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Forbidden Magic: The Complete Collection

Page 21

by Anya Merchant

  Kiara pulled back for a moment, and then brought her lips down to the tip of his cock and slowly worked them over it. Victor let out a soft moan and ran his hand through her short blonde hair, urging her up and down along his rod.

  All of the fear, pain, and stress of the situation was instantly transfigured into lust and desire. Victor didn’t care about anything other than Kiara, her body, her mouth, and how the two of them could make each other feel through their coupling.

  Kiara sucked him off with slow, deliberate movements, letting her lips slide up and down his tool while her tongue rubbed along the bottom of his shaft. Victor leaned his head back, closing his eyes even though it made no difference in the dark room.

  “Oh man, Kiara!” He felt his breathing accelerate. She wasn’t as experienced in giving head as some of Victor’s other partners had been, but she was earnest, and her lips were soft.

  Victor tensed up his abdominal muscles. He reached his hand back down to her head, caressing her cheek.

  And then, out of nowhere, his scarlet aura flickered to life, binding itself to Kiara at a level just intense enough to flare her arousal. She let out a sharp gasp and pulled back from his cock.

  “Your auras…” she whispered. “They’re back.”

  “Yeah.” It was almost painful for Victor to admit, his cock throbbing and demanding attention, as if it took precedence over their escape.

  “Well…” Kiara moved in the dark, slowly wiggling out of her panties. “I still need to get mine back.”

  Victor sat up as Kiara straddled him and lowered herself down on his cock. She slowly let the head of it slide into her cunt, rocking back and forth to ease it in. She was warm and wet, but incredibly tight at the same time.

  “Oh wow…” Kiara’s chains slowly scraped across the concrete as she began to sway back and forth. Victor took her by the waist and pulled her down a bit more, his cock practically aching with the need for release.

  He bounced her up slightly and then pulled her further down. Kiara was a small woman, just like her sister, and it added a dynamic of power to the sex. Even though she was on top, Victor was strong enough to take control, if he really wanted to.

  The thought had barely entered his head when Kiara put a hand on his arm and pushed him back. She set both hands down on his shoulders and slowly lifted herself up, letting her cunt slide back down his shaft like a stripper displaying herself along her pole.

  “Kiara…” Victor couldn’t help himself. He grabbed her by the waist again and pulled her down while thrusting up, spearing her even more deeply with his cock. She let out a silent gasp of pleasure and rocked her hips back and forth, her entire body quivering.

  They began moving faster, exploring each other’s bodies with their hands like the horny teenagers they were. The sex was a contrast in extremes. It was intimate, but it served a practical purpose in their escape. It was their first time with each other, but they savored each pleasurable movement as though it would be their last encounter.

  If we don’t get out of here soon, it will be.

  “Victor!” Kiara began moving faster on top of him, her toned, nubile body efficiently bumping and grinding to get off. Victor pulled her against him harder, pumping his cock up into her as he felt his desire and arousal take over.

  It was a dance, and they were in perfect unison. Victor saw Kiara take on a reddish glow, and realized that she’d bound her own scarlet aura onto him. It made him want to scream out in pleasure, to hold her tight against him, and never let go.

  “Kiara!” Victor let out a passionate growl and slammed her down on his cock as he felt himself reach his limit. Kiara shuddered and all but collapsed on top of him, her own orgasm taking her at the same time as Victor began to cum.

  He blasted his load into her, continuing to thrust as pleasure intense enough to make him want to melt swept over him. Muscle spasms triggered throughout his body as though he’d touched a live wire, except with pleasure instead of pain.

  The two of them stayed like that for a minute. Victor’s cock slowly softened inside of Kiara’s cunt, and the dank concrete floor began to feel cold and disgusting again.

  “Victor…” Kiara pushed up from him. “We don’t have time for this. We have to move.”

  He nodded to her.

  “Right.” The word sounded sad when it left his lips. A nagging voice in the back of the head told him that what Kiara had said before had been the truth. What had just happened really was just a one-time thing.

