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Ascension of Evil (Battle for Souls Book 3)

Page 3

by Ciara Knight

  Something’s wrong. Can’t be part of the ceremony.

  Faint, cryptic words rang in her ears. Alexander called out to her, his voice muffled by the fierce wind. Yes. Something had gone wrong. All her organs boiled. She flashed back to the night Forras had attacked her and the demon poison.

  Grace was right after all. Only two angels could bond. Alexander would die.

  “Oh, God! No!”

  Despite the excruciating heat, she fought to free herself from the cocoon of hell. “No!

  Take me!”

  Two large balls formed below her shoulder blades and pressed at her flesh. The hot line spread, as if forceps stretched her muscles open and pulled her ribs from her spine. The two spheres extended down, scraping against bone and tissue.




  The wind stopped, yet the world continued to rotate. Air swooshed by her. She blinked and saw the earth crashing toward her. Her back peeled open and massive black clouds plumed above her shoulders. She screamed and retched. Muscles tightened and the wound sealed.

  Through the pain, the smell of salty air and fresh cut grass teased her senses into believing the ground greeted her with soft sand. She knew better. Trees jetted up from below like spears, waiting to impale her.

  She caught a glimpse of the white sand beach in the distance. She’d veered toward the forest with no sign of Alexander anywhere. The dark pools moved up and down and the muscles along her spine tightened.

  They weren’t clouds, but massive, evil extensions of her body. Blood-red wings.


  Alexander struggled against the Heavenly bond restraining him. Thick clouds circled and entrapped his body. His gut clenched at Gabby’s distant cries. They were being punished for breaking angelic law—only two angels could bond.

  The clouds parted in the darkening sky. A lightning bolt shot from above and pierced his shoulder. The jolt shook him to his core then nothing. No pain, no suffering.

  His stomach released and his anguish ebbed from his soul. The smells of ocean and crisp fresh air soothed him. Moisture trickled down his feathers with a gentle touch.

  Perhaps they weren’t being punished.

  A gift. Both welcomed to Heaven. No more trials or tribulations.

  His body floated, weightless. No wings flapped, muscles tensed, or sorrow plagued him.

  Another flash of light blinded him. Visions, feelings of pure peace, joy, and love comforted him. He could see the passion for all living things in the eyes of the angels.

  He didn’t feel a muscle move, yet he knew a smile graced his face. No, not a smile. He wasn’t a person, no flesh or bones. His wings were free from the cage of the human skeleton. He looped and swirled in free abandonment.

  Memories flooded into him. Everything pure. Angelic. Heaven. He remembered and embraced the light.

  The clouds changed. Dark silver smeared with black and green. Visions of past angelic experiences collided with his consciousness like crashing waves. But the sweet thoughts quickly morphed into fear and anger.



  Wings clipped and encased into a tight prison.



  Clouds blurred in silver waves on the dark ocean of sky. All joy was sucked from his soul. He flapped his wings with vigor only to ram his freed soul into an invisible shield. Heaven closed him off, denied him entrance.

  The taste of salt and the smell of damp earth called to him. No, he wouldn’t return.

  Human skin surrounded him once more, suffocating his soul. He slammed against the wall several times until his shoulder ached.

  He hung in the air, waiting for a sign. “Please, don’t do this.”

  No voice of wisdom boomed like a loud speaker at a football game. He remembered everything about Heaven, and he couldn’t let it go. No earthly life or dream compared to the reality waiting on the other side.

  A cool breeze carried faint cries with it. Gabby! Her screams of agony came from below, somewhere on Earth.

  He pressed his hand to the clear gate. Would he ever be deemed worthy again?

  “Alex!” Gabby screamed.

  His heart pulled in one direction while his soul ached for another. Gabby, my love.

  The weight of her sadness dragged him down to Earth. He loved her with all his heart. If he’d been accepted without her, it wouldn’t be Heaven, but more like Hell. Somehow, some way, he would find a way for all of them to return to Heaven, together.

