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Forbidden Magic: The Complete Collection

Page 48

by Anya Merchant

  Ten minutes later, Victor climbed out of the limo and stumbled up his driveway. He felt sick and dizzy, and not in a state of mind to do much more than collapse and go to sleep. All of which made what he found waiting for him in the house even harder to deal with. Jade was sitting on his couch in her black leather outfit, face expressionless, and posture still. Kronenberg’s drone rested on the kitchen counter and looked up at him apologetically as he stepped through the door.

  “Uh, sorry, Vic,” said Kronenberg. “She insisted on coming in. Hasn't said a single word, so far. She’s Eli’s assistant, though. I didn’t want to make a scene.”

  Victor sighed.

  “No, you did the right thing,” he said. “She probably would have destroyed the place if you’d tried anything.”

  Victor walked over to the couch and stood across from her, frowning and crossing his arms.

  “Well?” he asked, impatiently. “What does he want?”

  Jade didn’t say anything.

  “I haven’t learned anything from her yet, if that’s what you’re wondering,” he said.

  Jade slowly stood up. Her eyes were like black holes, sullen and empty. She reached into her pocket and pulled something out of it. When she passed it to him, Victor recognized what it was and felt fury flush over his chest.

  It was a picture of Kiara, in Monteiro’s infirmary. Eli was standing beside her bed with one hand on her shoulder. He was looking at the camera and smirking ever so slightly. Victor crumpled the photo more out of reflex than anything, his hand automatically forming a fist with it still inside.

  “Get the fuck out of my house,” he said.

  Jade watched him for another second, and then turned and walked out the door. Victor slammed it closed behind her and locked it with rough, clumsy movements.

  “Victor,” said Kroneneberg. “Do you want to-“

  “No!” Victor took a breath and forced his frustration down. “No, I’m sorry Kronenberg. I don’t want to talk about it. I just want to sleep.”

  “I get it, buddy,” said his friend. “Hang in there.”

  Victor walked across the living room and into his bedroom. He closed the door and collapsed on the bed, exhausted. Almost immediately, Ella materialized behind him, cuddling her body against his and gently stroking his hair.

  “I’m still here, Victor,” she whispered. “We’re in this together.”

  Her hand ran down his stomach. Victor felt the warmth of her touch, and slowly pulled his pants down. Ella worked her soft fingers around his cock, kneading it like soft pastry dough, letting it grow hard under her touch.

  Victor rolled onto his back and watched as Ella pulled her auburn brown hair back and brought her lips down to the head of his cock. She began to suck on it gently, gingerly, even lovingly. Victor closed his eyes and let the pleasure do what it could for him, breathing slowly as Ella bobbed her head up and down.

  His thoughts started to wonder, but Ella’s effortless technique brought him back into the moment. She knew how to use her lips, how to use her tongue, and how to treat him to a sensual sexual experience.

  She didn’t escalate any further, focusing on the blowjob instead of taking her clothes off and pushing things further. Victor found himself feeling grateful for that. It was a remedy, a panacea for the stress and abuse he’d put himself through during the day.

  She let her soft hand stroke the bottom of his shaft as her wet mouth and lips worked wonders on the upper half. Ella would occasionally glance up at him, and even her eyes seemed to glitter with loving eroticism.

  Victor didn’t spend enough time thinking about her. She was like the voice in his head, his constant companion, always dutifully listening to him theorize and complain. She had memories of being Ella, and like the original version of the girl he’d known, she was more than happy to have, or to not have, his attention. She was confident, capable, self-assured, and empathetic.

  She pursed her lips and slowly ran then up along his cock, as though she was trying to coat every inch of it in her hot, sweet saliva. Ella kissed the tip, and then brought it back into her mouth. She let her lips drop lower onto it, until the better portion of Victor’s cock was jammed into what would have been her throat, if she’d had an actual physical body.

  But Ella didn’t, and there were certain unseen advantages to that. It felt like there were many tongues inside of her mouth, all of them massaging and caressing in different ways. Her mouth sucked harder than it should have been able to, but with a gentle ease to it, like sexual quicksand.

  She flicked her eyes back up to him, one last time, and Victor felt her tongue and mouth squeeze. It felt a little bit too good, and he came hard, spraying his cum deep into her mouth and throat. The pleasure was overwhelming, and one last thought echoed in his head before he fell asleep.

  I have to take a shower in the morning.


  Victor’s mouth tasted disgusting when he woke up. The first thing he did was head to the bathroom to brush his teeth. It was well after seven, and much like the morning before, he was forced to rush through his morning routine in order to get out the door in time.

  He was starving, and ended up taking a half empty box of granola bars with him on the way out. He felt a little ridiculous, flying through the air with his diamond aura, carefully opening each bar, stuffing the wrapper away in the pocket of his jeans, and devouring it, but also too hungry to care.

  There was a park not too far away from Annette’s house, and with surprisingly good timing, he managed to ditch his trash in one of the garbage receptacles without touching down. He pulled up in time to avoid ramming into a tree branch, and then slowed as he approached Annette’s front yard.

