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Fire In Her Eyes

Page 3

by Amanda Heath

  “Really? Are you that scared?” He steps into the room and crosses his arms over his chest.

  Another flash of lighting and boom of thunder comes through and I flinch. My lips are clamped shut so I don’t let out another scream.

  “Okay…I’ll stay until it passes,” he sighs and lies down on the bed with me.

  “What are you doing?” I can feel my eyes bug out of my head.

  “Doing what you asked me to do.” His arms are still over his chest and he closes his eyes.

  “Do you have to be in my bed for that?” I’m seriously about five seconds away from scratching out his eyes.

  “Yes I do. I’m not laying or sitting on the floor.” He opens his eyes to glare at me.

  I finally notice that he’s not wearing a shirt. He stretches his arms over his head and the muscles in his torso ripple. My whole body shivers at the sheer strength I feel just by looking at him. “How in the hell do stay in such great shape?”

  He gives me a weird look before answering. “I run a lot. There is also a gym in my dorm, so I work out there a lot too. Why?”

  “Well, I knew you didn’t play any sports. You just seem so lazy to me, I couldn’t see how you have so many muscles.” Yeah, there goes the blush again. I really need to stop doing that.

  “I’m not lazy by any means. Sports are too competitive for me. Plus, I have to keep this amazing bod so I can get laid.” He waggles his eyebrows at me.

  I lightly shove him. “Gross.”

  “Do you still swim?” He questions.

  “Yeah, my school has a huge indoor pool for public use. I’d never give up swimming,” I say with a deep sigh.

  I’m looking up at my ceiling, so I jerk when he places his hand on my cheek. He turns me to look at him and I inhale sharply. The look in his eyes would melt an iceberg.

  He looks like he is about to say something when I bite my bottom lip. He changes his mind and slams his lips down on mine. My arms go around his neck as he lays across me. He swipes his tongue across my bottom lip and I open my mouth to greet him. Our tongues collide and I arch my back when he runs a thumb over my nipple.

  He lets up from the kiss and looks down my body. He groans and touches his forehead to mine. “What the fuck are you doing to me?”

  “The same thing you are doing to me,” I state breathlessly before I pull his lips back down to mine.


  I pull her leg up around my waist so I can grind my hard-on into her soft heat. God, that feels so fucking good. I have no idea where she wants to take this, so I’m trying my hardest not to just take all of her clothes off and screw her senseless.

  I can’t reach her ass from this angle, so I flip us over where she is straddling me. My hands go straight to her perfect butt. It’s not too big and definitely not too small.

  Aww that is heaven.

  She pulls her head up and asks, “What is you obsession with my ass?” She doesn’t give me time to answer before our mouths are devouring each other once again.

  I almost forget she asked me a question when her hips start a slow sensual grind on my lap. “Asses have the most appeal. They sway when you walk, they cushion when you’re fucking, and they have the best grip. And yours baby girl, damn, it’s fucking perfect.” I don’t give her time to answer as I shove my tongue back into her mouth. Though I did notice her skin broke out in goose bumps.

  She suddenly sits up and asks “What are we doing?”

  “I have no idea I was letting you lead.” I grab her thighs so she doesn’t run off. I mean, come on, I have a hard-on the size of freaking Texas. I’m getting off.

  “Oh,” she says before the kissing starts again. This time her hands move down my chest, over my stomach, and stop at my pajama bottoms. She slips her hand down and grabs my dick. Her soft warm hands pump up and down on my dick and I find myself panting.

  Yeah, she’s not leading anymore. I flip us back over and I automatically take off her shorts. Holy fucking shit. “Why aren’t you wearing panties?”

  Her eyes are glazed over in lust when she answers, “Because I don’t ever wear them. They get on my nerves.”

  “That is so fucking hot. If I had known this I wouldn’t have kept my hands off of you for so long.” I groan before I drop down between her legs. Now I know some guys aren’t into this kind of thing, but I rock at it.

