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Kilty Pleasure

Page 18

by Shelli Stevens

  “He’s a parasite. Garbage.” Ian nodded grimly. “Aye, stay with us tonight, Sarah. For as long as you need to, actually. I’ll see that you’re safe. Though I must admit I’m surprised you didn’t ask Colin first.”

  “Me too,” Sarah agreed, rejoining them.

  “Colin?” She tried to keep her tone light. “Why would I…?”

  She trailed off as both of them raised their brows and gave her a really look.

  They knew about her and Colin? Suddenly those overbig smiles when they’d answered the door made sense.

  A guilty blush bloomed in her cheeks. She tried desperately to give a casual shrug.

  “Colin and I are—”

  “—involved. No need to try to pretend otherwise.” Ian gave a quick smile. “We saw you after the auction.”

  After the… Shit!

  “I’m sorry.” Oh wow, this was awkward. “We, um, meant to keep it quiet.”

  She’d completely forgotten about that little moment outside the bar when they’d had that superhot kiss. And apparently they’d had a gaggle of witnesses, going by the plural form that Ian had just used.

  “Why in the world would you apologize?” Sarah asked as she sat down on the couch next to Ian. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I don’t know, I actually like the idea of the two of you.”

  Was she serious? With everything that had happened? It was one thing to forgive, but quite another to have her dating a McLaughlin.

  Hailey frowned. Dating? Had she really just thought? Sleeping together. They were simply sleeping together.

  Only there was nothing simple about it.

  She snuck a glance at Ian to see if he wasn’t as open-minded about the whole thing.

  His narrowed gaze was pensive. “I won’t lie—it shocked me, seeing that, as of a couple weeks ago, I thought Colin couldn’t stand you.”

  A smile tugged at Hailey’s lips. “I’m pretty sure you’re right.”

  “Love and hate can be pretty closely intertwined.” Sarah caught Ian’s hand and they exchanged a long glance. “Our feelings toward each other were pretty volatile when we reunited.”

  “Volatile. Aye, that’s a good word.” His mouth curved into a half smile as he turned his attention back to Hailey. “But I’ve no issue with you and Colin as a couple. In fact, I do believe you could be good for him.”

  She didn’t even have to ask what he meant. “Brenda.”

  “Aye, so you know about her.”

  “I do. She’s actually the reason I came here tonight instead of calling Colin.” She laced her fingers together and ignored the slight tightening in her chest. “They’re having dinner.”

  “Seriously?” Sarah scowled. “I’m so upset that awful woman won him.”

  “Not as upset as Kenzie was,” Ian pointed out. “Or my brothers and I were when we realized what had happened.”

  “I know. And I bet he’s only having dinner to respect the outcome of the auction.” Sarah clearly was trying to be practical. “I’m sure he’s long over her.”

  Ian didn’t seem to have any comment to add to that, but maybe it was because his phone went off. He murmured an apology and slipped away.

  “You don’t believe that Colin’s over her?” Sarah asked softly.

  “I don’t know what to believe.”

  “The McLaughlins are good people, and Colin is seriously the epitome of a nice guy.”

  Her throat tightened. “Oh I know. You’re preaching to the choir here.”

  “You make it sound like the nice-guy thing is an issue.”

  It was. She just gave a slight shrug.

  “You don’t like nice guys?”

  “I do, I just—” she winced, “—nice guys don’t usually like me.”

  Sarah stared at her for a moment and shook her head. “We may have spent years apart, Hailey, but I still know the core of who you are. If you’ve got some harebrained notion that you’re not good enough for him—”

  The front door burst open with enough violence to make them both gasp and jump in their seats.

  Hailey swung her gaze to the door and swallowed hard.

  As if he’d known they were discussing him, Colin strode into the house with his mouth in a grim slash.

  He looked pissed when he finally came to a stop, towering above her.

