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Hale Series Boxed Set

Page 64

by Marie James

  “Goddamn,” he mutters under his breath. I grin, a slight feeling of triumph on my face.

  I shouldn’t be surprised he didn’t climax in my mouth. He always wants to be inside of me when he goes. One of these days I want him to be so out of it with bliss that he forgets and just lets go, but tonight is not that night. Tonight, somehow, he’s able to maintain his control.

  I feel his warm breath against my neck and can tell he’s settled on the bed beside me. His hand trails down my body just as he begins nipping the skin where my neck and shoulder meet. A rough bite to the muscle at the top of my shoulder, combined with a hard twist of my nipple makes me cry out. Fuck, this man plays my body like a concert pianist. He knows when to stroke gently and when I need a little more.

  His hand glides down my stomach, making the muscles bunch and flex and I hiss when his middle finger makes initial contact with my clit, which of course is swollen and ready for whatever he plans to give me.

  “I see you found your dinner,” I pant as he makes slow lazy circles against my overly sensitive bundle.

  “Is that right?” he asks just before sucking a nipple in his mouth.

  “MmmHmm.” The extreme suction on my pebbled nipple is bordering on too much pain which means it feels just right.

  He releases it with a loud pop. I love being blindfolded, it heightens every other sense; the anticipation of not knowing what he’s going to do next keeps my entire body on that fine razor’s edge of bliss.

  “Funny thing,” he mumbles against my belly button. “It’s exactly what I was hoping was on the menu.”

  “Shit!” I scream as his mouth closes over my sex and his teeth clamp down on my clit. I continue to whimper as he rocks his teeth back and forth, my tender bud still between his teeth. Even though I’m almost certain he’s going to draw blood, I can’t help but mewl and beg for more.

  Finally he releases me and laps at me as the blood flow returns to the delicate area. I’m overwhelmed at the sensation of the throb he’s created in my body. I struggle against my restraint and angle my hips harder against his mouth.

  “Please,” I beg.

  “Tell me what you need, Angel,” he demands as he slowly licks my quivering entrance.

  He’s teasing my body with only the most delicate touches, refusing to give me what I want, what I need until I’m begging for it. Well, it’s been too long and there is not one ounce of sexual pride left in my body.

  “More,” I pant, frustrated. “More of everything.”

  His lips cover and suction to almost my entire core and his tongue begins flicking in earnest against me. Up and down and circling around with absolutely no pattern; his mouth is chaos on me. The best type of assault.

  Just as one hand is sneaking up my body to cup my breast, I feel his thumb lightly caress the tight pucker below his mouth. The strategic pinch of my nipple and the soft plunge of the tip of his thumb past the sensitive ring of muscles catapult me into oblivion.

  I’m still clenching uncontrollably when he stuffs two very large fingers into me and begins to stroke my front wall, which prolongs or sets off another orgasm; which I’m unable to decipher.

  “Best meal ever,” he praises as he pulls his fingers from me. “Here, taste.” He whispers as his wet fingers touch my lips.

  I suck his fingers into my mouth the same time that he slams into me. I nearly clamp down on his fingers as I’m stuffed full of him. God, I love the first thrust.

  Unbidden, the thought of a pregnant Josie slams into my head. “Garrett, no!” I try to turn my body away from him, an impossible task since I’m tied up.

  The thrusting stops immediately. As far as he’s taken me, as many things as I’ve let him do to my body, I’ve never told him no. He understands the gravity of the word from my lips even though it’s not my safe word.

  “What’s wrong, Alexa? Did I hurt you?” His breath is coming out in shallow bursts and I can feel the slight tremble of his muscles, no doubt from trying to control his body that is surely loaded with adrenalin right now.

  “We need to use a condom.” I explain.

  “But you have the implant,” he offers and slowly starts to roll his hips. “I need to feel you, Angel. No barriers.”

  “But Josie,” I explain. He quickly shifts his hips back and pushes into me, his incredibly ample cock finding the end of me. “Oh, God!”

