A SEAL for Christmas (Novella)

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A SEAL for Christmas (Novella) Page 10

by Lowery, Jennifer

  He carried her to his bedroom and kicked open the door. It bounced off the wall, inflaming her even more. Lance had never been this primal. He’d never picked her up and carried her to bed. Never kicked open a door for her. She found it incredibly arousing.

  As if she were a cherished timepiece he laid her on the bed, kissing her all the way down. When he raised his head to stare down at her with hunger that made her heart trip, she knew she wanted this. Wanted him.

  “Say the word and I’ll take you to your own room,” he said, smoothing a hand down her cheek.

  Cloe leaned up until they were a breath apart. “I’d rather sleep here.”

  His grin said it all, melting away her doubts, turning her into a puddle of goo. “As you wish, amore mio.”

  Slowly, he removed her tank top, then her shorts. The look in his eyes made her reach for the hem of his shirt. He helped her tug it off, then rose to remove his jeans and boxers. Her breath caught at the sight of him, naked and hard, wanting her. Six foot two of gorgeous Navy SEAL and he wanted her.

  That thought made her happier than she’d been in a long time. It started as a kernel of warmth in her chest and spread through her body like a ray of sunshine. She rose up and removed her bra and panties, standing naked in front of him.

  “You are beautiful,” he murmured.

  That kernel grew a little more. With the way he looked at her she felt beautiful. Bruises and all.

  He reached out and cupped the nape of her neck, drawing her near until their bodies aligned. This time when they kissed, her knees buckled. His arm around her waist prevented her from falling. Although, she didn’t think his arms would protect her heart from falling.

  Donovan lowered her to the bed, putting his full weight on her. She let out a moan. He felt so good. Strong. Safe.

  His lips trailed down her neck, then lower to take a nipple into his mouth. Her back arched, her hands burrowing in his hair to pull him closer. Every nerve in her body fired up. Never had she responded to a man like this. No man, not even Lance, had ever made her feel like she would die if she didn’t have him inside her soon.

  With agonizing slowness, Donovan cherished her body. Kissing everywhere until she was ready to burst. Finally, she pulled his head up and cupped his cheeks. “Condom?”

  He kissed her, leaving her breathless, before rolling over to pull open the drawer of his bedside table. She watched him sheath himself, anticipation rocking her. When he was completely covered, he returned to her and oh, it felt so good to have him on top of her. Hard muscle met her curves.

  Claiming her lips in a heated kiss, he entered her. Slowly. Caressing her the way he had her body minutes before. Cloe tore her lips away to throw her head back and groan in pure pleasure.

  He murmured something in Italian that pushed her closer to the brink. She dug her nails into his back, urging him closer. Faster. Deeper.

  But he wouldn’t be hurried. He continued to stroke in and out until she could take it no more.

  “Donovan,” she panted as she began to fall off the cliff.

  “Yes, amore mio. Come with me.”

  He plunged deep and she fell. Her cries mingled with his grunt as they shattered together. Wave after wave crashed over her. She held tight to Donovan as she rode it out. And when it ended she collapsed against the pillows, gasping for air, and more satisfied than she’d ever been with a man.

  Donovan supported his weight on his elbows, lowering his head to kiss her softly. It was so endearing she gripped him tighter.

  He withdrew from her and rolled off the bed to take care of the condom. Her eyes had already drifted shut in exhaustion and bliss when he returned and cradled her in his arms. With her head on his chest, listening to his strong, steady heartbeat she fell asleep. This time without nightmares.


  Donovan stared down at the soft lines of Cloe’s face as she slept, glad she didn’t want to talk. His emotions were all skewed at the moment. Jill had always wanted to talk after sex. He’d obliged, but never went for it.

  Making love to Cloe made him realize that what he’d had with Jill hadn’t been as true as he’d thought. Jill never made him feel this way. Like he’d die if he ever lost her.

  That was dangerous ground. He’d thought himself in love with Jill, had suffered when she walked out. But not once had he feared losing her.