  He floated down and spotted Gabby’s broken body mangled between some bushes and fallen trees. His heart ached at the sight of her, as if a massive demonic hand fisted it. His eyes watered and he blinked, landing by her side.

  Blood trickled down her cheek. He moved to press his hands against her contorted leg, not wanting her to suffer a minute longer than she had to.

  Trees rustled overhead. Grace and the others dove into the clearing, Bruce in Boon’s arms. Bruce’s feet barely touched the ground before he slid to Gabby’s side. “What happened?”

  Alexander clenched his fists so tight his knuckles cracked. “I-I’m not sure.”

  “Help her,” Bruce pleaded.

  Alexander forced back his tears and confusion. How could this have happened? Gabby Why must she suffer so much? Wasn’t Heaven already asking so much of her?

  The only good thing about what just happened was that he had regained his memory of how his gift of healing worked. He pressed his palms to her leg and a navy hue pulsed along her skin. Two snaps and a crack echoed in the woods. He let go then focused on mending the other broken bones.

  A hint of alcohol lingered in the air. He shot a glance at Bruce, but he shook it off and continued to focus on healing Gabby.

  Bruce held her hand and pressed it to his chest. “It’ll be ok, G-Bear.”

  No, everything wouldn’t be okay. Alexander’s gut twisted with fear that their union wasn’t blessed by Heaven. The thought of them separated in any way drove him to the brink of madness. He would earn the right for their union to be blessed by God himself, no matter what it took, because he would never let her go.

  Alexander shook off his remorse and moved to her shoulder then her face. The last flesh wound mended to a faint pink line, then disappeared, her rosy cheek perfect once more.

  “Gabby, sweetheart. Open your eyes,” he whispered in her ear. The smell of fresh honeysuckle drew him closer. He felt cheated of their union. Boon had told him how close they would be after the ceremony. They would be like one soul, yet he had never felt so separated from her.

  Gabby’s eyes opened and she shot upright, gasping for air. She clasped her chest, and her face turned red.

  “What is it?” Alexander scanned her body, looking for any injuries he could have missed.

  Her hands pulsed with golden rays. She grabbed him, sending a hot wave of energy through his body. He fell back on his heels, lungs pinched.

  She rose from the ground, clutching her throat. Watching her with wide eyes, his own throat tightened as if she strangled him. She cried out in a muffled whine as two enormous crimson wings rose from behind her body. They were larger and grander than Archangel Michael’s.

  Boon flew to their side.

  She floated above them. Her wings moved in an awkward pattern and she fell back to the ground.

  “What’s going on?” Alexander asked.

  Standing tall, Boon looked at him with a crooked grin. “Our commander is born. We are her generals, ready to fight and die at her command.”

  Chapter Three

  Gabby opened her mouth and screamed at Heaven. “What games do you play?”

  Alexander shoved from the ground and took a tentative step forward. “Gabby, it’s going to be okay.”

  She shuffled away. “No. If I’m an angel, why did our bonding turn from a beautiful union into a horrific event?” His pleading gaze showed he didn’t have the answers either. If they didn’t have the answers than she’d m
ake Heaven tell her even if she had to fly to the gates and demand entrance. She crouched down and jumped for the sky, but her wings sliced through the trunk of a pine tree, yet she still couldn’t launch from the ground. She ran her hands through her hair, pulling at the roots. Perhaps she wasn’t from above, but some mutant mixture that no one wanted. A tool to end a war, but then what? She’d hoped and dreamed of being an angel like Sammy and Alexander, but not like this. “I’m to lead us all to war with wings I can’t control?”

  Nausea swirled in her belly, mixing with anxiety. She fell to her knees and hollered. “Haven’t I trained? Have I not sacrificed enough?”

  “It takes time,” Boon said. “Don’t worry, you’ll master your abilities.”

  Alexander stroked her arms. “We knew this day—”

  “No, we didn’t. We knew I was a key, some sort of secret weapon, a leader with gifts. Not a mutant angel with evil wings.” She could hear the hysteria in her own voice and fought for control. She wouldn’t let her emotions get the best of her. The ugly dark wings furrowed behind her and her ribs ached when they retracted into her back.

