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Dog Days of Summer

Page 19

by Fiala, PJ

  “Debra is jealous as hell of you. That has to make you smile, even a little. You are hot, talented, and you have Jeremiah. She doesn’t. Don’t let that bother you, Joci. Remember when I told you about running into a couple of Jon’s former fuck-buddies? It was awful. But, in the end, I have him forever. They don’t.”

  Jeremiah looked over at Dayton and David, who were sitting across the table from them. Dayton shrugged his shoulders and David called the waitress over. He spoke to her a minute and she left. A few minutes later, the waitress was back with a tray full of shots. David held a shot up to Joci and winked at her.

  “Come on, Joci. I need to hear my girl sing. The Golden Girls need to make their appearance.”

  He handed Joci a shot of Goldschlager. Then he gave one shot each to Jackie and Sandi. He passed the tray around and told everyone to take one. He stood up when everyone had a shot in his or her hand.

  “Over the years, Jon and I have been very fortunate to enjoy the performances of the Golden Girls. Of course, we also each get to sleep with one.” He winked at Jackie and everyone laughed.

  “Tonight, we’re proud to introduce Dog, and the rest of you, to the Golden Girls. You’re in for a treat.”

  With that, they all drank up. Joci loved Goldschlager. It tasted like cinnamon. She smiled at Jackie as they both remembered how they got their name, the “Golden Girls.”

  They had been in a Karaoke bar listening to some pretty awful singers. Joci looked around and saw that not only were they surrounded by bad singers, but Jackie, Joci, and Sandi were the oldest women in the bar. They started laughing about that. Joci had ordered a round of Goldschlager and that’s when it hit her. She raised her shot glass to Jackie and Sandi, and said, “I hereby dub thee the ‘Golden Girls.’ ” With that, they drank up and decided to show the youngsters how it was done. That had been how many years ago?

  Suddenly Sandi jumped up, ran over to the DJ, and wrote something down. Joci assumed it was the songs they were going to sing. Jon ordered another round. Joci needed at least three shots before she could find the courage to get up on stage.

  The waitress brought the shots, and Jon decided to give his toast. “Ladies.” He looked at Sandi and winked. He looked at Jackie and raised his shot glass. Then, he looked at Joci and raised his glass a little higher. “Joci, thank you for making my girl so happy over the years. Thank you for being the best friend she could ever have. And thank you for coming out tonight. David and I haven’t heard the Golden Girls sing for a very long time.”

  They all raised their glasses and drank them down. Jon leaned down and kissed Sandi in a scorching, hot kiss. Everyone at the table started cheering and catcalling.

  Jeremiah leaned over and whispered in Joci’s ear.

  “I’m so excited to hear you sing. It’s hard to wait. I’m jealous that David and Jon have gotten to share you with their girls over the years.”

  Joci turned to look at him. “I know what you mean. I’m a little jealous myself.”

  Hurt flashed through Jeremiah’s eyes. He wanted tonight to be fun for them. He hated that Debra had come over and ruined it. He had only been with her once. She had tried calling and stopping in at the shop a few times afterward. Jeremiah wasn’t interested. He was horny one night and had met her in a bar. That was it for him. He leaned in to tell Joci that.

  Just then, a new singer strolled onto the stage. Guess who? Yup, Debra was going to sing. The song Fighter by Christina Aguilera started up. The first few lines were speaking. But when the song started, Sandi started giggling.

  Debra was drunk…and terrible. Jackie looked at Debra and raised her eyebrows. She turned her gaze to Joci, and they both started giggling. Jeremiah ordered another round of shots, and for the remainder of Debra’s song, they were busy passing around the shots and talking to each other. Jeremiah raised his shot glass and looked at Joci.

  “I’ve been excited about hearing the Golden Girls sing for a long time now. Thank you all for being here to share this special time with us. I love you, Joci.”

  “Here, here,” was said by all, and the shots were downed.

  Gunnar stood up. “Okay, Mom. You’ve had your three shots. Time to sing.”

