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Branndon Jr.

Page 4

by Vanessa Devereaux

  “Don’t think so. Now into the warm, big brother. We don’t want you ending up back in the hospital.”


  Susanne still couldn’t get the image of Branndon singing along to the children’s show out of her head. Even when she sat opposite him at the dinner table. It had been so odd but refreshing to see another side of this hunk of a cowboy. She sat spellbound, watching his big hands engulf the knife and fork. The dimple in the chin just like the one both his dad and brother possessed, too. The broad shoulders that she’d loved to put her arms around. She could go on and on just like her mind had back in school. He had a bad-boy edge to him and she’d always felt compelled to reform him one day. Several times today she’d seen a weakness, a dent in the armor he’d always worn. Today she finally believed she could reform him and turn him into a mere pussycat.

  He looked up from his meal and directly at her like he knew what she was thinking and plotting.

  “I have some…”

  She was interrupted when the doorbell rang.

  “You expecting anyone?” she asked.

  “Nope, not tonight.”

  “You want me to go answer it?” asked Susanne.

  “Sure, and while you do that I’ll take all the dishes to the sink.”

  Oh yeah, he’s already turning into that domesticated pussycat.

  Susanne heard the female voices way before she opened the door to them. Five young women stood on the doorstep with one holding a bottle of what looked like champagne, in her hand.

  “Hi. Who are you?” asked the tallest of the bunch.

  “I’m Susanne, Branndon’s live-in nurse.”

  All five of them whistled at the same time. “Girls, I think we have ourselves some competition. Maybe we should have dressed in nurse’s uniforms and shown Branndon our nursing skills.”

  “I’m assuming you’re here to visit him?” asked Susanne. She was going to tell them he was resting and couldn’t see anyone, but he’d probably hate her for it.

  “We sure are,” said a red-haired, young woman in a short, black dress.

  “Guess you better come in because it must be really cold standing there in such a small amount of clothing.”

  One of the women made the sound of a cat meowing as they stepped inside. Maybe that had sounded sort of catty.

  “Wait here and I’ll tell him you’re here,” said Susanne.

  She heard them whispering among themselves as she turned and walked toward the kitchen. Branndon was rinsing dishes, handing them to April who then loaded them into the dishwasher.

  Wow, that was a scene she never expected to see.

  “So are Smudge and Muggles on TV every day?” he asked April.

  “It’s Mudge and Snuggles,” she corrected him.

  Susanne wondered if he was getting it wrong on purpose.

  “Monday and Wednesday.”

  “And they’re your favorite TV characters?”

  April nodded so hard, Susanne thought her head might fall off. “I asked for them for Christmas but Santa didn’t bring them to me.”

  Susanne bit her lip. She’d been short on cash what with setting up the business and the puppets had been out of their budget.

  “Maybe you’ll have to ask him again,” Branndon said, handing her another plate. “In fact, I’d do just that. Sometimes Santa’s hard of hearing.”

  The sound of the girls talking brought Susanne back down to earth and reminded her why she’d walked into the kitchen.

  “Branndon, some of your fan club members are here to see you,” said Susanne.

  He turned and wiped his hands on the dish towel. “Guess I should go see them before they get too rowdy,” he said.

  He walked by her and soon she heard the women’s voices getting louder and more excited.

  “There he is, the hero of the day.”

  “Good evening ladies, why don’t we go to my room and we can have a nice visit together?”

  His room. There were five of them. With him, that made six. Sort of small for that many. Surely they’d be more comfortable in the living room. The room where she could see them from the kitchen and check what they were up to with him. She bit her lip. Shit, she was envious. No, she was downright jealous. She had no reason to be because she was his nurse, not his girlfriend. He had every right to entertain who he wanted. Entertain? Is that what they were going to do in his room? The way the women had dressed, she seriously doubted just conversation was on the agenda tonight.


  “What? Sorry honey, mommy was thinking about something else.”

  “When’s Brannon going to color with me?”

  “Soon. He’s talking to some of his friends and he’ll be right with you. Why don’t you get out your coloring book and crayons while you’re waiting?”

  In fact, she’d go along and try and hurry him up because April had to go to bed soon. It would, in fact, give her the perfect excuse to go check on him. She walked along the hallway, hearing the women giggling long before she got to his door, and despite it even being closed. She put her ear onto it.

  “When are you going back on the circuit?”

  “I hope to take part in the contest in Dallas in late March,” said Branndon.

  “You’ll need to get back in shape and maybe we can help you get a workout.”

  “Now, ladies, I’m not up to having sex quite yet. My back is still sore, but I’ll definitely let you know when I need a workout.”

  “Then maybe we can give you a hand job while we’re here,” said one.

  “Even a blow job. You know how much you like those,” said another.

  Susanne bit her lip again and before she knew it, she’d burst into the room. All five women and Branndon looked at her.

  “You need something?” he asked her.

  “Yes, I need for all of you to leave because Branndon has to take his pills and he needs his rest.”

  “My pills…” he asked.

  “Yes, come on girls, up you get, and you can visit him again when he’s convalesced some more.”

