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Hale Series Boxed Set

Page 11

by Marie James

  The cab arrives and we stuff ourselves into the back and Alexa provides the address for the club in LoDo.

  “Ready for Ampere ladies?” Alexa implores. We both nod our heads excitedly.

  Before long we’re shuffling out of the car as gracefully as you can in mini dresses and stilettos. Alexa produces the VIP access passes and gives them to the security guard that’s manning the entrance. People lined up on the other side of the velvet rope groan, but make no move to verbalize their displeasure. They’ve apparently seen loads of people produce these passes, and realize the more they see the less likely they’ll be getting in tonight.

  Inside the club it’s dark, music pulsing all around, and first glance tells me why the people outside are upset; it’s packed. A flash to the right catches my eye. Tesla coils are positioned close to the ceiling, sporadically placed all around the interior of the club and they’re firing off in rhythm to the beat that’s raging through hidden speakers. I fully understand now the correlation with the name Ampere.

  A hostess glances at our passes and directs us to a pub table near the dance floor. Our access pass apparently allows for bottle service because a full bottle of Hpnotiq is peeking out of a bucket of ice in the center of the table.

  “Ladies, if you need anything else, just type it in to the screen there on the table and it’ll be here within minutes. Enjoy yourselves and welcome to Club Ampere.” She smiles at us and makes her way back to the entrance to help the next group of people.

  “This is ridiculous!” Josie yells over the bass of the music, looking around at all the people. She must be in hog heaven!

  “Shall we?” I inquire, pouring generous amounts of the bright blue liquid into the glasses provided at the table.

  “YES!” They both yell in unison.

  We clink our glasses together and toss back the drinks, the fruity flavor a compliment to the heat inside of the club.

  We stand at the table taking in the atmosphere, letting it sink into our bones. I’m swaying my hips, while standing at the table, anxious to get to the dance floor.

  Alexa is watching me. I can tell my good mood makes her happy. I hitch my head towards the dance floor. “You wanna?” I smile at her reaction. She’s surprised I asked, knowing full well every other time we’ve been out they’ve had to practically drag me out on the dance floor.

  She’s steadily typing something into the order tablet connected to the table top. “I just ordered a few more drinks, let’s dance after those get here.”

  I nod. More drinks are good, and they may even help with my dancing! Within minutes our drinks have arrived. My eyes dart to Alexa after the waitress drops our order off. “Shots! Those aren’t drinks, that’s stupid in a small glass!” She knows I don’t handle hard liquor well.

  “Calm down, Lorali! Just a few, no one is forcing you to drink the whole bottle!” She’s grinning from ear to ear. I know she’s taking advantage of my good mood.

  I shrug, thinking why not. I’ve never had vanilla flavored vodka before. I slam my shot back, waiting for the burn in my throat that never comes. I look down at the empty shot glass and smile. I don’t have time to think before Josie and Alexa are tugging me out on to the dance floor.

  The dance floor is situated in the center of the club, sunken down at least a foot from the surround area. The floor is made of glass and bright, pulsing electrical currents are raging under our feet.

  The dance floor is packed, but we manage to squeeze into the middle of the crowd, and form a triangle of swaying hips. I close my eyes and let the rhythmic beat carry me away, the warmth of the alcohol having a mild sedative effect.

  One song fades into the next, changing the tempo only slightly. I open my eyes to make sure Alexa and Josie are close by. They’re equally as relaxed and having a good time. Alexa has already backed herself against the front of a stranger, swaying her hips seductively. So much for a change of pace I think with a chuckle, knowing by the look in her eye that she’s assessing the possibility of allowing him to take her home by the way he’s moving against her.

  Suddenly her eyes go wide, and right before I take a step towards her a huge smile floats across her face. Simultaneously, I feel a warm hand reach around my stomach and a large male form ease in behind me. The feeling is very familiar but I’m not one to allow people I don’t know touch me. Before I can turn around to politely disengage from the man behind me I feel a hot breath by my ear. My knees go weak, my body understanding the familiarity a few seconds before my mind does.