  Joci looked over at Jackie, who was giggling, and started to stand up. Sandi was already up. They just loved singing for their men. Sandi had told Joci that Jon loved watching her sing so much that when they got home, they were going to burn up the sheets. She was probably more excited about that than the singing. Sandi tugged on Joci’s arm and pulled her out of her seat. They walked up to the DJ, who nodded to them to go on ahead.

  Debra walked off the stage, giving Joci the eye as she passed.

  Sandi grabbed the microphone and cleared her throat.

  “We are the Golden Girls.” The crowd cheered, especially their tables at the front. “We’ve requested three songs in a row. We hope you don’t mind. We’ll try and make it worth your while.”

  She was smiling at Jon, who winked back at his wife. Yup, they were going to steam up the sheets when they got home. Jackie and Joci each grabbed a microphone. Then Joci grabbed a guitar, Jackie pulled a keyboard up next to Joci, and Sandi picked up a guitar as well. They were ready to begin. These were fake instruments in case someone really wanted to put on a show.

  The first song started, Sheryl Crow’s All I Wanna Do. It was Jackie’s favorite song. Each of the girls sang a verse. They were good. David looked over at Jeremiah, his smile wide.

  David leaned forward and said, “See what we mean?”

  Jeremiah nodded. They were good. His heart swelled with pride. Gunnar whistled loudly and the girls smiled at their tables. They were enjoying themselves, playing their instruments, and singing with each other. They exchanged looks often, and smiled and winked as they sang.

  Once she got into it, Joci had to admit it really was fun. When the song ended, the crowd cheered and clapped. No one clapped louder than the tables there for the Golden Girls. But, the whole bar clapped and whistled and cheered. It helped going up after Debra. She had been pretty awful.

  The next song was one they had started singing a couple of years ago. It had become Joci’s theme song. Well, until recently. Stronger by Kelly Clarkson started playing. Joci sang the all the solo parts and Jackie and Sandi joined in for the chorus.

  They were amazing. Jeremiah couldn’t take his eyes away from them, from Joci. She could sing! At one point, he looked over at Dayton and Staci. They were staring, mesmerized by Joci. Staci looked over and winked at Jeremiah. He looked back at her and put his fist over his heart. Staci nodded at him and smiled. Gunnar was whistling and jumping up and down. He loved watching his mom sing and enjoy herself. JT and Ryder were impressed. They grinned and whistled. They each were looking between Joci singing and Jeremiah. It was clear on his face that he was so proud of her.

  The song ended, and as the girls were getting ready for the next song, Jeremiah caught Conner watching Joci. He could see the love Conner had for Joci; it was written all over his face. Jeremiah had to give him credit though; he never got out of line with her. Jeremiah would put an end to it if he ever did. Gunnar jumped up and took Joci’s seat next to Jeremiah.

  “She’s really good, isn’t she, Dog?”

  Jeremiah wrapped his arm around Gunnar’s shoulders and pulled him in for a hug. “She’s fucking amazing, Gunnar. I had no idea. She never lets on like she’s anything special. But, boy, she is.”

  Gunnar nodded. He had downed a few shots, so his mouth was a little looser than normal.

  “Are you going to marry her, Dog?”

  Jeremiah smiled at Gunnar. He looked him in the eye.

  “I was going to talk to you about that next week. I would like your permission.”

  “Fuck, yeah! I mean, I would love that. She loves you. I can see how much more confidence she has now. And...she’s happy.”

  Jeremiah nodded. At least he wouldn’t have that hurdle to overcome. But he was going to talk to Gunnar again when the younger ma
n hadn’t been drinking.

  Jackie’s voice came through the speaker system. “This is our last song. Hope you like it.”

  There were boos from the announcement but they all just smiled. The music to Lady Marmalade started and the crowd went crazy. Jackie sang Mya’s part. Sandi sang Lil’ Kim’s part, and Joci sang Pink and Christina Aguilera’s parts. It seemed fitting after Debra butchered Christina’s song earlier that Joci would get to do it justice.

  They had put their instruments down and were dancing around the stage just like they were on a video. Wiggling their butts and belting out the song. They felt on fire. The crowd was crazy for them. They laughed with each other and enjoyed the reaction they were getting. The three young women ended the song with Joci standing in the middle, straight up with the microphone to her mouth and one arm raised high in the air. Jackie was on Joci’s left, pushing her butt to Joci’s hip and Sandi was on the other side in the same pose.

