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INVESTED (Dunning Trilogy Book 1)

Page 22

by Iris Bolling

  AnnieMarie closed her eyes, prayed he would someday trust her enough tell her what he was keeping from her. But today was not that day. She stood.

  "Okay, friend. I'm going to the cafe to get my morning coffee. Will you join me?"

  Cainan opened the cabinet behind him, pulled out his Barack Obama coffee cup that matched her Michelle cup. "Okay, Michelle, what veggies are you making me eat today?" he asked, smiling as he stepped from behind his desk.

  Relieved laughter filled the air as AnnieMarie opened the door. "Well, Barack and Michelle are gone. May their love live on forever.”

  "Let's drink our coffee in their honor today." They clicked their president and first lady cups together.

  "I'm going to miss them," Cainan said. "You know what I am not going to miss?"

  "What?" AnnieMarie looked up at him as they walked.

  Cainan stopped and frowned down at her. "Squash. I'm telling you as beautiful as Michelle is, that vegetable garden was killing me. I bet Barack is sneaking out eating a good steak or burger somewhere."

  AnnieMarie's laugher rang out. Her heart filled with sadness and love. Sadness because she knew, for now, she could not tell him how much love she had in her heart for him.

  The two walked into the cafe and took a seat. "Mitch is gone?" Cainan asked.

  "I'm afraid so. I feel bad about it. He's been around since I can remember."

  "What he tried to do was pretty low." Cainan shook his head. "Myles handled it well and was able to pull the contract despite Mitch's action. He is going to be a good leader."

  "I understand you had a hand in making it happen."

  "After learning the part I played in the deception it was the very least I could do."


  She turned to her brother's voice. "Myles, good morning." She saw the surprised look in his eyes. "What?"

  "Nothing." Myles looked at Cainan. "Would you excuse us for a moment?"

  Cainan nodded. "Of course," he said as he started to stand.

  "No, don't get up. We'll just step over here."

  Cainan watched as the two talked. He was a little relieved when he saw the confused expression on AnnieMarie's face then heard the laughter from the two. The conversation was not about him and her, he thought as they both returned to the table.

  Myles hit him on the shoulder. "Please accept my apology for interrupting." He then turned to AnnieMarie. "You got it?"

  "I have it." She waved him off. "I'll take care of it right now."

  Myles nodded then walked off.

  Cainan looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

  AnnieMarie smiled shaking her head. "You don't want to know."

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  "It looks like a war zone out there," AnnieMarie said as she entered Myles' office.

  "Did you get it?"

  She had seen that look many times before on her big brother, but it had been years.

  "Yes, I have it. It took going to a number of novelty stores, but your promise for lunch at Maggiano's more than compensates for my time. Besides, I am curious why you wanted one of these of all things."

  Myles took the bag from her. "You'll see. Was Chrystina at her desk?"

  "No," AnnieMarie replied as she watched her brother. "I see all the boxes. Did you decide to move into your new office today?"

  "Yes, Chrystina and Mrs. Vazquez are packing up both offices." Myles shrugged. "With all that happened with Mitch yesterday, I feel the move is necessary."

  "I set up the press conference. We need to be in front of this story before it hits the media."

  Myles nodded as he continued working on the device. "I want Cainan Scott with me during the announcement."

  "Cainan?" The sound of concern resonated. "Why?"

  Myles looked over at her. "He's a good man. What he did for us yesterday was nothing short of brilliant. I want to do more with him."

  "But Myles-"

  He held up his hand. "No argument here, AnnieMarie. I want Cainan there. I expect you to make it happen." They heard a sound outside the door. "That's Chrystina." Myles grinned, then ran over and placed the device where he wanted it. "Stay there," he instructed his sister, then sat behind his desk as if he had been concentrating on a document. He pushed the intercom on his desk. "Chrystina, would you step in here for a minute and bring your tablet?"

  "Be right in," the response came back.

  AnnieMarie started to walk towards one of the chairs in front of his desk.

  "No, no." He waved her off. "Stay there." Then returned to the document.

