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Kilty Pleasure

Page 15

by Shelli Stevens

  Aye, he wasn’t a fool. Maybe a fool to leave when he could’ve spent the night with her in his arms, but he wasn’t sure he trusted himself not to try and make love to her. And he was a man of his word.

  A quick glance at the clock showed it was time to head back for a requested meeting with his superior.

  He only hoped it wasn’t shite news. Not that he suspected it would be—he was a solid employee.

  Taking a left at the next small road, he drove the cruiser back to the precinct.

  When he left the building to head home a half hour later, a dazed smile played on his face.

  Well now, that was a good surprise. All things considered, not a bad day in the end.

  Hailey’s text came in just as he was pulling into his driveway.

  He opened the message and held his breath.

  I’m taking you up on your offer. If you’re not too tired, I’d love you to come over.

  His grin widened. And apparently this day was about to get better.

  “I’m glad you came over.”

  Shite, after the orgasm he’d just had? So was he. Though it wouldn’t have mattered if she’d asked him over simply to talk again. He would’ve driven the distance to see her. To hell with the gas cost and miles he was putting on his car.

  Hailey lay in arms, her cheek pressed against his chest as he traced the curves of her satiny-soft back.

  “Thank you for inviting me. It was hard as fuck to leave you last night.”

  She laughed softly. “I know. And yet I respect you so much more for doing it.”

  “Do you?”

  “Absolutely.” She drew a finger over the muscles in his chest. “How was your day at work?”

  “Not bad, actually. I’ve just accepted a position as a detective in the precinct.”

  “Detective? Really?” She lifted her head to stare at him. “Congratulations. That’s great, isn’t it?”

  “Oh aye. I’d applied and was interviewed—had hoped for the best, but wasn’t certain I would get the position.”

  “But you did, because you’re amazing.”

  He laughed softly. “Amazing, hmm? Thank you.”

  “So…detective? What does that mean? You investigate random things?”

  “I’ll be investigating sex crimes and child abuse.”

  The light in her eyes dimmed some. “Oh wow. That sounds kind of heavy. Are you up for it?”

  “Absolutely. I look forward to helping put those bastards away. Bastards like Charles Richland.”

  “I’m not sure I know him. Who’s he?”

  “You’ve truly not heard?”

  “Apparently not.” Her mouth curved into a frown, and unease flickered in her gaze. “Fill me in?”

  Seeing no way to break it to her gently, he murmured, “He’s the man who tried to rape Kenzie.”

  “Oh my God.” Hailey jerked out of his arms and sat upright. “When did this happen?”

  “Shortly after you graduated high school, I believe. He was stopped when Ian came upon the pair. Ian beat the living shite out of the man. Nearly killed him.”

  “That’s why he served time,” she murmured, awareness dawning in her eyes. “I’d heard he went to jail, but didn’t know more than it was due to a near-deadly assault.”

  “Aye.” And it could’ve been any of the brothers who’d been in Ian’s shoes that night. If he or Aleck had discovered their sister being attacked, Charles Richland wouldn’t have fared any better.

  “I never knew. Poor Kenzie.” Hailey hesitated, appearing almost distressed. “I never would’ve guessed. She seems…”

  “She’s come through fairly well, aye. But I know she struggles with the fear of being attacked again. She doesn’t date.”


  “Maybe once or twice over the years, but nothing serious. If a man gets too flirtatious while she’s working at the bar, she sometimes panics a bit.”


  “She doesn’t admit any of this, but we see it in her eyes. Her demeanor. She’s not the same. The old Kenzie used to be—”

  “—a total flirt and confident with men,” Hailey finished for him. “I remember. I envied her and how easily men were drawn to her. Like a magnet.”

  “She still can do, but wants no part of it now.”

  “That’s so awful. I’m so sorry that happened to her. And her attempted rapist is just walking free?”

  “Aye. His father’s a respected judge and her reputation at the time wasn’t necessarily bad, but she was known to flirt.”