  The second my lips touch her wet heat, we both groan. I lick up and down just to get a taste. She tastes so fucking good. I suck her swollen nub into my mouth and flick it with my tongue. Yeah, baby girl likes that. Her back is arched and she keeps letting out long moans. I move down a little bit and start thrusting my tongue in and out of her slick channel. I place my thumb over her nub and rub it till I hear her orgasm reach its peak.

  I chuckle when she comes back to herself and looks up at me with lazy eyes. Then, I am completely shocked when she says, “Turnabout’s fair play.” Yeah. I just might be in love.

  “Fuck…” I trail off as she scoots down on the bed and makes me lay on my back. She doesn't play around as she wraps her cherry red lips around my dick. I curse again and again as she moves up and down. I’ve never been one to beat around the bush and it’s not very long before I cum in her mouth. Oops.

  She gets up off the bed and walks to her trash can where she spits out my load. I laugh my ass off at that. “I have never seen anyone do that before.”

  She smirks at me before going into her bathroom and brushing her teeth. When she comes back out she says “Well, I’ll never swallow. It’s degrading.”

  “Yeah. I've never liked it either.” She pulls her shorts back on before climbing back into the bed with me. It just seems natural when I cuddle up to her and fall asleep.


  I’m shocked awake when I get kicked into the floor of Harley’s bedroom. For a second I have no idea where the hell I am and then I remember. I actually hooked up with the queen of all bitches. “What the fuck, Harley?” I exclaim.

  She looks over the side of the bed at me wearing a smirk. “I have friends coming over soon, so you need to get out. Sorry, last night was fun, but I don’t want it getting out.”

  I roll my eyes at her before getting up off the floor. “Whatever, Harley. You can lie to them all you want. You can hide me as your dirty little secret,” I say to her and for the next part I lower myself down to her and whisper in her ear, “but you’re mine now. I can’t stand you half the time, but I’ve had a taste and I’m not letting you go. I’m tired of fighting what I feel for you.” She shivers and I laugh.

  I kiss her on the lips before leaving the room. I turn to look as I walk out her bedroom door and her eyes are glazed over in lust again.

  Chapter 5


  “You’re mine now…” Spencer’s words haunt me. I don’t know what to do with them. I don’t deny that they give me a small thrill. Okay, a huge thrill. It’s just the fact that he made some kind of claim on me; like I’m a piece of property. Yeah, I don’t think so.

  “Umm, Har, why are there a pair of men’s socks under you bed?” Lucy asks from her seated position on the floor.

  “I don’t know. There are two males that live in this house. They probably fell out of the clean clothes basket or something.” I try so hard not to blush. That is a sure way to tell I’m lying. Curse Spencer for forgetting his damn socks!

  “Sure. Sure.” Okay, she totally bought it. “That’s a good cover but you’re blushing.” She smirks at me and I glare into her dark brown eyes.

  “You haven’t been doing anything else with Spencer have you?” Paige asks from the end of my bed.

  “No, I haven’t. He’s a total dick and I want nothing to do with him. It wasn’t even that great of a kiss anyway!” I know my face is red now, but it’s from anger. I normally get this upset talking about him so maybe they will just let it drop.

  “Yeah, sure. That’s why you wouldn’t shut up about it for a whole freaking week,” Carter says, tossing her long blonde loc
ks over her shoulder.

  “Just drop it will you? It’s nothing and will remain nothing,” I huff out, lying back on my bed. We came in here to watch a stupid chick flick. I hate chick flicks. “I know let’s talk about Cater and her rock star boyfriend. It’s better than this stupid movie.”

  It’s Carter’s turn to blush, which you can barely see with her tan complexion. “I told you that we broke up. He’s a complete jerk and totally full of himself! Unlike you, I mean it when I say I want nothing to do with him.”

  “What did he do? You never told us.” Paige asks.

  She wouldn’t tell them, but I know exactly what he did. Carter is afraid of commitment. I know you hear all the time about the guys who are. Well, here is one girl I know who is terrified. She has bounced around from guy to guy since we were thirteen. Liam (the rock star) had to have told her he loved her: a big no-no in Carter’s world.