  She stared with mild curiosity at her bother, who seldom displayed childlike tendencies. It was great to see him like this again.

  Chrystina walked in, opening the door in a way that blocked AnnieMarie from view.

  "I want to work on the announcement to the staff today," he said without raising his head to look at her.

  "Yes, sir, this is going to be a delicate situation," Chrystina said as she walked over and took her regular seat.

  The loud sound of a human passing gas filled the room.

  Chrystina jumped up with an expression of pure shock on her face.

  "Flatulence again, Chrystina? I mean really!"

  She looked down into the seat and screamed, "Myles Dunning, I'm going to kill you."

  Myles was falling over in the chair laughing as she took the whoopee cushion from the chair and ran around the desk hitting him with it. "I can't believe you'd do something so childish. Shame on you," she yelled.

  He grabbed her around her waist and pulled her onto his lap. "I got you on that one." He then proceeded to kiss her until she was no longer angry.

  They both jumped when they heard the door slam.

  Chrystina's expression was priceless and AnnieMarie had to struggle to keep her laugher from escaping. She stood there with hands on hips, tapping her foot, frowning at the two of them.

  "So, this is what you two do behind closed doors all day long."

  "No, of course not," Chrystina declared.

  "We will now." Myles continued to laugh. "You have to admit that was funny," he said as he looked at the blushing Chrystina.

  "AnnieMarie, I promise you this is the first time. Well not the first time we have kissed, but certainly the first time he's ever pulled something like this."

  AnnieMarie stood there with a raised eyebrow and a furious expression on her face. "Is that so?"

  "Yes." Chrystina looked from her to Myles who was not helping the situation by sitting there grinning. "Say something, Myles."

  "I never knew a sister’s blush could be so red."

  The look she gave Myles caused AnnieMarie to laugh out loud.

  Chrystina turned on her. "Oh, don't encourage him." She glanced back at Myles trying to give him the evil eye.

  "I have no idea what is going on with you two, but I like it." AnnieMarie laughed. "I cannot believe you are acting like a teenage boy experiencing his first crush. I love it."

  "Me too." Myles smiled at Chrystina.

  "Don't you two get too carried away." Chrystina walked back to her seat and sat, throwing the whoopee cushion on Myles' desk. "I have no idea how I feel about all of this."

  "Oh you love it." AnnieMarie sat in the chair next to her. "I want to hear details." She smirked at Myles. "For now we have to get this announcement together."

  Myles sat up. "What do you think the best course of action would be?"

  "What are the doctors saying about Mr. Mitchell's condition?" AnnieMarie asked.

  "They will hold him for forty-eight hours to ensure he is not a danger to himself. I contacted his family. His sister will be flying in on tomorrow. She will meet with us after she checks in on him."

  "That gives us a little time to draft a statement for the press." AnnieMarie nodded. "Let's make sure we put Mitch in the best light possible. I don't want his reputation damaged by us."

  Chrystina smiled. "That is our best path."

  Myles nodded in agreement. "Include
Mrs. Vazquez in the announcement. She was closer to him than any of us."

  "This would be a good time for you to address your appointment as CEO. Give the employees a vision of where you see Dunning going under your leadership," AnnieMarie added. "The financial world is still reeling from yesterday's announcement. We'll play Mr. Mitchell's retirement as an advancement of your agenda."

  "The question on the table now, Myles, is who are you going to replace him with?" Chrystina asked. "You are going to need a number two."

  "You're my number two."

  "Me? No." She was adamant. "I am your executive assistant. You need a number two who has a global view of the financial world."

  "She's right," AnnieMarie acknowledged. "With the new direction of Dunning it's time to bring someone on board who knows and understands banking on a global level. We stumbled onto this status. It's not where we set out to be at all. Yet, here we are."

  "We now owe it to our customers to accept our new status and move forward," Myles commented. "I think we should look in house first. What about Preston?"

  "He is good, but a little wishy washy to me." AnnieMarie shook her head. "His loyalty can be bought."