  Ah, hell.

  Chapter Ten

  Donovan rolled out of bed, careful not to disturb Cloe. He dressed for his workout and headed out the back door to get his run in before she woke up. Hoping it would clear his head, because last night scared the hell out of him. Give him a mountain full of terrorists any day over the pressure in his chest.

  Only a fool would sign on to have his heart ripped out again.

  The pain of Jill leaving him while deployed still smarted. He couldn’t handle it if Cloe ever did the same. His job was demanding. It took a special woman to accept it. To be left alone for months at a time.

  Jack and Darci were making it work. Their marriage seemed to grow stronger with each deployment. Darci said the key was having a strong, independent woman who had her own stuff to do. Be it a career, kids, hobbies, whatever. And a strong friends-and-family circle.

  Cloe hadn’t spoken of any family. Had no photos or mementos.

  But he did. He had a big, supportive family who would take Cloe in without qualms. They already liked her.

  Stopping abruptly, he bent over, hands on his knees. What the hell was wrong with him? One night of the best sex of his life and he was ready to bring Cloe into the fold?

  Jesus, he was a fool.

  Forcing the thoughts from his mind, he continued on his run, pounding sand hard until he came to his senses.

  By the time he returned to the house and finished his workout, the thoughts were gone. Then, he walked in and saw Cloe standing in front of the coffee pot in nothing but her pajamas and it all came flooding back.

  She turned when he walked in. Her hair had that mussed look only a night of good sex could do. Sexy as hell.

  “Have a good run?” she asked, sipping her coffee.

  He’d tried to outrun his feelings, punishing his body to take away what floated around in his chest. It hadn’t worked worth a damn. One look at this beautiful woman and he fell like a rock.

  “I did, thanks. Gonna grab a shower, then we can have breakfast and go have your number changed.”

  “Sounds good.”

  The fact she didn’t make a big deal out of last night, or push him to talk about his feelings—thank God—only made the warmth in his chest grow. She was one hell of a woman.

  Before he went over and kissed her, which would most definitely land them back in bed, he headed to his room for a change of clothes and then a shower.

  When he emerged, Cloe had changed into a pair of shorts and blouse that fit snug on her slender curves. Her legs—holy hell, he better not go there.

  “Toast and eggs sound good?” he asked as he strode to the coffee pot to pour a cup of coffee.

  “Perfect. I’m famished.”

  He glanced at her over the rim of his cup, noticed the teasing light in her eyes. A look he hadn’t seen on her before. The real Cloe was buried somewhere beneath all that heartache and pain she tried so hard to hide. He liked what he saw.

  “That makes two of us,” he replied. Her eyes widened and he quickly got to work on making breakfast before they ended up in bed.

  Breakfast didn’t take long to make or eat. For the first time, Cloe cleaned/cleared her plate. Once they washed the dishes and put them away, they got ready to leave. Cloe went to get her cell phone while he put the towel in the laundry room.

  A knock on the door brought Cloe out of her room with wide eyes. Donovan motioned for her to stay put and went to answer it. Criminals didn’t tend to ring the doorbell, but better safe than sorry.

  He peered out the window and saw his mom standing on the porch.

  “All clear,” he said before opening the

  His mother came in. “I have the menus for Cloe. I can’t stay. I’m on my way to the restaurant.”

  Donovan took the folders from her as Cloe walked over.

  “I’ll get to work on these tonight.”

  Mom looked pleased. “Well, I better get going. Thank you again for the help, Cloe.”

  “Happy to help.”

  Donovan walked his mother back to her car and waited until she pulled away to go back inside. Cloe was thumbing through the folder.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “Let me put this in your office.”

  Donovan enjoyed the view as she walked away, but reluctantly tore his gaze off the sway of her slender hips. If he didn’t stop looking at her like that he’d never leave the house. He’d just take her to bed and never let her go.


  Cloe had tried to make the morning after easier for both of them, but Donovan seemed to be evading her. He barely looked at her. Out of regret? Shame? Had last night not been as life-changing for him as it had been for her?

