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Hale Series Boxed Set

Page 6

by Marie James

  I take the envelope out, even more perplexed. Flipping open the flap, I reach in and grab the card. Freeing the card from the envelope causes something to fall out of it. I reach down and grab the wayward purple paper and flip it over. It appears to be a ticket of some sort for “Orchid by Jody J.” I can tell it’s custom made, but it gives nothing else away. No address hinting where I should take it, no phone number to call to get more information.

  Remembering the card, I direct my attention to it. Blank on the front, I open it.

  Join me.



  I drop the card on the desk and gasp.

  Chapter 14


  Join him for a flower? How do you join someone for a flower?

  Why is he seeking me out? Did he not get a big enough thrill the other night? Ugh! I can’t help but feel like the prey in a sadistic game of cat and mouse. The chase is always fun and exhilarating but in the end the mouse always ends up eaten.

  Mmmm….eaten! Yes please!

  Stop it Lorali! Get your shit together. No way can I “join him” if I have no way to know what I’m joining or where it’ll even be!

  While staring at the “invitation” and ticket in my hand I hear my cell phone chime out a text alert. I grab my phone from my center desk drawer and open the window. I don’t recognize the number, but open it to access the text.

  Unknown: I hope you say yes.

  What the hell? Hold on…surely not.

  Me: I’ve no idea who this is, so I must decline and say no.

  Unknown: I have it on good authority that my package was recently hand delivered to you.


  Me: I wish your package was hand delivered to me!

  What the hell am I thinking I can’t send that! How in the hell did he get my number?

  I delete the provocative text and send my question directly to him.

  Ian: I made a few phones calls it wasn’t as hard as it should’ve been!

  Me: So you easily got it? From who?

  Ian: I called the paper and mentioned to a lady that answered the phone that I met a beautiful young lady and just had to get in touch with her again. She provided it willingly, and rather quickly!

  So now I have to worry about people at work just handing out my personal information. I don’t have time for this mess!

  Me: Did you get her name? It seems we have a personnel issue that needs to be addressed.

  Ian: I didn’t, but in her defense I did lay on the charm pretty thick. Most women find me irresistible. She did mutter under her breath while she was looking for your number. Provided me with some valuable information.

  I’m staring down at my phone appalled that someone hasn’t only given out my number, but has told this complete stranger no telling what else!

  I refuse to respond to him. I can tell he’s trying to goad me into asking him what was said and I’ll not fall for it; however, if I know what was said then maybe I can determine which one of the ladies in the call center disclosed my phone number.

  Before I can even type out my inquisition, my phone chimes again.

  Ian: Whoever it was, was quite glad that someone was calling for you since it’s been ages since you had any type of social life and I quote “Or a man for that matter.”


  That nosey old lady has been on me for as long as I can remember to go out and find a man. According to her old ass I’m getting ‘on up in years’ and if I don’t get a move on then I’ll be well past my prime. She’s seriously concerned I’ll end up a cat lady, sitting in a chair rocking away, alone. I’ve assured her numerous times that’s not even a possibility since I’m highly allergic to the things!

  Me: Well that old bat needs to mind her business!

  Ian: Like I said, irresistible, even to “old bats!” Will you join me for Orchid?

  Hell yes! But I know I can’t! As much as I’d love a little diversion in my life right now there’s no way I’m going to get involved in whatever fast one he’s trying to pull off here.

  Me: Sorry I’m busy that day.

  Ian: You don’t even know what day it is.

  Me: I’m busy every day, so therefore I’m busy on that day.

  Ian: May I call you to discuss it? Perhaps I can convince you to clear your schedule for a few hours.

  Me: My schedule is pretty set in stone, but if you must.

  Call me! Who even talks on the phone anymore! I wait for my cell to ring, but before it does my office phone rings. Saved by the bell, I’ll ignore his call when it comes through. Work comes first starting now. No more distractions by smoking hot billionaires!