  A skid, roll, and slide later, Victor pulled himself up off the ground and headed for the front door. There was a tall, muscular man in a black suit waiting out front. He looked at Victor in disbelief but made no move to go for the gun-shaped bulge inside his suit coat.

  “Hi,” said Victor. “I’m Victor Anders, here to see Annette.”

  “She’s expecting you,” said the man. “She’s upstairs, in the second level lounge. Do you need me to show you the way.”

  “No, that’s fine.”

  The man opened the door and nodded to him. Victor walked through it and walked up the main staircase. He found Annette in a small, mostly empty room with what looked like bamboo flooring. She was on all fours over a yoga mat that she’d set in a sun patch from one of the wide windows in the wall that looked out over the gardens.

  She didn’t immediately stand up to greet him. Annette had on a pair of black yoga tights and a tight teal colored top, which gave Victor more than enough eye candy and interesting curves to look at. He watched her for a moment as she slowly extended her leg into a pose on both hands and one knee.

  “Good morning,” he finally said. Annette slowly exhaled, brought her leg back in, and then faced him with a sunny smile.

  “Good morning,” she said. “Are you feeling better?”

  “Much,” said Victor.

  “Close the door,” said Annette. “That one is for you.”

  She gestured to a second yoga mat that Victor had missed on his first scan of the room. He chuckled and started to shake his head no.

  “You can either join me and loosen up,” said Annette, “or spend the next half hour twiddling your thumbs. It’s up to you.”

  Victor sighed, and then reluctantly kicked off his shoes and slipped out of his jacket. He went over to the empty yoga mat next to Annette and sat down on it.

  “I wouldn’t even know where to start,” he said.

  “Well, lucky for you, I’m actually certified as an instructor.” Annette looked entirely too pleased with herself as she moved over to Victor and began positioning him. “Here, set your hands like this, and your legs… like this.”

  She slid her hand across Victor’s thigh as she pulled his foot back. He glanced at her face, but she was focused on getting him into the correct form. He
r perfume smelled like fresh flowers.

  “There you go,” she said, triumphantly. “That’s downward facing dog.”

  “My calves feel like they’re about to tear in half,” he said.

  “Now, lean forward, and bring your chest into a slow dip along the ground.” Annette moved over to her own mat to demonstrate, slowly dragging her breasts across the floor and then pulling back up.

  “Like this?” Victor gave the movement a try. It didn’t feel nearly as graceful as she’d made it look.

  “You need to focus on what you’re doing a little more,” said Annette. “Remember to breathe. Feel the movement.”

  She leaned over him, letting one of her hands rest on her stomach as she repositioned him. Victor could feel her big, soft breasts pushing into his back. It was arousing, and try as he might, he couldn’t make himself ignore the sensation.

  “There you go,” said Annette. “Yoga is all about relaxing, emptying your mind, and going with the flow.”

  If I didn’t know any better, I would think she was trying to seduce me.

  One of Annette’s hands grazed Victor’s crotch, and his cock began to harden as though it was casting its vote. Victor took a deep breath and shifted, breaking from the pose and feeling Annette’s hand cup his erection for a brief, most likely accidental, second.

  “Annette,” he said. “Did you hire me to practice yoga with you?”

  She smiled at him, clearly enjoying the effect she was having.

  “If I said yes, would it make a difference?”

  Victor didn’t say anything, and after a few seconds, Annette stood up and walked back over to her own mat. She started rolling it up into a tight, compact tube, and Victor followed her example.

  “I’m taking you with me as a personal assistant today,” she said.

  “Oh yeah?” Victor raised an eyebrow at her. “And where, exactly, are we going?”

  “We’re heading to Maxworthy,” said Annette, in a matter of fact voice. “It’s a bit of a drive, but I have to make the trip, and I could use some company.”

  Victor shrugged.

  “Yeah, I guess the guard at the door leaves a little to be desired, as far as interesting conversation goes.”

  “You could say that,” said Annette.

  Victor followed her absentmindedly along the second-floor balcony. She walked into a bedroom, and he almost followed her through the next door, right up until she turned and smiled mischievously at him.

  “Are you planning on joining me in the shower?” she asked. Victor felt his jaw drop open, and Annette laughed. “Relax, just a joke. You can hang out downstairs, or out in the yard. I’m not a princess. I won’t be long.”

  She closed the door and Victor felt his cheeks flush with retroactive embarrassment. He sighed, and then walked back downstairs to the lobby. True to her word, it was only ten or fifteen minutes later when Annette appeared at the top of the stairs.

  Her hair was slicked back mermaid style, and she wore black leggings, a white blouse, and a gray sweater shawl. She walked down the stairs slowly, smiling as she watched Victor admiring the way her outfit showcased her outfits.

  “I’m not buying it,” he said, once she’d reached the last step.

  “Buying what?”

  “Your act.” Victor gave her a serious look. “You’re just like Eli. The way you’re going about it is a little more nuanced, but all you want is someone you can control, someone you can use to meet your ends and needs.”

  Annette crossed her arms and stopped smiling.

  “I’m surprised you’re being so forward about your feelings,” she said. “I already knew all of what you just told me, Victor. You’re young, idealistic, and noble. I’m a hardened pragmatist with a sweet tongue.”