  "What about Elaine Jacobson?" Chrystina offered.

  "Don't trust her," AnnieMarie stated then looked at Myles. "If you had your choice of anyone, anyone in the world outside of family, who would be the name at the top of your list?"

  Myles sat back, as if giving her question serious consideration. "Anyone?"

  "Yes, anyone."

  "Jonathan Michael."

  "Whoa," Chrystina exclaimed. "You went straight to the top."

  Myles nodded. "The man has proven himself in the world of Phase International. That could not have been easy for a man of color. It shows his intelligence, stamina and the patience it takes to work in an environment where he was the only one who looks like him."

  AnnieMarie nodded in agreement. "I think he would make a great second in command."

  "Hell if I thought for one moment he was available and interested, I'd step aside and let him have at it."

  "No, you would not, simply because I would not let you," Chrystina advised. "You are still coming to terms with your new position. You are the only one. Your employees, your customers, along with your family see their future in you. Like it or not, you are the face of Dunning Bank & Trust. The financial world is looking to you as the new trend setter in banking."

  "My first responsibility is to my family. The bank is second. If there is someone who I believe can take DBT to the next level, I would have no problem giving them the lead."

  AnnieMarie watched Myles' eyes as he listened to Chrystina talk. It was clear to her that Chrystina was Myles' strength. Her belief in him is key to him being the great man he was meant to be. How fortunate are they, she thought.

  "I think we should give Grace a call."

  The two turned to AnnieMarie. "Why?" Myles asked.

  AnnieMarie smiled. "Grace Heather is the key to getting Jonathan Michael."

  "How so?" Chrystina asked.

  "You two really need to get out of the office more," AnnieMarie said with a giggle as she stood. "I have work to catch up on. If you want Jonathan Michael talk to Grace." She left the office.

  Chrystina looked at Myles. "Do you want me to reach out to Grace?"

  "No," Myles stated. "I want people who are committed to Dunning, not to Grace. Reach out directly to Michael."

  Chrystina made a note. "What position?"

  "Chief Financial Officer."

  A stunned Chrystina stared at him. "Some people may take offense to you offering that position to an outsider."

  Myles nodded. "I'm sure some will. As the CEO of Dunning, they will need to trust my instincts. Get me everything you can find on Michael. All interviews, any quotes, writing memos...anything you can find on him. Have Mrs. Vazquez and, what was the young lady’s name from yesterday?"

  "Pamela Green." Chrystina looked up at him.

  "Yes, I like her. Recruit her to assist. Set up a call with Michael. I want to see where his mind is on the future of the banking industry. Set up one on ones with Elaine Jacobson, Cainan and Preston Long. I'll meet with the family board members together."

  "Yes, sir." Chrystina continued taking notes as he spoke. She was so proud of him in this moment. The instruction she was receiving was from a leader who has accepted his role and was steam rolling ahead.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  It was nine fifteen in the morning, when Vivian kissed her husband goodbye, showered, then walked downstairs to start her day.

  "Good morning."

  Vivian was startled as she turned to see Grace sitting at her kitchen table.

  "I figured I would alert you to my presence so you wouldn't shoot me." Grace walked over to the island and placed her cup in front of her aunt as she sat on a stool.

  "Uncle Ken let me in. He said you were taking a shower and would be down soon. You want to tell me why you are dealing with the Russian Mafia?"

  Vivian was filling Grace's cup up with coffee and froze at question.

  "The who?" Vivian laughed.

  "Russian mafia, Aunt Viv. That's who you asked me to check into." Grace sipped her coffee. "Cream and sugar, please."

  Vivian pulled the container from the refrigerator and placed it in front of her very serious niece.

  "It's not often you call me late at night with a request. My curiosity was peaked to say the least. I don't mean to be disrespectful, however, I am certain this has nothing to do with you, Uncle Ken or the children. That leaves Uncle Walker. What has he done and how deep is he in with these people?"