  “Lorali Benn…”

  “Your sultry voice gives me cold chills, even over the phone.” He called my office!

  I nearly drop the receiver, because in all honesty his voice affects my body as well. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up, my nipples harden instantly, and I feel the most nagging urge to shift in my chair. I clench my thighs together.

  “Lorali?” I realize I haven’t said a word.

  “Y…yes?” In less than a minute, even with a higher education including a 4.0 GPA, this man has turned me into a stammering idiot.

  “Will you join me for Orchid?” His voice is pure sex, all gravely and deep.

  “Why did you call my office phone?” I’ve no other recourse for avoiding his question. I mean I know the answer, because seriously, who would ever turn this man down?

  “I thought it’d look rather unprofessional for you to be sitting at your desk on your cell phone.” His explanation makes perfect sense and also hints at a level of respect for my professional reputation. Guess there’s a first time for everything.

  I huff into the phone.

  “What?” He questions.

  “You were none too worried about appearances when we nearly fucked in the bathroom corridor!” I. Cannot. Believe. That. Just. Left. My. Mouth!

  I can hear him laughing quietly on the other end of the line.

  “You find that amusing Mr. Hale?” Does he not remember Saturday night the same way I do? Of course he doesn’t. He’s not affected by me at all. Part of his sick game I remind myself.

  “What I find amusing is Ms. Bennett, is that you think I have any more control over myself when I’m around you than you do!” He answers very matter of fact, all hints of humor gone.

  I let that sink in. So he what…finds me irresistible? Of course not! Super, smoking hot Ian Hale has super models and perfectly primped beauties falling over themselves to get a few minutes with him. But I’m once again reminded of his words “And yet, I’m here with you.”

  I may combust, right here at my desk. I know exactly where the epicenter of the fire would be… my panties!

  “Lorali?” I’ve apparently wandered off in my own head again.

  “Hmm?’ The only response I can think of right now because for the life of me, I can’t remember what we were talking about.

  “I was nowhere near fucking you in the hallway. We were merely making acquaintances.” His voice is low and seductive.

  Holy shit! The thought of him being a friend with benefits rushes unbidden through my mind.

  “Well if that’s what you call it then I’d think we’re certainly acquainted with one another.” That may have been the fastest I’ve ever acquainted myself with anyone, but I’m sure it’s a regular thing for Mr. Ian May I Please Drop My Panties for You Hale.

  “We’re nowhere near acquainted with each other, hence my invitation to Orchid.” He says. I can hear the smile in his voice. He’s very well aware of how much he’s affecting me.

  “I may be busy but I’m curious as to what Orchid is.” The invitation gives absolutely nothing away.

  “It’s an art show featuring the work of Jody J.” He explains.

  “Never heard of him and we have no invitation for The Courier to even cover that event.” I’m quickly typing Jody J into my search engine.

  “Not him…her. An
d I can’t imagine that you would’ve heard of her. You wouldn’t have received an invitation; this isn’t the type of event The Courier would cover.” He’s being very elusive, giving nothing away.

  My search for Jody J has brought up only one result. I click on the link, but the web page stops dead in its tracks after the first click. The only thing on the screen is a prompt for a password. What the hell?

  “What type of art show is it?” This whole situation is getting weird. Why the secrecy?

  “You’ll have to accompany me to find out, Lorali.” My name on his lips is one of the most erotic sounds I can ever remember hearing. I turn it on replay in my head which of course makes me squirm even more in my seat. What is it about this man that makes him have this much of a physical effect on me? It’s been way too long. Nosey Betsy and Alexa are right! I need a man. Had I not allowed my sexual drought to last this long, I’d have more defenses against him and his never ending charm.

  “So, will you?” He’s being ridiculously patient in his perusal, which hints at his ability to do it for a while without giving up. Like I thought earlier, the chase is always fun.

