ever seen. Josh’s package contained two teeny little John Deere ball caps. “Oh, Jake, these are awesome,” Jenna said, motioning for him to come close and giving him a peck on the cheek. “You do know we aren’t naming the boys Willard and Ashley.”

  Jake laughed, returning to his seat. “I know, but since you still haven’t picked a name yet and Josh told me how much he liked those names, I thought I’d put them on the tag for now.”

  Josh rolled his eyes at Jake then held up a little ball cap. “I don’t think this is quite my size.”

  “They are for the babies, Uncle Josh, not you,” Emma said in exasperation.

  “Oh, my mistake,” Josh said, giving Emma a wink.

  Jake and Clay disappeared and quickly returned carrying in a huge box, setting it down in front of Jenna.

  “This was a bit of a group effort,” Clay said as he and Jake stepped back. “We hope you like it.”

  Josh helped Jenna untie the bow, pull off the paper and open the gigantic box. When he took the top of the box away, it revealed a hand-carved child’s size table with four chairs. Made of oak, the table had rounded corners and sturdy legs. The chairs were each carved to look like a farm animal with two horses and two cows. The animal’s legs made the chair legs, the seat was carved to resemble the animal’s back while the animal’s neck made the back of the chair. The full face of the animal was featured in great detail on the backside of the chair. There was even a mane on the horse chairs made out of yarn.

  Holding up one of the chairs and examining the excellent craftsmanship, Josh was overcome with gratitude. Jenna was sniffling back tears. “Well, who do we need to thank for this? These are just unbelievable.”

  Everyone was quiet so Josh looked around the room, his gaze finally resting on Clay. “Come on, Clay. Who all worked on this project?”

  “Well, Uncle Ralph let us use his wood shop and helped quite a bit, Jake put in time when he could and Big Jim, dad and Uncle Tom even worked on the chairs. So it truly was a group effort,” Clay explained.

  “Don’t let him fool you,” Jake said, thumping Clay on the back. “He spent hours carving on those things.”

  “These are beyond wonderful,” Jenna finally said, getting up and waddling over to Clay to give him a hug. “These will be a wonderful keepsake for the boys. Thank you, thank you, everyone.”

  “You’re welcome,” Clay said, carefully hugging Jenna. As he did, he felt a baby kick. Leaning back he looked at her stomach and Jenna smiled. Placing his hand on her belly, Clay smiled in wonder as the baby kicked again.

  “Oh, can I feel, too?” Audrey pleaded. Jenna guided her hand to the spot and Audrey giggled as she felt a thump against her hand. Emma insisted on her turn. They finally had to explain to Emma a few weeks ago that Aunt Jenna was not getting fat, but that was where she was carrying the babies until they were ready to come home. Thankfully, she hadn’t demanded more of an explanation than that.

  “Okay, that’s enough,” Clay said, pulling both girls onto his lap as he sat back down, glad that Jenna and Josh had liked the gift and thrilled at having been able to feel the babies kick.

  The day ended on a high note when Jake announced he had already gotten his fill of working in the city and would be starting a new job in February at the county extension office in town as a soil and water agent.

  “I have to be able to keep my eye on all of you and I can do that better closer to home,” Jake offered a lighthearted explanation.

  Josh thought Jake’s decision probably had a lot more to do with the fact that he had too much country boy in his blood to be happy stuck in an office all day or maybe it was the girl he seemed to be trying to escape. Josh noticed Jake’s cell phone rang several times through the day. When Jake checked the caller ID, a look of annoyance would cross his face and he’d put his phone back in his pocket. It appeared he turned the phone off completely after they ate. He hoped Jake wasn’t in trouble of any kind, but trusted he would come to him or Clay if there was anything they could do to help.

  “Well, I for one will be glad to have you around. If you ever need something to do on the weekends, I can always find some extra work,” Josh said, punching Jake playfully on the arm. “If you need somewhere to live, you know the Harold house is available.”

  “I’ve lined up a place to stay, Josh, but thanks for the offer,” Jake said sincerely. “Some of my buddies from high school share a house and they have a room opening up right after the holidays. Living in the city and going to college is a whole lot different than living there and working in an office full time. You know, when you said you didn’t miss the city at all, I finally understood what you meant. I got my fill and then some.”

  “Is everything okay? No problems?”

