A SEAL for Christmas (Novella)

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A SEAL for Christmas (Novella) Page 4

by Lowery, Jennifer

  She nodded. “How did he get my number?”

  “We never found your cell phone. Maybe he grabbed it.” He reached over the table and covered her hand with his. “I won’t let him come anywhere near you.”

  “You don’t think he’s serious, do you?”

  “Do you?”

  Something flickered in her eyes. “He sounded like it. But, how could he blame me for anything? He hit me.”

  He didn’t know but he sure as hell was going to find out. “Let me handle it.”

  She shook her head. “No, he was probably just blowing off some steam because he lost his expensive car.”

  Donovan knew better than that, but could tell she wasn’t ready to process so he didn’t correct her.

  She pushed her glass aside and began to rise. “Could you take me home, please? I’m really not hungry anymore.”

  Francesca approached the table with their plates. “Oh, where are you going?” she asked, setting a plate in front of Cloe, who froze halfway out of her chair. “Your breakfast is here. Prepared special for you by Máthair. She wanted me to tell you to eat every bite because you need some fattening up.”

  Donovan watched Cloe sink back into her chair and force a smile. “Tell her thank you and I’ll try.”

  Francesca’s smile faltered as she set his plate in front of him. “What’s wrong?” she asked, her gaze bouncing from him to Cloe and back again.

  “Nothing. Everything is fine,” Cloe said, picking up her fork.

  Donovan sent his sister a look that told her to let it drop. She sent him one back that said she’d get answers from him later. And she would. As the oldest sister she was a mother hen to her siblings. Even though she was the third oldest of all of them.

  His expression hardened and she sent him an obstinate look before saying, “Well, if there is anything you need don’t hesitate to call.” She sent him one last stare before walking away. He knew that look. She was going to get the truth out of him and the rest of the Demarco family would know something was up by the end of the day.

  He loved that they stuck together and supported each other, but he wasn’t sure Cloe would be okay with it. She played her cards pretty close to the vest.

  Right now she poked at her food, pushing it around on her plate without taking a bite. Deciding to run interference, he pushed out of his chair.

  “Be right back.” He strode into the kitchen, grabbed two to-go containers and explained to his mom that Cloe wasn’t feeling well, but he would make sure she ate every bite when she did. He got out of there with only a small argument and a promise to stop over soon because work wasn’t the place to sit and visit with her busy son, as his mom so bluntly put it.

  After kissing her cheek, he joined Cloe at the table, boxed up their food and helped her to her feet. Her expression verified he’d done the right thing.

  At his car Cloe said, “Thank you for taking me home.”

  “You looked ready to leave.”

  She climbed into the car and he closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side. When they arrived at her house she turned to him. “I appreciate you staying with me last night.”

  “You have a couple more hours before you can sleep.”

  He moved to open his door, but she stopped him. “No. Please. I’m fine. I won’t sleep until bedtime, promise. You’ve done enough already.”

  He had promised Jack and Darci he’d come over for dinner tonight. But he didn’t want to leave Cloe alone. Not just because of the concussion, but the phone call. The guy hadn’t made a direct threat, but a veiled one. The worst kind. Left it open as to if he were serious or not. Could be he was just blowing steam because he lost his expensive car, as Cloe thought. Or not. There was no way to know. And Cloe couldn’t go to the PD on a ‘watch your back’ threat. They would only tell her to call them if the guy made an actual threat.

  “Let me see your cell phone,” he said.

  With a frown, she handed it over. He programmed his number and gave it back. “If you need me for anything, don’t hesitate to call.”

  She nodded and got out of the car before he could go around to open her door. He met her on the sidewalk and handed the to-go containers to her. “Take these. I have dinner plans so they’ll only get wasted. Besides, I promised my mom you’d eat yours.”

  Although she hesitated, she still accepted the boxes. He walked her to the door and waited until she’d gone inside to say goodbye. Only after she closed and locked the door did he linger. Convincing himself she’d be all right, he strode back down the walkway and got in his car. After one last look he drove away, something gnawing at his gut he couldn’t identify.

