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Unbreakable Page 6

by Rebecca Shea

  “Ready to go?” He asks, pulling me out of my short daydream.

  “Yeah, ready for me to kick your ass?”

  “You promised you’d let me win, remember?” He winks at me and smacks my butt hard.

  “Ow. I remember.”

  While we’re stretching, I plan out our short run. I decide to take us down our normal route to Washington Park where we always run, this time actually running into the park and on the paved trail that winds through the park, it’s a relatively short run there and back.

  “Ready?” I ask him, jogging toward the street.


  “Let’s see if you can keep up this time, big guy.”

  About a mile and a half into our run, we’re just inside the park entrance when I hear his breathing become a bit heavier.

  “Jesus Christ, Jess, you said you weren’t going to kill me,” he says as I watch a small bead of sweat roll from his hairline down his temple.

  “I wasn’t. I was just pushing us since it’s a short run.” I say, slowing our pace so that we’re now in a light jog.

  “Remember that hill?” He points at the hill where he brought me last night.

  “How could I forget?” I can’t help but smile when I see that hill. Slowing us down to a walk, we spend a minute catching our breath, but I notice Gabe keeps looking at the hill,

  “Want to go back to the top?” he smiles at me. “Never mind, I can’t wait that long to kiss you,” he says, wrapping his arms around me and pulling down into the grass just off the paved path. I can’t help but giggle at how playful he’s being. Holding my arms over my head, he runs his finger down my cheek to my neck, continuing all the way down to my stomach. Still hovering over me, he leans in as if to kiss me, but instead, uses his finger to start tickling me.

  “Ahhhh!” I scream, which turns into a fit of laughter. He continues his attack, moving his hand from one side of my stomach to the other and up to my underarms. With my hands still pinned above my head, I’m helpless. I wiggle beneath him trying to escape his hold.

  “Tease,” I yell at him while a tear runs out of my eye from laughing so hard.

  “Got you, didn’t I?” He laughs, finally stopping his assault as he collapses onto me. Pressing a sweet kiss to my lips, he rolls off of me and positions himself on his back at my side.

  “That was mean.” I giggle and slap his stomach softly.

  “That was funny.”

  “I wanted you to kiss me,” I pout.

  “I did, when I was done tickling you.”

  Rolling back over, he straddles me and moves my arms over my head just as he did before.

  “No. Not again,” I laugh, and try to lower my arms.

  “Shhh…” he leans down and kisses me. Pressing light kisses to my lips, then my cheeks, my forehead, and even my eyelids. He kisses every inch of skin on my face and neck with gentle kisses.

  “Gabe,” I whisper against his lips that have settled back on mine. “We need to finish our run.”

  He sighs and drops his head to my chest. Pulling himself off of me, he reaches his hand out to me to pull me off the ground.

  “Fine, but we need to stand here for a few minutes. I can’t walk right this minute,” he says, shaking his head and adjusting his crotch. I can’t help but laugh at my affect on him. Reaching out for my hand, he laces his fingers through mine and we begin walking. Suddenly, he drops my hand and takes off running, leaving me behind him. Shit.

  “Damn you!” I yell at him, taking off in a sprint after him. Running as fast as he can I know he’s trying to beat me home. No way am I letting him win. We’re on the last quarter mile, and I pass him in a full sprint. Rounding the corner of our street, we are about six houses away and I’m still in front of him by a few strides. Finally making it home, I run up onto my porch, using the railing to lean against while bending over, trying to catch my breath. Gabe is doing the same.

  “Competitive much?” he sputters. Both of us have sweat running down our faces and his shirt is drenched.

  “Looks who’s talking.” I manage to say between breaths. Standing on the porch, we take our time catching our breath.

  “What are you thinking?” Gabe asks.

  “See that house over there?” I point at an angle across the street to an old house.

  “Yeah, Old Man Johnson lives there.”

  “Every time I run or walk by there, I think about how beautiful that house must have been once.”

  “Don’t bust his balls, Jess. He’s old and can’t keep it up.”