  “Still, that’s not an invitation to be raped. What an asshole.”

  “And that asshole has probably succeeded in raping other women,” he said grimly. “I’ve no doubt about it. I hope to help take him, as well as other slimebags, off the streets.”

  She lay back down and cuddled against him. “That’s awful. I don’t understand how these guys can walk free. It’ll catch up with him.”

  “Aye. It will.”

  They were silent for a long while, both lost in their own thoughts. The edge was taken off his newly dark mood by the way she kept sliding her foot against his calf.

  “I think you’ll be great in this detective position, Colin.” She pressed a kiss to his chest. “You sound like you’re a pretty incredible cop.”

  “Thank you. I try.”

  She dropped another kiss, this time on his nipple, and his body stirred fully to life once more.

  “You’re also a really sexy cop.”

  “Mmm, you think so? Or are you trying to take me out of my suddenly shite mood.”

  “Both.” She moved her head down to drop a kiss on his abs. “Is it working?”

  “Might need a little bit more distraction.” Maybe he was a bloody jerk, but he couldn’t resist threading his fingers into her hair and urging her downward.

  “I can help with that.” And then her mouth was on his cock and his thoughts scattered, leaving only pleasure.

  She showed no signs of slowing down in her sweet torment, even as he grew closer to release. For a moment, he thought about not stopping her, but all it took was imagining the feel of being inside her again, and he was easing her mouth off his erection.

  “Sweetheart, I love what you’re doing. But—”

  “I know. And please tell me you have more than that one condom, because I don’t have any.”

  “I’ve another two in my jeans pockets.”

  She was off the bed and grabbing them in a heartbeat. The sight of her cute little arse in his face, though, had the plan in his head changing.

  When he had the condom on she tried to straddle him, but he gently eased her back and onto her hands and knees.

  “Really? Like this?” She gave a throaty laugh, but didn’t protest. “You surprise me, Colin.”

  “Do I?” He knelt behind her and gave the cheek of her arse a light swat. “Well, let me stick around a while and I promise you’ll be surprised more often than you think.”

  He buried himself inside her, holding off her reply. And when she finally did, it was in the form of a low, guttural moan.

  She gripped the sheets and her sex clenched his cock. He let out a hiss of pleasure, not even trying to talk now. Which was probably better, because as he thrust hard into her the feel of her slick flesh made discussion impossible.

  The only thought registering in his head right now was how completely gutted he was going to be when she finally tired of him and moved on to another bloke.

  Chapter Sixteen

  An hour later when they were spent and spooning, Colin debated whether or not he should get up and leave—because surely she would kick him out soon anyway.

  “You thought about Friday?” he asked, delaying the inevitable for a moment.

  “What, the auction? I’m really going to try and make it.”

  “You should.”

  “Are you hoping I’ll bid on you?” she teased. “Because, I’ve got to say, I’ve heard some of the going rates for all you bac
helors and I’ve spent less on a computer.”

  “Ah, well you must buy the cheap ones.”

  She jabbed her elbow into his rib cage. “Don’t judge. I refuse to pay four figures for a computer, or a man.”

  “Ha.” He let out a short burst of laugher and slid his hand up to cup a breast. “Well what if I could get you a going rate on the man.”

  She moaned as he thumbed her nipple, and pressed her bottom back against him. “I can get you for free anytime, baby.”

  Her drowsy words knocked around in his head. Aye, she could have him anytime. They were in a legitimate, sex-only relationship.

  It was so out of his realm he still wasn’t sure what the hell he was doing. Or if he even liked it. Well, clearly he liked some parts of it.

  “You sleeping over?”

  Was she asking or berating? “I don’t have to.”

  “No, you don’t have to.” She pulled his other hand up to cup her free breast. “But it’s cool if you want to.”

  “It’s cool, is it?” His lips twitched with amusement and pressed a kiss to the back of her neck. Was that the closest to an invitation he’d get?

  “Mmm hmm.”

  “I’ll stay then.” Truth be told he wasn’t sure he trusted himself to drive with how exhausted he was. It was late and they’d already made love twice.