  Maybe after dinner he’d stop by and check on Cloe.

  Pulling away from the curb he glanced one last time in the rearview mirror. His motives for wanting to stop by later were purely driven by his gut feeling.

  At least that’s what he told himself.


  Cloe watched Donovan’s car drive away until it disappeared around the corner. Silly of her to feel alone in her own house, but it wouldn’t be the first time. Since she’d moved here she’d felt that way. Heck, she was alone. And he had dinner plans. He’d told her he wasn’t involved, but that didn’t mean he sat at home by himself every night like her. And the fact he didn’t mention who his dinner plans were with told her it was a date.

  Not liking the stab of jealousy, she turned away from the window and walked over to the kitchen counter to set the food down. Despite the heavenly smell, she had no appetite. Not after that phone call.

  It replayed in her head over and over. His voice. The threat. The pure viciousness in his tone. She’d known animosity in New York, but never had it been directed at her. Not like this.

  A shudder worked its way down her spine and she wrapped her arms around her waist. Best not to think about it. She’d only drive herself crazy and be afraid of her own shadow. That was no way to live and she refused to do it. He wanted to scare her and she couldn’t let him do it.

  Taking out one of the food containers, she quickly microwaved it then carried it into the living room and sat down to eat it. She turned on the television, not really watching as she ate. The box she picked had fluffy waffles with fresh strawberries and bananas, topped with homemade cream, powdered sugar and the maple syrup. On the side were eggs and potatoes. A meal fit for a king and way more than she could ever eat.

  Good thing Donovan got her out of there when he did or else she’d feel pressured to finish it. His mother seemed the type to stand over you and make sure you ate every last bite of her delicious food. An impossible task when her stomach churned like it did.

  Cloe set the mostly full container aside and lay down on the sofa, pulling the quilt over her. Her head pounded, much as it had since the accident. Now, more from lack of sleep than hitting the curb.

  She glanced at the clock, tired. She didn’t want to think about the phone call, the accident or how empty the house felt without Donovan’s presence.

  The thought made her chest ache with loss. Pulling the wrap tighter around her, she tried to push the twinge away and turned her attention to the TV.

  A Christmas show played. A romantic movie, no less. Salt in an open wound for her, but she was too tired to change the channel so she watched until her lids drifted closed.


  A loud noise startled Cloe awake. She opened her eyes to darkness except for the dim glow of the television and the reflection of Christmas lights from her neighbors’ houses and yards. Reaching for the remote, she turned off the TV and sat up. What woke her up? Probably the neighbors coming home or letting the dog out.

  Rubbing her neck, she rose to her feet and groaned. Good Lord, her body felt battered. A long, hot bath sounded good to ease her sore muscles. She headed for the bathroom, stretching her aching muscles as she went.

  Something thumped against the back door. Cloe froze. Heart pounding, she looked toward the door. No shadow stood in front of it, but
that didn’t mean no one was out there. Her cell sat on the coffee table right where she’d left it.

  Hoping it was just a stray dog or something equally innocent, she forced her legs to carry her to the door. She grabbed her cell phone on the way and flipped on a lamp next to the sofa. Soft light filled the room, making her feel less isolated.

  At the back door she drew a deep breath and pulled it open. Nothing there except an empty porch. Hesitant, she stepped outside. No way would she be able to sleep unless she checked it out and made sure no one was out there.

  Slowly, she walked to the other end where it met the windowed tower. Admittedly, the tower had drawn her to the house in the first place.

  A warm breeze blew past, at odds with the colorful Christmas decorations surrounding her. Not seeing anyone or anything out of the ordinary, she turned and went back inside, locking the door behind her.

  Must have been the wind or a tree branch. Feeling a little spooked, she walked the house, making sure the windows and front door were locked. Of course they were; she’d done it earlier.

  Turning her back to the door, she looked around the house. She didn’t like not feeling safe in her own home. Rented or not.