  “I know that.” I roll my eyes at him. “I just look at all the potential it has. That small porch doesn’t do that house justice. Imagine a full covered porch that wraps around the front and down both sides of that house.” I find myself staring at this house trying to see the beauty that’s there, hidden behind chipped paint and dry rot wood. “With a porch swing,” I say quietly.

  “I love that you see potential where others see garbage,” he responds, wrapping his arms around me from behind. We stand looking at that house for another minute.

  “I wish someone could help him,” I mutter.

  “Dad has offered numerous times. He just tells him he’s too old to invest the time or money to fix the place up.”

  “It’s kind of sad. He’s lived there his entire life; he raised his kids in that house.” I can’t help but think about raising kids in a house and the memories it must hold.

  “Maybe that’s why he doesn’t want to change it. It holds too many memories for him.”

  “I was just thinking the same thing,” I whisper. Gabe presses another kiss to my temple and unwraps his arms from around me.

  “Let’s go inside.” He guides me towards the door.

  “I’m going to grab a quick shower,” I say, walking down the hallway. “You’re welcome to use the other shower, or you can wait to use mine, unless you want to shower at home.” I mumble over my shoulder, closing the bathroom door behind me.

  Grabbing my robe, I strip down and throw my sweaty running clothes on the bathroom floor into a pile. Stepping into shower, the warm water pelts my skin. I stand still under the water with my eyes closed, and I can feel the dirt and sweat being washed away as the water massages me. I reach for my body wash with my eyes closed, and suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder. Quickly turning, beautiful hazel eyes are staring back at me.

  “No sense in wasting water,” he says, wrapping his muscular arms around me and pressing his mouth against my neck. Naturally, my head falls back, giving him more access to my sensitive skin. My stomach flips a little when his hands settle on my hips, pressing me against his firm body. Nervously I place my hands on his shoulders, I’ve never seen nor been this close to a man naked, and to be pressed up against him has my mind racing. I gasp quietly as he gently nips at my neck.

  I nervously run my hands down his firm chest to the hard ridges of his abs, feeling every muscle, every ridge, and goose bumps prick my skin. He groans against my lips has my hands explore him. I tilt my neck, and he moves his mouth there and finds that spot just behind my ear, leaving me trembling. Gasping, my head falls back even further. The hot water from the shower is doing little to erase the goose bumps he has ignited across my body. My stomach is a ball of twisting nerves as his hands begin slowly exploring my body.

  He reaches for the bottle of body wash and flips the cap open, squirting a generous amount in his hand. He starts massaging my arms and chest. My legs begin shaking as his large hands move up and down my sides and back washing and massaging me. Reaching one of his arms around me he finds my right nipple and gently pinches it, causing a shiver to spread across my trembling body.

  “Tell me to stop if this makes you uncomfortable,” he whispers in my ear. Pressing myself back against his firm chest, I balance myself as his other hand reaches around me finding my other nipple giving it a gentle pinch. Immediately, I feel the heat spread between my legs, and my stomach clenches as a small groan escapes me.

��Are you ok?” he whispers as he alternates between massaging my breasts and pinching my nipples.

  “Mmm hmm,” I mutter, and his hands move from my breasts to my stomach. I flinch and am self-conscious when his hands find my soft stomach, but he continues making small circles across my flesh with his fingers. He continues downward with one hand, reaching the top of my pubic bone, gliding until his fingers reach the pulsing flesh just below.

  I gasp as one of his fingers slides across my labia, and I press back against him further, giving him better access. I can feel his erection pressing into my back, but I’m focused on the heat that has taken over my body and the feeling of his finger sliding gently back and forth across me.

  Leaning into my neck, he whispers into my ear, “We need to get out of this shower. Now.”

  “But, I …” I start to say but am interrupted immediately. I don’t want him to stop.

  “Now, Jess.” He pulls the shower curtain back and reaches around me to shut off the water. Grabbing two large bath towels off the counter, he wraps one around his waist and the other around me. Stepping out of the shower, I reach for another towel and use it to towel dry my hair. Seconds later, I’m being pulled out of the bathroom, across the hallway, and into my room.