  “Nah, nothing like that,” Jake said, shaking his head. “Although there is this one girl who won’t leave me alone. But I figure moving here will help fix that problem. She has no idea where I’m from and when I’m no longer in the city, she’ll have to give up eventually. I hope. She can’t seem to get it through her head that I’m not interested in a relationship of any type with her. Why can’t some girls understand that just because you go out once doesn’t mean you want to marry her?”

  Josh laughed as he remembered a few of the girls he had dated. “Did I ever tell you about the girl that was stalking me? I finally had to get a restraining order against her. And that was after only two dates.”

  “Seriously?” Jake looked at Josh in surprise.

  “Seriously,” Josh said as he and Jake cleaned up the gift wrapping debris. Looking at his young friend, Josh smiled. “Jake, thanks again for the jeans and the hats. That was really nice of you. As soon as the boys are big enough to wear them, we’ll have to take a picture of them with you.”

  “Cool. I had to get something to start them on the road to farming, you know. Besides, if you are going to give them names like Willard and Ashley, they are going to need all the help they can get.”

  “They are so not going to have lame names. I can promise you that,” Josh grinned. “I’m still trying to talk Jenna into Espn and Fox. Now those are names you don’t forget easily.”

  Jake laughed and threw a wrapping paper ball at Josh. “Good luck with that.”

  Jenna was in the kitchen giving Callan a hand with the leftovers. “I can’t believe all the wonderful things we got today. That table set Clay made is amazing. I had no idea he could carve like that.”

  “I think it was definitely a challenge for him, but he loved doing it. You know these babies are going to be extra special to us all, don’t you?”

  “I do. And I’m truly thankful they are going to have so many loving family members around to help them grow up.”

  “Not all kids are as lucky as ours,” Callan said, watching Emma and Audrey give their Grammy and Gramps one last hug before they left. “By the way, thank you for letting Clay and the girls feel the babies kick. Clay hasn’t ever had the opportunity before and I think he was pretty amazed by it.”

  “No problem,” Jenna said with a laugh. “Although I’m a pretty private person, it seems like when your belly precedes you into a room, total strangers feel the need to touch it and comment. I guess I’m getting kind of used to it. Now there’s something I never thought I’d say.”

  Both of them laughed then went to the living room to tell those departing goodbye. Josh and Jenna were the last to leave. Since they brought Jenna’s car, Clay volunteered to bring over the table set sometime during the next week.


  New Year’s Day found Clay, Callan and the girls at Josh and Jenna’s. Callan wanted to finish the nursery before the baby shower the following Saturday and enlisted Josh and Clay’s help in getting everything set up.

and Josh grunted as they carried the heavy table set up the stairs and into the room, placing it in front of a sunny window. Adjusting the placement of the chairs, Callan stood back and smiled. Everything looked perfect.

  They refused to let Jenna see it until they were all done. Josh ran downstairs to get her and the girls and bring them up to check it out.

  “You are going to be so surprised, Auntie Jenna. Just wait ‘til you see the…” Emma’s voice was suddenly cut off as they came up the stairs. Callan pictured Audrey’s hand clapped over her sister’s mouth and smiled at Clay.

  “Audrey! I told you I don’t like that,” Emma spluttered. “I’ll be quiet now.”

  “You don’t know how to be quiet,” Audrey stated as she ran up the last few steps into the nursery and right into her dad.

  “Hi Daddy,” Audrey said, looking like she’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

  “Audrey, I thought we talked about putting your hand on Emma’s mouth. You know she hates it,” Clay said firmly, looking down at Audrey and trying to keep from smiling. Their little Sweet Pea had a terrible time keeping her lips closed let alone sealed. That, however, didn’t mean Audrey could keep slapping her hand over her mouth every time Emma said something she shouldn’t.

  “I know Daddy but she was about to spill the beans again.” Audrey looked at her feet and made a pattern in the carpet with her toe. “I’m sorry. I’ll try to remember not to do it again.”

  Giving her a hug, Clay smiled at her. “That’s my girl. Thank you.”

  Josh led Jenna in the room and she looked around in wonder.

  “Isn’t it great, Auntie Jenna?” Emma said, hopping up and down. “The babies will love it here.”

  “I think you are right, Sweet Pea,” Jenna said quietly, taking it all in.

  Tan walls surrounded the room with navy and deep cranberry red stars dancing along in a border near the ceiling. Tan valances with navy and red stripes hung at the three windows, providing a colorful accent without blocking any of the glorious light that streamed in during the afternoons.


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