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Shared (Bisexual Threesome FFM Erotic Romance): A Surprise Camping Menage

Page 3

by Mia Moore

  I let out a long breath through pursed lips. That was some story. Looking over at Liam, I could picture the young boy he once was, lucky that he'd met someone as nice as Maggie for his first sexual encounter. My stomach tightened for a moment. Mine hadn't been quite so sweet and innocent.

  Liam reached over and gave my thigh a playful swat. "Okay Riley. Your turn."

  I looked out the side window at the yellow fields of soy broken by stands of tall trees like a patchwork quilt. The rural countryside was calming and the weekend camping promised to be even more relaxing. But right then, the prospect of telling my tale after hearing Liam's made me tense. I was oh so conscious of Shari sitting next to me. We'd never talked about our innocent experimentation when we were thirteen. It was an unspoken agreement that we had come to terms with. But it had a lot to do with how I lost my virginity. At the time I wasn't too sure of my sexuality and back then, being gay wasn't as accepted as it was today.

  I reached for my knapsack at my feet and then turned to Liam. "I'm going to need some fortification for this." I pulled a tin, cough drops container from the top pouch and flipped the lid open. Inside, were twenty or so joints, along with a lighter. As I plucked one out, I smiled at him. "You don't mind, do you?"

  His eyes narrowed for a moment but he shook his head, giving me his consent, if not approval.

  My hands shook just a little as I lit the marijuana and inhaled. Holding my breath, stifling the cough that threatened, I looked over at Shari. She reached for the joint and winked at me.

  After just a few hits, I doused the doobie. Already, the sensation in my muscles and head was warm and pleasant. Now I could begin.

  Chapter 7

  Liam - Dirty Details and Other Fun Stuff

  I'd never told anyone about my first time. No one had ever asked. It wasn't really a guy thing to do. No, guys were more interested in the details of your date last night than this kind of ancient history.

  I could still see Maggie in the short, jean skirt and the blouse that tied under her boobs, making them look even bigger than the gorgeous set I knew them to be. What I hadn't bothered to tell Shari and Riley was that I'd had sex with Maggie off and on all through high school until she'd left for college. She'd created a monster with her sexual lessons--a monster that she needed at least once a month. The truth was, I was probably the only guy she'd ever been able to get off with. Even though she claimed it was my gi-normous cock, I knew it was what she'd taught me to do.

  I hadn't heard from her or Jeff since I'd left Oakley. Hopefully, she'd found a guy who was good to her as well as a good student.

  Riley's voice brought me back to the present. The harsh smell of the joint they'd smoked was dissipating in the breeze from my window. It wasn't that I had anything against pot, it was that I just liked beer a whole lot better.

  "It was a quest after I turned fifteen. I wanted to lose my virginity. I'd kissed guys and even done some heavy petting but I wanted to see what the big fuss was all about." Riley patted Shari's leg and smiled at her. "You know this story. You even tried to talk me out of it, do you remember?"

  Shari nodded her head and let out a big sigh. "I didn't like Jeff. He was two years older than you and he thought he was hot shit. He always seemed stuck up or something. I thought you could do better and you should save it for someone worthy."

  "He wasn't like that. He was shy, if the truth be known. He hid it, coming across as kind of aloof." Riley giggled and her fingers pulled the dark strands of hair that had blown across her cheek, back and tucked them behind her ear. "I followed him when he was on his way home from baseball practise. He always cut through a farmer's field and stopped at the creek for ten minutes or so to skip stones. I knew his routine. That Saturday, when he stopped at the creek, I was already there. The weather was warm and I'd left my clothes on a blanket, stripped naked and swimming in the water waiting for him."

  My fingers on the steering wheel were on autopilot going down the country road. I barely breathed listening to her lilting voice, the sing song fun of it. Fuck! Lucky guy, to be stalked by someone as sexy as Riley, just looking to get laid. Once more I had to shift in my seat to hide the boner that was growing in my shorts. I glanced over at her and grinned. "Why am I not surprised?"

  Her dark eyes were soft slits, the smile on her lips slow and sensuous. "Shut up." She took a deep breath. "When he got there, his eyes were as big as saucers when he saw me in the water. He turned and I had to yell at him to keep him from hurrying on his way." She nudged Shari and chuckled. "Would he have done that if he wasn't shy as hell?"

