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Romance: Match Romance - A Billionaire Romance (Alpha Male Romance Series) (The Matchmaker Book 1)

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by Jessica Wharton

  But she didn’t do it on a soap box, it was more like a “how can I live responsibly” attitude.

  He actually would forget how beautiful she was and it would catch him off guard at odd moments. She made him want to be a better person, but he didn’t think she saw him in the same light. He knew he had much to prove to her if he wanted this to work.

  Rain was more hooked than she was willing to let on. She decided he needed to pay for that first day, when he not only kept her waiting but then called and yelled at her for not sticking around waiting for 4 hours! Rain decides to see exactly what this guy is willing to do for this match to work. She was wildly attracted to him, loved the way he would absently run his hand through his hair or tilt his head to the side when she had his full attention. Also his laugh was amazing. She was surprised at how often and easily he laughed. She had expected him to be uptight.

  They went on several dates, each one different and more unique than dates they had been on with other people. They gave each other occasional gifts that were well thought out, gifts that would mean something.

  They had been going to spend the weekend on Catalina Island, hiking and horseback riding, just exploring. Rain was all packed, shorts, tank tops and bikinis along with a few sundresses in case they went out to dinner. She was excited. They had booked two rooms, no way was she going to blow this by getting physical before they had established their relationship, even though she really, really wanted to take things a little further than the heavy petting they had been indulging in. She looked at the clock, he was a few minutes late, that wasn’t like him, he was always spot on, ever since that first time.

  An hour later she gets a text, a text! Not even a phone call…

  Sorry, have to cancel this weekend, will explain later…

  She decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Things had been going so well the past few months that she unpacked and decided to spend the weekend catching up on work.

  Then Monday morning, she is eating and watching the news when the entertainment report came on…

  Multi Billionaire and international playboy Josh Samson was seeing leaving the Ritz Carlton with on again off again girlfriend, super model Charlotte Rue. The dynamic duo was spotted several times over the weekend in and around L.A.

  Just then her phone rang. She looks at the caller id, its Josh. She answers it “I hate you again,” and hangs up before giving him time to say anything

  Chapter 5

  Josh is in trouble. He is sitting in Dahlias office — both she and Bubby are glaring at him.

  “Well? Let’s hear it.” Bubby said.

  “Really it’s not what it seems. I was on my way to pick up Rain for our trip to Catalina. I got a frantic phone call from Charlotte, she was suicidal. I stayed on the phone with her until I got to where she was staying at the Ritz Carlton. She just discovered the man she is seeing is married, she is pregnant and he has told her he doesn’t want anything to do with her or the baby. She has always been irrational and high-strung, our fights were legendary in the tabloids. It took me hours to talk her into putting down the gun she was holding to her head. I then spent the rest of the weekend taking her for therapy and helping her figure out a plan. It had to be done without the press discovering what was really going on. Now Rain won’t take my calls, she sends my gifts away, I don’t know what to do.”

  Dahlia and Bubby look at each other and smile. They knew these two belonged together.

  “Okay, you are going to have a tougher time cleaning up this mess than you did the last because now she is invested, her heart is involved as is her pride and I am sure the green eyed monster may have paid a visit. We will advise her to give you an opportunity to explain, but we won’t do it for you. If you two are going to have a long term relationship you have to figure out how to work things out during the tough times that every relationship goes through.”

  Josh leaves and racks his brain. How is he going to get Rain’s attention? He has to remember that she isn’t like Charlotte or any other woman he has ever known. He has to think outside the box for this one.

  Dahlia had called Rain. She convinced her to at least listen to Josh, which is why when a video appeared in her email inbox from Josh she clicked play.

  As Rain watched, she saw dogs at the Huntington dog beach. They were frolicking with each other and in the ocean, playing Frisbee and chasing balls. Then a string of dogs were lined up, each with a placard around its neck, a dog would step up in front of the camera, the placard zoomed in, then the dog would run off and the next in line would do exactly the same until there were no more dogs — only Josh with a placard around his neck.