  “Careful. I might think you’re getting serious about me,” he couldn’t resist teasing, nibbling on the spot between her neck and shoulders.

  She didn’t answer. It was much too fast for her to have fallen asleep, which meant maybe she was thinking about that last comment quite heavily.

  The interesting bit was she didn’t rebuke it. With that food for thought, Colin rolled her onto her back and kissed his way down her belly to the softness between her thighs.

  With her cries of pleasure growing, and her fingers tugging at his hair, he vowed he’d win her over to the idea, one way or another.

  The pub was packed. Wall to wall women. Chatting, giggling and dressed to the nines like they were at a male strip club instead of a Scottish pub.

  “Why am I here again?” Muttering the question half to herself, Hailey really didn’t expect a response.

  But Sarah, who sat across the table from her, had obviously heard. “So you can enjoy this glorious horse-and-pony show with me.”

  “And me.” Kenzie lifted her beer in a toast. “Nothing quite like seeing women lose their shit over a bunch of middle class men up for auction.”

  Hailey laughed and leaned back in the booth they’d managed to snag. It was so good to have these two back in her life.

  Sarah glanced over at Kenzie. “I’m surprised you aren’t working tonight.”

  “I switched shifts with Delonna. She could use the extra cash that this evening will bring in.”

  “It does look as if things could get out of control,” Hailey agreed, again glancing around the pub.

  A couple college-aged girls walked by their table and snippets of their conversation were easily picked up.

  “I’m totally blowing my money on Aleck McLaughlin. That guy is superhot.”

  “Superold too. He’s like thirty-three. I want that pretty bodybuilder who volunteers at the Boys and Girls Club.”

  Hailey snuck a glance at Kenzie and couldn’t help but smile at the look of disgust on her face.

  “What’s it like having your brothers be so sought after?”

  “Any other day.” Kenzie snorted. “Only, during the auction women actually put their money where their mouth is.”

  “What’s this? Am I being discussed?”

  Hailey recognized the voice before he stepped into her line of vision. Colin’s gaze swept to hers and a small smile played around his mouth.

  Her heart started pounding and her mouth went dry, but she tried her best to return what she hoped was a polite, inconspicuous smile.

  “More Aleck than you,” Kenzie replied. “But don’t you look smashing in your kilt.”

  His grin widened. “Aye, I do, don’t I? And most of the women seem to agree.”

  Kenzie rolled her eyes. “Barf.”

  His gaze slid to Hailey again and lingered. “Are you going to bid on a bachelor tonight, Hailey?”

  She pursed her lips and arched a brow. “Hmm. So tempting, but no.”

  “Ah, well, if you change your mind…”

  Seriously? Panic rose in her throat. Was he trying to completely out the fact that they’d been screwing like bunnies?

  “Aleck makes a mean chicken curry,” he continued, “and he could probably wash all those high windows in your house that you can’t reach.”

  Everyone laughed and Hailey shot him a warning look. That had been too close. Fortunately, no one had picked up on—

  “Wait. How would you know if she has high windows?” Kenzie asked, her laughter fading. “Have you been to her house?”

  “Just a presumption. After all, Hailey and Sarah both are in the vertically challenged club.” He deflected the question easily, but Hailey noticed his smile wasn’t as easygoing.

  He’d screwed up and he knew it.

  Luckily, Sarah rose easily to the teasing jab at her height, promising him she’d find the foulest woman to bid on him.

  “I should probably get ready in the back.” He winked and then started to turn away again. “You ladies behave yourselves tonight.”

  When he disappeared, the conversation lulled, and Hailey gripped her water, trying to appear relaxed.

  “Well that was weird,” Kenzie murmured. “Colin was nice to you tonight.”

  Sarah nodded. “Yeah, I noticed that too. He was being kind of a jerk to you for a while there. Did you guys talk it out?”

  “Yeah.” Hailey jumped on it. “We talked it out. Made peace with each other, so to speak.”