  "I guess not." But Shari sounded anything but convinced.

  "It was kind of weird, scrambling up to shore and literally throwing myself at him. He was red as a beet but there was a banana in his trousers all right." She laughed lightly and was silent for a few moments.

  "Okay. Go on! You made me give the dirty details." A bead of sweat trickled down my temple but it had nothing to do with the eighty five degree temperatures outside.

  "What can I say? After I put my hand on his crotch, he was putty in my hands."

  Shari let out a laugh. "Not so much putty, I'm betting."

  "Not by a long shot, and boy was he hung. It was over almost before it had even started but mine wasn't the only cherry that got busted that day."

  I looked over at her and there was a small, sad smile on her face. "So did you keep seeing him? What happened next?" There was more to this story than just Riley losing her virginity.

  "He avoided me after that. I learned later that he wasn't just shy but he was pretty religious as well. His whole family was. Too bad. I could have maybe fallen for him." She grinned and pointed to the sign up ahead. "Yay! We're almost there!"

  "Good timing! I should have passed on that second cup of coffee." Shari seemed as relieved to change the subject as Riley.

  I glanced over at the two of them and saw them exchange some kind of secret look. Maybe later I'd ask Shari about Riley's affair with the choirboy. For some reason Shari, who normally was non-judgemental and liked practically everyone she met, didn't like this Jeff guy.

  "We made pretty good time. It's still only mid morning and we're here." The small log cabin office of the state park was just up ahead. I pulled into the parking lot and turned the truck off. "I'll go in and get the permit and square everything up with them." I nodded my head to the side of the building. "There're washrooms just over there."

  Twenty minutes later, we were at the boat launch loading supplies into the two canoes.

  Chapter 8

  Shari Does Some Fishing of Her Own

  I finished straightening the sleeping bags over the foam padding. The sweat was rolling down my neck in the hot nylon domed tent. In a flash, I slipped out of my shorts and top and had my bikini on. That water was going to feel great!

  When I emerged from the tent, Liam had the 'kitchen' set up, a small two burner stove on the picnic table and our food in a canvas bag hanging between two tall trees. Even though it was an island and unlikely to have any bears, the likelihood of racoons foraging in our stuff was huge. He looked up from his seat at the table where he was sorting his fishing gear.

  "I've been thinking of going fishing all week. Who knows? Maybe I'll catch our dinner." He grinned and that cute dimple peeked out near the corner of his mouth. He'd shucked the T shirt and there was a sheen of sweat that covered the firm pectoral muscles and his washboard abs.

  I wandered over to stand next to him, leaning down to kiss the top of his head. "Take as long as you'd like. Riley and I will probably soak up the sun and swim." I squirted some sun screen into my palm and rubbed my hands together. "Here. I'll slather this on you. It'll be brutal out on the water."

  His shoulder muscles were firm and full under my fingers, his skin like warm suede.

  "Mmm...that's nice. Maybe I'll take a pass on fishing and let you give me a massage. You've got the hands of a pro. If you weren't going back to school to become a sports physiotherapist, you c
ould work in a massage parlour." He pulled my arm and when I lowered, his lips brushed the folds of my ear. "I'd like the happy ending of course. Especially after all that sexy talk on the way here."

  For a moment, I kind of regretted the fact that we weren't alone there. If it was just the two of us, we'd probably be naked, fucking on the flat granite rock next to the water. That was one great thing about wilderness camping. There was no one around and you could do practically anything. But, Riley was just finishing up in her tent about twenty feet away. We'd have to be content to have sex later that night.

  "You'll get the happy ending, don't worry big boy. Especially if you catch our dinner." I kissed his lips and then slapped my hands together. "Go fishing. Be all he-man. You catch dinner. Me cook."

  "Okay lovebirds. Get a room or a tent or something. Hell, go do it in the water if you like." Riley laughed and brushed by us, on her way to the flat rock.

  Holy God. I thought my bikini was had nothing on Riley's. Actually Riley's was more like nothing. Only three small triangles covering her privates and nipples. The lush side of her breast flashed while her bare ass jiggled a little as she sashayed by. Her hair was piled loosely on her head under a wide sun hat and dark sunglasses shielded most of her face.

