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Hale Series Boxed Set

Page 71

by Marie James

  “Why the blush, Josie?” I taunt her playfully.

  Her cheeks go from a light pink to a deeper crimson, but the smile on her face says it all.

  “Has Kaleb caught you in the act?” I smile big at her and wait for her to spill.

  She clears her throat and laughs at the same time. “Not actually.” She’s being vague and I know it has more to do with her shyness about the subject than her trying to be evasive.

  “Well,” Lorali interrupts. “Spill it.”

  Even though she lowers her head to speak, she’s still smiling. “I may have done that once to try to force Kaleb into action.”

  She bites her lip at her own admission.

  “And?” Lorali pushes harder. “Did it work?”

  “No,” she answers.

  “No?” Lorali and I say at the same time. “What did he do?” Lorali continues.

  She raises her head and looks at her sister. “He stood there and watched as he stroked his…”

  She just lets the statement trail off. “Cock?” I answer for her.

  She blushes again. “Yes, that.”

  “Fuck. That’s hot,” I say honestly, because seriously? Just the idea of that makes me wet.

  Josie turns her head to me. “Well? What did Garrett do?” She asks brazenly now that she’s shared her tidbit.

  I laugh and shake my head. Love this girl. “He didn’t just stand there and watch that’s for sure.” I lean back in my seat remembering how wild he was that day.

  “Well?” Josie prods like her sister did to her just moments before.

  “Garrett tied my hands behind my back and fucked my face,” I tell her while watching the lady at my feet. She smirks this time at my admission. A fellow dirty girl I see.

  “Sounds about right,” Lorali says.

  Josie continues to blush but there is a wicked gleam in her eyes that tell me if I look at her internet history later I’d find some ‘face fucking’ research. I bet Josie is dirtier in bed than I am. It’s always the quiet ones!

  “It was how he was after that bothers me though.” They both sober and grow serious knowing I don’t usually let things bother me.

  “I was streaming video on the TV for…inspiration.” I shrug, because who doesn’t watch porn? “He told me he heard the sounds of the video from in the hall and he thought I was cheating on him. His head automatically went to the worst about me, like he couldn’t even consider other possible scenarios.”

  Lorali opens and closes her mouth several times before she’s able to form words. I can’t tell if she’s speechless or trying to find words that won’t piss me off.

  “Maybe his life experiences before you made his mind think of that first,” Josie quietly adds.

  I know she’s remembering what I told them about him and his ex, Jamie. I shake my head, pissed at myself for thinking this was about his lack of trust in me. I never considered for a second his past in all of this.

  “Shit,” I say and close my eyes. “I never even thought of that,” I whisper.

  Of course being tricked into marrying his high school sweetheart because she was pregnant when in fact it wasn’t even his kid would have lasting effects on him. Hell, she almost ruined him for everyone. He never had a relationship with anyone since her, until I came along. Realizing he loved me and being able to admit it was the biggest uphill battle he ever fought.

  “He loves you, but that level of trust is hard for anyone who’s been through what Jamie put him through,” Lorali adds.

  “I didn’t break his trust,” I huff. I despise her more every second that I think about it.

  “We know that, Alexa. He knows that. He has no control of where his mind goes in a situation like that. I’m sure he felt guilty about it himself,” Josie says.

  “I don’t know if he’ll ever trust me completely,” I say more to myself than anyone else.

  “He will,” Lorali assures me. “Just prove to him every day that you love him and would never hurt him. Make sure you’re everything he needs.”

  “More importantly,” Josie adds. “Make sure he knows that he is everything you need. Leave no room for doubt.”

  I grin at her. “When did you get so smart about men?”

  She shrugs. “I’m no expert. I just know it’s the most incredible feeling knowing that Kaleb doesn’t need or want anyone but me.” She frowns slightly. “You guys will get there. It’s just going to take more time. Kaleb and Ian aren’t carrying around the baggage that Garrett has been saddled with.”