  Walking to the edge of my bed, Gabe sits down, the towel still firmly in place around his waist. Pulling me towards him, he wraps his arms around my waist, resting his head on my stomach. My arms instinctively wrap around his neck, holding him in place. “I didn’t want you to stop,” I admit.

  “I don’t want to pressure you to do anything you’re not ready for,” he says, looking up at me, his eyes meeting mine. “You’re not some girl I picked up at a party to take home and fuck. For as long as I can remember, I’ve cared about you, but now it’s different; now I’m in love with you,” he whispers against my belly, kissing it through the bath towel.

  “I love you too, but I’ve never done this before,” I admit nervously, pushing his head back slightly so I can look him in the eyes. I see confusion spread across his face.

  “You never had a boyfriend before?”

  “Yes I’ve had a boyfriend before, but I’m a virgin,” I whisper. “I’ve never let anyone touch me like you just did.” He inhales sharply with what I’ve just told him.

  “But, I saw your birth control pills on the counter. I assumed that you’ve…”

  I interrupt, “I take those for other reasons. I’ve never been with anyone before.” My heart is racing, and my hands are shaking with the admission that I’m still a virgin.

  “I want nothing more than to touch you, be with you, and love you but I will understand if you’re not ready. I’ll wait until you are,” he says, his arms still wrapped around me. I nod my head as I take in the last few minutes: the shower, and my body’s reaction to his hands touching me.

  “Gabe?” I say, my voice trembling from being nervous.


  I pull away from him and sit down on the edge of the bed, in hopes of stopping my legs from shaking. I’ve always imagined what my first time would be like, and I can’t imagine anyone I’d rather give this to than him.

  “I want you to be my first—and my last,” I manage to say, my lip quivering. My entire body is trembling from fear, nervousness, and anticipation of this moment I want to share with him. “I don’t want to wait any longer, I’ve always wanted you. Please, make love to me.”

  A small sigh escapes his lips as he turns toward me, pulling me into an embrace. Clinging to him, I can feel the rapid beat of his heart against my chest.

  Urging me down to my back, he holds my head in both of his hands. His eyes are intense, but full of concern. “Are you sure? You will never get this back,” he whispers. It comforts me to know that he is concerned about me and my feelings.

  My heart is racing, and I can feel my pulse in my ears. “I’ve never been more sure about anything. I love you,” I say, closing my eyes, a small tear escaping. Hovering over me, he wipes that stray tear then tugs at the small knot in the towel that was holding it closed. The towel falls open and lies on either side of me. With a sharp inhale, I watch him slowly taking in the sight of me fully naked. Instinctively, I lay my arm across my stomach, and as quickly as I move it there, he pushes it away.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispers, his fingers trailing over my soft stomach. Closing my eyes, I feel his lips meet mine and begin their slow assault on me, moving to my neck, and down to my chest, finding my nipples. Savoring the feel of his lips moving across my skin that new found warmth spreads over my entire body again.

  His tongue slowly moves around my nipple, and he takes his time slowly alternating between each one. That intense heat between my legs is back, causing me to squirm lightly beneath him.

  “Are you ok?” he asks, looking up at me. Nodding to him, he continues working my left nipple with his tongue, while pinching my other nipple. Using his knees, he gently coaxes my thighs apart, and I feel his right hand move to my hip before continuing inward to my inner thigh. He circles his fingers on my thigh, causing my body to shake slightly from his touch. Settling himself between my legs, he allows me to get comfortable with his exploration.

  His fingers trail upward, moving slowly to my center, until he finds me, separating the soft skin he had been caressing just minutes ago in the shower. At first a gasp, but then small moan escapes me, as he rubs gently—slowly.

  “You’re so wet,” he says as his fingers continue rub me lightly back and forth. I fight with my legs to keep them open as they instinctively want to close. I have never let a man touch me like this before, and while it feels amazing, I’m nervous. I can feel a pressure building in my lower abdomen, a sensation that causes me to catch my breath as the intensity comes and goes with each stroke. Pushing my legs further apart, he positions himself lower, kissing my inner thigh, removing his fingers from me and replacing it with his tongue.