  All five took turns to kiss him, not on the cheeks but the lips. Susanne glared at them and they glared back at her as they filed out of the room.

  “Night Nurse Rachted,” said the tall one.

  Nurse who? Susanne then remembered that had been the name of the bitchy nurse in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

  “I don’t like her one little bit,” she heard one saying to the other four as they made their way out.

  “What was all that about?” asked Branndon.

  “I thought they might be tiring you out.”

  “I’m fine and I don’t think that’s the reason for you bursting in here like the kitchen was on fire and then getting rid of them so quickly. I think you’re jealous.”

  “Me, jealous? Why would I be jealous of five women who look like they…”

  She didn’t want to say the word hookers in case that crossed the line a little too much.

  “Then if you’re not jealous that must mean you’re a prude.”

  “I’m a prude?”

  “Shit, Susanne. Would you stop repeating everything I’m saying?”

  She wasn’t aware she was doing it. She’d never done that before. “April has her coloring book and crayons ready.” There she’d changed the subject.

  “Okay, let’s do some artwork and hope that doesn’t tire me out too much and I have to take a pill for it.” He stood, gave her the sort of grin that only Branndon could, and left the room.

  Chapter Four

  Good thing he was concentrating and focusing on coloring because he was sexually on edge. Not that he had any feelings or any connection to the women who’d dropped by, but living under the same roof as Susanne had somehow stirred up his libido. Each time he looked at her, he was feeling something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. And now that he knew she’d been jealous of the women who’d come calling, he guessed she felt something for him, too.

  Susanne lean
ed against the sink, coffee mug in hand, watching them work together to fill in all the colors on the drawing of the house and garden. The kid had a good eye for what color should match what object. If he remembered correctly, Susanne was a pretty good artist herself. Kids had often knocked her sketch book out of her hands as they ran by and called her names. Made reference to the fact that her dad was the town drunk and often was arrested for passing out and sleeping rough on the steps of one of Riker Creek’s businesses.

  He looked over at her again. That had been so wrong of all of them, him and Jackson included. She’d obviously not found happiness in a marriage either. The fact that she was raising April on her own intrigued him. She hadn’t even mentioned an ex, and April hadn’t said one word about her dad.

  “April, a few more strokes and then you have to get ready for bed,” said Susanne.

  Strokes. The word made him think of the hand job Susanne had denied him. It would have brought him release and now he’d probably have to jerk off again once he got to bed.

  “We can finish this some other time,” he told April. It hadn’t been as bad as he’d imagined.

  April closed the book and then she left with Susanne. Branndon stretched and yawned. He had to go to see Brody tomorrow and maybe face the music. Guess being beaten by a lady’s angry fiancé wouldn’t be much fun, but seeing how they were brothers might ensure that Brody would go easy on him.

  He got up and headed to his room. Maybe he’d think about installing a TV in there so he could watch some late night movies. Branndon sat on the bed and picked up some of the magazines the women had brought him. Rodeo Rider, Horse and Ranch.

  He looked up sensing he was being watched. Susanne stood in the doorway.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “For what?”

  “For coloring with April and for letting her brush your horse.”

  “Any time.”

  “It means a lot to her because what with having no father around and no male figure to hang out with … well, it’s sort of like she’s missing out.”

  “I take it you’re divorced.”

  She shook her head. “Never married. April’s the result of me misreading a man’s intent,” she said, lowering her voice. She shut the door and then walked over to the bed and sat beside him, close to his thigh. “However, I love her with all my heart and don’t regret her coming into my life.”

  He smelled perfume on her. Not the cheap sort the women had worn, but spicy and classy. He liked it.

  “What happened?” asked Branndon. He’d been dying to know and as she’d now opened up the conversation to the topic, he didn’t feel like he was prying.

  “I met a man who I thought was perfect, but he turned out to be very imperfect. He told me he didn’t want anything permanent. When I found out I was pregnant, he took off like there was no tomorrow.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Does he ever see her?”

  “No, he’s never set eyes on her.”

  He couldn’t imagine any guy abandoning his own flesh and blood like that. “And she never asks about not having a dad?”

  “Once or twice, when she’s seen other kids with their fathers in the playground.”

  “What have you told her?” asked Branndon. Suddenly his heart ached for the kid.

  “That she doesn’t need one because I’ve got enough love for her that I can be both a mommy and a daddy to her.”

  That was the sweetest thing Branndon had ever heard.

  He touched the back of her hand before wrapping his fingers around hers and squeezing. He felt her almost pull away and he wondered if he’d done something wrong, crossed the line maybe.

  “About earlier.” Susanne made circles on the bed with her fingers.

  “What about it?” asked Branndon.

  “When I sent the women away.”

  “Oh, yeah, that.”

  “I’m sorry because I shouldn’t have done that. I was sticking my nose in where it didn’t belong.”

  “Maybe you had my best interest in mind.” He wondered if she detected a touch of sarcasm in his voice. He hadn’t really intended it to come out like that, but sometimes his mouth worked quicker than his brain.