  I looked down at Liam and saw his eyes look away, focusing on the fishing lures again. Speaking of lures...Riley was sure decked out to catch anyone's eye. Hell, I'd had a hard time tearing my gaze away from the flirty wiggle of her flesh. What the hell must it be like for Liam? It was maybe odd, but the thought of his discomfort was kind of funny to me. He was always a perfect gentleman around me, always respectful. Even when we were out and some gorgeous babe walked by, he wouldn't stare at her, like other guys I'd noticed who did that. It was one of the things I really liked about him, the consideration he always showed me. But now, it struck me funny. Was it the conversation on the way up...or being in the natural setting?

  My head jerked back a little as it hit me. I actually didn't think I'd mind if he checked out Riley. She was my best friend and it would just be a natural, normal thing to do. With Liam, Riley was absolutely no threat whatsoever. I was just glad that they seemed to be getting along a bit better.

  "I've got to take a dip in the water. I'm boiling." I walked down to the rock, leaving Liam with his fish stuff. Riley was spreading the towels on the smooth hot surface and looked up when I stopped next to her. "You coming?" I nodded my head towards the water.

  I couldn't see her eyes but a warm smile flashed on her full lips. "Absolutely!" She rose to her feet and tossed her hat and sunglasses onto the towel.

  The water was chilly at first, perfect for the hot day. I waded out, stepping from rock to rock until I was up to my knees. I sprang forward into the depths a couple of feet from the rock shelf. "Ungh!" But it was wonderful!

  When Riley let out a shrill squeal, I looked back to see her also, swimming out to deeper water. She grinned and looked to the left where the thud of the canoe sliding away from the dock caught our attention. "Hey Bob Izumi! Catch a big one, will ya?"

  Liam was in the stern of the yellow canoe, the one he'd paddled across the lake. His fishing rod was propped against the mid seat, the fine nylon line wafting in the breeze as he paddled out into the lake. "See you in an hour or so. Longer if they're biting." His muscles glinted in the strong July sun as he pulled the paddle through the still water. God, he was like a gorgeous god or something. My heart swelled with pleasure watching him.

  Riley turned to me and her eyebrows bobbed up and down. "Let's go finish that joint. I never feel right smoking when everyone's not partaking." She turned and in a few strong strokes she was at the line of shore again.

  I turned and my arms pulled through the water, trying to catch up with her. "He's okay with it, you know. He just likes booze better."

  Water droplets sparkled on her skin when she stepped out of the lake onto the large rock shelf. Turning she pulled her mane of hair into her palms and squeezed a stream of the lake from her locks. "Well, he didn't bring beer. Too much extra weight I guess." She turned and in a couple of strides she was at the towel, dropping onto the soft cotton fabric.

  She plucked the tube of sun screen from my side and handed it to me as I strolled over to her. "Would you mind doing my back?" She glanced over her shoulder at the lake and then turned to me with a broad smile. "Actually, I'm going to take my top off. Liam's far enough away that he can't see."

  "Would it matter?" I squeezed some out into my palm and chuckled meeting her gaze and trying not to watch her fingers tugging the strings of her bikini loose. It had been a long time since we were those young thirteen year olds, laying naked next to each other. Back then our boobs were tiny buds that hurt when you even so much as looked at them. Now, she was sporting a full 'D' cup, the bumble bee tatt over her right nipple daring me to peek.

  As my hands rolled over the satiny flesh on her back, she lit up the joint, inhaling deeply. I felt her muscles tighten and then a burst of air explode from her lips. She twisted around and handed the 'J' to me, a wide grin on her lips. I held it to my mouth and took a deep hit. It tasted a little bitter and hot in my mouth for a second before the pleasant, floaty feeling flowed through my being, mind and body. It felt so nice to be out in the sun, sitting with Riley and getting stoned.

  As she took another hit of the weed, we looked into each other's eyes and laughed. She handed me the joint to finish, turning and sitting upright, totally unconcerned that she was topless. For some reason, it struck me that I should do the same, take my top off. My fingers fumbled for a couple of seconds and then the string was loose, the bathing suit dangling from my fingers.

