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Uninvited Visitors_A Riverton Crossing Novel

Page 15

by Savannah Maris

  “Um, well…”

  “He doesn’t know, does he? You snuck out before he woke up. That’s why you’re here so early.” