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Maximus: #1 (Luna Lodge: Alpha Squad)

Page 15

by Madison Stevens

  “No need,” Cornelius said. “I’m sure they’re already ready.”

  Agrippa stepped forward. The dark-haired hybrid eyed the door with an eager look and patted a pouch. “Time to blow it?”

  “It’s metal underneath some grass and shrubs,” Maximus said. “If they had a bunch of guys underneath there, I think we’d be see something on the thermals.”

  “Or hear something,” Tiberius said. “Remember that thing in Morocco?”

  Agrippa moved back, looking disappointed. “My C-4’s here waiting.”

  “No.” Maximus patted the edge of the door. “Let’s see if we can open this up the old-fashioned away.”

  Gripping the side, he pulled with a grunt of exertion. It rose a few inches before his muscles burned. He slowly lowered it. The enemy probably knew they were there, but there was no reason to alert them with a massive explosion if they weren’t. He also didn’t want to risk accidentally killing Doctor Quinen until they got what they needed from the man.

  “This is barely moving,” he said. “They must have some sort of machinery they use, but at least I could get it to budge.” He pointed to three sides of the door. “Two men on each side. The rest of you watch our backs until we’ve got some clearance.”

  Tiberius, Cornelius, CJ, Decimus, Zephyrus, and Maximus all took up position. The remaining hybrids stood in a loose circle, a couple keeping an eye on their perimeter while the others kept their weapons at the ready in case guards rushed out of the door.

  “On three,” Maximus said. “One, two, three, pull!”

  The hybrids all growled in unison, their muscles challenged by the heavy thick metal door. Muscle and willpower met sheer mass, the huge door creaking up inches and then feet. Other hybrids ran over now that the bottom was exposed and pushed at it. Long hydraulic cylinders provided evidence about how the door was normally opened. Maximus didn’t want to spend the time investigating but assumed the latches could be tripped remotely as well.

  A large inclined tunnel lay underneath the open door, along with a set of narrow train tracks. The height and width were more than enough for a mining cart or a tiny vehicle. Maximus frowned, looking around the area. There was no obvious major damage or deep grooves around the untracked ground suggesting no vehicles had entered or exited from this tunnel recently.

  “Maybe you were right about it being the back, Tiberius,” Maximus said.

  He sniffed at the air. There were obvious human scents lingering in the air, and they were relatively fresh. They mixed with other harsh smells, chemicals, oils, and the like that suggested an active facility. Dim red light shone from deeper in the tunnel, which curved shortly after the entrance. So far, all they had was track and lights.

  “It’s awfully quiet,” Cornelius said with a frown.

  “All the better to ambush us with,” CJ joked.

  Maximus advanced into the tunnel. “Keep your eyes, ears, and noses alert. They might have pulled back from the entrances in case we blew them.”

  Agrippa kicked at a pebble. “It’s still intimidating when the enemy blows open your door.”

  “And unnecessary in this case. Now stay sharp. Nobody talk unless necessary. We might not get good comms in here but activate them just in case.” Maximus adjusted a dial connected to a small receiver tucked into his harness.

  The hybrids continued along, Maximus on point, rifles at the ready, but no one saying a word, even their breathing shallow. They followed the corner to a straight tunnel that only extended for another twenty yards before flowing into a wider concrete room with three smaller concrete tunnels, more hallways really leading out of it. A rusty-looking old cart sat at the edge of the tracks, empty. Despite the weathered look of the concrete, the red emergency lights on the walls looked far more recent in vintage.

  A cracked crate lay on its side, surrounded by shards of glass. Beakers and flasks lay inside. There were obvious scuff marks from boots all over. There were empty crates and boxes, both metal and wood, strewn about. Gray metal folding chairs sat in front of long gray tables, covered with scratches and stains.

  Maximus walked over to a table and ran his finger along it. Barely any dust.

  CJ leaned over and grabbed something off the ground. He held it between his fingers, a thin black piece of plastic.

  Maximus narrowed his eyes. “Looks like a stripper clip.”

  CJ nodded. “Then someone was loading a lot of rifle mags before we got here.”