  I feel his weight settle over me. “We’ll find another way.” He promises against my neck as he begins very purposeful thrusts, the tempo ever changing so I can’t settle in and predict what’s coming next.

  The grip of his hand on my hip, the angle he holds me at, and deep reach of his thick cock sends my body into orbit, shattering apart and clutching at him, begging for more.

  “Fuck, Alexa,” he grounds out. “Too soon!” I sigh as the pulsing of his orgasm joins the erratic beat of my own.

  “I needed that,” I finally admit after several long minutes.

  “I had planned on more,” he protests and kisses my lips softly.

  “You didn’t have to come,” I chide him.

  “Yeah, tell that to my cock that was being strangled by your pussy.” He nips my bottom lip as his thumb strokes over my still hard nipple.

  “Sorry,” I gloat. “I can’t seem to control her around you.”

  “Apparently,” he agrees as he reaches up and frees what I realize now is my shirt from my eyes. I blink up at him, my eyes focusing on the magnificent man that I’m privileged enough to lie next to every night.

  “Well,” I say coyly. “If you’re that upset about it, you can always spank me and teach me a lesson.”

  His eyes light up like it’s the best idea he’s ever heard and suddenly I’m flipped over on my stomach. He growls just before his heavy hand slaps my ass.

  Chapter 4


  Nothing worse than an incredibly hot night filled with sex and moans loud enough to wake the neighbors, then waking up alone in a cold bed. Alexa has been leaving me since the first time we made arrangements for a one night stand months ago.

  Maybe if you get the riding crop back out she will remember to wake you with the lithe movements of her body against you rather than an empty spot.

  I’m mulling over these thoughts as I struggle to cage my morning wood into a pair of sweats, of which I pulled from a dresser: where they belong, as opposed to the floor where her clothes were thrown once again last night.

  I can’t help but smile to myself. Alexa and I are opposites in almost every aspect of our lives except where we line up perfectly in the bedroom. I’m punctual; I don’t think she owns a clock. I’m neat and like things ordered; she could live out of a suitcase or off of the floor. The most disconcerting difference is the one I try not to think about the most, and just happens to be the one I can’t seem to shove out of my mind.

  Never did I ever think I’d have the ability to love someone with every piece of my heart after the shit my ex-wife pulled, but I find myself caring for and loving Alexa more than I ever did Jamie. Before Alexa I would’ve rather eaten glass than try to picture a future that included one woman. I mean, who would want that? My guess is any man who’s never been inside of Alexa Warner.

  Now? Now, I have all sorts of crazy shit plowing through my head, thoughts I can’t seem to control, and images of what my future, our future, can look like. So what’s the problem?


  She’s the problem. Despite my declaration of love after she got home from the hospital she still seems aloof, just out of my grasp. I mean don’t get me wrong. We get along great damn near every second and we are beyond combustible in the bedroom, but she seems just out of my reach. No matter how much I try to prove to her every chance I get that she’s it for me, I can’t help but feel like she tries to stay one step ahead in an attempt to protect her heart, no doubt a result of my reaction to the first time she told me she loved me. Apparently yelling ‘FUCK’ and storming out of the room wasn’t the right thing to do.
  Daily I’m riddled with the guilt of being a lesser man and not telling her how I felt; the realization however came a few minutes too late. The consequences were of epic proportions. Alexa left my penthouse that night, got shot, and nearly died, but that’s only part of it. The shooting and very quick arrest of Blake Evans set into motion tragic events that ended with Josie getting kidnapped and held captive and starved for over two weeks. Every single horrible thing that happened after Alexa left my house that night rests heavily on my shoulders. I’ve vowed to make sure that she knows how much I truly love her every second of the day.

  I scrub my face with my hands, once again trying to abate the tendrils of guilt that try to consume my every waking minute that she’s not in my arms.

  Rounding the end of the counter heading into the kitchen, the sight before me stops me in my tracks. Alexa is bent over in front of the refrigerator, my white button down sneaking up the back of her thighs, only hinting at the secrets beneath.

  I groan as my previously flagging morning wood is resurrected and throbbing behind the suddenly abrasive texture of my sweats. I position myself behind her and slowly begin to lift the white cotton of her shirt out of the way.