  “He called me one night while he was out on the road, drunk off his ass. He said some things I didn’t like, haven’t talked to him since.” She curls into a ball next to me and meets my eyes. That is something else she doesn’t like. Carter hates drunks. I’m guessing he drinks a lot.

  “How many times did he call you drunk?” I ask her softly.

  “Like ten different times over the course of two weeks. I know they were on tour and stuff but that’s not an excuse. I even asked him to lay off. He refused. I’m just not going to put up with it anymore.” I see a tear slip out and she turns her face away from me.

  Paige mouths “do we need to leave?” and I nod. Lucy and Paige have awesome parents. Carter and I have screwed up parents. Carter’s dad is an abusive drunk and has been her whole life. She’s been hit more than once with fists and words. She always clung closer to me since my mother was just as flawed. “Want to tell me about it?”

  “He said he loved me. I would have believed him if he wasn’t so drunk. I told him he was hurting me with all the drinking, that he couldn’t love me while causing me so much pain. I told him about my dad and asked him to get help.” She is sobbing openly now and I can’t help but cry with her. When we were kids, my window was always open and more times than not she was here sleeping. “He kept telling me he didn’t have a problem. He refused to get help. I hung up on him and changed my number. He never showed back up at school when his tour ended a month ago. I guess he really didn’t love me.”

  “It’s an addiction, Carter. If you really care about him, then you need to convince him to go get help. I understand that it hits close to home, but he needs your help…except, if the news reports are correct, no one has seen him.”

  “What do you mean?” She asks, wiping the tears from her cheeks.

  “I wish you would turn on the TV for five freaking minutes. He disappeared shortly after his tour ended. Even his band doesn’t know where he is.” The statement about the TV is way too true. It also goes for the internet and all social outlets. Carter has never liked any of that stuff. She didn’t even know who Liam was when she met him. She had called me that day asking who Hush Hush was. They are pretty cool if you ask me, but I don’t listen to a whole lot of music.

  “That’s weird. He wouldn’t go anywhere without telling his stupid brother. He’s probably shacked up with some whore. He’s single for five minutes and is already on a love fest. Fucking asshole.” She jumps off my bed and starts pacing. Tears forgotten. I roll my eyes. She always bounces back from everything faster than a yoyo.

  “I doubt he is shacked up with some bimbo. Maybe he is all alone at his house, mourning your relationship and writing songs about how much he loves and hates you. Yup, my friend, you’re going to be famous!” We laugh about that and the tension leaves her shoulders.

  “I’m already famous. You know that song “Frosty”? Yeah, that’s about me and when we met.” She smirks and looks lost in thought. I hurt for her, though. She will never admit it, even under torture, but she loves Liam right back.


  I have a serious problem: the boner in my pants that I get every time I think about Harley and what happened between us last night. The guys are about tired of me. We have been playing a game of pool at the local bar. I haven’t been paying much attention.

  “What’s your deal tonight, dude?” Dean asks from the left corner of the table, pool stick in hand.

  “Nothing, man, just out of it. Didn’t get much sleep.” I rub my eyes. I really am tired. It had to have been two in the morning when Harley woke me up with her scream. I never want to hear that sound again. It was horrible.

  “Who kept you up? I didn’t realize you found someone else so soon,” Dylan asks. Dylan has been friends with Dean and me since we were little. If there was something going on, the three of us where in the middle of it.

  “Harley kept me up. She got scared by the storm and made me sleep in her room with her. You know how bossy she is,” and next time we are using my bed because its way bigger, I think to myself. Twins beds were not made for fooling around or cuddling.

  Dean spits out his sip of beer. “The ice bitch is scared of something? I could have sworn she was fearless.”

  “Me too. It was actually rather endearing to see. Who would have thought a little thunder and lightning would scare a grown woman,” I chuckle, remembering the fear in her eyes.

  They both laugh, even though we shouldn’t be making fun of Harley. There’s that feeling again where I think she’s human like the rest of us.