  The dogs had told a story, of a very sad situation and how the man she loved felt it his responsibility as a human being with empathy to do what he could without the whole world knowing of this woman’s pain, and because of that he had put his own happiness and future at risk. Josh’s placard simply said “love me forever and I will spend every day being worthy of the gift that is you”.

  Seven months have passed since that fateful day of the dog beach. Rain did forgive Josh, she also started trusting him on that day to always do what was right, even if at first she didn’t understand. She never again hung up on him or refused to listen.

  They married on the beach, just the two of them with Dahlia, Bubby and David. Natalya was there too and she even refrained from saying anything nasty directly to the couple. She seemed to be focusing on David that day which was fine with them.

  And now, today they were at a private Chateaux deep in the French countryside. Charlotte Rue had just secretly given birth. She disappeared from the public eye a few months ago with rumors of her going to a clinic to deal with her recent weight gain. Rain and Josh signed the paper work on the private adoption — they were going home with their new daughter.

  Chapter 6

  Casey was fuming, once again. She had to beg, borrow and steal to get an appointment at Billiard Enterprises with its president, and once again that horrid woman with ice water in her veins made her wait for over an hour, then told her she was sorry but Mr. Billiard would not be able to see her today.

  Casey gathered her things and left the office, and went to the elevator.

  Just as the elevator doors were about to shut, a man slipped between the doors. Casey was too busy fantasizing what it would have been like to have ignored the wicked witch at the desk and stormed the office of Mr. “I am too busy to see her today,” to notice her elevator partner — that is until the elevator stopped, mid floor, and the lights went out before the emergency lights flickered on.

  Casey was claustrophobic — this was not good.

  Jason recognizes panic when he sees it and he can sympathize. Every time his secretary tries to put the moves on him, he gets that “deer in the headlights” look.

  Jason starts talking to her, telling her a story to get her mind off of things until the elevator can get fixed.

  Casey is enjoying her interaction with this man, and he is helping a lot with her fear of enclosed small spaces. After several minutes, the elevator started moving again. When they get to the lobby floor and the doors open, a man rushes up and says Mr. Billiard are you alright?

  Just as Casey had been about to reward the kind stranger with a jar of her latest limited-edition jam, she heard his name. In a moment of exasperation, she unscrewed the lid and dumped it on his head, even pounding the bottom of the jar to get every last bit out. Then without a word, she stormed from the elevator.

  Confused at this strange turn of events, Jason licked some of the jam running down his face and said “Wow, that is the most amazing thing I have ever tasted.”

  Dahlia and Bubby show up for an appointment with Jason at his office. They walk in and approach the ultra-chic blond behind the desk, who looked more like she should be a fashion editor than a secretary. “We have a 2PM with Mr. Billiard.”

  “Mr. Billiard was just attacked by a mad woman. I don’t believe now is a good time, you wi
ll need to reschedule.”

  “Well I don’t think that is up to you to decide. Will you please buzz Mr. Billiard and let him know we are here.”

  “No, I will not disturb him. You will have to reschedule.”

  Bubby, thinking on her feet and having had enough grabs Dahlias cell phone out of her handbag and hits redial. Jason had just called them this morning and asked them to stop by.

  When he answers, she says “Jason? This is Dahlia and Bubby. We are in your vestibule, and your guard dog is insisting you are suffering the vapors from being attacked by a mad woman and we should leave.”

  Before Bubby is even done talking, the door to Jason’s office opens and he rushes out. “Please ladies come right in, if I hadn’t wanted to see you I wouldn’t have called you asking you to stop by.” He gives his secretary a “I will deal with you later” look, she just shrugs.

  “What is up with that woman?” Dahlia asks.

  “She is just very protective. She keeps me rather isolated at times.”

  “Well fire her.”

  “Fire her?”