  Made peace. Made love. It was all the same, right?

  For a moment, the inclination to confide in them hit hard, but she couldn’t. If they ever got serious, then, yeah, she’d have to bring their relationship out of the closet.

  Got serious? What was she thinking?

  She was thinking about the other night, that’s what. When Colin had teased her about getting serious. For a moment she’d been tempted to say, “Let’s give it a try.” The idea was still playing around in her head, actually.

  The fear stopped her. Trusting someone that much. Getting hurt again. And, of course, the ever-present dread that Curt would flip his lid if he found out she had a new boyfriend.

  “Mind if I join you girls?”

  Hailey glanced up as another woman sat down.

  “Not at all. Taking a break?” Kenzie asked.

  “Hell yeah, while I still can. It’s going to get crazy in here.”

  “Hailey, this is Delonna. She’s one of our bartenders,” Kenzie explained. “Delonna, this is Hailey. We all went to school together.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Hailey gave a friendly smile and quickly sized up the pretty, young blonde.

  Lots of energy. Cute. Busty. Drew plenty of glances from men. Conversation quickly turned to the auction and the crowds it would bring in.

  The men—all the McLaughlin brothers and then about five other attractive bachelors on the island—were set to go onstage in the next half hour.

  “Slacking off on the job, I see?”

  The thickness of the Scottish accent gave away Aleck’s arrival.

  Hailey watched as he hip butted Delonna over in the seat so he could sit beside her.

  “I’m entitled to breaks.” She wrinkled her nose at him. “And at least I’m working tonight, unlike some who are flaunting their assets on stage.”

  “Mmm. My assets are rather remarkable, I’ve been told.” Aleck grinned at Delonna. “Are you going to bid on me?”

  She burst into laughter. “Hardly. I can’t afford you. You don’t pay me nearly close to what you’ll go for, boss boy.”

  “Aye? Maybe we can work out a payment plan.”

sp; “Well, you do look damn sexy in that kilt. And I could use some help with my laundry.” She pursed her lips. “But, sadly, I think my boyfriend would get a little pissy. I guess I’ll just have to let some other lucky bitch win you.”

  “Boyfriend?” Kenzie queried. “You guys are officially a thing now?”

  Delonna shrugged and her smile widened. “Looks like it.”

  Hailey kept her attention on Aleck, curious about the exchange between him and Delonna a moment ago.

  Sure enough, the area between his brows furrowed and his mouth tightened a bit at her announcement about having a boyfriend.

  “Well, I say you bring the fellow by and let us get a feel for him,” he suggested.

  “Oh aye,” Kenzie agreed. “Bring him in.”

  “Absolutely not. You’ll all have him terrified and running for cover in minutes, I’m sure.”

  Aleck smirked. “Ah, we’d never do such a crass thing.”

  “Mmm hmm.” Delonna lightly shoved his shoulder. “My break’s over. Move it, boss boy.”

  He slid out of the bench and let her pass. Once she was gone Aleck glanced at the stage and winced.

  “I suppose I should go join up with the rest of the bachelors.”

  “Yeah, you should,” Kenzie murmured.

  Aleck paused and met Hailey’s gaze. “Nice to see you in here again, Hailey.”

  As he walked away, she felt a flush of embarrassment rush through her. He knew. He hadn’t said a damn word, but there’d been something in his eyes that had her gut instinct kicking in. He knew what was going on with Colin and her.


  While part of her was mortified, she could also acknowledge the kindness in his remark. The acceptance and olive branch in those few words.

  The discussion at the table was light and fun after that. Hailey found herself relaxing and slipping back into an easy rhythm with her friends.

  When the auction finally began, all attention turned to the stage. It was actually kind of fun, and not tasteless in the least.

  No naked, oiled-up chests or flexing muscles. Just attractive men walking out on stage, their attributes being listed, and then the bids beginning.

  When Ian hit the stage, Sarah outbid every woman who tried to win him. Until an elderly lady raised her hand and called out a higher amount.


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