  Alexander cupped her cheek. “I remember everything. The serenity of Heaven. I was at the gate and images of my past life flooded into me.”

  Gabby grasped his fingers and held them to her face. “Everything? You were really at the gate, yet you decided to return? You’ve already refused once when Heaven called you home.”

  Alexander pursed his lips together. “I didn’t refuse again, I was denied access, and the images rushed through so fast I don’t remember all the details.” Silence fell between them.

  He clasped her arms and pulled her to him. “I chose to return. Heaven would be nothing without you,” he quickly offered.

  “No, you didn’t,” she whispered. “You were denied because of me.”

  He rested his forehead on hers. “I was denied because I am to remain and fight. All of humanity rests on us.” His words were reassuring, but his eyes revealed his sorrow. She’d kept him from pure bliss, an existence without all this earthbound torture.

  Boon squatted next to them, tugging his shirt down to his waist. “Gabby, you have been reborn a great general.”

  “I knew I’d have to fight, but I’m not the right person to lead an army.” Gabby rose from the ground and followed the winding path away from their analyzing gazes. She didn’t deserve their comfort. She caused Alexander to suffer because she had insisted they soulbond. He only agreed after he had almost lost her to Principal Mastema and her mass of minions.

  Twigs snapped behind her. “Why do you doubt yourself? You’re the Chosen One. Gabby, I remember Heaven,” his voice cracked and she nearly faltered, “and trust me, Heaven doesn’t do anything without a greater purpose. You are the one.”

  “You’re tortured by the memories of Heaven and suffer because of me.” Her heart sank with the knowledge of the pain she had caused him.

  “I’m meant to be here, by your side, fighting, protecting, and loving you.” Alexander wrapped his arms around her trembling body. A breeze swept across her bare back. The shredded dress fell from her shoulders, but the comfort he offered soothed her, and she nestled into him. Her head fit perfectly on his shoulder, his solid frame a rock of strength for her to lean on. She stopped shaking and calmed under his touch.

  “How can I win a war I failed to stop in the first place?” She fought back the bitter tears of failure and hugged him tighter. Alexander smelled of the ocean and sandalwood. He had worn her favorite cologne for their ceremony—a ceremony that had gone horribly wrong. Would Heaven give them a second chance, or would she have to suffer eternity without him?

  “Hush. Don’t worry. We’ll be with you through everything.” He lifted her face to his. “I’ll never leave your side. You’re my heart and soul.” He pressed his lips to hers. A hint of cinnamon wafted from his mouth and she knew he’d already dug into Grace’s apple pie before the ceremony had even begun.

  Her face grew hot at the memory of the day she had caused the house to collapse on top of Grace. Thank God she had been returned to them. Even with all the control she’d gained over the last few months, Gabby feared her powers. Every time she used them, something horrible happened. How could she fight a war if she didn’t trust herself?

  “I love you, and I know Heaven will bless us. There’s just more we have to do first.”

  Alexander’s reassurance sounded empty. His main goal had always been to return to Heaven.

  Gabby buried her face into his chest, unable to face the truth. “We didn’t bond, did we?”

  He stroked the back of her hair. “I’m not sure. I’ll talk to Grace. But, I think some sort of bond took hold. I’m just not sure what.”

  His words cut through her like a rusted machete. Fighting her desire to crumple in his arms, she forced a smile and focused on their surroundings.

  A palm leaf hummed in the wind, singing in chorus with the mole crickets and rustling leaves. The calm before the storm.

  “I need to go talk to Grace and Boon. Come back to the house with me.” He gestured to the path, leading back to the others.

  Tonight she was supposed to fall asleep by his side and wake in his arms. Sammy had told her they would never be apart after their soulbond. That it would physically hurt to not touch each other. Yet touching him and knowing she couldn’t have him was torture.

  “I’m tired. You go. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Alexander grabbed her wrist. “Gabby, wait. Just come back with me. We’ll figure everything out.”