  Convincing herself it had been the wind at the back door would take some doing. It sure had sounded like someone bumped against it. And nothing like that had ever happened before. What if the jerk who’d hit her found out where she lived? What if he came after her?

  Fear raced through her veins. Made her want to pack up and run like she had a year ago. Only this time it wouldn’t be outrunning her demons, it would be running from someone who wanted to hurt her.

  Her phone vibrated in her hand. Stifling a scream, she brought it to her ear. “Hello?”

  “Cloe? It’s Donovan.”

  Clamping a hand on her chest she said, “Donovan. Hi.”

  “Are you all right? You sound upset.”

  “I’m fine. I just wasn’t expecting a call.”

  A pause. “Did something happen?”

  “No. Nothing. I was just getting ready to take a bath and go to bed.” Right, like she would be able to sleep anytime soon. As tired as she’d been, now she was wired.

  “I thought maybe I’d stop by. Check on you.”

  Her heart began to race for another reason. She wanted to see him again. And didn’t that raise all kinds of complications?

  She rubbed her forehead. “Um, it’s a little late. I’m fine, really.”

  “You don’t sound fine. Tell me what happened. Let me help.”

  Unless he could heal a broken heart and bring her family and fiancé back, he couldn’t help. She’d never leaned on anyone. Not even Lance. He’d liked that about her. Liked her independence. Then that autonomy cost her everything.

  She wasn’t going through that again. Ever.

  “Look, it was just a fluke. I thought I heard something outside, but I checked it out and it was nothing. Probably just a dog or something.”

  “I’m coming over. Lock the doors and windows until I get there.”

  He disconnected and she stared down at the phone. Partly in disbelief, part anticipation. She didn’t like that she wanted to see him again, but she couldn’t deny the desire.

  Cloe groaned. If she wasn’t careful, she would do the one thing she’d vowed never to do again—give her heart away.

  Chapter Four

  Donovan bit back a curse and put his cell in his pocket. He never should have left Cloe alone after that threatening phone call today. She sounded shaken and a bit scared and he didn’t like it one bit. The fact she’d checked out a strange noise without calling him made him want to hit something. What if there had been someone at her door? He’d never have known she was in danger if he hadn’t called.

  “Everything okay?” His friend, Jack Taggart, asked from where he sat on the sofa with his wife.

  Donovan rose to his feet and sent Jack’s wife an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, guys. I have to go.”

  The dark-haired beauty stood and placed a hand on his arm. “Go check on her. You’ve been thinking of her all night anyway.” She cast him a knowing smile.

  How the hell did Darci know about Cloe? He hadn’t said a word.

  “I talked to Angela,” Darci said as if she’d read his thoughts.

  Of course. Darci had friended Angela when Jack brought her to California to meet his family. Extended family, because Jack had been like a brother to him ever since they became swim buddies in BUD/s.

  Jack stood and put his arm around his wife. “Sorry, buddy. You’re lucky she waited until now to say anything.”

  Darci elbowed her husband, who played an injury but grinned like a love-struck fool. “Ouch.”

  “Let us know if everything is all right with Cloe. And bring her over for dinner sometime. I’d love to meet the woman who distracted you from a delicious grilled steak.”

  Donovan leaned down and kissed Darci’s cheek. “It’s not like that.”

  She simply smiled in a way only a woman could. In that way that made men feel inferior because they weren’t in on the secret. Woman’s code, as his teammates called it. The term coined by ‘Mikey’ Kreegan, the best damn demolitions expert he knew on the teams.

  “Give it up, man,” Jack said, clapping him on the shoulder. “Just bring her over.”

  “Bring her with you to the Christmas Eve party,” Darci suggested.

  Not all of the guys on SEAL Team 5 had family, or family close enough to celebrate Christmas with, so Darci invited them all over on Christmas Eve. It would be casual, no gifts, just drinks and dinner, which Jack would grill because Darci didn’t cook.

  “We’ll see,” he said just to appease her. “I really have to go.”