  The applause was deafening. The three Golden Girls hugged each other and walked to the edge of the stage. Jeremiah was right there and plucked Joci off the small stage like she was a feather. She was laughing and wrapped her arms around his neck. He spun her around a few times, while Joci hung on, laughing with delight. Jon and David had plucked their girls off the stage as well.

  “Jesus, Joci. I had no idea how amazing you are. Now I see what the fuss is all about.”

  Joci smiled at him. She kissed him on the lips. She meant it to be a peck, but he deepened the kiss instantly. More cheers were heard as the kiss entered the one-minute mark. Finally, Jeremiah set Joci on her feet, and Sandi grabbed her arm and leaned into her.

  “Someone else is going to light a fire in the sheets tonight.”

  Joci laughed. “No different than any other night.”

  Sandi’s eyes got big, and she started laughing as they all walked back to their tables. The girls happily accepted their accolades from their friends and family. Another round of shots was ordered, and a toast was made to the Golden Girls.

  Joci was not going to be able to do another shot. The adrenaline pumping into her system helped her metabolize the other shots, but this was it for her. She knew her limits.

  The group sat and drank and enjoyed each other’s company. The stage was quiet after that. No one wanted to go up after the Golden Girls’ performance. Even the DJ told them he had never heard such great amateur voices. People from the bar stopped over every once in a while and told the girls how great they were. They always thanked them. Connor stood up and walked around the table to where Joci and Jeremiah were sitting. He squatted down so he was between them.

  “Joci, great job as always. I love hearing you girls sing. I need to talk to you. Can I come by tomorrow? It’s important. Actually, Gunnar should be there, too.”

  Joci furrowed her brow, “Is everything okay, Connor?”

  Jeremiah leaned in. “We don’t have plans tomorrow. Why don’t you come by the house at ten?”

  Jeremiah looked at Joci. She knew he didn’t want Connor at the house. She understood. She wouldn’t want LuAnn there, or Debra for that matter. But he was offering it up, maybe to show her it was okay. Joci nodded.

  “I’ll make sure Gunnar can be there. Is that okay with you, Connor? You didn’t answer my question, though. Are you okay?”

  Connor nodded. “I’m fine, Joci. I just have something to speak with you about.” He stood up to leave. “See you tomorrow. You were fantastic again tonight.”

  With that, he waved goodbye to everyone. He shook Gunnar’s hand and walked out.

  Joci looked at Jeremiah with her eyebrows raised. She shrugged that she didn’t know what that was all about, and they both continued talking to the others.

  Later, when they walked into the house, Jeremiah grabbed Joci around the waist and pulled her gently into the living room. Carefully, he bent her over the arm of the sofa and leaned above her.

  He whispered in her ear, “I have never been harder in my life. You are a little witch, Joci. You’ve woven a spell over me that makes me wild for you. Every time we make love, I think it couldn’t get better. But within minutes, I’m hard as a rock and ready for you again and it’s better than the last. Right now, I’m going to fuck you senseless. Do you understand me, Joci? You’ll get no sleep tonight. I have a pain in my dick that I’ve never had and only you can ease it. Starting now.”

  He started pulling at her clothes and his. Joci reached down and unbuttoned her beautiful gray blouse and shimmied her jeans down her legs. Jeremiah had his clothes off. He couldn’t wait for her to remove her panties. He reached over and ripped them off. He pushed her back down over the arm of the sofa and plunged into her.

  Joci cried out as he entered her. God, he felt so wonderful. She was amazed every time they made love that he fit in her. He wrapped his arms around her, and he started thrusting into her. It was hard, hot, feral fucking. It felt so damn good. Joci loved it when he lost control with her. She knew he would never hurt her. But, she was so amazed that she could drive him to this point. He reached around and found her clit and started rubbing her sensitive little bundle of nerves.

  “Show me how hard you can push into me, Jeremiah.”