  Making love to Donovan had changed her. More than she dared admit. It made her realize she hadn’t loved Lance in the way she should have. He’d been of a similar mind—career-oriented, handsome, successful. But, as she looked back, they hadn’t shared much outside of their careers. Intimacy hadn’t been an issue, but it didn’t even compare to how Donovan made her feel.

  The things he’d done to her body.

  Even now, it tightened in remembrance. All morning she’d hoped he would kiss her. Carry her back to the bedroom and keep her there forever.

  Her heart stuttered.

  Someone help her, she’d fallen for this dashing Navy SEAL.

  And he couldn’t even look at her.

  Fool. That’s what she was. Before the ache in her chest grew, she closed it off. She’d been doing it the past year, she’d do it now.

  For the first time in a long time she wished she didn’t have to.


  Donovan slid his cell phone into his pocket and strode down the hall to his office, where Cloe had hidden herself after they returned from getting her number changed. She’d been more distant than this morning. Regret?

  He knocked on the door then stuck his head in when she bid him entrance. She sat at his desk, busy typing.

  “There’s a Christmas parade downtown tonight. Angela invited us to go,” he said.

  She stopped typing and lifted her head to meet his gaze. “I have a lot of work to do, but you go ahead.”

  He cocked his head. Definitely distant. “I’m not leaving you here alone.”

  A look passed over her features that made him want to hold her. Reminding him they still hadn’t had their talk.

  “What time does it start?”

  “Six o’clock.”

  She glanced at the computer screen. “That gives me a couple hours to work. I’ll be done by then.”

  He nodded and started to close the door, but she stopped him.

  “Do you think it’s safe to go?”

  Her expression made him step into the room. “I’ll be at your side the entire time, along with my family. It’s a public place. I doubt this guy will try anything. If he’s even there.”

  The lines around her mouth faded. “You’re right. I can’t live my life in fear of something that may or may not happen. He was probably just letting off steam.”

  “Probably. The holidays bring out the best and worst in people.” Although, he’d be vigilant about her safety until they knew for sure. “Finish working. I’ll be here if you need me.”

  He closed the door behind him and picked up his laptop off the table before sitting on the couch. His CO had sent an email about a possible training exercise right after Christmas. Donovan hoped it was CONUS—Continental U.S.—and not an overseas training op. Leaving Cloe alone with that madman out there didn’t settle well. He could ask his brothers to watch over her, but she’d be on her own when they weren’t there.

  Opening his email, he clicked on the one from his commander. After scanning the brief message, he closed the laptop and leaned his head back. Damn. They were shipping out the day after Christmas.

  Something he hadn’t felt since Jill filled his chest. Only stronger.

  Donovan scrubbed a hand down his face. He didn’t want Cloe to leave. Not just go back home, but leave him. Like a fool, he wanted her to stay. Forever. Somewhere along the line he’d fallen hard for the beautiful blonde.


  Cloe stood sandwiched between Donovan, his mom, sisters and a couple of his brothers. A crowd surrounded them, waiting for the parade to start. Both sides of the street were lined with people. Kids waited with excitement for candy that would be thrown from the floats. Parents happily watched their kids.

  It all seemed so surreal to her. She wore jeans and a light sweater instead of a winter coat and boots. The palm trees were decorated with twinkling lights. Wonderful scents drifted out the open door of Demarco’s behind them. Donovan’s dad, brother and his wife were inside cooking for the crowd that still filled the restaurant. She wondered if it ever slowed down.

  The sun had set, leaving only the street and Christmas lights to illuminate the streets. She really did like the quaint little town. Enjoyed the tangy, salt-tinged air. Could get used to living on the ocean.

  A cheer went up in the crowd, signaling the start of the parade. Hyper-aware of Donovan’s hand on her lower back, she tried to focus on the colorful vehicles driving slowly toward them. But her gaze kept searching the crowd, looking for the face of the man who threatened her. Not that she expected to see him here. A man that unstable probably wouldn’t go to a Christmas parade.