  Do I let him chase me? I know I want him to chase me. I’m terrified of how I’ll handle the aftermath when the chase is over and he’s done with me. But if I play and don’t allow myself to be caught I could be in for one hell of a ride.

  “When’s the show?” I can hear the air leave his lungs like he was holding his breath.

  “Tomorrow evening. So you’ll join me?” He suddenly sounds younger, as if he’s not sure of my answer.

  “Only because you have me intrigued. What’s the dress code for this secretive event?” I inwardly hope something I bought Sunday will work. The art show is tomorrow which would leave me with no time to shop for something different.

  “I think casual elegance would work. I’ll pick you up at your house at eight?”

  “Eight o’clock is fine, but don’t you need my address?” I question.

  “Nope. Betsy was very forthcoming.” And before I can reply about my personal information just being handed around, I get “Oh and Lorali? I can’t wait to get even more acquainted with you.”

  The line goes dead.

  Fuck. Me. Running. I don’t know if I’ll survive Ian Hale, one run in at a laundromat, one steamy make out session in a dark hall, and one brief phone call and I’m about to combust.

  I’ll never get to sleep tonight after that. I smile, remembering the batteries I grabbed from the pharmacy after shopping yesterday.

  Chapter 15


  What the hell am I doing! I’m not this person. I’m not the type of guy who relentlessly pursues a woman who verbally repeats no desire to get involved.

  God! If I don’t fuck her out of my system soon it’ll really start to interfere with more than just my sleep pattern.

  My goal for tomorrow is to take her to Jody J’s art show. Her reaction to this type of work will let me know whether she’s interested.

  I mean she seemed interested the other night and then she just disappeared. She also sounded none too pleased to hear from me today. Pissed. She actually sounded pissed that the old lady on the phone gave me her phone number. I was sure after our rendezvous Saturday she’d be giddy to hear from me, and realize the effort I’d put out to track her down.

  Every other woman I’ve ever come across would’ve dropped what they were doing right then and come to me had I even hinted at a request. Maybe she honestly isn’t interested. Hell. Maybe she’s a lesbian.

  No. She’s no lesbian. The way she ran her hot pussy up and down my leg said she’s very interested in me. But then she ran. Bi-polar maybe?

  UGH! Just what I need is a crazy person! I laugh. If she were crazy then she’d be pursuing me right? No, I look like the crazy person. Calling and getting her cell phone number and her address!

  She’s avoiding me because I’m coming on too strong. I’ll have to prove to her that I’m in fact not a psycho, just a persistent man that’ll stop at nothing to get her beneath me.

  I acknowledge that toning it down will be hard, considering I turn into a fifteen year old boy around her! My mind goes blank and my body seems to be working solely on primal animal instincts, one that screams MATE HER. I’ve never had to chase after someone’s attention before. Never has a woman turned down the part of me I’m actually willing to share with them. I don’t like it and the guy in my pants definitely doesn’t either! But, she’s agreed to go on the date tomorrow, so I’m close to catching her.

  Chapter 16


  The amount of work I get done after the phone call with Ian is minimal at best. I can’t focus on anything because my mind wonders back to Saturday night. My fantasy mind has taken over and manipulated the ending of that little encounter into something much more…satisfying.

  By the time I make it back to the apartment for the evening I’m ready for an entire bottle of wine. Entering my apartment, I kick off my shoes by the door and head to the kitchen, silently cursing myself for falling for Ian’s play with the art show, but my curiosity is too strong not to go, if only to see what kind of show it’ll be. Never have I heard of an exposition being so secretive. Most artists want to get their work out there and will use any means for advertising.

  My head goes to work wondering if this is some sort of trick, a way for Ian Hale to get me alone and…do what? Hurt me? Seduce me? Punk me by setting me up and humiliating me?

  Following that line of thought, my mind takes the opportunity to remind me about the laundromat and all its shady glory and that leaves me quite apprehensive about Ian Hale as a whole. Something’s not right with this whole situation and I can’t figure it out, which only increases my frustration.