  “Lucky me,” I groan. I can make light of it but I know that Garrett is the man and lover that he is today because of what Jamie did to him. His passion and adoration for me is evident every time he touches me.

  I close my eyes and picture the pain on Garrett’s face the other day when he begged me not to go through some type of permanent birth control. How can he even be thinking about kids when the marriage conversation has never crossed his lips? Jamie seriously fucked him and any woman in his future.

  “So?” Lorali says to Josie, thankfully beginning to change the subject. “Have you given any thought to how you want the nursery?”

  Josie beams and if anyone ever had a doubt about her happiness over her current situation all they would have to do would be to look at her face in this moment and know that she’s perfectly happy with where her life is heading, planned or not.

  “Well,” Josie begins as she pulls her phone from her pocket. “I’ve made a secret board on Pinterest and I can add you guys so you can see what I’m thinking.”

  Lorali laughs at the look on my face. I have to tell myself that I can be happy for Josie and look at baby shit for a bit even though my life is never going in that direction. Hell, I don’t even want a dog.

  Don’t get me wrong I will love any child Josie and Lorali have. I’ll even babysit them periodically if they need me to. I’m not a monster that detests children; I just have no desire to have one of my own. I’d much rather send them home at the end of the day; get my ass spanked, come, and go to sleep wrapped around Garrett. Not everyone shares my dreams and that’s okay.

  Josie is between Lorali and I so we both watch over her shoulder as best we can in our pedicure massage chairs to see what she’s pulling up on her phone. I have to admit I like her taste. The rooms she’s showing us are all neutrally colored, probably since she doesn’t know what she’s having yet, and are very modern.

  “These are great,” Lorali says showing more enthusiasm than someone would who is just admiring another woman’s situation.

  I raise my eyes at her and I know she knows I’m glaring at her because I see her cut her eyes to me and then back to Josie’s phone. Normally I would grill her and make her admit to what I’m sure is Ian has convinced her to have a baby sooner than she said she wanted one the last time we were all together. I focus back on Josie’s phone and leave it be for now.

  “The room for the nursery is gray and I plan to leave it like that. I’m thinking either gender would look great in grays, yellows, and white.” Josie explains as she flicks through pictures. It is obvious she’s already put a lot of time and thought in to choosing what she wants for the baby.

  “I’m so sorry,” Josie says to the woman painting her toes. “I thought I could wait, but I really need to run to the restroom.” The woman dries her feet and legs and slide thin foam flip flops on to her feet.

  Lorali and I both watch as she makes her way down the narrow hall in the back to the restroom.

  “I was thinking we could set up the nursery while they’re on their honeymoon next week,” Lorali whispers to me. “As a gift of sorts so she won’t have to worry about it.”

  I nod because it’s a great idea as well an incredibly thoughtful gift.

  “Well you have a Pinterest account so we can pull ideas from there.” I agree. “I think we should maybe do the type of furniture she wants but leave the detail stuff for her. We can take her shopping later when she finds out what she’s having to get the res
t of the stuff.”

  “Perfect,” she says. “Shhh.” She smiles as Josie slides back into her seat.

  “Where’s the honeymoon going to be again?” I ask because last we had talked nothing had been decided yet.

  Josie gives me a soft smile. “The cutest little resort in Montana.”

  “Oh good!” Lorali says enthusiastically. “I knew you’d said Kaleb mentioned Reno. So glad you guys decided on something a little more personal.”

  Josie laughs. “He told me he was joking about going to Reno and didn’t know what to say after I’d agreed with him.”

  I laugh too because Josie is so adaptable with the world around her it doesn’t surprise me that Kaleb was shocked at her agreeing to something as crazy as a honeymoon in Reno, when everyone knows full well Josie is not the type of girl who’d pick Reno for herself.

  “So he picked Montana instead?” I ask.

  “Kaleb wanted to do a week long beach vacation.” Josie explains. “I’d love nothing more. I mean who wouldn’t want to spend a week on the beach with Kaleb? I just didn’t think it was a very good idea to spend that much money with the baby coming.”

