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Blood Lust and The Slayer

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by Vanessa Lockley

  Blood Lust and Slayer

  By: Vanessa Lockley


  Ok, this isn't the first chapter, this is the summary. I'll have the first chapter up soon, given that you all want to read it after reading the summary.

  This is a basic Dracula fiction.

  Drake, the newest in a long line of the Prince of Darkness after Dracula, has found himself in a very strange situation. A young beautiful girl has just shown up at his doorstep in soaked rags and couldn't look more delicious in the new dress he gave her to ware besides the rages she came in. His first attempts to charm her have proven very affective.

  There was only one problem; her brother was a Vampire Slayer. But what is this feeling that he has when ever he is around her? Could it be love? No, of course not. She is nothing but another blood bag to him. Or is she?

  Jaqulin Frank was a normal young woman. Traveling with her brother Sequin, she finds that she needs something else in her life, besides chasing vampires and slaying them. Traveling with her brother was proving to be fine, but he had already gotten avenges for the untimely death of their parents by killing the vampire who did it. But for some reason, she noted, that wasn't enough for her brother. Far from it.

  Then, by chance, a huge storm hit the rout they were taking to the next town where they had heard there was a vampire taking up residence. They were forced to stop at a nearby castle and see if the caretaker would allow them to stay long enough and wait the storm out. Little did they know the occupants of the castle were far from living.

  The moment that Jaqulin saw Drake she was enchanted by the man. The one man who was very kind to her and gave her a few new dresses to slip into during her stay at the castle so as not to catch her death in the wet clothes she wore into the castle. To her, there was no way he could be anything else but the most gentlemen like man she had met since she started her quest with her brother.

  From the dresses that he offered her to ware instead of the rags she wore when she first asked to wait the storm out with him, to the necklace of a bat and a dragon with a blood red gem stone in the middle, she wanted to leave this new man in her life just about as much as her brother Sequin wanted to become friends with a vampire.

  From the moment that Sequin saw her little sister being charmed by this man that was kind enough to let them stay, he was very wary of him. Worried that something was going to happen to her, he stuck to her like glue. Not giving Drake the change that he needed to just sink his teeth into her, literally.

  By his sisters request, he did not ask about the suspicious way that Drake acted. Nor about the presents that he seemed to just come up with every day for his sister. Nor did he about how he never slept up in the bedrooms. He just kept to himself, that is until Jaqulin disappeared one night…

  Chapter One: The Dark and Stormy, Arrival

  On a dark, gloomy, rainy evening, a horse and buggy ran screaming out of control. There was a blood curdling screech as the buggy bounced off rocks and speed bumps. Lightning flashed, spooking the horse more as a clap of thunder seemed to seal the fate of the occupants in the buggy.

  A long, callused hand stretched out and grabbed the reigns and pulled back on them hard. Brining the running horse to a stand still.

  "That's it Sequin, find a place to stop for the night. That's the last time I am going to set back and let you get us almost killed cause of a stupid vampire." A stressed female voice said.

  "I know Jaqulin, but it's not like you see just any Inn around here do you?" Sequin asked.

  "Well, no. But what about that castle over there?" Jaqulin asked pointing over to a dark, spooky, and mysterious castle to their right.

  Sequin looked over and saw the large castle and his breath caught in his throat. "Yeah, that will do." He commented softly as the rain began poring down.

  "Can we hurry? I'm getting soaked." Jaqulin asked as she hunkered down where she was. Sequin saw that the skin to the buggy was gone completely, leaving nothing but a skeleton behind. He waked over, unhitched the horse they had pulling the buggy, and walked the horse over to his sisters side. "What are you doing?"

  "We can go faster with just the horse, come on." He replied. He packed a few things in a saddle bag, hefted it over the horses back, and then helped his little sister on to the saddle. He jumped on himself and dug his heals into the horses rubs. The horse was more then happy to oblige and get out of such stormy night himself.

  Jaqulin held on tight to the saddle with her hands. She had no choice but to ride side saddle. Her dress was already torn, patches shown everywhere showing her attempt to mend the dress many times. And she was soaked to the bone. Sequin held her tight to him for she was about to slip off. She had remembered that the dress she wore was the only she had. Over the years of her journey with her brother she had not had a chance to purchase a new one. She heard her dress rub once again and sighed, for she knew that she would be staying up late yet again mending it.

  When they made it to the castle, they looked up and saw it was bigger then they expected. They also saw a stable off to their right, full of horses. They got off quickly and Sequin headed their horse into the stable out of the rain. The horse was more then happy to follow orders and run into the stable.

  Seeing his sister shivering, Sequin took off his already wet, but warm, jacket and put it around her. Holding her close, he went first and knocked on the colossal door of the castle. When the door opened to reveal the butler, or who looked like the butler, he wished he hadn't knocked.

  The butler that had answered the door was as pale as a sheet, and his eyes sagged. He looked more like a zombie then a man.