  She enunciated the last two words in a way that sent a flush of excitement over various sections of Victor’s body.

  “What do you want from me, Annette?” he asked.

  “Honestly?” She hesitated, and held eye contact for long enough for it to feel hot, and tense. “I want you, Victor. I want your loyalty. I want your friendship.”

  Victor didn’t say anything, and Annette looked away after a moment.

  “But of course,” she continued, “I know that I can’t have any of that. Not until I help you rescue your friend out from under Eli’s thumb.”

  Victor flinched back.

  “How do you know about Kiara?”

  “The simulation, downstairs,” she said. “I recognized her from some of my briefings on Monteiro employees. The dots were easy enough to connect.”

  Victor frowned, not over Annette’s clever deductions, but for Kiara, and her safety.

  “It isn’t just about rescuing her,” he said, softly. “There was an accident. She’s in a coma.”

  “I know about that, too,” said Annette. “And this, Victor, is precisely why I think we should work together.”

  She stepped closer to him and set her hands on his shoulders. It was a friendly gesture without any of the subtext of the yoga, or her flirtatious words.

  “I’ve discovered an old government facility,” she said. “It was part of a research project that a former Monteiro employee worked on over a decade ago.”

  A former Monteiro employee…

  Victor flicked his eyes to meet hers.

  “My father?”

  Annette nodded.

  “Yes,” she said. “It could be nothing. I’m not sure. And I don’t want to get your hopes up. But if you help me with this, we might end up taking a step closer to being able to help your friend.”

  “We’d still have to get her out of Monteiro Tower,” said Victor. Annette grinned at him and felt his bicep.

  “That’s the easier of the two problems to tackle,” she said.

  Victor thought about what she was offering for a moment. His choice wasn’t about whether or not to help Annette, but whether or not to trust her. He could go along with her search and play the part of a double agent if it suited him, selling her out to Eli once they’d found what they were looking for.

  “Did I mention that we’re taking the limo up to Maxworthy?” asked Annette. “It has a flat screen in back, and a fridge full of champagne.”

  Victor chuckled, despite himself.

  “Alright,” he said. “Let’s go.”


  Victor assumed that when Annette spoke of the limousine, she meant the one he’d been dropped off in the night before. He was wrong.

  “After you,” said Annette. Her guard held the limo’s door open for him. The inside of it was the size of a small room, with a high ceiling, luxurious leather seats, a mini fridge, and soft classical music playing in the background.

  Victor climbed inside. Annette followed after, and then the guard closed the door.

  “It’s just going to be the two of us back here?” he asked. Annette’s smile was flirtatious enough to make a lesser man melt with desire.

  “Yes,” she said. “Is that a problem for you, Victor?”

  He couldn’t stop a grin from spreading across his face.

  “Where did you say that champagne was?”

  The trip up to Maxworthy was a drive of several hours. The limo was an incredibly smooth ride, and the tinted windows made the interior feel secluded and almost dangerously private.

  Victor paced himself on the champagne. He and Annette flirted under the guise of small talk for a while. The inside of the limo felt hot, almost stuffy, and everytime he spoke, he could feel Annette drawing a little closer to him, and vice versa.

  She pulled back before he did, chastely clearing her throat and reaching for a bottle of sparkling water in the place of another glass of champagne. She crossed her legs and positioned herself in the corner of the limo, watching Victor with curious eyes.

  “How much can you tell me about your abilities, Victor?” she asked.

  He started to answer and then hesitated.

  The more I tell her, the more she knows. But there are
some things that might give me an advantage, if I let them slip.

  “Why don’t you ask questions, and we can both find out together?” he said.

  Annette nodded.

  “I know enough about nanites and nano auras to know the basics of your abilities,” she said. “You can conjure fire, ice, use basic telekinesis…”

  “Mind reading,” said Victor. “That too.”

  Annette’s smile widened.

  “You could try to read mine and see how it works out for you,” she said. There was something inviting in her tone. Victor had thought briefly about trying it when they’d first met, but his intuition held him back.

  She wouldn’t have hired me if that was a potential risk. She probably has developed some kind of defense against it, like what Eli has.

  “Flying,” said Annette, moving the conversation forward. “That’s one that I only knew about in theory. I have to say, even with your messy landings, I was quite impressed by your skills.”

  “Yeah,” said Victor. “It’s good fun.”

  Annette smiled at him.

  “What does it feel like?” she asked. “I know what it looks like, from watching you in the air. But what are you thinking, when you’re up there?”

  Victor shrugged.

  “About where I need to get to next,” he said.

  Annette kicked one of her feet across the limo, catching the edge of his shin.

  “Oh, come on,” she said. “Tell me something more than just that.”

  Victor thought for a second, letting his eyes drift up to the roof of the limo, as though imagining what it would be like to be in the air at that very second.

  “It makes me think about how many places I wish I could be in, or that I’m probably needed in, at once,” he said. “It makes me think about how beautiful, or how terrifying the world will be once these types of technology become widespread.”

  Annette nodded, as though satisfied with his answer.

  “Can I ask one more question?” she asked.


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