  “Yes, no one should have to put up with that. She works for you, not the other way around.”

  “But she is very good at her job. I will have a talk with her and it will be fine.”

  Bubby and Dahlia just looked at each other. They had spoken to his friend and their former client Rain about this secretary. She was a nightmare, who sabotaged every relationship Jason tried to have, but whenever anyone pointed it out to him he refused to see it.

  After Jason filled out the questionnaire and they were going to start asking him some pertinent questions, Sabrina walked into the room, “Sir you have a conference call which starts in 2 minutes, I have the file here of the information you will need for it.”

  “I don’t have anything on my schedule for another hour.”

  “Sorry Sir, but the call was moved up. It now starts in 1 minute, I will show these… ladies out for you.”

  Jason apologized to the ladies. As he was picking up the phone to start his call, Bubby said, “Jason we will expect you drinks this evening. Text us when we can expect you.”

  Bubby gave Sabrina a brilliant smile as she walked passed. Sabrina made a hissing noise. After she shut Jason’s office doors, she said “I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you about him being available for drinks tonight, I think I may have just scheduled meetings for him this evening. You ladies have no idea who you are dealing with.”

  After leaving, Bubby sends Jason a text:

  Your secretary tells us you will be scheduled all evening with meetings that are not yet on your calendar. Sorry you will be unable to join us.

  A few moments later they received a reply.

  I just told Sabrina any meeting scheduled for this evening would have to be rebooked for a more convenient time. I already have plans.

  Dahlia and Bubby smiled at each other. They just found the way to foil Sabrina. Dahlia hoped they didn’t live to regret it. Sabrina didn’t seem like the type who liked to lose.

  Back at Billiard Enterprises, a certain personal secretary was not pleased with today’s outcome and she vowed to get back at the “two-bit matchmaker.”

  Chapter 7

  “Hey there is a new shop opening on the Island, let’s stop and see. It is the place that makes that jam we keep ordering online.”

  Oh great, Delilah thought. Her mother and grandmother were already addicted to the stuff as if it had crack in it. With a shop full of it within walking distance, they would end up with diabetes if they didn’t be careful.

  So they wouldn’t have to fight traffic, they drove home and parked, and asked Natalya and David, who was done for the day with his morning radio show, if they wanted to walk over to the new Beach Jam’s shop opening on Balboa Island. Since everyone in the family was a fan, they all elected to go. Their house was on Bayside Drive with an amazing view of the harbor and the island. They walked over the bridge and enjoyed the beautiful 75 degree sunny day, and they looked in the local shop windows as they passed. They found Beach Jams and walked in.

  They found a very pretty woman who did not have the typical “Southern Cal, Newport Beach” body, running the shop. She was all curves, kind of like a 1950’s pin up. She walked up to them and said “Oh my God! I can’t believe you walked into my shop! Can I take photos with you?”

  Taken aback, they all looked at each other in confusion. The woman continued “I am such a huge fan of all of you, this is amazing!”

  Dahlia was the first to speak, “You know us?”

  The woman laughed, “Well of course, you two are Dahlia and Bubby the Matchmakers. I have read your books and I watch your web series. It’s so entertaining. You are Natalya. I just love your proverbs, oh and you are so pretty! And Double D! I listen to your radio show every morning. I love your new segment ‘Oh no she didn’t’. It’s hysterical… Oh and congrats on your marriage, it is such an incredible love story. Oh and I am Casey Anderson, the owner and maker of Beach Jams.”

  “Well Casey Anderson… It seems we are as big a fan of yours as you are of us. We order a case of your jam every month. We actually hold a family meeting to decide which flavors to get.” Natalya informed her.

  The rest of the family looked shocked. Usually Natalya had nothing to say that wasn’t confusing or mean spirited. Obviously Casey’s remark about Natalya being pretty scored some major points.

