A SEAL for Christmas (Novella)

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A SEAL for Christmas (Novella) Page 3

by Lowery, Jennifer

  “Only when necessary.” At her look, he added, “But I promise to do it nicely.”

  The corner of her mouth tilted, drawing his gaze to her lips. Damn, she had sexy lips. Catching himself before he did something stupid like kiss her, he guided her into the living room. “You sit. I’ll refill your cup.”

  Cloe sat on the sofa with a grimace. “You don’t have to wait on me hand and foot.”

  “It’s my duty. Are you in pain?”

  For a moment she hedged. “Some. I think the accident is catching up to me.”

  “Anything I can do?”

  She shook her head. “The aspirin should start kicking in anytime, thanks.”

  He grabbed the throw off the back of the couch and wrapped it around her shoulders just as the doorbell rang.

  “That’s probably my brother.” On his way to the kitchen he grabbed their cups and set them on the counter by the coffee pot.

  When he opened the door his brother stood on the porch looking irritated. He held out the movies.

  “You better like them because I’m not going back,” Shane said.

  Donovan checked the titles. Two new releases, comedy. Romantic comedies, actually. “You call Angela before picking these out?”

  Shane scowled. “Hell, yeah. What do I know about romantic comedies?”

  “You know they’re romantic comedies.”

  Shane flipped him the bird and headed down the steps. Donovan laughed. His brother would have chosen action flicks with lots of guns and shooting if he hadn’t called their sister first.

  “Thanks, bro,” he called.

  Shane waved as he climbed onto his bike, revved the engine, and drove away.

  Donovan closed the door and carried the movies into the living room. “Matter which one I put in first?”

  Cloe shook her head.

  He popped one into the DVD player. “Be right back.”

  Seconds later, he set their cups on the coffee table and dropped down on the sofa at her feet. “Remote?”

  Cloe’s brow quirked as she hit play on the movie. “Sorry, buddy. My house, my remote.”

  Resisting the urge to pull her bare feet into his lap and massage them just to touch her soft-looking skin, he held up his hands in surrender. “House rules, got it. Anything else I should know?”

  Their gazes met and held. Something flared between them. Cloe looked away first.

  “The movie’s starting.”

  Getting comfortable, he turned his attention to the television. With luck, this night would go fast because he didn’t like where his thoughts were headed every time he looked at Cloe. She didn’t deserve it after what she’d been through.

  But, damn if he didn’t want to watch her instead of the TV.


  Cloe tried to focus on the movie, a new release she’d wanted to see, but Donovan sitting so close made it impossible. He put her on edge. Not uncomfortable, but aware. Like her nerves were on high alert every time he shifted to pick up his coffee cup or just moved.

  He was an incredibly handsome man with his dark hair and sculpted lips. The bit of stubble shadowing his jaw made him more rakish. His dark slacks and crisp white shirt didn’t detract from his roguish appearance at all. This man was a heartbreaker for sure. After a night of mind-blowing sex he’d leave with her heart.

  Oh, man. She had to stop before she did something stupid like throw herself at him and beg him to take her to bed just so she could feel again.

  A ridiculous thought. She’d tucked her heart away somewhere safe so it wouldn’t get broken again.

  That thought tramped down her hormones. Not even with Lance had she felt this kind of sexual pull. And she’d loved him, so how could her feelings be real? Right now she didn’t know up from down. The past year had been a blur, jumping from place to place, trying to find somewhere to stop her tailspin.

  Then she’d landed here on this cozy island, which felt like the end of the earth because she could drive no further. The ocean stopped her. So she’d parked her car in the garage and hadn’t driven it since. The island was more suited for bike riding. At least for her.

  Donovan chuckled, a low, masculine sound she wanted to hear more of. There had been no laughter in her life for a while now.

  His cell rang, startling her. She never got calls anymore. The few friends she’d had finally stopped calling when they didn’t get a callback. She’d put her old life in the rearview and never looked back. It was just too painful.

  “Sorry,” Donovan said, pulling out his cell.

  She paused the movie. It hadn’t occurred to her that he may have a wife or girlfriend waiting at home for him. He didn’t wear a ring, but many didn’t.

  Not wanting to eavesdrop on his conversation, she picked up their cups and carried them into the kitchen. The headache pounding at her temples hadn’t subsided any and her body felt battered. Especially her back where she’d skid across the cement sidewalk. That felt raw in places. When she’d showered the water had stung the abrasions on her back.

  Sleeping would be difficult. When she could sleep. Then again, she hadn’t slept well in the past twelve months anyway, so a few scrapes wouldn’t make that much difference.

  Instead of filling their cups, she grabbed a couple water bottles out of the fridge and returned to the sofa. Donovan nodded when she held out the water, so she set it on the coffee table with hers. Gingerly, she sat down and pulled the blanket around her shoulders.

  “No need to bring over tea, máthair,” Donovan said, glancing at her. “She’s fine. I’m staying with her tonight.”

  A long pause. Donovan rubbed his forehead, sending her an apologetic look.

  “Yes…I promise… Tá grá agam duit.”

  Cloe’s belly fluttered. He wasn’t speaking Italian this time, but it was equally sensual. Not only hearing his deep voice speak it, but the words themselves. Endearing.

  Donovan disconnected and replaced his phone in his pocket. “My mom,” he said. “She heard about your accident from my sisters and offered to bring over a pot of tea. Her cure for everything that ails you.”

  “That was kind of her. She isn’t coming, is she?”

  “No, I talked her out of it. But, she’s a stubborn Irishwoman so don’t be surprised if you have tea delivered to your door by morning.”

  A knife stabbed her chest. How many times had her mother called for a visit and Cloe had been too busy working to accept? The past couple years their visits had been reduced to an occasional weekend and holidays. And even then Cloe had brought her work with her. Her mother had never once complained. Just smiled that understanding smile and let it go.

  God, if she could go back in time…

  “Hey, you okay?”

  Her gaze snapped to Donovan, who frowned at her. “Yes, fine,” she said quickly. “What kind of language were you speaking just now?”


  Of course. If she wasn’t so busy regressing to the past she’d have put the pieces together. “How many languages can you speak?”

  “Five. Italian, Gaelic, Russian and Azebek.”

  “Did the Navy train you?”

  “Italian and Gaelic were taught to me by my parents. I pick up languages pretty easily so the other two came naturally.”

  Evading her question. Guess she wasn’t the only one with secrets. Although his probably had to do with national security.

  “I’m sure that proves useful in your line of work.”

  He sent her a ghost of a smile and she knew she would get nothing else from him on the matter.

  “I should have asked before, do you have someone you need to get home to? I don’t want to be responsible for keeping you from your significant other.”

  “No trouble there. I’m not seeing anyone.”

  That made her happier than it should have. She shouldn’t care if he was single.

  “I’m not going to have to defend myself against a boyfriend walking in on us, am I?” he asked.

“No. I’m not involved with anyone either.” And never would be again. Never would she put herself out there to get hurt again. The loss of another fiancé or worse, husband, would end her. “Should we get back to our movie?”

  She hit the play button, her thoughts troubled. She’d made too many mistakes to allow herself to be attracted to Donovan. Too many regrets. The last thing she needed was more.

  Why was she thinking about this anyway? They’d only just met and after tomorrow she would probably never see him again. Unless she went to his restaurant, and that wasn’t happening because she couldn’t bear to dine alone. Besides that, he was a SEAL. He would be busy with his career and have no time for her.

  If she were interested in having a relationship.

  Which she wasn’t.

  Chapter Three

  “How about dessert before we start the next movie?”

  Another romantic comedy sounded like torture, but for Cloe he’d do it. Give him an action flick anytime. Cloe had smiled briefly during the funny parts, but never laughed. He wanted to hear her laugh. Something had stolen the laughter from this woman and damn if he didn’t want to give it back.

  She covered her mouth to hide a yawn. “A little sugar might help keep me awake.”

  “I can make another pot of coffee.”

  “I’m good with water. Thanks.”

  While he served up dessert she switched movies. He heard her groan as she rose from the couch. She would be sore for a few days.

  Carrying the bowls, he came back into the living room. Cloe perked up when she saw the rich dessert. He handed her a bowl before settling on the end of the sofa.

  “Oh. My. God. This is incredible,” Cloe said after taking a bite of the sweet dessert. “How do you stay in shape working around so much great food?”

  “Navy doesn’t like it if we’re out of shape.”

  She licked her spoon and all his blood flowed south. Damn, had he ever seen anything so sensual?

  “Right, I didn’t think of that.”

  He tore his eyes off her lips, glistening with crème. If Cloe found out what he was thinking, she’d never trust him.

  She finished hers and set the bowl on the table next to his. He refocused his attention on the television and the movie playing.

  Safer that way.

  Halfway through, Cloe’s head dropped on his shoulder. He looked down to see her lids closed. His own lids had drooped a couple times. Just off deployment, he needed a good eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. That could wait. Cloe mattered right now.

  Shaking her shoulder, he said softly, “Cloe. Wake up.”

  Her groan went straight to his groin.

  “I’m so tired,” she murmured. “It’s tomorrow, can’t I just go to bed?”

  Donovan resisted a groan himself. Yes, bed sounded perfect right now. With her in it and him sliding into her.

  Damn it. Why did his thoughts keep straying?

  “Nope. You can catnap, that’s it.”

  She lifted her head and rubbed her eyes. “Fine. Do you always do things by the book?”

  “It’s in my training.”

  “Ah. So you never do anything you weren’t trained to do?”

  “Oh, I do lots of things that I wasn’t trained to do, cara.”

  Her gaze lifted to his. The air charged around them. One kiss. Just to find out what she tasted like.

  “Like what?”

  A challenge? He never backed down from a challenge. Especially when it came from a beautiful woman.

  “Like this.” He bent his head until their breath mingled. Hers came in pants. She would taste like the crème from dessert. Sweet and delicious.


  That whispered plea brought him to his senses. What the hell was he doing? How could she trust a man who put the moves on her?

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Maybe another time, mia cara.”

  A shudder worked over her, making him regret this wasn’t a different time, a different situation.

  She pulled away, putting distance between them. “Maybe we should just watch the movie.”