  "Um… Could we stay the night, it is dreadfully cold out here, and we might catch our death if we don't get in out of the rain." Sequin said, trying to be reasonable with the butler, but wasn't having much lick until the butler saw his sister, Jaqulin.

  To him, Jaqulin looked like the most heavenly woman he'd seen in a while, and he had seen a lot in his time. He wondered about his master for a moment, and how he would approve of the sudden intrusion of the travelers. He thought that maybe if he were to mention the young woman then he doubted that his master would have a problem with this sudden appearance of two siblings. The butler looked Jaqulin over one more time then said "You and the young woman may come in."

  Jaqulin looked up to her brother for guidance. All he could do was look down at her and hold her close as they walked in and the door made an ominous sound as it closed, as if it anticipated their fate.

  The Butler walked into the Den where a young man, who couldn't be any older then 25, was resting against the arm of a couch, cup of ruby red liquid in hand.

  "What is it James? I'm relaxing." The young man asked eyeing the white old man with slightly annoyed eyes.

  This young man looked slightly pale. Not nearly as pale as his butler, but he still was slightly pale. He did, though, have some complexion to his face, making him look handsome and almost god like. His eyes seemed un-tired and focused, unlike his butlers, whose showed signs of a working life. This young man on the other hand showed no signs of having to work ever. He looked vary handsome in deed.

  His clothes were black. A black tuxedo, with dress shoes and a black cape to go with it. The cape came down to his ankles and wrapped around him concealing his whole body. There was one inconsistency, though, about his attire. He wore a black and silver amulet around his neck, with a blood red stone in the middle of it.

  "There are two travelers here; they were driven in by the horrendous storm. James replied as he bowed to his obvious master.

  The young man rose immediately with fury in his eyes, threw the glass of liquid into the fire to his right and yelled. "What have it old you abo
ut visitors, I don't want visitors!"

  "There is a very pretty young woman with a young man. I thought that you would want to be 'gentlemen like' to the young lady." James said right after his masters out-burst.

  "Really now?" He said, not asking a question really, as he calmed down and relaxed back on the couch. "Hmm, yes, I will be very gentlemen like to any young woman, especially a pretty one." The young man thought to himself as he thought of what this young woman could look like. "Show them in James." He finally said after a long moment.

  "Yes Master Drake." James said as he left to do just that.

  Drake looked into the fire and smiled with an evil gleam in his eye "Yes, she must be very pretty for James to notice." He commented "Very pretty indeed."

  Chapter Two: Meeting The New Prince of Darkness

  "My Master, Drake, will see you in the Den. Follow me." The butler appeared out of no where and said, startling Jaqulin. "I'm sorry miss, did I frighten you?" He asked.

  "N-no, not at all. I'm just a little jumpy from being cold and wet, that's all." She reassured and then followed the butler, along with her brother, into the den.

  When she entered she saw the most handsome, god like man she had ever seen before, reclined on a couch without a worry. She could feel her heart flutter beneath her sternum and pushed it back down. She felt so embarrassed, standing there in the presence of a formally dressed man in nothing but soaked rags. She wished she had something a little better on.

  Before either of them could stop him to ask anything, James left them standing in the Den with the mysterious Drake.

  It was then that Drake looked up to see the young woman standing before him. He felt a lump form in his throat, for the first time in a long time, just by looking at her. She looked more like a goddess to him then a normal woman. She wore rags, and knew that he would have to change that very soon.

  He looked up to her face and she looked simply like an angle. "How did such an angel happen upon my door step, the devils door step?" He asked himself quickly. He shook his head for a moment to get thoughts out of his head and looked at the bright young woman again. She seemed as though she were embarrassed to be seen in such rags. And then he realized he was dressed formally just like he always dressed, and that was why.

  He swallowed the lump and managed to get out in a professional sounding tone "Please, have a seat." And smiled in Jaqulin's direction.

  Seeing the sweet, charming smile, her heart yet again fluttered, and this time she couldn't pat it down. Drake got up and said "now, before anything else is said, I must know your names. I wouldn't be a very good host if I didn't know my guests names."

  Jaqulin smiled and was the first to answer, and answered for her brother at the same time. "My name is Jaqulin and this is my brother Sequin. We are greatly sorry for disturbing you at such an hour, but we were on our way to the next town but got lost and our horse was spooked by the lightning. And he started to r…" was as far.

  Drake put up his hands in a sign of stop and said "it's quite alright my dear. I don't mind the visit by travelers; in fact I get them a lot around here. Especially when a surprise storm rolls in and they get lost." He then walked over, taking Jaqulin's hand in his, and kissing it saying "And it is indeed a great pleasure to meat you my dear. I don't get many pretty young ladies around much."