  After asking some pointed questions of Casey, like “are you involved with a man and if not would you like to be,” Bubby and Dahlia decide she would be perfect for some man.

  “We are having a few new clients over for drinks tonight. It’s not a ‘set up’ type of thing, just a ‘we need to spend a little time with you to find you the perfect mate’ kind of evening. Would you like to join us?”

  “Oh thank you. I would love to, but as you see I am just opening this shop. I am a huge fan, but I don’t have the resources for your services right now.”

  “You misunderstand. We like you. We want to get to know you, and we know there is the perfect man for you, if not in our data base then a future client. You would be helping us out, and if you would like to compensate us, we would be glad to barter our services for your jam.” Casey looked around at the others, as Dahlia said the words “barter for your jam” all eyes glazed over and they nodded their heads. Obviously this family had a sick jam habit.

  “Well how can I possibly turn down an offer like that? I would love to come over for drinks this evening.”

  They gave Casey the address, which was a 10 minute walk from her shop. They each picked out a jar of jam and left.

  Sabrina had done everything she could think of to keep Jason from going to Dahlia’s, but nothing worked. Usually she could pretty easily convince him his work came first, but every once in a while, he would become stubborn and she knew at those time to just give in. She was still confident she held the reigns and would eventually convince him that she would make the perfect wife.

  Jason was excited. He felt he was finally going to make some headway with his personal life. Sabrina may think he is weak and easily manipulated, but the truth is he was always aware of how she sabotaged his relationships. He just felt it was more of a service than a hindrance. If he had really cared about the woman, he never would have allowed Sabrina to interfere. It was just easier to let her handle it. She was however about to get a rude awakening if Dahlia came through for him, and he just might need to replace Sabrina if she didn’t change her ways.

  Casey was so excited! She was going to the home of the Ruska Matchmaker! She loved the web series. It followed some of her clients, and Dahlia and her grandmother would give advice. Casey had been hoping they would make a full-fledged reality series, but getting to meet them and have them be a jam-fan is even better.

  David had an event he was hosting that evening. He gave his feisty bride a scorching kiss, Bubby got a peck on the cheek, and as he approached Natalya she presented her cheek to be kissed and said “Drin
king tea is unlike chopping firewood”. Growing used to Natalya-ism’s, as he now referred to them on his new segment on his morning radio show “Natalya-isms of the day,” it was becoming as popular as his “Oh no she didn’t” segment, where he told everyone about the horrible things his mother-in-law does to him. He just smiled and reached for his cell phone to write it down in his notebook app.

  Bubby headed behind the wet bar, which faced the glass walls with the view of the harbor, to check their supplies. They only had Jason and Casey coming tonight. They had invited a third person who was interested in retaining their services, but he had canceled at the last moment.

  Chapter 8

  Casey was the first to arrive. She came bearing jam, and it was her new “After 5 Collection,” made with real liquor. The flavors were Bahama Mama, Margarita, Blue Maui, Pina colada and Tequila Sunrise. She was planning desert jams in time for the holidays: lemon meringue, cranberry walnut tort, apple pie, chocolate covered cherries and champagne with strawberries.

  Casey had time during her the hour she had closed the shop for lunch to run next door to one of the cute little boutiques on the island and grab a little dress and some kitten healed slides — casual but not “I just came from the beach” casual. She felt she looked crisp and exactly like she should for drinks on the harbor with famous people.

  She loved the house. Natalya gives her a tour and is nicer to Casey than they have ever seen her be with anyone. While she is on the tour, Jason arrives.

  Jason comes bearing See’s candy, who doesn’t love some Sees nuts and chews, flowers and a bottle of champagne. Bubby fell instantly in love — if she were only 60 years younger.

  Dahlia, surprised at her grandmothers sudden school girl giggles saves Jason from goodness knows what. She had no idea what had gotten into Bubby. Both her mother and her grandmother were acting strange — there must be a full moon. She only wished David were home to witness this, because he would never believe it.


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