  I nod my head knowing that it makes perfect sense and Josie has always been frugal even when she doesn’t need to pinch as many pennies as she does.

  I look at Lorali but all she does is wink at me and begins asking Josie about her plans while in Montana. Seems my best friend has more than one secret she’s not planning on talking about today.

  Two hours later we are all buffed, polished, and waxed and settling into the limo for the ride back to Lorali’s house.

  “Game plan,” Lorali says getting mine and Josie’s attention. “Tomorrow night you stay with me so you can get ready Friday for the wedding. I know I said I’d drive you to the airport for your honeymoon but since I’ll still have a house full of people I’ve had a car arranged to pick you guys up Sunday morning to take you instead.”

  “Kaleb is not going to like that, Lorali,” Josie says shaking her head back and forth slightly.

  Lorali huffs. “It’s just a car ride Josie. He’ll get over it.”

  “Not that,” Josie says. “He’s not going to be very happy about having to spend a night away from me.”

  I grin because I know the type. I just so happen to have one of those at home myself.

  “Well,” Lorali says with a sigh because she knows Ian would have the same reaction. “It’s just one night so he’ll just have to get over it.”

  Josie nods in agreement but the look in her eye says she’s not so convinced he will. I don’t envy her. There’s a good chance Kaleb will sleep outside of her room and wear a blindfold so he can be around her but still not see her.

  Anybody on the outside looking in may consider that absolute craziness. Kaleb is overprotective to begin with, couple that with Josie’s abduction two months ago and the entire situation becomes clandestine. Hopefully knowing she’ll be at the house with Ian and Josie’s father will help him keep the tradition going and he will keep his distance, at least until she walks down the aisle.

  Chapter 15


  Turns out I didn’t have to worry about Kaleb being upset that I was spending the night before the wedding at Lorali’s; he actually insisted on it. Seems Puerto Ricans are even more superstitious than Americans when it came to the issue. Don’t get me wrong he doesn’t want to spend the night away from me and he made up for the time we would lose by spending most of the night in me, but he was pretty calm when he dropped me off at Lorali’s house just a little bit ago.

  I should be sleeping right now considering he wouldn’t relinquish me until a quarter to midnight but I can’t turn my head off. There is not one single drop of doubt in my mind that Kaleb Perez is the man I want to spend my life with. Not one shimmer of shame that I’m ten weeks pregnant and getting married.

  The only thing that worries my mind is that everything seems perfect right now and I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. Things seem like a fairy tale and the last time my life seemed perfect I was stolen from the parking lot of the elementary school I was a science teacher at and held, tied up in a closet, for nineteen days.

  After a few motivational mantras are spoken in my head, my nerves have settled enough for me to fall asleep. I’m anxious to get this one night over with so I can meet up with the most gorgeous man who has ever crossed my path at the end of the little aisle that’s been arranged at our home.


  I have no idea how long my knee has been shaking causing my foot to tap repeatedly on the floor of the limousine. I don’t even notice I’m doing it until Lorali places a calming hand on my knee.

  I smile at her impishly. “Sorry,” I whisper.

  “Nervous?” she asks softly.

  “Excited,” I explain. “It’s like waiting to go down stairs on Christmas morning. Only better, because I know what’s waiting for me.”

  She grins back at me and I can see the longing in her eyes that tells me she can’t wait for her wedding day so she can do the exact same thing. I’m grateful to her for how she’s been about the wedding and the baby. A lesser woman would have an issue with the little sister not only getting married before her but also having the first grandchild.

  Lorali is an exceptional person and has been nothing but supportive of me since day one. She’s never shown an ounce of disappointment or made me feel like I was stepping on toes being the first one to go through this. She’s happy for me and it has shown through in each and every one of her actions as we prepared for my day.

  Alexa has been the same way. She did my hair and makeup while Lorali and my mother watched in the room with smiles on their face. Well, Mom had tears shining in her eyes also, but she seems happy for me.