  “I could give you hand job.”

  Shit. Where had that come from? She’d suddenly turned scarlet and, her lower lip was shaking. “Well, do you want me to or not?” she asked.

  Oh yeah, he wanted her to. He was already getting hard with her sitting this close to him. “I do, but only if you want to. If you’re not comfortable with doing that sort of thing then I’ll…”

  She pulled back the blankets, no doubt seeing that it wouldn’t take much for him to get rock hard. “Pull down you PJs for me.”

  He loved the sound of her voice. Sort of like a whisper, but at the same time being somewhat commanding. Branndon lifted his butt and dragged his pajama bottoms down over his thighs. Susanne’s hand was on him in no time.

  “You remember what I said to you while you were in the hospital?” she asked him.

  Yeah, he knew. A guy never forget an insult about his prized possession. “About my dick?” he asked.

  Susanne nodded as her hand moved up and down his shaft, turning him harder than he’d ever been.

  “I was messing with you.”

  “I knew that.”

  “It’s big and gorgeous,” she said, picking up intensity and almost making him go cross eyed.

  He took a deep breath, sensing he wouldn’t last long. Who would have thought Susanne knew all the right buttons to push when it came to hand jobs? Branndon closed his eyes, grabbed the sheets and pulled them up to him.

  Take it easy. Take a breath, last a little longer.

  But she was making it too difficult to do that. One last movement of her hand and he groaned, finding such a sweet release that he was almost embarrassed at how quickly he’d come. He opened his eyes and looked at her. “I can assure you I last a lot longer when I’m inside a pussy.”

  She colored again.

  “Usually when a lady’s done this for me, she kisses me,” he added. He’d lied. Sometimes women didn’t kiss him after, but he wanted to feel Susanne’s lips on his mouth.

  Susanne didn’t say anything but leaned over and put her lips on his. He tried to slip his tongue over them, but she suddenly pulled away and stood up. “I’m sorry. I’ve made a huge mistake.”

  Were there tears in her eyes as she fled the room? He hoped not because in his opinion no mistake had been made.

  Chapter Five

  Susanne threw two of her sweaters across the room. They were the only things she could think of that, one, wouldn’t break, and two, wouldn’t disturb either April or Branndon when they fell to the floor.

  What had she been thinking? Letting her hormones and lust override everything else. She paced up and down, putting her palm on her forehead. She’d launched this business so she could give her and April a decent life. She could earn a living and give her little girl things she’d never enjoyed while growing up.

  Now she might have thrown it all away. How unprofessional of her to give her first client a hand job.

  Okay, Branndon was someone she knew, but what if he told others what sort of nurse she really was and word got around town? What if guys hired her not because of her nursing skills but because she gave good hand jobs?

  She had given a good one, right?

  Sure she had, he’d come in minutes.

  And the kiss. She’d so wanted to open her mouth and feel his tongue inside, but the scent of the other women who’d kissed him still lingered and it reminded her that every woman within a hundred miles, maybe more, wanted him. Women cuter than her. Women with better bodies than her. Branndon would never be hers.

  Tomorrow she’d have to apologize and set things right.

  Tomorrow. Shit. She had to drive him to the hospital to see Brody because his six weeks post-surgery ban wasn’t up yet. Fifteen minutes, just the two of them in the car.


  Susanne was already waiting by the car when Branndon headed out of the house the next morning. When he’d stepped into the kitchen, she’d swiftly ushered April out and made the excuse they had to hurry or she’d miss the school bus. When she’d returned, she shut herself in her bedroom and then she’d quickly called through his door that she was ready to leave when he was and would be outside in the car waiting.

  She looked down at the steering wheel as he got close to the car door.

  “I’m going to be than happy when I get permission to drive again,” he said, getting into the passenger seat.

  “Just a few more weeks,” Susanne said, putting her seatbelt across her shoulder. “You have a check-up appointment next Wednesday, so don’t forget about it,” she said.

  “Can we talk about last night? I mean it seems like you have a stick up your butt this morning and I thought we were getting on reasonably well,” he said.

  She indicted left and pulled out onto the main road.

  Stick up the butt. Well, maybe she had been acting sort of standoffish since the incident. “I think we should. But first let me begin by apologizing to you,” she said.

  “For what?”

  “You know. I had no right to touch you in a sexual way. You’re a client and that was inappropriate of me.”

  “Hell, you can be as inappropriate as you want if you make me come like that.”

  “Branndon, I’d like to take this matter seriously. I’m sorry for what I did and I can assure you it will never, ever happen again.”

  “Damn, you’re a spoil sport.”

  She momentarily looked at him. He raised his hands in surrender. “All right, I accept your apology and understand it won’t happen again.”

  Now there was silence again. She never could stand being somewhere without a little noise so she turned on the radio. However, Branndon obviously didn’t like her choice of stations and began pressing the buttons. She slapped the back of his hand.

  “Ouch, that stung like hell.”

  “This is my car, my radio…”

  “And now there’s sexual tension.”

  “What?” asked Susanne.


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