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Sucker for Her Curves (A Billionaire, BBW Extreme Seduction Story)

Page 5

by Christa Wick

Male or female, beauty was the greatest camouflage that a terrible person could hope for. Money the greatest shield against repercussions.

  Alt had both.

  Her leg brushing against an oversized chair, she sank into it and continued to stare at Alt knowing she would never get this chance to look at him like this again.

  She couldn’t hate him or despise him. His experiment had exposed just how lonely she had become, using her medical studies as a constant excuse to stop putting her heart out there for any kind of friendship, even.

  Swallowing down a lump of self-pity, she wiped at her eyes. Once all of Pharmalten’s crap left her system, she would do better at trying to open up to people, Daisy promised.

  Friends first. Girls only. But she couldn’t be blamed for taking baby steps after today.

  Chest constricting at the idea of taking even that small risk, she shook her head.

  It took having her DNA injected into Alt to make him lust after her—how was she going to get another guy to be interested? And if she hung out with any women, she’d be forced to listen to them talk about their relationships, the chatter a constant reminder that she had no one.

  “Don’t be sad, baby.”

  Alt spoke so softly, Daisy could hear her heart break over his words. How could he tell she was sad? She’d stopped crying, no sniffles, and her back was to the window, leaving her face unlit.

  She had been sitting in shadows, both literally and figuratively.

  His body naked, Alt slid off the couch and onto his hands and knees. He crawled the short distance to her then sat on the floor, his head resting platonically on her lap as he curled one hand around her ankle.

  “I was looking for my clothes,” she said, her voice creaky.

  He rubbed lightly at her calf and she thought for a few seconds he was going to ignore her statement.

  “You’ll have some in the morning, both yours that I sent out to be laundered and the ones I ordered.”

  Falling silent, she thought about telling him she couldn’t wait until morning for her clothing. She thought about telling him a lot of things, but didn’t say anything for a couple of long minutes that felt like hours to her.

  “How can you do this to your fiancée?” she asked at last. “Never mind doing it to me.”

  “I imagine she’s out doing the same.” He stopped rubbing at Daisy’s calf and brushed the back of his fingertips against her shin, his cheek burrowing against the pillow of her thigh.

  “The engagement is…dynastic,” he continued after another long pause. “The merger was agreed upon before I was old enough for my balls to so much as drop. Uncoupling the corporations is…”

  “Problematic?” she parroted his remark from the playroom, some of her hurt turning back towards anger.

  Alt sighed. Abandoning one leg, he started at the other, his fingertips stroking up under the robe’s fabric along the side of her knee.

  “Nothing is happening before or after my clothes get here,” she warned. “I would like more capsules now.”

  He snorted. “You don’t need any.”

  “Yes, I do,” Daisy insisted. “If I have to leave wrapped up in this damn robe, I will. Non-disclosure agreement or not, that will wind up in the press without my saying a word.”

  With a light growl vibrating along his lips, Alt reached up and tapped the base of the lamp on the table alongside Daisy, the resulting glow only a touch brighter than that coming through the window.

  But it was light enough for her to see his earnest expression.

  “The capsules you had must have come too soon after the injection — or something,” he floundered. “This is the first time we’ve gotten this far in studying the pheromone stimulants in humans. It was clear in the dungeon the injection was no longer influencing you.”

  “Then you should take a capsule,” she insisted, looking down the lean, muscular length of his body to where his cock crawled thick and hard up his stomach. “Several of them.”

  Alt cracked a wry smile. “I took five. I didn’t want to be at a complete disadvantage to you.”

  “Puh-leese!” she snorted. At no point had he seemed to be at a disadvantage to her or vulnerable to his biological responses.

  “Daisy…” Pausing, he rolled his lips against one another, the light just bright enough that the two pink stains on his cheeks were detectible. “I’ve been watching you since week one — before the DNA results were in.”

  She shook her head, disbelieving the words coming out of his mouth. He wanted her rights release. He hadn’t been watching her all these weeks and he hadn’t taken the capsules like he said he had.

  “You don’t believe what I’m saying about me,” he coaxed, his fingers resuming their soft strokes against her knee and lower thigh. “But you can feel the truth about your own body. You should be soaking through that robe by now, but you’re able to resist your attraction to me.”

  She couldn’t get her tongue to spit out the lie that she wasn’t attracted to him. She settled on clamping her legs together and glaring at him.

  He dropped his forehead to touch against her knee, his hand falling to circle possessively around her ankle. He held the position for maybe a minute before he looked up and nailed her with his brilliant blue gaze.

  “Everything I promised you for the two weeks and the patent release—I’ll give you for the patent release and the rest of tonight.”

  “Tonight?” she asked suspiciously before blurting, “I’m not going into that dungeon.”

  This time, when he smiled, it was gently pleased. Standing, he walked over to the table next to the couch, picked something up and returned, his erection bobbing with arousal for the entire trip.

  Extending his hand, he offered her his watch.

  A Piaget, the timepiece was a thing of beauty—its internal clockwork exposed and encrusted with small diamonds. She looked up, confused.

  “What time is it?” he asked.