  “Where the hell are they?” Cornelius growled.

  “Each team will take an exit tunnel.” Maximus gestured with his rifle toward the tunnels in question. “Call out if you see anything, but I’m not convinced we’re going to get any sort of comms in these tunnels. Yell if you need to. Let’s move.”

  * * *

  Fifteen minutes later, all three teams stood back in the central room. They’d all found tunnels leading to other smaller rooms, all empty except for a stray chair or piece of utilitarian metal furniture.

  Cornelius shrugged. “They must have bolted.”

  “How?” Maximus asked. “The lag between me taking out the guards and the drones getting here wasn’t that long. I can see some people getting out, but it’s obvious this was a decent-sized operation. We’ve had continuous drone coverage other than that small window. Even if the people got out, what about all their equipment? Let’s sweep one last time. There’s something we’re missing. Everyone together this time.”

  They traveled back down the tunnels, but this time, when hitting a dead-end in the second tunnel, a stray scent hit Maximus’s nose. He didn’t know what the harsh acrid scent was, but it was familiar, very familiar. With a growl, he advanced toward the wall, kneeling and sniffing more.

  “I remember this smell,” he offered through gritted teeth. “It was something I always smelled before some of their tests back when they still controlled us.”

  The other hybrids nodded before walking forward to inspect the wall. After a minute of feeling around and sniffing, CJ grinned.

  “Gotcha.” He yanked back a hidden panel, revealing a gray metal lever.

  “Everybody, form up and get ready,” Maximus ordered. He waited until the hybrids were all positioned back a few yards, their rifles at the ready, before nodding to CJ.

  The younger hybrid pulled the level and joined the firing line. With a loud rumble, the wall retracted, kicking up a small amount of dust and revealing another wider hidden tunnel. There was no train tracks in this one, but there were obvious tire marks leading away.

  “I think we found how they got out without us seeing.” Maximus walked forward. “Let’s harry our prey.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Selena paced the hotel room, nibbling on her lip and trying to push a particular large and sexy man out of her thoughts. She shouldn’t be so obsessed with Maximus. They’d just met, but she couldn’t deny the strong pull she felt toward him.

  Ignoring that, he was out on a dangerous mission. That should have worried her, but somehow she’d convinced herself there was no danger. Yes, he was a genetically supersoldier who could toss a wild boar around like nothing, but that didn’t make him a superhero. Mostly. He definitely was a superhero in bed. She couldn’t deny that.

  Selena fell back onto the bed, her arms outstretched. Damn it. She couldn’t pretend anymore and had to face the truth. She was in love with Maximus. Could it just be the mind-blowing sex? She’d never, ever had sex like that, sure, but good sex didn’t make people fall in love, not really. She wasn’t some college girl on her first relationship.

  “Would it be so bad?” she murmured.

  While Selena couldn’t claim she’d been in all that many relationships, she wasn’t some kid who’d never dealt with men before. She might not be a Vestal, but that didn’t mean it’d be wrong to pursue a relationship with Maximus. He was everything she ever wanted in a man, and a lot she hadn’t realized she wanted before meeting him.

  The man was literally superhuman. Setting everything els
e aside, what woman wouldn’t want to be part of that? What woman wouldn’t at least take the shot, especially when that man had proven thoughtful, considerate, and concerned about her safety even in situations that were her own fault?

  Selena placed the back of her hand against her forehead and sighed. And the kiss. She couldn’t forget the kiss. That final bit of passion was almost better than the sex. It proved something. It had to. A man couldn’t drop a kiss on a woman like that before wandering off to do something dangerous and not have it mean something.

  Her stomach tightened. She couldn’t ignore the possibility Maximus slept with her as a control method. It might be arrogance on his part, but he might have reasoned that a little roll in the sack with him would be enough to push her toward infatuation if not love, especially since the rest of her life was falling part. She was a good target for a pickup.

  “This isn’t that,” Selena murmured. “It can’t be.”