  “Oh God,” I slur as my head begins to swim. Her ass and half way down her thighs are splattered with red angry welts. I run my fingertips over the damage, disgusted with myself and somehow incredibly aroused at the same time. This isn’t the first time I’ve left such marks on a woman, but somehow seeing them on Alexa’s skin troubles me.

  She hums at my touch, stands, and turns to face me. The lustful look on her face dissipates when she sees what I can only imagine is the horror at her injuries and confusion about my pulsing cock.

  “No,” she says suddenly angry. “You don’t get to turn something incredible from last night into something you regret this morning.”

  “But I’ve hurt you,” I challenge.

  “I loved every minute of it.” She rubs her hands down my arms and steps closer to me, the very tips of her cloth covered breasts hitting my chest first.

  “I didn’t mean to leave marks. It looks like it hurts.” I plead forgiveness with my eyes.

  She clasps my hands in hers, directing one to her bottom and one to the center of her thighs. “Every time something touches it,” she forces my fingers to grip her ass. “It makes me wet,” she pants against my lips as she guides two of my fingers into her.

  Suddenly my guilt begins to fade and is completely absent when she comes on my fingers while standing in the middle of the kitchen with the refrigerator door still wide open.


  Alexa managed to convince me that I needed to be punished for her injuries if I felt so bad about marking her skin. She decided that edging me for two hours and coming in her mouth was enough of a punishment for me. Now she has a ridiculously sexy grin on her face which is a good change from the sultry smirk she had on the drive over to Ian and Lorali’s house. I don’t think I could handle another minute of her whimpering and thigh clenching as she squirmed needlessly in her seat.

  I’m distracted by the over exaggerated sway of her slender hips as we walk to the front door. I pull her up short. Leaning down towards her ear. “Keep that shit up, Angel and you’ll find yourself getting fucked in one of the empty rooms before we leave.”

  She turns her face and clamps her teeth down on my ear lobe causing a searing hiss to rush past my lips. She places a soft peck on my lips. “I know you’re trying to use that as a deterrent to control my behavior, but honestly I just see it as a challenge.”

  She leaves me speechless as she saunters up the grand steps to the front door and walks in without even knocking leaving the door wide open for my entrance. Yep, definitely getting fucked before we leave.

  I follow the clicking of her heels and laughter to the back patio. The pool is sparkling and incredibly inviting and it’s good to see this area open. Before Lorali, Ian hardly ever came out here, his self-imposed heavy schedule preventing it. I’m beginning to think I should follow his example. My lead bartender Johnny has been all but shoving me out of the door every night anyways, and Ampere has run like clockwork even with all the time I missed the last few months.

  I smile and shake both Ian and Kaleb’s hands as I watch the girls squeal at each other like they’ve been separated for years; then I cringe at the knowledge of the actual separation they are still recovering from.

  Somehow we’ve ended up segregated by gender, us guys are on one side of the patio and all three girls are huddled together opposite of us. I’d feel like a pussy at the loss of Alexa’s touch if Ian and Kaleb didn’t look as equally distraught.

  “So,” Alexa says loudly and clears her throat for effect. “Josie, I called you yesterday.” I watch as Josie’s eyes grow big, like she’s anticipating what Alexa is about to say. “Seems I interrupted Kaleb’s little snack.”

  Josie gasps, drops her head to her hands hiding her face, and I see Kaleb shift in his chair.

  “Dios mio,” he grumbles.

  “I…I thought it went to voicemail,” Josie stammers. Then her head snaps back to Alexa. “How long did you listen?”

  “I didn’t listen,” she emphasizes. “I made a phone call and was forced to hear just how much Kaleb liked the meal you presented him with!” I love it when she’s indignant.

  What the hell is she talking about?

  Then Alexa’s words and the memory of the dinner she gifted me with last night hit me. Sly little fox. Seems she had some inspiration. All three women are grinning now and I cut my eyes to Ian who has a look of understanding on his face as well. Just how much do these girls talk about our sex lives with one another?