  “You ok?” He asks me again. My breaths are shallow, my nipples are firm, and my legs are still shaking, but I’m able to muster out a simple, “Yes.”

  “Tell me if you want me to stop.”

  “No. Don’t.”

  I think he chuckles, but suddenly I feel his tongue on me with one long stroke. I gasp loudly this time at the feel of his tongue as he licks me up and down. It’s soft, yet rough. Gentle yet firm. It is when he finds that small patch of nerves that he gently sucks on that almost sends me over, and my legs begin shaking even more.

  “Gabe,” I whisper as I raise my hips and arch my back at the feel of his tongue. “Oh, God,” I breathe out, my hips continuing to roll with the movement of his tongue. My hands find his head, and I grab onto his short hair as his tongue continues to push me further to the edge. My inner thighs are shaking as he holds them open; I’ve never experienced pleasure like this.

  My heart is racing, my body is covered in goose bumps, and I feel that tremble in my abdomen building.

  “Are you still okay?” he asks, pausing.

  “Yes,” is all I can muster. I feel him slip one finger into me, and I gasp at the pressure, clenching around his finger.

  “You’re so tight. Try to relax,” he says, as I nod my head so he knows I’ve heard him. His thumb is rubbing and gently applying pressure directly on my clit when I feel him slide a second finger inside of me. That trembling feeling is becoming more and more intense as I rock my hips with the movement of his fingers.

  “Oh, God,” I moan.

  His fingers are moving in unison with my hips and his thumb is applying just the right amount of pressure. My thighs continue to shake and I feel the soles of my feet start burning as my toes curl. I close my eyes as I feel the most amazing release I’ve ever felt. My back arches more, and I gasp for air as ripples of pleasure run through my body. Pulling his fingers from me I watch as he moves them to his lips, tasting me. I’m mortified and curious at the same time as I watch him. Finishing, he crawls up me and simultaneously pulls the towel from around his waist, tossing it to t
he floor.

  “I love you,” he whispers, pressing his lips to mine and I can taste myself on his lips.

  Still breathing heavily, I mumble against his lips, “I love you too.”

  Positioning himself between my legs, he settles in as he continues to kiss me slowly as I come down from my first orgasm. Finding that spot behind my ear, he licks and kisses me softly. I can feel that heat building between my legs again, brought on by the movement of his erection between my legs. The pressure of his pelvic bone is pressing against me is causing another build-up.

  “I want to make love to you too,” He whispers in my ear. “But if you’re not ready for that, please tell me now,” he says, pulling back to look me directly in my eyes.

  Brushing the hair off of my face, he kisses my temple. His eyes are dark, hooded, yet his touch is light and gentle. Closing my eyes momentarily, I nod my head. I can’t imagine my first time with anyone other than him. Bringing both of my hands to his face, I pull his head down to me, pressing a needy kiss against his lips.

  “Make love to me,” I whisper against his lips. His forehead drops to mine as he lifts his hips slightly, pressing himself against my center. “Please,” I beg him, my breathing rapid. He laces both of his hand through mine and places them on each side of my head. I squeeze his hands, to let him know I’m ready.

  “Relax,” he says. My pulse quickens with anticipation. Gently entering me, I gasp at the slight pain of him stretching me. Taking a deep breath, I focus on trying to relax, and not the pain I feel from him entering me.

  “I’m going to go slow. Just breathe,” he says quietly, letting me adjust to him as he holds himself still for a few seconds. ‘Just breathe’ I recite to myself inside of my head. Keeping my eyes focused on his, my hands rest on his biceps as he pushes himself into me a little further and then a little further. I gasp with each inch he presses into me. It’s painful, not horrible, but not comfortable either.

  Once he’s filled me completely, I close my eyes as I mumble, “Oh my god,” and squeeze both of his hands again.


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