  She refused to believe that. Especially since she had been the one to initiate it. If the hybrids were that good at manipulating people, then there wouldn’t have been all the trouble at Luna Lodge, and the hybrids would have never become public knowledge. Maximus hadn’t suggested there was any major differences between his group and the other hybrids other than his people’s inability to smell their Vestals.

  Vestal. Selena groaned. Some other woman was supposed to be with Maximus. He knew it, and he’d been all but made for it. He’d been resistant to Selena because of the Vestal, even though he also knew he might never be able to find the woman.

  Selena sighed. She might not be some special destined woman, but she already let the hybrid into her heart, and she didn’t want to face the idea of life without him before they even took a chance at making it work. That might not be destiny, but she didn’t feel like stepping aside for some woman who might never be out there. If some Vestal hussy wanted Maximus, she should have showed up already, not sat on her hands while the hybrid traveled the world.

  “No way I’m losing.” Selena sat up and nodded with a firm look of determination.

  I’m going to fight for him. I can’t give up now, and I can’t let myself become convinced he’s manipulating me. There’s something there. Something deeper, and this isn’t one sided. I know it. Once he’s done taking out these Corps creeps, we can pursue something. We will pursue something!

  She yelped at a loud, sudden knock at the door. Had Maximus come back?

  Selena hopped out of bed and tucked some loose strands behind her hair. She didn’t want to look too unruly in her first battle against the hidden Vestal for Maximus. It was as good a time as any to tell him how she felt. It’d give him something to look forward to after he finished the mission.

  Another loud knock sounded followed by a muffled low voice. “Housekeeping.”

  Selena winced and looked around. The hybrids had taken most of their gear and weapons, but there were too many suspicious bags and pieces of equipment lying around. From the way Maximus described things, the room was probably never empty since their arrival until now. Technically, it still wasn’t.

  “If no one’s there, I’ll be coming in,” called the housekeeper.

  Selena rushed to the door. “Wait! Um, I’m naked.”

  “Okay, I can wait.”

  She counted to twenty-five and then headed over to the door, her heart pounding. After confirming there was nothing suspicious right in front of the door that might freak out a maid, she reached down and unlocked it, pulling it open a couple of inches.

  Her eyes widened. She’d been expecting a middle-aged woman behind a cart, not a huge suited man with close-cropped hair, the edge of holster peeking from underneath his jacket. That’s what she got for not looking through the peephole.

  The man grabbed the handle and pushed. Selena tried to jam her foot against the door, but it was too late. She stumbled backward, and the man finished pushing his way into the room with a sneer. The bastard already thought he’d won, but she wasn’t ready to give up without a fight.

  Selena needed to get to her Taser and pepper spray. All she needed for that was her purse. She grinned and then grimaced. Her purse was rather inconveniently hanging from a hook right next to the front door. She’d have to go through the man to get to it.

  “If you don’t leave right away, I’ll scream my head off,” Selena said. “Half the hotel will come to see what’s happening.”

  “I doubt it given the quality of this place.” The man shook his head and patted the bulge marking his holster. “And if you do that, I’ll kill anyone who shows up. You think some idiot hotel clerk, surf bum tourist, or maid is ready for someone with a gun?”

  “Who the hell are you?” Selena asked, glaring at him and keeping her tone even despite her pounding heart. Time for a psychological attack. “My boyfriend’s coming back soon. He’s an ex-Navy SEAL. He’s ready for someone with a gun.”

  “Navy SEAL?” The man chuckled. “Probably tougher than a SEAL. Come on. This doesn’t have to be hard, but if you tried to get cute about this, you’re going to feel some pain, and somebody else might have to get killed. The doc was smart to have me watch you at your place. I thought he wasn’t onto anything, but that’s why he’s in charge.”

  The doc? Doctor Quinen? Selena decided to ask. The important thing was escaping the situation.

  “Fine.” Selena took slow, even breaths. She nodded toward her purse. “I just need to get my purse.”

  The man stepped toward her. “We’re not going to the movies, bitch. Leave it.”

  “You know what I think?” Selena said, keeping her gaze fixed on her purse. “I think you work for the Phoenix Corps, and I think you’ve been ordered to bring me in alive by Doctor Quinen. That means I only have to be somewhat afraid of you.”

