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Hale Series Boxed Set

Page 82

by Marie James

  Ian opens the door and Kaleb is on the front step, a small smile on his face. It grows bigger when he sees me. Ian tilts his head and looks around Kaleb and my guess is he’s checking to see if there is anyone else behind him. Things weren’t so great here the last time he rang the doorbell.

  He’s alone. “May I come in?” He asks and I see Ian turn his head toward Garrett, gauging the situation. He opens the door further when Garrett just shrugs his shoulders.

  I notice his badge and gun on his belt and my steps falter. He’s no longer on administrative leave?

  “I’m actually here on official business,” he says.

  “Fuck,” Garrett says and rubs his face with the palms of his hands. “What now?”

  “My sergeant asked me to come by and let you know that all charges against you will be dropped tomorrow.” I grin and I hear Alexa squeal.

  “Don’t fucking play with me, man,” Garrett says as he reaches out to the wall to steady himself.

  “I’d never do that,” my gorgeous husband says.

  “How? Who? What?” Garrett begins to stammer.

  “I can’t go into detail right now because it’s an open investigation, but we have enough evidence that proves you weren’t involved.”

  Before Kaleb finishes his sentence Garrett falls to his knees on the floor. Immediately Alexa is by his side and wrapping her arms around him. Overcome with the emotion and stress from the last couple of weeks Garrett begins to sob.

  Ian looks at each of us and tilts his head to the living room, asking us silently to give them a few minutes to wrap their heads around this incredible news.

  Kaleb sits on the sofa and I climb in his lap. “You have some explaining to do,” I whisper in his ear.

  He laughs lightly but nods his head acknowledging that we’ll talk about everything later.

  “Can I get you a beer, Kaleb?” Ian asks from the bar across the room.

  “I’m actually not done working just yet. I need to talk to Garrett about something. Hopefully he can give me some information that we need to proceed with the case.” He says this as his lips trail down my throat.

  Ian laughs because we just can’t keep our hands off of one another. “Let’s just give them a few minutes. They’ve had a couple bad weeks.”

  “I wanted to tell you,” Kaleb kisses my cheek. “I got an email from Child Welfare Services. They were finally able to locate a relative for Gracie.”

  I beam at him. “Really? Who?”

  “Her Aunt Diane lives in Tennessee and is driving in to get her.” He kisses my lips again. “Just a few more days in state care and she’ll be heading to Huron to live with family.”

  We sit and chat for a while longer and eventually Garrett and Alexa make their way back into the living room. Garrett’s face is still red from his emotional break but he has a smile on his face.

  He walks toward Kaleb who gently eases me off his lap so he can stand. We watch with bated breath until Garrett extends his hand to my husband.

  “We good?” Garrett asks.

  “Yeah, man. We’re good. Sorry about all this shit.” Kaleb apologizes as he shakes Garrett’s hand who then pulls him into one of those manly backslapping things.

  “You had a job to do. Don’t imagine it was any easier for you than it was for me.” Kaleb sighs and shakes his head agreeing with him.

  Garrett grabs a seat across from us and Kaleb sits down as well.

  “Is there anything you can tell us?” Garrett prods.

  “I was hoping to get some information from you and I can’t do that without giving some information away.” He looks around the room and makes eye contact with each one of us. “I need to know that what I say doesn’t go any further than these walls.”

  We all verbally agree.

  “I need to know if you know where Johnny Hill took off to.” I watch as Garrett’s eyes go wide.

  “Why the fuck are you looking for him?” Garrett stares at Kaleb. “No.” He shakes his head emphatically. “There’s no way.”

  “We have it on good authority that a woman who has manipulated him into thinking they are together, convinced him to plant the coke and start the fire. We don’t think he knew Darren Davies was there.” Kaleb explains.

  “He mentioned meeting a girl at a coffee shop.” Garrett says in recollection.

  “Did he tell you her name?” Kaleb asks.

  “I think he said her name was Jessica or something like that.” Kaleb hisses and even I can tell that is exactly who he believes is involved.