  I was terrified of how my parents would react after hearing about the baby. My dad was a little skeptical at first about the engagement but he settled after we explained that Kaleb asked for my hand before we even knew I was pregnant. He also bristled at the knowledge that Kaleb didn’t ask him first. I’d like to slap Ian for setting that precedent and expectation.

  “You ready?” my mom asks as I feel the car slow down and come to a stop.

  I glance out the window and smile. Never in my whole life have I been so ready to do something.

  With the way the house is arranged and the wedding arch is set up in the back yard we have planned for my wedding day to start once I get to the home. All I have to do is walk in the house, out the back door, and down the aisle.

  My stomach flutters at the knowledge that in less than half an hour I’ll be Mrs. Kaleb Perez, a married woman with a magnificent husband. Recognizing that fact makes me want to run rather than walk slowly to the wedding march that began playing the second the French doors on the back of the house were pulled open.

  Less than twenty yards away the most gorgeous, sun-kissed man waits for me. The entire world falls away the second my gaze lands on Kaleb. He’s dressed to perfection in a black suit and tie, and my mouth waters at the images I’ve conjured of how he’s going to look when I divest him from each and every piece the second I get the chance.

  His incredible green eyes match perfectly with the silk square in his front pocket and the tie around his neck. Coincidentally it also matches the tiny butterfly clip holding my hair in place. At some point green became our color. For me it was his eyes that made me love the hue; for him I’m sure it was the emerald panties I wore the same day we first made love.

  I stop at the very end of the aisle and drink him in, my field of vision narrowing down and tunneling to only him. I don’t see the couple dozen guests in attendance. My field of vision doesn’t include Ian and Garrett standing beside him nor Lorali and Alexa across the aisle from him.

  Kaleb. Only Kaleb.

  I realize I’m taking too long when his face begins to lose color and the look of awe that was on his face the second he saw me begins to drop. The small step he takes in my direction and the slight lift of his lef
t hand encourages me to move closer to him. It is then that I realize that I would follow this man through the gates of hell if he even hinted that he wanted me there. Kaleb of course isn’t leading me into a life of sin and evil; he’s my happiness and everything that is right in my life.

  “You ready,” my father whispers in my ear.

  I look up at him and smile, giving my head a tiny nod. We begin our torturously slow walk towards Kaleb, the minister, and the rest of the wedding party.

  I hear my dad as well as other guests chuckle. “Slow down, baby girl. He’ll still be there even if we don’t run.”

  My eyes go wide when I realize I’ve practically started power walking in Kaleb’s direction. My eyes have never left his; his haven’t left mine. The preacher says something; my dad responds.

  My ears don’t register anything but Kaleb saying “Mariposa” as he takes my hand from my dad’s and kisses the top. Reaching up he wipes a tear from my cheek and runs his finger down my chin.

  “Kaleb,” I whisper to him and lean in to kiss his lips.

  The minister’s cough and the audience’s giggle reminds me we are not alone and there are some things we are required to do up here in front of our closest family and friends before we’ll be permitted to kiss. I blush, a wave of embarrassment washing over me when I realize that I just tried to sneak a kiss in front of fifty people.

  I do my best to turn my attention back to the minister as he begins to speak. I’m grateful that we opted to keep with the traditional vows because I couldn’t think in this moment to save my life. We kept with the traditions as much as we could. My something borrowed are a pair of earrings that Alexa loaned me and my something blue is the pale blue bra and panty set I have on under my dress; a little surprise for Kaleb later. My something old and something new is his mother’s ring and the band we had made to match.

  I repeat after the minister; Kaleb follows and it only takes minutes and a few spoken words to tie me to Kaleb Perez for the rest of my life. Finally the preacher gives us permission to have our first kiss as husband and wife. Kaleb leans in first this time and places his hand on my lower belly, acknowledging the tiny life growing inside of me, and kisses me senseless. Thankfully he has enough wherewithal to pull back because I’m seconds away from climbing him like a tree.


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