  It takes all of my willpower not to turn around and look in his magnificent hazel eyes but his broad hand spread across my stomach and his gyrating hips against my ass are incentive enough to prolong seeing his face.

  Alexa must have seen him walk up behind me, causing her reaction. I look across at her and take in her shit-eating grin. I steal a glance over at Josie who’s so shocked at the appearance of this sex god that she’s stopped dancing all together and is just standing there staring at me with her mouth open.

  The talented sway of Ian’s body against mine makes me lose all interest in Josie’s reaction. I close my eyes and allow my body to be led by the movement of his. My eyes close of their own volition. I bring my arm up, same as I did last night at the art show and wrap it around the back of his head. He sweeps his hand down my exposed side, grazing my breast before resting it on my hip.

  All shyness has left my body, everyone else in the club fades away and I sway my hips and rub my body against his at every point of contact I can manage. I feel his grip tighten on my hip and I’m forcefully swung around in his arms. The look in his eyes is not what I expect. Anger rather than lust and happiness are apparent in his gaze. I attempt to take a step back, unsure of why he’s upset. His grip on my hip and around my back doesn’t allow for much movement. He doesn’t say a word before crushing my mouth with his, bruising my lips.

  My foggy mind tries to process the emotions and anger he’s displaying, but it’s unsuccessful because his lips have marginally relaxed and he’s ravishing my mouth with his. My arms wrap around his neck as I stand on the tips of my toes trying to get as close to his level as possible. His hand on my back is burning a fire through my body, my skin begging it to spread everywhere.

  Suddenly his touch is gone and he’s gently pushing me away. The look on his face murderous. He looks into my eyes briefly before giving his head a marginal shake, his eyes having now gone from anger to disappointment.

  What the fuck?

  He backs up a few steps before turning entirely around, disappearing into the crowd. I’m left standing there, bereft. I’ve no clue what the hell just happened. I turn back around and look at Alexa. She’s processed the scene that just took place and can tell by the look on my face that I’m about to lose it. She grabs my hand, deserting her dance companion and shoves our way through the throng of dancers and leads me off the dance floor.

  She only lets go of my hand once we’re safely in the ladies restroom at the back of the club. I look at myself in the mirror. My cheeks are flushed and the look of confusion is still in my eyes.

  “What the fuck was that?” Alexa booms.

  “I have no idea!” I’m almost hysterical. “We were dancing and suddenly he flings me around and he had a look of pure fury in his eyes. He kissed me and when he pulled away the rage was still in his eyes, then he turned around and left! I have no fucking clue what just happened!” My hands are shaking and I’m turned inside out.

  “Well, let’s go grab Josie and we’ll head home, no way are you going to be up for anything else tonight.” She rubs my back as I hang my head and take a few calming breaths.

  She leads me out of the restroom. Not realizing that she’s stopped suddenly, I run right into her back. “What the hell, Alexa?” I snap, looking over at her. Her eyes are wide open and I follow her gaze.

  Ian is standing against the wall opposite of the bathroom door. Again.

  Chapter 27


  I knew she was going to be here tonight and I just couldn’t stay away. I made up my mind last night after I staggered out of the shower that I had to know if Lorali was as good as Fantasy Lorali was. When she had mentioned, last night that she was having a girl’s night out with friends at a new club having something to do with electricity, I instantly knew she was talking about Ampere.

  My cousin Garrett has worked his ass off for the past eight months to make this club come to fruition. He’s been in the business for a while, but this is his first club in the Denver area, and judging by the throngs of writhing bodies on the dance floor I can tell his magical touch has followed him from California.

  I spot Lorali and her friends within minutes of them entering the club. I have to shake my head at the group; the others are beautiful, but don’t even hold a candle to Lorali. Seeing her in that electric blue, barely there dress makes my cock harden immediately.