  She looked at the watch again, wondering if it was a trick question. There were no markers for the hours. If she assigned three o’clock to the winding mechanism, then it was…

  “Eleven-oh-five?” she answer-asked.

  “I’m requesting fifty-five more minutes of your time and body, Daisy.” With a nervous lick of his lips, he sank onto his knees in front of her, his hands lightly cradling the sides of her legs. “Will you give me that?”

  She blinked, eyes misting. If she let him touch her again, she’d be doing it knowing he had a fiancée. Was that worse than what she’d already done?

  “Please, baby,” he softly persuading, getting ahead of himself and loosening the sash on her robe. “Even if it’s so you don’t have to wonder later.”

  “Wonder what?” she asked, his smooth voice beginning to relax her tightly clenched muscles.

  “How you really feel about me.”

  Chapter Eight

  Daisy could lie to Alt, but not to herself. All along she’d been cursing the injection. But her body did feel different, like it was hovering on a decision. Her heart didn’t feel that way at all.

  Her heart wanted the man kneeling in front of her, wanted him touching her, wanted to see the smoky heat in his blue gaze that had seemed like it was so much more than lust.

  Closing her eyes, she capitulated with a nod. She kept her eyes shut as Alt began to unwind the sash, helping him by blindly lifting her hips when she felt the material tug.

  “Do you want to go into the bedroom?” she whispered as he eased her knees apart.

  “We started here,” he answered, “we’ll end here.”

  If he was hoping to shock her eyes open, she only screwed them more tightly shut.

  End here…

  Yes, he was right about that, she thought.

  “Shh,” he coaxed, feeling her body tense up.

  Alt wrapped his hands around Daisy’s hips and tugged her bottom forward so that she hovered at the front edge of the seat cushion. His hands moved from her hips to massage at the top
of her thighs, down to her knees then along the back of her calves.

  He acted like a man who had more than fifty-some-odd minutes left.

  Pulling at her heels so that Daisy fully extended her legs, Alt leaned forward and planted a warm kiss against the side of her knee.

  The kiss barely registered as Daisy had to wrap her hands around the back of the cushion and throw the weight of her torso backwards from the way Alt had her bottom all but off the cushion.

  The second kiss delivered in the same spot on the opposite knee was a similar blip in her mind. Then his stubbly cheek joined the assault, surfing along the inside of her thigh until he was almost close enough for a far more intimate kiss.

  Alt retreated, his lips landing on her knee again.

  Okay, she mused. He had her attention even if she still couldn’t relax her body for fear of falling off the end of the chair.

  One fingertip ghosted a circle around her knee, the soft tickling sensation making her jerk—making all of her jerk. Ass muscles, both thighs, the smooth skin of her perineum.

  Her eyes popped open as she realized that, as much as she thought she hadn’t been feeling anything, her entire body had been swelling from his touch. Her nipples peaked, both breasts engorged. Her clit danced with a tumescent need and, when her pussy squeezed, fresh cream slicked its way past the opening.

  And still, all he wanted to do was rub his bristly cheek along her thigh.

  Biting at her bottom lip, Daisy forced herself to look up at the ceiling and not at the handsome face or the eyes dancing with delight at the way he knew he was teasing her.

  He ran a fingertip on the underside of each thigh at the same time, the sharp tingling it produced lifting her hips and mound.

  The back of his index fingers traveled the length of her inner thighs from her knees up to the perimeter of her labia. Her clit danced more sharply and her arms began to shake.

  Fingertips only, Alt traced the outline of her mound and a whimper crawled up Daisy’s throat, her face contorting in an unsuccessful effort to swallow the sound before it escaped.

  Alt shifted from resting his ass on his calves to surging upward, his hips wedging her thighs open as his hands skimmed over her stomach and up to her breasts.

  Feeling his thumb brush against her aching nipples she knew without looking that she had started to leak from her arousal. Dropping her gaze, she glanced anyway, saw him capture a fat drop and bring his thumb up to his mouth to lick it clean.

  He dropped the hand down between her legs, his other hand cupping the opposite breast as he leaned into her. Reading Alt’s intent in the blazing blue of his irises, Daisy arched her back, her breasts thrusting upward as his mouth closed around one nipple.

  His fingers began to explore her pussy, hooking and tracing a gentle circle just inside her gate. Clockwise, counterclockwise, a push in, a soft scraping pull out. Two fingers, three, hooking, tugging, then soothing hard and straight and deep.

  The precision of each move was as if he was coding her same as a computer. Old computers used to work like that, take out one tube, put another in. Then switch coding came along for a time—and Alt certainly knew how to work her switches.

  Her head dipped backwards, her shoulders rolling as her first climax slowly unfolded. She bit at her lip as his teeth scraped teasingly along her nipple, pulling it taut then reclaiming the entire areola with a swift, merciless suck in, his fingers jamming deep at the same time so that she lifted her ass off the cushion and rode the thick triangle.

  Alt released her nipple, his mouth traveling south, tongue replacing fingers as he licked at the sticky nectar that wept from her pussy.

  Daisy exhaled, the breath shaky as it exited her body.