  “Relax, everything’s fine,” Donovan said softly in her ear. “Try and enjoy yourself.”

  She sent him a look she hoped convinced him she would try. He had no idea how hard this was for her. Not his fault; she hadn’t told him why she struggled with Christmas. Or why her pain seemed easier to bear when she was with him.

  That, she couldn’t tell him. How did you tell someone you just met you were falling for them? What kind of fool opened themselves up for more hurt like that?

  Pushing her thoughts away, Cloe turned her attention to the Santa and elves passing on the street. The Santa winked at her and tossed something in the air straight for her. For a second she thought she recognized him as the Santa who’d made that cryptic comment after her accident. But when she tried to get a closer look he’d already passed by.

  Donovan caught the item in his hand, handing it to her with a slight frown. “Santa usually throws candy,” he said.

  Cloe stared at the ornament, her chest tight. Two tiny turtledoves. Known to mate for life. She ran her fingers over the delicate lines of the doves’ wings. Her mother had had an ornament similar to this. A gift from her father when they first got married. It was the first ornament they put on their tree every year. But, how could that Santa know that?

  She searched for the Santa again, but he’d moved too far down the street for her to see past the holiday floats.

  Unnerved, she wrapped her hand around the ornament. Afraid to let go. Afraid to hold on.

  “You okay?” Donovan asked.

  “My mom used to have an ornament like this,” she answered, staring at her closed fist.

  “Turtledoves are a symbol of unity and Christmas.”

  “Yes.” She nodded. “They find only one mate for life.”

  “I guess Santa wanted you to have it.”

  She looked up and met his gaze. “It’s an unsettling coincidence.”

  Donovan pulled her closer to his side. “Someday you’re gonna have to tell me why that is.”

  For the first time, she found herself wanting to share her grief. It surprised her how much she trusted Donovan. With her safety and her secrets. Maybe even her heart.

  “I need to use the restroom,” she said, pulling away, her mind reeling.

  “I’ll walk you.”

shook her head. “Your restaurant is directly behind us. I’ll only be a minute. Stay here and enjoy the parade with your family.”

  He looked ready to refuse, but she laid a hand on his chest. “I’ll be fine.”

  “If you’re not back in five minutes I’m coming in after you,” he warned.

  “Deal. Be right back.”

  She felt his eyes on her as she made her way through the crowd to the restaurant. Once inside the bathroom, she closed her eyes and let out a slow breath. This day had thrown her for a loop. The ornament dug into her hand and she loosened her grip, forced the rest of her muscles to relax.

  As much as she didn’t want to go there, the ornament threw her back into the past. Only this time, it wasn’t so painful. Well, it hurt, but not in the same way as it had over the past year. She actually felt nostalgic. With a little ray of hope.

  It felt so good, tears sprung to her eyes.

  Someone knocked on the door, startling her. Blinking away her tears, she pulled herself together and walked out. An elderly woman stood waiting to use the restroom. She smiled at Cloe before shuffling inside.

  Cloe waved to Donovan’s brother on her way out. There were more people on the sidewalk now than before, making it difficult to push her way toward Donovan. When a hand latched onto her arm she jumped. Cold fingers dug into her flesh and began dragging her in the opposite direction.

  Stunned, she looked up to see the man who’d caused her accident pulling her. She opened her mouth to yell for Donovan, but the man jerked her into his body, the scent of sweat and alcohol overwhelming her. Something hard pressed into her side.

  “Scream and I’ll shoot you,” he hissed.

  She looked down to see a gun in his hand, hidden by his sweatshirt. Oh, God.

  No one noticed him guiding her toward the corner at gunpoint. She saw Donovan moving through the crowd toward the restaurant. Please, please, find me, she prayed. If anyone could, he would.

  But not if she let this guy get her into his car.

  “Hurry up.” The guy jerked her forward. The ornament fell from her hand. He didn’t let her pick it up, didn’t seem to hear it drop. His attention was focused on wherever they were going.


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