  “Hold on. Jessica?” I interrupt. “Is it the same…”

  “Yes,” Kaleb answers me before I can even get my question out. “But it goes so much deeper than the pictures, Mariposa.”

  “Pictures?” Lorali says.

  Kaleb laughs. “I’ll explain it all when I can but right now we need to find Johnny.” He turns his attention back to Garrett.

  “He told me a few days ago he was staying at some shitty hotel off of Vine. He didn’t give me a room number and I can’t remember the name.” Garrett says and I can see his frustration growing. “He made me feel like shit for weeks. Feeling sorry for his ass since he lost his job. I offered to pay his fucking rent until he could get another job and you’re telling me he set my ass up?”

  “That’s where the investigation has led us.” Kaleb says shaking his head. “Shit, Garrett. I hate that you even got brought in on this. They made sure all of the evidence pointed back to you.”

  “Fuck,” Garrett says sitting back further on the couch. “I’m just glad this shit is over.”

  “Well, it’s not quite over. The charges will be dropped but you need to get with your attorney and start working on your expungement. The arrests will show until a judge orders them to be deleted.” Garrett crinkles his nose, obviously weary of the whole process. “Sorry man.” Kaleb says again.

  “Well, at least there’s light at the end of the fucking tunnel now,” Ian adds.

  Kaleb turns to me and cups my cheek gently. “I hate to leave you again, Mariposa, but I have to see this through.”

  “When will you be home?” I ask and lean into his warm hand.

  “As soon as Jessica and Johnny are arrested. They hurt you, Josie.” He turns his attention to the group. “They hurt all of us. I have to make sure they’re in custody.”

  I kiss him and allow him to stand. I hold his hand and walk with him all the way to the door, reluctant to let him leave; knowing he may be going into a dangerous situation.

  “Please, be careful,” I beg him.

  “I don’t actually get to be involved since I’m too close to this case, but I need to be there to see them brought in.” He explains. “Will you be here or at home?”

  “Is it safe at home?”

  “Stay here for tonight,” he says. “I’ll grab you when I’m done and all of this is over.”

  “I love you, Kaleb.” I lean in for a kiss and he obliges.

  He kisses me like he did the first time when I got home after being abducted. He kissed me with everything that he has like he felt like he was close to losing me again.

  “I love you, too.”

  I close the door behind him and start counting down the minutes until I get my husband back. I have so many questions and I expect him to answer each and every one.

  Chapter 31


  When Garret came back in the room and joined me on the couch I knew then and there that Lorali had said something to Ian who in turn said something to Garrett. For the first time in weeks his touch was gentle and he held me and let me touch him back.

  When Kaleb showed up again I could feel the dread rolling off of him and I knew the little glimpse of my old Garrett was gone. I never would’ve expected the news Kaleb came to share. We left Ian and Lorali’s house shortly after Kaleb did.

  The drive back to the penthouse is spent in total silence. I don’t know what to say or if he even wants me to speak so I spend the time watching out the windo
w until the familiar sight of the subterranean parking garage comes into view.

  I climb out of the car and begin walking toward the elevator, mimicking his actions in reverse from earlier. I have no expectations of how things will be now, only hope that eventually the man I love will make his way back to me. That hope shines a little brighter when he comes up to my side and takes my hand in his and doesn’t let go the entire ride up to our home.

  He opens the door quietly and I walk past him into the penthouse. I’m nervous and it’s evident by the slight tremble in my fingers. I cross my arms and wrap them around my stomach to try to control my nerves or at least not let them show. Garrett has managed to exploit every weakness I’ve shown lately and I’d like for tonight to not be more of the same.

  I begin to walk to the bedroom when I feel the heat of his body on my back. I close my eyes at the sensation I’ve missed with every cell of my body. I want to cry when his strong arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me back against his chest.

  “Angel,” he whispers in my ear.

  I melt into him. One word spoke with true love and I’m able to push aside any apprehension I had about what’s in store for tonight.