  “Perhaps you could explain why you haven’t answered your bloody phone?”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Colin knew he needed to calm down, especially when Hailey’s eyes rounded with surprise and wariness flickered in her gaze.

  “I didn’t hear it ring. I must’ve left it charging in my car.”

  “I’ve been worried out of my mind.”

  She was safe. The sight of her sitting safely in Sarah’s house offered some relief, but the panic that had built inside him for the last twenty minutes was still slow to dissolve.

  He’d been five minutes outside of Coupeville when Ian had texted to inform him Hailey was with them. He’d flipped a U-turn in the middle of the road, uncaring of the illegality of it all.

  He slid his gaze over her now, judging her emotional and physical state. She looked tired, maybe a little shocked to see him, but otherwise okay. Though there were hints of bruises on her arms that had his teeth snapping together.

  A little souvenir from MacGregor’s visit? The man better hope another officer found and brought him in first, or he might not reach the station alive.

  “Why didn’t you call me?”

  She tilted her head, irritation flashing in her eyes now. “Uh, maybe because you were at dinner with your ex-fiancée? I don’t understand why you’re so angry with me right now.”

  Because, between leaving Brenda’s house and receiving Ian’s text, he’d been out of his mind with fear, imagining why she might not be answering her phone. Mostly visualizing Curt MacGregor finding her.

  He didn’t say that. Didn’t even bother to answer her question. “Grab your stuff. You’re staying with me tonight.”

  “Whoa.” Sarah’s shocked, one-word reply came first.

  It didn’t take Hailey long to make her displeasure at his gritty command known. “I’ll be fine with Sarah and Ian.”

  “Aye, I’ve no doubt you would be,” he agreed, struggling with his temper. “But I’d prefer you stay with me.”

  Ian entered the room again, stood near the doorway with his arms folded over his chest. He remained silent as he took in the tense scene.

  Colin could see the conflict inside Hailey. Clearly, part of her wanted to tell him to get lost, while another part seemed close to capitulating. He knew why she hesitated. He was acting like an aggressive arse, and that was the last type of man she’d appreciate in her life right now. Especially after Curt.

  “If you’re hinting I can’t keep her safe, you’d be wrong,” Ian drawled, but there was no heat in his words. “Hailey is free to choose where to stay. So I’d advise ditching the heavy-pressure bit.”

  Knowing that Ian was right, Colin struggled to put aside his fears and the anger that it brought forth. He drew in a slow breath and tried again.

  “You’re right.” His words were calmer now. “I’ve no right to demand that you come with me, but, please, Hailey. I’d sleep much better tonight knowing you were beside me.” When she winced and looked at Sarah, he added, “And don’t worry, that cat’s out of the bag.”

  “Yeah, so I heard.” She sighed, went quiet for a moment, and then nodded. “Fine. I’ll go with you.”

  Relief flooded through him and he nodded. “Where’s your bag? I’ll grab it.”

  “By the door, here,” Ian supplied.

  “Are you working tomorrow, Hailey?” Sarah asked.

  Hailey stood and grimaced. “I called in sick. It’s been too stressful a night, I knew I’d lose sleep and be useless on my shift.”

  “Colin has to work,” Sarah pointed out. “So you should come hang out with Emily and me. We’re going to rent kayaks in the harbor.”

  Unfortunately, S
arah was right, Colin did have to work and, with his new position, he couldn’t afford to call in sick.

  Hailey nodded, giving a tired smile. “Sounds like fun.”

  “I’ll drop her off on the way to the precinct,” Colin added. “Thank you both for helping tonight.”

  “It’s not a bother,” Ian said lightly, and their gazes met.

  The warning in his twin’s eyes was clear. Don’t be a dick to Hailey. She’d already been through enough tonight.

  Colin gave a brief nod, indicating he’d got the message, and he caught Hailey’s hand. His flare-up of ‘assholism’, as she’d once put it, was under control.

  They left Sarah’s house a moment later.

  “I’ll drive you to my house and we’ll leave your car here. You’ll be coming back in the morning anyway.”