  Donovan turned his attention to the television. If he didn’t rein this in, it would be a damn long night.


  Cloe kept her gaze focused on the television, but her heart pounded like a drum. She’d wanted Donovan to kiss her. Actually anticipated it. Which confused the heck out of her. They’d just met and she wasn’t looking for a relationship. Why on Earth would she want to go through that pain again? Especially with a Navy SEAL who put himself in danger for a career.

  No, better to stay on course. Try and put one foot in front of the other and get through the days until time eventually healed her wounds. If that were possible. It had been almost a year and she still hurt.

  The best thing for her to do was to get through tonight, and say goodbye tomorrow. She pulled the blanket tighter around her shoulders and tried to ignore the loneliness seeping into her. So many nights spent alone in front of the TV just like this, wishing she could go back and change the past.

  Except tonight she had someone to stay with her. And, God help her, she liked having Donovan there. His strong, steady presence made her feel less alone. Not so numb. If she wasn’t careful, he’d make her think she could have this life again.


  “It’s nine o’clock, I should be able to go in and get a replacement phone.”

  Donovan glanced at his watch. “I’ll drive you. We can swing by the restaurant and grab breakfast.”

  “I think I’m still full from last night.”

  He rose to his feet and helped her to hers. “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And you’ve got a few hours before you can sleep, so you’re gonna need your fuel.”

  “I feel fine.”

  He nudged her toward the door. “Twenty-four hours. No less.”

  She sighed. “You really do stick to the rules, don’t you?”

  “You’re a fast learner.”

  Her look made him smile. Even after being awake all night she still had some of that fire.

  It didn’t take long to get a replacement phone from her carrier. Although, Cloe didn’t seem all that happy to have her phone back. Probably just tired.

  On the way to the restaurant she remained silent. Her lids drooped a couple times during the short ride. Yep, she needed fuel to make it through this afternoon.

  He parked in the back and guided her into the restaurant. His mom and dad were behind the grill this morning. Luciano and his wife Camila, also a chef, usually worked the midday shift. They both preferred preparing lunch and dinner rather than breakfast. Where breakfast was his mom’s favorite meal.

  His mom glanced over her shoulder when they walked in. Her face lit up like it always did when one of her kids came in. She wiped her hands on her apron and rounded the counter. Donovan leaned down and kissed both her cheeks.

  “Good morning, Máthair.”

  She patted his cheek. He knew his career took its toll on her, but she never complained.

  “And this is Cloe?” She turned her attention to Cloe. “I’m Maureen. How are you feeling?”

  He watched Cloe’s eyes widen slightly when she heard his mother’s soft Irish lilt. In general she was a soft-spoken woman, but when she got riled, watch out. This tiny woman could unleash a temper like he’d never seen. He and his brothers had been on the receiving end of it too many times in the past. She always hugged them afterwards, though. No matter how upset she got over their pranks, she always gave them a hug after she chewed their ass.

  Cloe glanced at him before answering. “So nice to meet you. I’m feeling fine, thank you.”

  “You’re here for breakfast?”

  “If it’s not too busy,” Donovan said. “I can make us something.”

  His mom waved him off. “Nonsense. You aren’t home often. Go. Find a table and I’ll make you something special.”

  Donovan led Cloe to the front of the café and he
ld out a chair for her at one of the only empty tables.

  “Is it always this busy?” she asked when he sat across from her.

  “Almost every day.”

  “After the meal I had last night I can see why. Is your entire menu authentic Italian food?”

  “My dad won’t have it any other way. For that matter, neither will my mom.”

  His sister, Francesca, approached the table with two demitasse glasses. She set one in front of each of them before leaning down to kiss his cheek.

  “Ciao fratello,” she said before turning to Cloe. “You must be Cloe. I’m Francesca, Donovan’s sister. How are you feeling?”

  Cloe glanced at him before answering. “I’m fine, thank you.”

  “I’m so sorry you had to go through what you did. That guy sounded like a jerk.”

  Donovan watched Cloe withdraw slightly. He got the impression she’d been through more than just the accident yesterday.

  “He was a jerk,” Cloe agreed. “Your brother took care of him for me though.”

  Francesca sent him a knowing smile. “Donovan is good like that. I’ll leave you two to your macchiato.”

  Once she walked away, he picked up his glass and took a sip.

  “What is this?” Cloe asked after taking a sip of hers.

  “A long macchiato. Double espresso with steamed milk.”

  “It’s potent, but very good. Definitely got a kick.”

  He started to reply but her cell rang. She frowned at the screen, then answered. Her eyes widened and all the color leeched from her face.

  What the hell?

  “Don’t ever call me again,” she said and dropped the phone on the table like it had bit her.

  “Who was that?”

  Her gaze met his and he saw fear there. His instincts kicked in and he grabbed the phone to scroll through the recent calls. Blocked number.

  “Cloe, who called you?”

  Her hand trembled where she wrapped it around her glass. “The man who hit me yesterday.”

  His gut clenched. “What did he say?”

  “He said I cost him everything and to watch my back.”

  Anger shot through him. Along with the urge to protect her. “In those exact words?”


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