  Jaqulin blushed, as she had not been treated so well in such a long time, and said "oh I'm not pretty. But if you don't mind, telling me where I might be able to take a hot shower, and let my clothes dry. And where I might be able to mend my dress, it accidentally tore during the ride."

  "But you are pretty, as the brightest star. And as for those wet rags. No need to try to mend them. I have a few dresses that you may choose from." He saw her give him a strange look. "You see, I knew a woman that stayed with me for a while, and she left them here by accident. I didn't get rid of them because they were so beautiful, and I guess you could say I've been looking for a woman to fill them."

  Jaqulin smiled and her brother couldn't help but notice how he flirted and was trying to charm her. And he also saw that the charming was working. He sighed and "how about I go up with you sis, that way I can see where I sleep as well."

  Drake noticed that Sequin must have been catching on for a moment, and said "Oh, James, my butler can show you while I take Jaqulin to the dresses and let her choose one."

  Mentally, Sequin snapped his fingers and knew he couldn't do anything but go with his butler and so he did. Meanwhile Drake smiled at Jaqulin and asked "So, shall we?" holding his arm out to her.

  She smiled and nodded while taking his arm in his as he escorted her up to the room with the dresses. As they got up to the room he said "now, this is where you can sleep, this is also where the dresses are." He showed her the closet and the dresses. She looked upon them and smiled while her eyes grew wide at how gorgeous they were.

  "Oh, I could never do any of these dresses Justice." Drake noticed she was blushing again and knew that all his charming tricks were working just the way he wanted them to.

  He came over to her and said "oh of course you do. You're prettier then any of these dresses. Now how about you pick one out, and I'll see if I like it on you."

  She nodded and went to look at them; she picked out a blue one that had baby blue and royal blue on it. Drake smiled when he saw it and said "just the dress to fit your personality." He also showed her where she could find some undergarments and then said "now, how about you take a nice hot shower and come back down in that lovely blue dress." She smiled and nodded "When you take that old dress of, go a head and leave it for James to take care of." He finished as he left her to take care of what needed to be done.

  Drake walked down the hall, then down the stairs where he came upon a tapestry, he pulled it back to reveal a hidden passage and went down in it. Disappearing all together.

  Meanwhile Jaqulin took off all her went clothing and left the dress on the bed for James to take, just as Drake had instructed, and then disappeared into the bathroom adjacent to the bedroom.

  She turned the water on and let it adjust, then stepped in, letting the warm glorious liquid flow over her body. She moaned in approval of how good it felt and started to wash away the dirt and grit that had gathered on her skin since the last time she was able to take a shower.

  As soon as she was clean and not a spot left unwashed, she turned to the grimy mess that was her hair. She took it down and let it soak in the warm water for a moment, and then noticed the shampoos in the shower. They were, of course for a man, but she used them anyway and they seemed to work just as well as the normal things she usually used.

  As soon as she was done she turned the water off, got the largest towel there and wrapped herself up in it. Then opened the door, making sure to peek and see that no one was in there, and came out to see that the old dress she had laid down on the bed was now gone and replaced with fresh linins. She shrugged it off and quickly dried off and got on the new undergarments and then slipped into the dress.

  Drake was right, the dress just simply made her look radiant.

  Sequin followed James to the room he would be sleeping in. it was down the hall from where Drake had taken Jaqulin and he found that to be a little discomforting. But took the good with the bad either way and looked at the large room he had been taken to. The bed was a good king size and looked very comfortable. Then he looked at all the furnishings in the room.

  There were places to store clothing and everything. "Master Sequin, there should be clothes to fit you if you wish to get out of those wet clothes and slip into some dry." He heard the butler say behind him.

  It startled him but he smiled and nodded while saying "thank you. I'll do that." He then did the same as his sister and took a hot shower after setting out some dry, new clothes.

  He felt the warm liquid seep over his body and felt his muscles relax from so much work of slaying vampire after vampire. He had heard of Van Helsing's journeys and some of the vampires he had slain a
nd decided that after his and Jaqulin's parent's death, he would chase Vampires as well and make them pay for all their insolence.

  After he had the chance to meat Van Helsing himself, he felt even more inclined to continue with his journey, even if his sister didn't like it.

  After washing up, and making sure his short hair was washed, he dried off quickly and got into the clothing provided. Then made his way down stairs to the den where he had first meat this mysterious Drake. He was determined to get more information about their host.

  As soon as he got their, he saw that Drake wasn't there yet. "He must still be flirting with my sister or something."

  "No, in fact, he is taking care of some other business, he shall be back shortly." Sequin heard the butler say, and realized that he had followed him every where, and that thought scared him.

  Chapter Three: A Flirtatious Host, and Bad Dreams

  Jaqulin slowly made her way down the stairs to the den and saw her brother and Drake with locked eye contact, as if they had just had a fight. But as soon as Drake saw the wonderful beauty his whole mood lightened and he jumped up to escort the vision of loveliness, to him, down the rest of the stairs.


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