  Riley grinned and her gaze drifted slowly over my chest and up to look deeply into my eyes. "Yeah. Doesn't this feel nice?"

  "For sure." Everything felt nice, the way it always did when I was stoned. The sun was brighter, the sky bluer and all was right with the world. I gazed into Riley's dark eyes, loving the long fringe of her eyelashes, the perfect arch of her eyebrow. She was absolutely stunning and I could have stayed there gazing at her for hours.

  The corners of her mouth twitched and then she burst out laughing. "Look at us, sitting here almost naked in the middle of nowhere!" She shook her head and looked down for a moment. Her voice was soft when she spoke."Do you remember my Dad's magazines we found? The ones he had stashed in the top shelf in the work shed?" Her hands covered her mouth for a moment before falling and a devilish grin curled her lips again. "Oh my God, they were bad."

  I nodded and there was a tingle of lust that tugged low in my tummy remembering her Dad's porn stash, how we'd read them in her bed late at night, both of us totally gobsmacked at how filthy they were. "He had a real thing for the outdoors, didn't he? There were so many naked women sitting around outside, on tree stumps, laying in the grass with their legs spread so you could see everything. Oh yeah, I remember."

  Riley swung around and she laid on her back on the towel, her arms above her head, a slow, seductive smile on her lips that threatened to become a chuckle when she spoke in a husky voice. "Hey big boy, wanna party?" She wiggled her shoulders, causing her tits to jiggle from side to side, the dark nipple topping the mounds of flesh like two chocolate rosebuds.

  It struck me as hilarious. The pose, the voice and the thought of those nipples being yummy chocolate. When I finally stopped laughing, I reached over and tugged at the string of her bikini bottoms, pulling the fabric away. "There! You've got to be totally naked to do it right!"

  For a moment I could only stare silently. She was completely shaved or waxed down there. It was almost like we were kids again. The women in the magazines had a full bush between their legs but Riley's skin was smooth, the lips full and parted slightly. The tug that had started in my tummy sank lower, making my clit tingle. "Wow. You shave everything?" I looked up and saw the sleepy smile on her face.

  "Fuck yeah. Like I said, Zach likes to eat pussy. It's better this way." She shook her head and grinned
again. "Those magazines. You're right!" Her legs spread wider and her pelvis rocked up and down even as her hands drifted to cup her boobs, pushing them up from where they had drifted to the sides. Her nipples rose even higher, the tips erect and firm. "I'm wet and waiting big boy." Again the husky voice, which set off a whole new series of giggles in my belly.

  Again, I wanted to be like her and the bikini bottoms felt restrictive in the light of day. I took the bottom off and tossed it away into the grass. Now I was as naked as she was, giggling like a hyena. I rose and assumed a squat position, my heels digging into the hard stone, legs spread wide while I tried to make my face all innocent and school-girlish, placing my pinky finger in the corner of my mouth.

  Riley sat up and immediately doubled over with laughter. "Oh my God, yes! That was a classic pose, the little innocent slut just waiting to get fucked by some big stud! With your long curly hair, you're a regular Shirley Temple!"

  When I fell to the side resting on my butt cheek, my upper body propped up on my elbow laughing with her, she rolled her eyes and her hand went to her mouth. "Oh God! Remember the really filthy one where the guys were fucking some of them. And there was always two women eating each other out."

  The smile left my lips and I looked away for a moment. "Yeah. We never could understand how they could do that, remember? It seemed so gross to us."

  She edged closer, laying on her side facing me. Her voice was very low when she spoke. "I remember." Our eyes met and we gazed at each other silently for a few minutes. It was like when we were kids, the same intimacy and daring...well daring except for kissing each other's pussies. But at the same time, it was different. We were grown women, our bodies lush and mature with grown-up needs.

  When she leaned into me, with lips parted slightly, her gaze on my mouth, and it seemed so right. The kiss was light, our lips barely connecting, just a faint butterfly touch. I'd forgotten how soft and small a girl's mouth was, her skin satiny and perfumed. Our lips parted and our breath mingled, tongues tentatively touching. But that touch was like a torch to my pussy, filling me with a hot longing for more. My mouth on hers became harder, pushing her so that her head and upper body was forced back onto the towel. Our tongues danced, swirled over each other, exploring.


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