  I lean my head back against his chest and close my eyes.

  “Alexa, I want to…” I turn in his arms and lift my finger to his lips preventing him from speaking.

  “No words; we don’t need to talk.” I smile weakly at him then focus my eyes on his kissable full lips.

  I hear him growl as he watches me lick my own lips, wanting nothing more than to lick his.

  Then he says the words I’ve been waiting weeks to hear. “Kiss me,” he begs and I love him even more for allowing me the chance to move in first.

  He’s letting me decide what I’ll take from him when he’s been the one to take everything he’s needed and wanted recently.

  I shift up onto the tips of my toes and ghost my lips ever so slightly against his. He moans softly against my mouth and the sound shoots straight to my core. I can’t stop the whimper that bubbles from my own.

  His hand reaches up and cups my cheek softly as I put a few inches of space between us. He closes his eyes and gently shakes his head back and forth, struggling with what I don’t know.

  “I love you so fucking much,” he eventually says in a broken tone.

  “And I you.” I lean in again and take his beautiful mouth.

  My hands go to his unruly, over long hair and the soft skin of my face registers the rough feel of his beard. An idea hits me but I want to make sure tonight is not just a fluke. Being honest with myself I know if things continue the way they have after we got the news the charges will be dropped, I don’t think I’ll stay. It will break my heart but I’m at the end of my rope.

  I cup his cheeks in my hands. “Are you back?” I ask hopefully.

  His eyes are sad and I can see he too regrets his actions the last couple of weeks. “If you’ll have me.”

  I kiss his lips softly and tug on his hand pulling him toward our bedroom, straight through the room, and into the bathroom.

  He stands and watches me without a word as I get out the razor and shaving cream. I set the supplies on the bathroom vanity and turn my attention back to him. I walk to him purposely, reaching for his shirt. Maintaining eye contact I slowly unbutton his shirt and push it off of his shoulders. I trail my hand down his pecs and abs as I bend over and retrieve it from the floor. I toss it in the direction of the laundry hamper.

  He closes his eyes at my touch and his breathing grows erratic. My hand slows as it inches toward the top button of his jeans. I sweep my finger just a fraction of an inch inside and sweep it toward his hip. His muscles bunch and he hisses.

  I’d love to tease him for the next couple of hours and I probably will but we’re in here for a reason. I withdraw my finger and work the buttons of his fly free. Leaving his black boxer briefs in place I push his jeans over his hips and let them pool at his feet. He groans when I run my nose down his straining length as I reach down to collect his jeans and again on my way up to a full standing position. I, too, toss them near the hamper.

  Just as he reaches his hands up to touch me I step out of his grasp.

  “Sit,” I say and point to the end of the bathtub near the shaving supplies.

  He obeys with a smirk.

  I squirt shaving gel in my hands and rub them together until they are both filled with thick, creamy foam. As I apply it to his cheeks, chin, and neck he rests his hands on my still clothed hips, sneaking his hand under the very bottom of my shirt. His soft hands on my overheated skin almost cause me to lose focus on the task at hand.

  Slowly and methodically I do my best to shave his multiple weeks’ worth of growth. I grin inwardly, grateful to have mastered the skill in my continuing education classes while working for the spa.

  When I’m done I hand him a towel to get the remaining shaving cream off. Pulling the towel away he smiles at me and I smile back. I’ve missed his joy, I’ve missed him.

  I grip his neck and trace my thumb down his cheek, loving how he fractionally tilts his head into my touch. He mimics my embrace and places his large hand against my face as he bends his head down, angling his mouth so it fits perfectly over mine.

  The first hot sweep of his tongue inside nearly melts my panties and I know without a doubt if he checked he’d find me slick and ready for him.

  I reach for the hem of my shirt and begin to pull it up and off but his hand on mine halts my actions.