  Sighing loudly upon entering the kitchen, I run into the sight of Josie at the kitchen table, a mess surrounding her. She’s up to her elbows in glue and paper mache.

  “Why are you sighing so loud?” She inquires, never taking her eyes off of her “project.”

  “Ugh,” I start, opening the fridge for the chilled bottle of white. “I don’t even know where to begin.” I pour a glass and take a seat at the end of the table, doing my best to avoid the mess she’s made. “What are you doing?” She’s at the far end of the six seat dining table; newspaper strips and a shallow pan with a white milky substance surround her. Several bottles of craft paint and a few sponge brushes are thrown in the mix as well.

  “I’m doing a run through on a paper mâché volcano. The kiddos will be making these next week and I wanted to make sure I could actually make one before attempting to teach them to make their own.” Josie explains, continuing her work.

  “That’s awesome. We never got to do anything like that in school, always had to do it at home!” I slouch back in my chair, taking my already half empty glass of wine with me.

  “Pinterest, baby!” Josie finally glances up to catch my reaction. She knows I’m obsessed with the website and stalk it regularly, but never really have any time to actively work on projects. I take a quick look around the dining room and try to picture working on some of the projects I have saved for this very room. I know it needs more than just the lame abstract painting of the fruit that currently adorns the wall. I reject the idea immediately. I’m not crafty and I’d turn this room into a hot mess rather than help it.

  “Family meeting?” Alexa asks, heading across the kitchen and grabbing a wine glass. She takes a seat one chair closer to Josie’s mess. I slide the bottle of wine across the table, knowing full well this bottle will never see the inside of the fridge again.

  “No formal meeting. I was just asking why Lor here is so wound up.” Josie just threw me under the very nosey bus that is Alexa Warner. “She seems aggravated and distracted and won’t tell me what’s going on.” Yep, right under the bus.

  “What’s going on? You never get stressed or wound up.” Alexa leans in knowing that whatever I’m upset about is going to be big.

  I’m known
for being calm and slow to anger or frustrate, and that should be another sign from the gods to stay away from Ian Hale, because he’s all but turned my mind upside down!

  “Nothing.” I reply as flat as I can, hoping to avoid what I know is inevitable because Alexa never gives up.

  “Bullshit! You’re halfway through your second glass of wine in less than five minutes which completely goes against your ‘one glass on work nights’ rule!”


  “It’s a long story and I don’t want to get into it right now.” I look from Josie to Alexa. Nope, not getting out of this one if the looks on their faces are any indication. Josie has even pulled her filthy hands from the bowels of the volcano she’s building, intrigued.

  I stay silent for a bit longer. They continue to look at me, waiting for me to proceed.

  “Fine! I met a guy.” I only have to wait seconds before they’re both speaking at once.

  “Who is he?”

  “What’s his name?”

  “Is he hot?”

  “Where did you meet?”

  “Slow down you two!” I settle in to tell them the entire story, well minus a few details, because I know the only way to get them off my back is to put it all out there.

  Let the interrogation begin.

  “I ran into him, literally, at the laundromat last week and again at the gala I worked at Saturday night.” I don’t know why I just don’t spill it all in one breath, what I’ve given them will not be enough information to pacify them.

  “What’s his name?” Alexa asks as she pour another glass of wine.

  This is when I should’ve lied and given some random name to them, but before my mind could fabricate a lie “Ian Hale” spills from my mouth.

  Alexa nearly loses her grip on her wine glass. I keep my head down, knowing she’s gaping at me with her mouth open. I’m a fool to even think that Alexa wouldn’t know who the Ian Hale is. She runs around in some of the same circles I’m sure.

  “Lorali!” My eyes shoot up. Yep. Gaping. How that’s even possible with that big of a grin on her face I’ve no clue. “Ian Hale?”


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