  “You’re making a big assumption.” The man gave her a toothy grin. “You don’t know shit about who I am and what I’m capable of.”

  The man’s cold gaze made Selena’s knees go weak, but she did her best to keep the fear off her face. “If you just wanted to kill me, you would have shot me the moment I opened that door. Every second you waste increases the chance of someone stumbling on you.”

  “You’re right.” The man’s face contorted in rage. “I might not be able to kill you, but my boss wasn’t all that specific about hurting you.”

  He lunged toward Selena. She jumped to the side, avoiding his grasp, but she wasn’t a hybrid and lacked their speed, meaning it was a near miss. Her brilliantly timed initial dodge was pointless when the man twisted and roughly grabbed her arm and squeezed.

  Selena slapped him hard across the cheek. He grunted but didn’t release his grip, instead yanking her toward the door. Unfortunately, she was on the opposite side of her purse, and there was no way she could figure out how to dive for it while the man still held her.

  “Keep struggling, bitch, and I’ll knock your ass out,” the man growled. “I’d like that. I bet you screwed one of those things, didn’t you? One of those animals that pretends to be human.”

  “Screw them? Screw you.” Selena wasn’t stronger than the man, and she didn’t have a good angle to kick him in the balls. She thought back to her self-defenses classes and stomped hard on the front of the man’s foot.

  He howled in pain but didn’t let go. “You stupid bitch.”

  His powerful backhand had Selena seeing stars on the ground, barely realizing what had happened. The man crouched and grabbed her throat, tightening.

  She gasped for air. He’d been right. She’d assumed he couldn’t kill her, but if the man was who she thought, she was dealing with a dangerous organization being hunted by both the government and the hybrids. They had no reason to show mercy or restraint.

  I’m going to die here in some stupid motel room, after all.

  The man reached into his jacket, but Selena barely noticed, darkness clawing at the edge of her vision from her lack of oxygen. Shooting her seemed pointless since he could choke her to death. Her weak scream co
uldn’t make it out of her throat. Something sharp pricked her neck, and the man released his grip.

  Selena gasped, sucking in air and rubbing at her neck. She blinked a few times up at the smirking man standing over her. He held a syringe in his hand.

  She rubbed at the side of her neck where she felt the sharp pain before. The residual ache was minor compared to the throb from his earlier choking.

  “What did you give me?” She shook her head and blinked. She could breathe without trouble but was having trouble keeping her eyes open. Her heavy lids tugged down. Selena tried to stand but fell back.

  “Just a little something to take the edge off.” The man scratched underneath his nose. “You’ll wake up with a nasty headache, but it’s your own fault, bitch.”

  “No.” Selena rolled over her stomach and pushed herself onto her hands and knees. She had to ignore his earlier threats and scream or yell. She had to do something, anything.

  There was a lot she needed to do, but it didn’t matter. Selena slumped back to the ground with a groan, her eyes closing. She couldn’t fight the overwhelming urge to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  The hybrids of Alpha Squad continued their quick jog down the long tunnel. Maximus had been expecting a short trip, a few hundred feet before hitting another underground facility, but their current path continued well past that. They were keeping a good, brisk pace and judging by the amount of time that had elapsed, they’d traveled miles. Quinen sure knew how to fill out his evil scientist bingo card between the repurposed underground facility and the sinister underground tunnels.

  “How long are we going to keep going?” Cornelius asked.

  “Until we find the end.” Maximus motioned at a steel wall. It was smooth but not all the reflective in the dim red light. “These walls look a lot newer than what we saw before. Metal, not concrete. Lot less dust. The shape of the tunnel’s different. I think our friends started out with an old facility and dug themselves a new tunnel. We have no idea how long they’ve been hiding out here. The original facility wasn’t exactly on the tourist paths. They could have had months to dig this tunnel.” He sniffed at the air. “And the scents are getting stronger the farther we go. This place stinks of trucks and people. People came here, people carrying guns, and I don’t think they were members of some random island shooting club.”


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