  I’m in Garrett’s office making small talk with him, and his excitement over tonight is almost palpable. I know he has high expectations from this club and if tonight is any indication of success, he’ll be just fine.

  Looking out the small two way mirror, I watch Lorali and her duo of friends pour drinks. The choice of booze at her table is perfect since the seductive sway of her hips is hypnotizing me. What does surprise me though are the shots that show up at her table about fifteen minutes later. Lorali looks a little apprehensive about doing shots but gives in when her friends toss theirs back and throws hers down, too.

  They walk towards the sunken dance floor, shoving through the tight group of people until they find a spot they like, and begin dancing. My line of sight is obscured by those around her and I frown.

  “What’s wrong?” Garrett asks when he notices my change in demeanor.

  “Nothing, I think I’m going to go grab a drink.” I stand and make my way to the door.

  “Alright. See you out there in a bit.” I hear him say behind me as I pull the door closed.

  The dance floor is so crowded that I’m unable to stay back a distance and watch her. My only option is to get super close, and there’s nothing better than bodily contact.

  Coming in from behind her, I notice the look on her redheaded friend’s face and her eyes go wide. I smile, knowing she recognizes me and from the glint of approval in her eyes I can also tell that Lorali has mentioned me. I want to pat myself on the back but I bring my finger to my lips, asking her friend not to ruin the surprise.

  I step in behind her and get the reaction I expect from her; her body goes rigid the moment I line myself up on her back. I smile. That’s the girl I know. I place my hand around her waist on to her stomach and her body starts to move against mine. What? Some guy walks up behind her and she only takes a split second before she’s grinding her ass on him. That’s NOT the girl I thought I knew!

  Even though I’m borderline irate at her reaction to someone she thinks is a stranger, I can’t help but move my hips the opposite direction hers are moving, letting her rub that sweet ass on my cock. She wraps her arm behind my head, her short fingernails digging into my neck.

  I want to groan at the feel of her hot, fully exposed back against my chest. When she brings her arm up to hold my neck I can’t help but notice the swell of her breast along her side where the dress doesn’t cover. I glide my fingers down her body, grazing the side of her breast, before resting it on her hip. Both hands now resting on her body, she grinds even harder on my aching cock.

  I’m torn between the feeling of her against me and the anger rising at the knowledge of her doing this with a complete stranger. The anger wins out and I spin her around to face me. If I’d wanted a slut I never would’ve let her leave last night without fucking her first.

  The look on her face is unreadable when she sees it’s me that she’s been grinding on. I was just going to walk away and be done, but her pouty lips are begging for my mouth. I crush my mouth on hers, half in punishment and half in need. She tries to deepen the kiss and before I can let her change my mind, I break contact with her and walk away; the crowd swallowing me up.

  I take the long way around the club, scouting for someone to fuck tonight. I haven’t had any desire to look for a quick lay since running into Lorali at the Safe House Benefit, but I’ll be damned if I let my mind stay on her for one more night. By the time I make it around towards Garrett’s office I see Lorali disappear into the restroom with her tall redheaded friend. My anger has only mildly abated but I have to have answers and I need to let her know that I won’t need her company on Saturday… as a matter of fact I’ve no intentions of seeing her again. Period.

  I lean against the wall and wait for her to exit the restroom.

  Chapter 28


  “May I have a word with you, Ms. Bennett?” Back to formalities I see. I try to get a read on his mood before I nod at Alexa, who’s looking at me with question in her eyes. The fury that was in his eyes earlier seems to have been replaced with disappointment.

  “I’ll be fine,” I tell her. “I’ll be back to the table in a bit.”

  She nods her head again and walks around the corner out of sight. I stand there looking at him. Although I have an urge to apologize, I know that I’ve done nothing wrong.

  “You didn’t try very hard, Lorali.” He’s made no point to close the distance between us and neither have I. We both stand, looking at each other.