  They both pulled their discarded clothes back on, and then almost in unison, bound their onyx auras so they could see. Victor lifted up his shirt to take a look at his burns, and flinched back at what he saw.

  The word ‘REPENT’ had been scarred into his chest in large, capital letters.


  Kiara was staring at it, too. She looked up at him, and Victor met her eye.

  “Come on,” he said. “Let’s get out of here now and worry about other things later.”

  Kiara nodded slowly.

  “Okay,” she said. “Our chains… How can we-”

  She stopped in midsentence and watched as Victor bound his scarlet aura in a pencil thin line against one of the chain links. The room was filled with a blindingly intense orange glow, and with a little pull, Victor was able to pull the chain apart through molten iron.

  Kiara nodded to him and started following example. It only took them a couple of seconds to free themselves, and then they turned their attention to the door.

  “We don’t have any time to waste,” said Victor. “I’ll blow the door open, and then we rush out.”

  “That’s a pretty simple plan,” said Kiara.

  “It’s the complicated ones that fall apart the easiest,” he replied.

  Victor paused, watching Kiara as he summoned his energy and prepared to bind his scarlet aura at full intensity.

  “Are you ready?” he asked.

  She nodded slightly.

  “Let’s do it,” said Kiara.

  The door was made of solid oak, with heavy hinges and a bolt lock on the other side. Victor bound his scarlet aura to it and let out a large, fireball shape blast. It exploded on contact with the wood, blowing it into smoldering toothpick sized wooden shards and sending an ear-splitting boom through the air.

  “Go!” Victor could barely hear himself over the ringing of his own ears. He rushed forward, flaring his onyx aura to enhance his senses as they ran up the stairs.

  Violet was waiting for them at the top. Victor saw her face and smiled, reading her expression of shock and fear at the escape in progress. He started binding his scarlet aura again, but Kiara beat him to it, using her azure aura to create a slick patch of ice under the biosplice’s feet. Violet tumbled into an uncontrolled somersault down the stairs, making a futile attempt to grab them as she fell past them.

  “Keep moving!” shouted Kiara. “We can’t fight all of them! We have to run!”

  The stairs exited out into the living room of a rustic cabin, fireplace on one side and a variety of furniture strewn out across the floor. Victor didn’t take the time to examine it further, or even to find the door. He bound his scarlet aura to the nearest wall and blasted another fireball, blowing the house open and receiving a gust of icy air in return.

  “Come on!” Victor paused and let Kiara go ahead of them. He had no idea how long they’d been unconscious for, but it was dark outside, and the sky was overcast enough to make it hard for them to see their way forward.

  The two of them moved through the snow away from the cabin at a slower pace than Victor liked. The snow was heavy enough on the ground to make it hard to get their legs through it. He swore under his breath and then paused, his onyx aura tipping him off to an enemy approaching from the side.

  “Don’t stop!” Victor pushed Kiara into continuing away from the cabin. He turned just in time to see Shaggy attacking from his right.

  The wolfish biosplice lunged at Victor, tackling him at the waist
. Victor reacted instinctively, wrapping his hands around Shaggy’s neck and channeling heat through them. Shaggy let out a roar and leaped back, giving Victor a chance to rise to his feet.

  “Now you know how I feel,” he said, in a low voice. “It’s your turn to get burned.”

  He lifted his hand to bind his scarlet aura a second time when another enemy slammed into him from the side. Victor stumbled through the snow, his face painfully scratching against the crusty snow.

  It was the biosplice they’d mistaken for a little girl, and she was every bit as terrifying as she’d been when Victor had first seen her. Her movements were alien, faster than they should have been and at odd angles. She tumbled across her elbows as she moved toward him and spat something out of her disgusting mouth. It struck against Victor’s pant leg, soaking through and immediately removing all sensation from the limb.