  She could feel it coming fast and furious. No slow build. This was like a raging fire. She cried out his name as she came. Jeremiah continued to thrust into her until her orgasm started to subside. He pulled out of her and spun her around. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He immediately shoved himself into her again. His hands on her butt cheeks, he pulled them open.

  Jeremiah walked over to the wall and pushed Joci against it to help support him. He dipped his finger into her wet pussy after he pulled out and then pushed himself back in at the same time, pushing his finger into her ass.

  Joci hissed out a breath as his finger entered her. Breathing past the pain, she felt like she needed more. Jeremiah established a rhythm with his cock and his finger. In and out, over and over. He ground his hips against her clit when he entered her and she shoved her hands into his hair and fisted it tight.

  “You like that, don’t you, baby?”

  “Oh, God, yes. I love what you do to me.”

  Jeremiah ground against her clit a few more times, keeping rhythm with his finger in her ass. He heard her panting and mewling and knew she was close. He shoved into her a few more times as she exploded. Her legs were shaking. She pulled his hair harder as she fisted it against his skull. He carried her to the bedroom and set her down next to the bed.

  “Turn around and bend over the bed.”

  Joci did as she was told. She needed a minute to get her bearings. She heard a drawer open and then close. She heard something squirt. Then, Jeremiah was standing so close to her that his legs pinned hers to the side of the bed. She felt his hand on her ass and then circle her anal opening. He gently slid a finger in and she heard him hiss out a breath.

  “You are so fucking hot, Joci. Do you want me in here?”

  He played with her anal opening as he said it. God, yes she wanted him there. She wanted him everywhere.

  “Yes. I want you there.”

  “Perfect answer.”

  He slid his finger in, opening her and allowing her body to become accustomed to his invasion. He pulled his finger out and slid two fingers in. He slid them in and out a few times, opening her up. He was pretty big for her. He sure as hell didn’t want to hurt her. When she relaxed, he slid three fingers in her. She stiffened at the invasion and he leaned down and whispered in her ear.

  “Breathe through it, baby, and try and relax. If it’s too much, I’ll stop. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes.” It was all she could say.

  He hoped he could honor his last statement. He knew she was going to feel like heaven. He had to be careful not to lose his mind.

  Very slowly, he slid his fingers out of her and put more lube on his fingers and his cock. He guided his cock to her opening and leaned down and whispered in her ear.

; “When I push in, Joci, you need to push out. Do you hear me?”

  Joci licked her lips. “Yes.”

  Jeremiah kissed her on the temple and stood up so he could push into her. He grabbed her hips in his hands and pushed in. God, she was so tight. He continued to push in slowly, watching Joci as he did. He heard her hiss out a breath and she fisted the sheets in her hands. Jeremiah stopped pushing in.



  “Tell me how you feel, Joci.”

  Jeremiah began rubbing her back. He wanted to be in her all the way, but not if it hurt her.

  “I feel good. At first, it hurt, but now, it feels…erotic. Like nothing I’ve ever felt before.”

  Jeremiah leaned down and kissed her shoulder blades. He slid his hands down to her hips and pushed in a little further. He hoped he could hold off until he got all the way into her, but she felt so damn good, he wasn’t sure he would be able to make it. He felt like he was floating in a dream. She was hot and holding his cock so tight it was almost uncomfortable. He was sweating, trying to hold back.

  Joci sensed his hesitation. She wanted him to have her in every way. She pushed herself back into him and felt him slide in further. Jeremiah hissed out a breath. Joci started moving under him. She was pinned to the bed by him, but she could move a little. She pushed back into him again, and he groaned.

  “Baby, I’m trying to hang on until I get all the way inside of you. If you keep wiggling around under me, I won’t make it. You feel so fucking good, Joci. I have no words.”

  Joci smiled at his praise. He felt good inside of her. This was new and different, erotic and forbidden. But it felt so good. Joci wanted the full experience.


  That did it. He grabbed her hips again and pushed in all the way. They both moaned at the feeling. Jeremiah pulled out and pushed back in. He was shaking hard now, trying to control himself. He wanted her to come again. He wanted her to enjoy this because dammit, he sure did.


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