  “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about and even less of a clue as to what caused that childish outburst out there on the dance floor. Why don’t you enlighten me so I can leave.” I hold my head a little higher, indignant to his attitude and misplaced ire.

  “I told you no trolling for men, and you take two seconds before you’re rubbing your ass on my cock, having no fucking clue that it was me behind you!” His anger is making a rather quick return.

  I can’t help but laugh at him.

  “What’s so fucking funny!” Yep. Anger. Front and center.

  I make a step towards him; he takes a step back, slamming into the wall. Talk about a role reversal from the last time we found ourselves in a dark hallway.

  “If you think for even half a second that I didn’t know it was you behind me you’re quite mistaken.” I train my focus for a second on his lips before looking back into his eyes. “You spent the better part of two hours behind my back last night seducing me.” I lean in and softly kiss his lips. Pulling away only a fraction, I whisper against his lips, “My body knew it was you before my brain did. My nose recognized your scent, my hands, familiar with the feel of your hair, my ass and back already accustomed to the shape of your hard cock against them.”

  His breathing has increased and I can feel his heartbeat pounding in his chest. I take another step in, closing the last few inches that separated us. I can feel his impressive length against my stomach. I look into his eyes and notice the anger has melted away and nothing but desire and passion are left in them.

  “Really?” It sounds more like a plea than a question.

  “Yes, Ian.” I reach up and kiss him again. “I could never forget how your hands feel on me,” another kiss, “in me.” Another kiss.

  He growls, twisting me around, one arm around my back, the other behind my head, preventing it from crashing against the wall as he forcefully pushes me into it. Less than a nanosecond passes before his lips are crushed against mine, the bruising feeling welcome this time.

  Our kiss is fevered. It’s too much and not enough. Passionate and aggressive. My heart may give out from the strain it’s under. His lips leave mine to trail down my neck, leaving stinging sensations from the nips he’s taking with his teeth. My arms are around his back, holding him against me. My nipples are diamond hard and pressing against his muscular body.

  His hand moves from my back down to yank my thigh up high on his hip increasing the pressure of our bodies against each other and lining up his cock against my drenched core. My short dress has inched up my thighs, decr
easing the layers of clothing that separates us by one.

  I moan at the contact. He shifts his hips, increasing the friction against my clit. He runs his hand from the back of my head, along my neck, and he settles it on my breast. I arch my chest into his open hand, willing him to give me more. He pinches my hardened bud eliciting another moan that he catches with his mouth. I’m seconds away from coming.

  He pulls his mouth away and through panting breath says, “I need to be inside of you.”

  “Need is a very strong…”

  “Shut the fuck up, Lorali!” He growls, both hands reaching down and gripping my hips. He easily lifts me with his arms, my legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. My core clenches greedily at his command. Our kiss more heated than the last. He turns and walks with me to the darkened end of the hallway. Just as we reach the end of the hall, my back is pressed briefly against a door, his right hand retreating from its grip on my ass.

  I hear a faint beeping noise and the door is pushed open. His lips are back on mine, hand returning to my ass before the door closes with a light click behind him. Ian walks us deftly across the room. He settles me on a cold wooden surface never breaking our kiss.

  My hands reach between us and I grab for the bottom of his fitted t-shirt. I tug it up over his stomach but I’m required to leave it there as Ian makes no move to break his mouth’s contact with my body. My hands continue their exploration of his heated body. My fingers trace every curve and dip of his muscular form, doing their best to commit each contour to memory.

  I can feel Ian working the knot out of what’s holding my dress up at my neck and within seconds the fabric is pooled around my waist; the fashion tape easily giving way under the weight of the fabric allowing it to pull away from my sweaty body.

  He breaks contact with my body long enough to move from my mouth to my breast; his mouth sucking on my pebbled nipple while his hand kneads around it. My head lolls on my shoulders. I place my hands beside my hips in an attempt to keep me from swaying backwards; my left hand knocking something over, it smashes to the ground breaking our reverie.


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