  Vivian was thinking the entire time Grace was talking. Walker never said these people were part of the Russian mafia. He had to have known. Why didn't he warn her? She poured herself a cup of coffee and sat on the stool next to Grace. "I don't know the whole story and only believe half of what Walker told me." She sighed. "Well a little more than half with what you just told me."

  "So he is involved with these people?"

  "Not exactly."

  "That's too close for comfort." Grace picked up the phone sitting on the island and held it out to her. "The first thing you are going to do is call Uncle Ken and ask him to return home."

  "Why would I do that?"

  "Because Uncle Walker may very well lose his life behind this antic. That I can take. I cannot take losing you. Not this close to losing Daddy." She put the phone on the counter and pushed it towards her. "Call him now."

  As Vivian made the call, Grace picked up her cell phone and dialed. "I made contact. I don't know all the details yet. However, I will call you as soon as I know more facts."

  "Grace, these people are dangerous. They have connections all over the world. What is your aunt doing involved with them?"

  "As I said last night, I don't believe it's her. I am certain it's my Uncle Walker."

  "The only way to beat the Russians is to be two steps ahead of them. Get protection for her, her family and your uncle," Byron ordered.

  "I need to know all the facts before I put my family through this," Grace declared.

  "You want some facts? Here they are. That search into that name could have triggered an alert. These people are smart. It would not surprise me or anyone at the agency if they had a program in place to detect any search of their key people. If this Stephan Pavel is one of their top people they already know the FBI search was done. Grace, these people leave body parts, not bodies. They don't just shoot you. They cut you up then distribute different pieces of your body in different countries so no one will ever be able to identify what they cannot find which would be your body. Do you get my meaning?"

  "Thanks for scaring the living crap out of me."

  "That's exactly what I am trying to do."

  "Look, thanks for the help. I have no idea how deep this goes. For now I need to make sure my aunt is straight. I will keep you updated." She disconnected the call as she heard Byron call out to her.
  "He is on his way home," Vivian said to Grace as she turned to her. "Is all of this necessary?"

  "Yes, Aunt Viv, it is."

  "Ken is going to be upset with me when he hears about this."

  "You didn't tell him? Why not?"

  "Because," she sighed. "Walker has lied to us on several occasions. Remember the last time he took the account number off a check I gave him and all but cleared us out."

  "Uncle Ken told you to stay away from Uncle Walker for a reason."

  "I know, but he's my brother. I just lost Hep. I don't want to lose Walker too."

  "I'm afraid Uncle Walker may have taken that out of our hands." Grace walked over and hugged her aunt. "I know you love him. As much as he drives me crazy I don't really want anything to happen to him. But Uncle Ken is right. You are going to have to stay away from him."

  "What has Walker done this time?"

  The two looked up to see Ken standing in the kitchen entrance. "I thought you were at the office." Vivian walked over and hugged her husband.

  "No, I stopped to get coffee when it dawned on me that Grace was in DC last night. I asked myself why would she be in our house this early in the morning? She must have driven through the night. If she did what was the urgency?"

  "That's what happens when you marry a lawyer. Their minds are always thinking conspiracy," Vivian joked.

  "I think we all better take a seat," Grace suggested. "Now, Aunt Viv, tell me, how did you get Stephan Pavel's name?"

  Vivian told Grace and Ken the story Walker had told her. When she finished, the two simply stared at her without mumbling a word. After a very long moment, Grace and Ken glanced at each other, then sat back.

  "This is one time I can attest Uncle Walker is in trouble." Grace exhaled. "One thing is for certain we cannot give him access to the bank."

  "He said they will kill him if he does not comply."

  Ken shook his head. "If they wanted him dead they would not have cut his throat. They would have simply killed him."

  "If he doesn't do what they ask they will kill him, Uncle Ken," Grace assured him. "That will be his cross to bear. The key is controlling the collateral damage around him." Grace stood. "I do not want to see you, your family, my family, or peoples' lives at the bank destroyed because of Uncle Walker. I am going to make another phone call. Uncle Ken, contact the security team. I think they should be put on high alert," she said over her shoulder as she left the room.


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