  “Let me,” he hums against my panting mouth. I raise my hands and allow him to pull my shirt free of my body. His finger lightly traces the curve of my breast where it meets the satin of my bra and I roll my head on my shoulders. With the flick of his fingers my bra is open and sliding down my arms to the floor. He doesn’t give it a second thought as it lands at our feet on the tile.

  Greedy hands heft the weight of my ample breasts and broad thumbs graze the tightened tips. A taste of his touch and then his hands are moving on, slowly gliding down my body to the front clasp of my jeans. In less than a breath they, along with my lace panties, are at my feet and Garrett is lifting me up.

  I tangle my legs around his waist and lick the raging pulse in his neck as he walks us out of the ensuite and to our soft, king-sized bed. With one knee on the mattress he catches our combined weight with an outstretched hand, lowering me gently to the fluffy duvet.

  I raise my feet up and use my toes to push down the remaining piece of clothing he’s wearing. The ability to get my legs up that high is largely due to the yoga I’ve been doing to work out my sore muscles after one of our sessions.

  I groan at the feel of his hot, thick length as it settles on my pubic bone and lower stomach.

  On his elbows, he pulls his head back and peers down at me. “If you’re too sore from earlier…” I quieten him with my mouth on his and grip his firm muscled ass in my hand, squeezing the flesh and pulling him closer against me. “I want to taste you,” he admits, licking over my neck and shoulder.

  “Later,” I promise and reach down to line him up at my entrance. “I need you inside of me like this.” I nip at his lip. “Soft and sweet.”

  He groans when I shift my weight, forcing myself around the head of his engorged cock.

  “Angel,” he moans and slides his full length in.

  My eyes flutter closed and my head flexes backward at his invasion; my back arching. Pure bliss.

  “Garrett!” I pant when he reaches under my hip and angles my body so each one of his deep strokes is hitting that tender bundle of nerves only he’s been able to find.

  His mouth covers mine just as my body begins to clench uncontrollably around his rigid erection. His hips slow gently milking every last constriction of my rippling muscles. Several delicious minutes later he grunts into my mouth and begins to spurt thickly inside of me.

  The kissing, touching, and caressing continues until his only slightly softened cock is solid inside of me again.

“More?” I tease with a smile.

  “So much more, Angel,” he promises. “Marry me, Alexa.”

  My world fucking stops. The question I never thought I’d want to hear. The question I was certain I would never hear from Garrett after his arrest and the way he’s acted since. The question, at this point in time, I don’t have the answer to.

  “Garrett.” I move myself out from under him, immediately missing the warmth and protection of his body.

  “I know I’ve been an asshole. I know I don’t deserve you and I sure as shit know you deserve better,” he pauses and swallows roughly as I climb off the bed. “But I will give you any and everything your heart desires.”

  I cover my face with my hands still in shock from his sudden declaration. It’s beautiful and perfect but I can’t forget it comes on the heels of the most emotionally damaging couple of weeks of my entire life.

  “I’ll do anything, Alexa. I swear.” Garrett slides off the bed and slowly walks toward me.

  “Anything?” I whisper softly.

  I look into his gorgeous whiskey colored eyes and see every word is spoken with every ounce of truth in his body. This man will cherish me for the rest of his life. You’re it for me. The sentiment he spoke what seems like a life time ago comes to mind.

  “Anything, Angel,” he vows

  I take a step back from him and point to my feet. “Knees,” I command.

  Chapter 32


  The second I kissed my wife for the first time I knew no other woman would ever get more than a cursory glance from me. She’s beautiful in silk and satin, but more importantly she’s mine. There are hundreds of people at our wedding and if I’m honest some of them I know are here from my side of the guest list but I have no clue who they are.

  None of this concerns me when Lorali is near. We glide around the dance floor as if we’re the only people on the face of the Earth. I can’t keep my hands off of her and since we’re in mixed company dancing is the safest bet right now. I’m expected to have her flush against my body, hiding the throbbing, hard erection only she and I are aware of. We’ve only been married for a few hours so no one is surprised when my lips brush her neck or when our mouths meet almost constantly.


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