  I play ignorant. “I’m confused. Josie, why are you embarrassed that Alexa called while you guys were eating dinner.”

  Her face flushes and reddens immediately. I hear Kaleb snicker beside me, obviously enjoying her mild discomfort.

  Lorali the ever-protective sister jumps in to save her. “Well, Garrett,” she says drawing my attention away from Josie and back to her. “Kaleb was the only one umm….eating,” she chokes the last word out.

  I tilt my head, maintaining a look of confusion and almost failing to keep the laugh that is beginning to bubble in my throat at bay. Lorali in her attempt to save Josie has ended up just as embarrassed. Seems they can speak to each other about our sex lives but struggle in mixed company.

  “Yes, Garrett,” Alexa says with a smirk. “Kaleb had the same thing you had for dinner last night.”

  “Pussy,” I answer.

  I watch as Ian sprays beer out of both his nose and mouth and smile in Lorali’s direction. “Seems Ian had the same thing, if I’m not mistaken.”

  “Best damn thing I’d eaten all day,” Ian confirms with an ear to ear grin.

  “Here, here,” Kaleb says holding up his beer in salute.

  I wink at Alexa and watch as she grinds her ass harder on the chair, knowing she’s doing it so she can feel the sting of the marks on her ass.

  “Wait,” I glare at Alexa. “So that’s why.”

  Now it’s her turn to tilt her head in confusion, only I can tell she really has no line on my train of thought.

  I look over at Kaleb and then back to Alexa. “You may have wanted to feed me after that little phone call but you also demanded I use a rubber.”

  “Fuck that,” I hear Ian mutter.

  I’m an asshole and it’s blatantly clear when Josie shrinks down a little bit in her chair. Kaleb leans forward and places his beer on the table, ready to get up and comfort her.

  “No offense, Josie,” Alexa says as she glares at me. “I just don’t want children.” Never? “And you know you were on the shot. And I was just a little freaked out.”

  “And,” Lorali cuts in. “Ian’s rude fuck that, was about using condoms not about having children.” She smiles at her fiancée. “He’d actually prefer a baby over ever having to use one again.”

  “Yeah,” Alexa says her head shiftin
g between the other girls. “Not me. I’m actually thinking about contacting my gyno to see if I can get a tubal, so I won’t ever have to worry about it.”

  “No.” My voice booms before my head realizes the word came from me.

  Her face snaps towards me and she narrows her eyes, the look on her face telling me we’ll talk about it later. I smirk back at her, hoping she can read the don’t make me take you over my knee, look I have. If the squirm in her seat is any indication she read it loud and clear.

  Chapter 5


  Seems Garrett and I had more in common than both eating pussy last night. Lorali tried to pull that wear a condom shit with me last night as well. When I told her she couldn’t get pregnant if I came in her ass she relented. I’m glad she saw things my way and I’m only a little upset she hasn’t consented to anal. I’m wearing her down and eventually she’ll give in.

  “So,” Lorali says to Josie once everyone has calmed down from sharing their dinner plans from last night. “Have you guys set a date?”

  It isn’t until Lorali mentions them getting married and I watch Josie lovingly cradle her left hand in her lap that I notice the engagement ring on her finger. How did I miss that?

  “Oh, Josie it’s beautiful,” I hear Alexa say, which is surprising since Alexa has always been very anti-marriage and I wonder if she’s doing it for Josie’s benefit. I immediately throw the thought out because Alexa is anything if not one hundred percent genuine.

  “It’s the ring his father proposed to his mother with,” I hear her tell the girls, and suddenly I feel like a dick for buying the biggest fucking rock I could find and even more so for asking Lorali to marry me in a fucking club, rather than somewhere that is more meaningful.

  I have to keep telling myself that Lorali isn't Josie and different things make them happy. Lorali tells me all the time that she could do without my money and from the way she's acted since we've been together, I know this for the truth, but fuck me if her eyes don't shine with pride when I catch her looking at her ring. In this moment I realize she loves it because she loves me, just as Josie loves hers because it's what Kaleb gave her.


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