  “So, did anything happen?” Dylan asks me. There’s a flash of something in his eyes, but it’s gone before I can name it.

  “Of course something happened! I’m a guy. You put me in a bed with a hot girl, something is bound to happen.” I smirk at him. He’s giving off weird vibes. He can like and want her all he wants, but Harley is fucking mine.

  Dean finds my answer funny and is bent over laughing his ass off. “You totally screwed the ice bitch!”

  “I didn’t say we screwed, just that something happened. Anyway, I don’t want to talk about that anymore. What’s up with your love life? I haven’t heard about any of your bimbos lately.” That shuts up the laughing almost immediately.

  “I just haven’t felt up to getting it on. It’s the same old same old around here.” He shrugs and takes a swig of his beer.

  “That’s bullshit and you know it, dude. For as long as you have known how to screw, you have been screwing.” It’s true too. Abby Lewis took him behind the bleachers in the 8th grade and made him into a man. She is two years older than us, and all the guys were jealous as hell.

  “Yeah, well maybe it’s time for a change. I don’t know. Maybe I should just keep it in my pants for a while.” He looks down at his beer and fiddles with the label, avoiding my eyes.

  “What’s her name?” I ask softly.

  “It doesn’t matter. I didn’t even see it coming. I’m fucking whipped. I never thought that I would be that guy: one who lets a girl lead him around by a fucking string.” He rubs his hand down his face and looks up at me. “We got it on a couple of days ago. When we were done, I told her I wanted to see her again. She said ‘I thought you were a one night type of guy?’ She hasn’t answered any of my calls or texts. It’s driving me fucking crazy.” Dean runs his fingers through his blonde shaggy hair and gives me a piercing look with his bright green eyes.

  “It’s okay, man. One of them was bound to get to you. She’ll come around. You’re a great catch.” Some of the tension loosens from his shoulders and I feel like maybe he won’t let it stress him out so much.

  “Well, I guess I’m going to have to find me a girl if you two players are going to settle down. Don’t want to be fifth wheel.” Dylan flashes us his trade mark grin and it seems to bring Dean out of his sappy mood. He even graces us with his genuine “Dean” smirk.

  Chapter 6


  This is the part where I completely freak the fuck out. I just woke up cuddled to Spencer Grady’s chest; which is not where I fell asleep. What the fuck?
br />   I attempt to kick his ass out of my bed again but he opens his beautiful pale blue eyes and rolls on top of me. “I don’t think so, baby girl. I’m not getting kicked out again.” He gives me a smile with dimples before giving me a light kiss that makes my toes curl.

  When he sits up and gets off the bed I look at him in shock. “That’s it?”

  “Yeah, baby girl, that’s it. Get up and get dressed, we are going out today.” He smirks before leaving my room.

  I huff before getting out of bed. Maybe I don’t want to go out with him. This spells disaster since we can’t seem to be around each other for five minutes without fighting. I’m not going to lie to myself, though. I really want to see what he has in mind.

  After my shower, I put on fresh clothes and pad down the hallway to Spencer’s room. I open the door, and damn I’m glad I did! He’s standing in front of his dresser with a towel around his hips and beads of water running down his hard body. I swallow hard, trying to figure out what to say to introduce my intrusion into his room.

  He looks up at me and his light blue eyes freeze me to my spot. I’ve never seen so much lust in someone’s eyes before. His black hair falls across those eyes and my fingers itch to brush it away. I swallow hard, once more, and say “I’m ready to go…whenever you are.” I try to smile, but I’m too busy staring at him to move my face.

  “I can tell. No looking at me like that, baby girl, go wait in the living room. You can have your way with me later.” He waves his hand, dismissing me. I quickly turn around and head to the living room.


  “So, where are we going?” I ask, sliding into the passenger seat of his white Chevy S10. It is surprisingly clean. My car is a mess, with trash piled up to the seats and clothes all over the back seat. He’s wearing a plain black cotton t-shirt that matches his hair perfectly. It also makes his eyes pop. He’s got on a pair of low-riding jeans, which make his ass look perfect.


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