  She stared out the window.

  He flexed his fingers on the wheel as he drove, and kept his eyes on the road.

  “Are you all right? Did he hurt you?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You’re not fine. I saw the bruises.”

  “They’ve barely formed. And aren’t you observant?”

  “I’m trained to be. I can’t believe the bastard was stupid enough to break that order again. I wish you would’ve called me.”

  “You were busy. How did you find out anyway?”

  “My friend with Skagit Valley PD was one of the responding officers tonight.”


  The one word held no judgment that he could hear.

  “You didn’t have to leave your date early.”

  “It wasn’t a date. It was dinner. And I was already on my way out when I heard from my friend.”

  Again she stayed silent. He didn’t continue the conversation because they’d arrived at his house.

  He stayed close to her as they made their way inside, his gaze scanning the grounds of his property for anything out of the norm.

  Once inside, he locked the door behind them.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked. “Can I get you something to eat?”

  “I’m all right.”

  “I’m starving,” he muttered, and moved past her to the kitchen. “Dinner was shite and I barely touched it.”

  “You should’ve stayed with Brenda.” Hailey followed after him.

  He gave a harsh laugh. “My evening with Brenda couldn’t end soon enough.”

  She was silent for a moment. “You didn’t have to come get me tonight. I would’ve been fine with Sarah and Ian. I only agreed to come back with you because I hated being a burden—and Ian already has to worry about Sarah and Emily.”

  “I’ve no doubt you would’ve been safe with them, Hailey, but that’s beside the point.”

  She leaned against the counter in the kitchen and sighed. “Then what is the point, because I’ve gotta admit I don’t know.”

  “The point?” He glanced in the fridge but nothing appealed. Closing it again, he turned to face her. “The point is that I want you with me. I want to be the one to ensure that piece of shite doesn’t come near you again.”

  “Why? You don’t have to take the responsibility for me Colin. Just because you’re sleeping with me—”

  “Sex. It’s always just about sex to you.” That hot frustration burned in his gut again. “What if my concern was more than that?”

  “It can’t be.” She moved away. Seemed to be running both from the conversation and from him.

  “Can’t it?” He followed her, backing her up until she hit the island in the middle of the kitchen. “What if I said I wanted to protect you, not just because we’re shagging, but because I’m in love with you?”

  His words might’ve shocked him as much as they did her. He hadn’t planned on saying them, but they’d been there. Heavy in his mind and heart.

  Hailey’s eyes widened while she shook her head, almost frantically.

  “You can’t mean that.”

  He slid his hands to her hips. “And why not?”

  “Because we’ve only been sleeping together for a couple weeks.”

  “But we’ve known each other so much longer than that,” he reminded her softly. “In high school I was half in love with you already. That’s why I took it so hard when I thought you’d slept with Ian.”

  She made a startled little noise. “You liked me in high school?”

  “You know I did. And I’m fairly certain you were interested as well.” He stroked the soft patch of skin between her shorts and tank top. “But you had a boyfriend.”

  “It didn’t matter that I was with him. You’re right. I did have a crush on you.” She swallowed hard. “But I knew it was stupid.”

  “It wasn’t stupid.”

  “It was. It still is,” she cried and lifted her gaze to meet his. “Don’t you see? This isn’t how it works. People like us don’t end up together.”

  What the bloody hell? This was her argument?

  “And why the fuck not?” he growled, growing more frustrated with this conversation by the moment.

  “Because I’m flawed. Maybe I’m doing okay now, but who says I won’t fall off the wagon and end up like my mom.”

  “Impossible,” he scoffed. “That’ll never happen, Hailey, and we both know it.”

  “Do I? My life for the most part was a big old mess. I barely have my shit together now. But Brenda, you guys are perfect together. She’s pretty, teaches second grade, seems nice enough. Probably had a great childhood with white picket fences and the whole shebang.”