  Darci waved him off. “Go. And let us know if there’s trouble.” She began cleaning up while Jack walked him to the door.

  “If you need backup, call,” Jack said.

  Donovan stepped onto the porch. “Thanks.”

  As he strode to his car he felt that familiar tightening in his chest he did every time his brothers-in-arms stood at his back. In battle, on the home front. No matter what, the guys from SEAL Team 5 would always be there. As close to him as his blood brothers. He truly was blessed to have his extended family.

  In less than fifteen minutes he reached Cloe’s house. Instead of going to the front door, he detoured around the house, checking every nook and cranny for signs of an intruder. When he found nothing, he knocked on the front door.

  Her stressed voice came through seconds later. “Donovan?”

  “It’s me.”

  The lock clicked and the door opened. Cloe stood there, face pale, bandage on her forehead tinted with blood. She looked soft and vulnerable and he wanted to wrap her in his arms, chase away her fears.

  “Come in,” she offered, standing back so he could walk past her. She locked the door behind him. “I hope I didn’t take you away from your dinner plans.”

  “We were finished. You said you heard the noise at your back door?”

  “Yes, but it was probably just a stray dog or something. I went out there and looked around, but didn’t see anything.”

  He pinned her with a hard stare. “You shouldn’t have done that. Next time, call me first.”

  Her brow arched. “By the time you got here it would be too late anyway, so stop telling me what to do.”

  Realizing he’d let his own fear for her turn his tone gruff, he put his hands on her shoulders. “I’m going to go check out the back porch. Wait here?”

  She nodded.

  It only took a couple minutes to check her back door for signs of someone trying to break in. He walked the porch from one end to the other and found nothing. Cloe waited where he’d left her, arms wrapped around her waist.

  “Did you see anything?” she asked.


  “I did hear something.” She sounded defensive.

  “I believe you.” He approached slowly, her posture still rigid. “How about i
f I stay here tonight?” At her wide eyes he added, “On the couch. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

  “You won’t fit on the couch.”

  He smiled to ease her nerves. “I’ve slept on worse.”

  Her brows drew together. “It’s not necessary. Like I said, it was probably a stray dog or something.”

  Close enough he could smell her shampoo, he said, “I’d feel better knowing you’re safe.”

  That didn’t have the desired effect. Instead of comforting her, it made her expression turn angry.

  “I hate this,” she said. “Why should that jerk get to control my life?”

  He pulled her into his chest, wanting to take away her misery. Needing to hold her. She stiffened, then leaned into him. Damn, she felt good in his arms. He never wanted to let her go.

  “We aren’t going to let him do that,” he said.


  “By taking away his power. He only controls your life if you let him.”

  God, she smelled good.

  “I’m jumping at every noise. Afraid to answer my phone in case it’s him. Looking over my shoulder. How does that not control my life?”

  “He hasn’t made a direct threat, only a veiled one. And he could have been blowing off steam. He’s a hothead, I vote for the latter.” Even if the threat turned out to be a hoax, he wasn’t leaving Cloe’s side until he knew for sure.

  “I like your vote,” Cloe murmured against his chest.

  “Let’s treat this like a late night and I’m too exhausted to drive home so you offered me your sofa. Sound good?” Not so far from the truth. He’d only been stateside for two days.

  Her head lifted and her gaze met his. “You do look a bit tired.”

  He smiled. “So we agree? I sleep on the couch tonight?”

  “You are a pushy SEAL,” she said without ire. “Yes, you can stay.”

  Those words caused all of his blood to rush south, his body interpreting them completely different than his brain. Add to that the sensual scent of spiced apple, and his thoughts dove to the bedroom, where he’d much rather sleep.

  Damn it. Hadn’t he learned his lesson with Jill? No way could he get involved again and then deploy, wondering if Cloe was leaving him too. That kind of distraction got people injured. Or worse, killed. A risk he couldn’t take. Not with his heart. Not with his teammates. When he was on a mission he had to be all in. Not sidetracked by thoughts of home and what was happening behind his back.


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