  No. She couldn’t face going back to the house. She pulled from his grasp. The loss of his touch left emptiness deep in the pit of her stomach, but it was more bearable than seeing the constant sorrow in his eyes. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  She hurried down the path to her house before she broke down. Tears flooded her eyes and everything blurred in front of her. Not acceptable behavior for the commander of an army of angels, but life without Alexander wouldn’t be worth living.

  A sting shot down her arms and her fingers hummed with energy. No, she needed to maintain control.

  She blinked the tears from her eyes and wiped her face with the back of her hand. In frustration, she kicked at pebbles along the path. Bright moonlight illuminated the woods, guiding her way. But even where the light didn’t break through the canopy, she could still see with perfect clarity. She also noticed her muscles didn’t ache as she expected them to. With how badly she’d been injured in her fall, she’d thought she’d have at least some soreness, even with Alex’s healing gift.

  Of course. Her body had changed. She had ugly demonic-looking wings now. Nothing like Alexander and Sammy’s beautiful clouds of feathers. Once again she was a mutant, a mutt of all worlds.

  She held the dress to her front to keep it from slipping to her waist and willed her wings to open, but they just tickled her back like a rodent scurrying up her spine.

  She could feel power coursing through her veins. Would this strange power be enough? Something warned it wouldn’t be that she needed help.

  There had to be someone better qualified to be the commander. But who? If only she could talk to her mother, she’d know what to do. But Heaven had been silent for so long. She hadn’t even felt her mother’s presence at her own wedding.

  They were alone, facing a war that could end humanity, and she had been denied the promise of eternity with Alexander.


  The way Gabby’s eyelids drooped with sadness before she walked away tortured Alexander. He wanted nothing more than to make her happy, but he couldn’t give her what she wanted, what he needed. His body trembled with desire. But he couldn’t, not until he understood just what happened between them. Her powers could still be too unstable.

  He punched a tree, sending it tumbling down onto two others. Dang, Grace was going to be mad when she saw the damage. She loved the tree line down the side of the house.

  He shook off the rising sense of hopele
ssness that plagued him too often lately and marched up to the front of the house. Stomping the dirt off his shoes, he walked up the porch steps.

  He wouldn’t risk their acceptance to Heaven, or Gabby’s powers going nuclear. They were back to chaperones. Oh, and a lot of cold showers and evening swims.

  Heaven denied their soulbond for a reason. He had to discover why and fix it.

  Alexander opened the front door, placed his shoes on the mat, and inhaled. Fresh paint from the recent construction still lingered in the air, a reminder of why he had to let Gabby go tonight.

  Alexander, come join us. Grace’s soothing voice in his head invited him to the kitchen. He pushed open the swinging door. The smell of baked apples and pumpkin welcomed him. Round tins with half-eaten treats lined the green tile counter top. He’d skip the pumpkin pie, his tongue still remembering the taste of the rotten one he’d eaten his first day on Earth.

  “How is she?” Sammy leaned into Boon’s side.

  A twinge of jealousy threatened to spread through him like a disease. He shook it off and took a piece of apple pie. “Not good.” He sighed. “I wish I could do more.”

  Sammy handed him a fork. “Shouldn’t you be with her?”

  “No. That’s not a good idea right now. She’s distraught and, honestly, so am I. Why would Heaven reject our bonding?”

  “Heaven didn’t.” Boon put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “You two are joined, just not in the way Sammy and I are.”

  “What does that mean? If I rise to Heaven, will she go with me?”

  “I don’t know. But I don’t think Heaven is where you are meant to be right now.”

  Alexander’s throat tightened. He never knew words could slice through him with such ferociousness. “I remembered. Heaven, the bliss, freedom, everything.” He balanced his plate of pie in one hand and gripped the side of the counter with the other, in hopes of making the world stop spinning out of control.

  Grace touched his arm and a mild breeze through his soul soothed him. He welcomed her calming presence. A little touch of Heaven on Earth. “Grace, what are we going to do? Gabby doesn’t believe she can lead an army of angels. If she doesn’t master her gifts soon we won’t stand a chance in this war.”


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