  Victor snarled and splashed out fire in a hurriedly bound attack. The girl dodged it, but the flames hit the snow and sent up a wall of steam. He took a step back, tripping as his left leg tried and failed to support him.


  Shaggy ran forward on all fours, tossing himself into a leap and landing on top of Victor. He tried to bind his scarlet aura onto him again, but felt the strength of his aura dimming as the effects of their workaround began to wear off.

  Instead, he balled his hands into fists and launched punch after punch up at Shaggy. The first blow was little more than a nuisance, but the second one hit him in the eye and stunned him for long enough for Victor to roll to the side.

  By putting twice as much energy into focusing his scarlet aura as normal, he managed to bind another blast, which he aimed at the angry biosplice. The flames struck Shaggy and set him on fire. He let out a painful sounding screech and rolled desperately in the snow. The flames, however, clung to his dense fur like napalm.

  Victor dragged himself forward on his hands and one knee. He only made it a few feet before Violet appeared, climbing onto him from behind and pulling him into a headlock. He tried to bind the scarlet aura to his entire body, overheating them both, but he couldn’t breathe, and it was almost impossible to focus.

  “No!” He pulled at Violet’s arm, gaining enough room to slam his head back in a vicious head-butt. Violet fell back and Victor managed to get to his feet, his leg recovering from whatever the saliva of the spider girl had done.

  He managed to get about fifty feet from the cabin before another figure appeared in the trees.

  “I am impressed,” said Father Auggie. “You picked the perfect moment to attempt your escape, and your resourcefulness knows no limits.”

  He smiled at Victor, flashing a mouth that looked overcrowded with teeth. Augustus took several deep breaths, each one expanding the size of his body as though he was taking in mass from the air.

  “I have such high hopes for you, Victor,” said Father Auggie. “You will understand soon enough.”

  Victor didn’t have the energy left to bind any of his auras. He lunged at Father Auggie, attacking with a vicious, though relatively futile, front kick. Augustus was at least seven feet tall in his expanded body, with a chest broad enough to put Olympic bodybuilders to shame. He caught Victor’s foot, lifted him into the air, and slammed him into the snow. He never felt the impact.


  The last thing Victor wanted to do was open his eyes. His wrists, and now his ankles as well, were shackled. He could feel the cold, hard concrete underneath him. And his chest burned from the soldering iron, the burns having been thoroughly jostled during the fight.

  He forced himself to focus on the situation and was a little surprised to see that he was back in the cabin’s basement. A new door was up in the place of the old one, and Shaggy stood next to it, as silent and still as a member of the Queen’s Guard.

  A panicked thought went through his head. Victor searched through the rest of the basement, but Kiara was nowhere to be seen. A cold chill went down his spine, and he forced himself to take a deep, calming breath.

  She must have escaped. They wouldn’t have killed her, not if they didn’t kill me.

  The logic was solid enough, but emotionally unsatisfying. Victor shivered, pulling his knees up to his chest slowly as he confirmed that his nano auras were back to not working. He needed an escape plan, an even better one than the last, but his brain refused to do the legwork.

  A sound came from the up the stairs. Victor blinked, and turned to look in time to see someone being forcibly dragged into the basement. Shaggy turned his attention to the door, too, opening it in time for Violet to toss the crumpled form into the room. Victor’s heart sank, and the two biosplices left the basement, leaving him alone with…

  “Damien?” He moved in closer, his chains rattling as he recognized his former friend’s face. “Jesus Christ, what the fuck are you doing here?”

  The new door didn’t fit quite as snugly in its frame as the last one had, leaving just enough light coming through the top and bottom cracks for Victor to see his friend’s face as he shrugged.

  “I figured a walk through the woods on a cold winter night might be fun,” said Damien. He coughed and spat something onto the floor in front of him.

  Neither of them said anything for at least a full minute. Victor felt a strange mixture of relief and disappointment. Kiara still hadn’t been captured, and the fact that Damien was there seemed to suggest that they were interested in taking prisoners alive.