  “Jesus, you can’t honestly believe this. She left me at the altar.”

  “We all make mistakes. Maybe tonight was awkward, but that’s to be expected.”

  She was defending Brenda. This was unbelievable.

  “It wasn’t a mistake. It was fated. I wouldn’t be here with you now if she hadn’t.”

  “You can’t want me.” She seemed to grow more resolute by the moment. “I’m not good enough for you, Colin. I’m really not. Brenda’s the perfect wife for an island deputy.”


  “Whatever.” She sighed. “Does it even matter which job you have?”

  It had mattered to Brenda. He hadn’t been good enough for her as a deputy. She’d denied it, but he wasn’t a fool.

  “I don’t love Brenda. I’m not sure I ever did. I saw what you saw. What the world saw from a shallow perspective—a functional, adorable couple.”


  “And you are good enough for me. I don’t care about your past, Hailey. I care about your future…” he smoothed his thumbs up her rib cage, brushing the underside of her breasts, “…and only that I’m in it.”

  She caught her breath and heat flashed in her hooded eyes.

  “Tell me you don’t have feelings for me,” he challenged harshly.

  “I can’t.”

  Encouraged by her broken reply, he pushed harder.

  “Okay. Then tell me that you’re not in love with me.”

  “Colin, please—”

  “Or even just tell me that you’ll never love me.”

  She closed her eyes and made a small sob. “Damn you, I can’t do either of those.”

  Triumph flared through him as he crushed her mouth in a kiss that claimed. That demanded the heart she kept so fiercely guarded.

  Her head fell back and her lips parted. When her tongue stroked against his, he knew she was as caught up in the emotions and moment as he was. He gave a murmur of approval when she lifted her arms as he dragged her tank top up and off her body.

  The bra was quickly disposed of next, leaving her breasts free for his pleasure. He tore his mouth from hers and slid his hands down to her ass, lifting her up until she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  He adjusted her until her nipples were face level and he could suck them eagerly into his mouth. She cried out, her thighs squeezing his waist.

  Still suckling her, he brushed aside anything on the counter so he coul
d set her down.

  While switching his lips to the other nipple, he unfastened her denim shorts and slid a hand inside, then beneath her panties.

  The trimmed curls were already damp, and he tugged on them lightly before moving past to delve into the slick folds below. She moaned low in her throat and lifted her hips against him.

  Colin raised his head to stare down at her. With her eyes shut, lips parted with pleasure and a sexy flush in her cheeks as she rode his fingers, she’d never been more gorgeous.

  And he knew, without a doubt, that he hadn’t been wrong. He loved this woman and would do anything to keep her safe.

  Wanting nothing more than to bring her pleasure, and steal some for himself, he dragged her shorts and panties off her body, leaving her bared to him.

  He adjusted her legs over his shoulders, knelt down slightly, and then buried his face in the sweetness between.

  Hailey’s cries of pleasure as he teased and tormented her swollen flesh became the music to their lovemaking. The taste and feel of her was an aphrodisiac that just spurred him on.

  Cupping her arse, he stayed with her, bringing her closer to that edge as the line of his own control became thin.

  “Colin,” she cried out, her hips jerking as she held his head against her. “Oh…oh.”

  She shuddered through her climax and he gentled his touch, placing soft kisses against her flesh now.

  Only when she was limp and pliant in his hands did he pull away.

  “That’s not fair.” Her words were thick with arousal.

  “What’s not, sweetheart?” He kissed her trembling belly.

  “Making me feel like this. So completely in over my head.” She stroked his hair. “So helplessly connected to you.”

  Lifting his head, he met her passion-clouded gaze.

  “So helplessly in love with me,” he murmured.

  She gave a light laugh. “Are you done with me yet? Can I fall asleep now?”

  No response to the love comment. Not a surprise. She’d admit it before the night was out.

  “Not at all.” He pulled off his shirt and then reached for the zipper on his jeans. “We’re just getting started.”


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