  “Turn over,” Alt growled, abandoning her enflamed flesh.

  Without hesitating, Daisy obeyed, her arms folded against the chair’s cushion for support while her leaking breasts hung freely, their drips tapping rhythmically against the floor.

  She couldn’t get her tongue to work well enough to ask him why the milk had returned if the capsules had reversed the injection. She couldn’t even work herself into a suspicious state.

  All she could do was curl her back, lift her ass as high as she could and spread her legs so he could kneel behind her, his body doubled over and his tongue spearing her pussy while one hand rubbed at her clit and the other milked one breast.

  Her hips danced up and down, her pussy muscles drawn so tightly she could clasp and knot at the part of his tongue penetrating her. She moaned, no longer trying to restrain the proof of her pleasure. He had to know from the way her pussy gripped and how the milk flowed.

  Alt angled to one side, his legs straddling one of hers. He kept one hand squeezing rhythmically at her breast, but the other hand moved up to penetrate her pussy once more.

  A gurgling, pleasured groan left Daisy and then an ecstatic scream as something warm and wet probed at her anus. Her eyes rolled up, milk squirting from both breasts even though Alt only manipulated one of them.

  Burying her face against the pillow, she screamed again, pussy contorting wildly around his fingers, every other muscle in her body locked solid as she came with a thundering violence.

  Not done with Daisy, Alt hooked his fingers in her pussy and guided her away from the chair. After he got her to turn, he hooked her again, from the front, tugging her forward as he stretched out along the floor, his back against the cold marble and Daisy above him, a knee planted on each side.

  Looking down at the hard erection, she shook her head. “I didn’t agree to…that part of the contract hasn’t changed.”

  “You’re right, baby,” Alt answered. “It hasn’t changed. I just want to look at you above me the last time you come for me.”

  The last time…

  Why did it hurt to hear him say that?

  Biting at her bottom lip, she let the pain erase the question and then she let the sweet massaging motions of his hand keep the question from returning.

  “Come closer,” he whispered. “I want your beautiful breasts in my face.”

  Bracing her palms against the floor, she leaned over, her heavy, milk filled breasts pushing at his cheeks. His fingers softly fucking in and out, Alt turned his face and caught one nipple, his eyes closing as he began to suck, his expression serene.

  Her entire body alive with the sensations produced by Alt’s touch, Daisy could smell the cream leaking from her nipples and the wet, voracious appetite of her pussy. Breathing more deeply, she scented the salty tang of the pre-cum beading at the tip of Alt’s cock and other, deeper odors emanating from his skin.

  Pulling her nipple from his mouth, she eased backward, her cheek brushing against his as she took another deep breath. Lower she went, his fingers sliding from her as she ran her nose along his neck and then the inner edge of his muscular bicep.

  So enticing, she sighed inwardly, hips lifting, legs spreading, eyes drifting shut.

  Feeling the tentative push of his cock at the gate of her pussy, Daisy softly sighed, a smile curling her lip.

  Slowly she settled her weight downward, sinking onto his thick erection and beginning to ride him.

  Her pussy throbbed, its knotting contortions intensifying as Alt cupped each of her breasts and pulled her forward again. She braced her forearms against the floor, feeding one nipple into his mouth so he could suck at her milk as she fucked up and down the long, rigid cock.

  His hands gripped her hips to lift and push, to tug and pull, each motion harder and more desperate than the last. She rocked, toes curling, pussy convulsing, eyes rolling up as she threw her head back and released a silent scream as her climax stormed and lashed through her.

  Once again, she was looking down on herself, looking down on both their bodies. Alt no longer sucked at her nipple, all his attention was focused upward, on the curve of her neck, the fall of her hair. She could see him perfectly, see the gentle heat in his features, the possessive grip of his hands along her hips and then the tor
rent of his own climax as it rippled first through his face then through his cock, filling her again with his seed in thick, stringy squirts shooting deep inside her pussy, her muscles greedily sucking it deeper, higher, another orgasm exploding, splintering, annihilating.

  Collapsing forward, Daisy rested her weight against Alt’s broad chest. His hands moved from her hips to massage at her shoulders and along her arms.

  Burying her face against his neck, she choked down a sob.

  “You want me to have your baby and you don’t really know me,” she whispered when she could trust herself to say anything.

  “You want to have my baby and you don’t really know me,” he countered. “But our bodies know one another. Society keeps trying to erase that, to civilize it out of our DNA, but it doesn’t happen—that’s why we’re all so miserable.”

  Rolling off him, Daisy found the robe and wrapped it around her body. Alt reached out, his hand covering hers.

  She moved further away, her gaze searching for and finding the watch.

  He had five minutes left.

  She slid the watch onto his wrist as she shook her head. “You want me to have your baby, but you don’t care how miserable I’d be that you are engaged, that your going to marry her, whoever she is.”

  “I care deeply,” he insisted, sitting up and reaching for Daisy.

  Evading his grasp, she shook her head again.

  “I’m sorry, Dr. Alt — but you’re out of time.”

  Copyright © 2016 by Christa Wick

  All rights reserved.

  All entities and individuals are fictional or fictitiously used.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


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