  “I’m sorry I got you dragged into this,” he whispered.

  “You didn’t get me dragged into anything,” said Damien. “It’s my lieutenant I have a right to be pissed at.”

  More silence.

  “So you can’t just blow the door off its hinges with your fire magic?” asked Damien. Victor smiled.

  “I tried that one already,” he said. “They caught me and neutered my abilities.”

  “That sucks,” said Damien.

  Victor broke out into laughter.

  “Yeah, it really fucking sucks.”

  A third silence, more familiar this time, filled the air.

  “I never stopped being your friend.” Damien’s voice was serious, and honest. Victor leaned forward, pulling his chains as he shifted position.


  “After you left Undercliff City,” said Damien. “I missed you. I know it’s not exactly manly or whatever to admit, but fuck, you were my best friend.”

  “Sorry,” said Victor. “It wasn’t exactly my choice to leave.”

  “Remember that time that we got revenge on Sean?”

  “Who?” asked Victor.

  “Sean Michaelson,” said Damien. “Sean John. That stupid kid that wouldn’t stop harassing us with his gang.”

  Victor blinked as a wave of memories and nostalgia washed over him. He smiled.

  “Oh yeah,” he said. “I remember. His bike seat…”

  Damien started chuckling.

  “He didn’t even realize he had paint on his pants until we were halfway through the school day,” said Damien. “And he never managed to trace it back to us.”

  Victor took a deep breath and leaned his hands back on the concrete.

  “I was trying to prove that you weren’t involved,” said Damien. “In any of this mess. I think I knew, somehow, that you were, though.”

  “Yeah, well…” Victor shook his manacles. “Now we’re both involved.”

  The door lurched open smoothly, keeping enough of its momentum to slam against the wall behind it. Father Auggie stepped into the room, back to his regularly sized human form. Shaggy and Violet followed after him.

  Damien immediately lurched to his feet and hurled himself forward at the group. A single backhand from Shaggy was enough to fling him across the room, his body striking the drywall before falling to the ground.

  “Victor,” said Father Auggie. “Child. You have acted very foolishly today.”

  Victor did his best to pull off a nonchalant shrug.

  “I don’t
see how,” he said.

  “By freeing your girlfriend, you’ve all but forfeited the life of this stalwart police officer.”

  Victor glanced over at Damien, who was still dazed from the strike.

  “Why?” Victor shook his chains once. “Why are you doing this?”

  Father Auggie stared at him, his eyes shimmering with the same evil intensity that they’d had outside, during his transformation.

  “Give me a moment to speak with the two of them alone,” he said.

  Shaggy and Violet left the room. Father Auggie walked over to where Victor was chained and kneeled down so that they were both at the same level.

  “I don’t believe in God, Victor,” he said. “I never have.”

  Victor shook his head slowly.

  “I’m not some crazy religious zealot on a death crusade. I only want to help people become better people. It’s why I became a pastor in the first place.”

  “Well, you’re certainly doing a bang-up job of it,” said Victor.

  “I’ve had my failures, as have we all,” said Father Auggie. “In my case, a failure often results in insanity, and violence.”

  “So it’s justified?”

  “No,” said Father Auggie. “But we’ve done good as well, to atone for our sins. On most nights, Shaggy and Violet are out patrolling the city, stopping muggings and rapes in progress. Helping homeless people find a warm place for the night.”


  “We’re more alike than I think you know, Victor,” said Father Auggie. “You’re already well on your way to reaching your potential. I just want to give you… a helping hand.”

  Damien had regained his composure enough to stand, and immediately charged Father Auggie with hands balled into fists. The pastor turned and slammed his shoulder into him, knocking him to the cold cement. Damien’s head hit hard, and he didn’t immediately stir.

  “Many of the people I’ve helped have ended up falling short of a perfect outcome. It’s unfortunate, but with every failure comes a new discovery, new knowledge in how to do this right.”


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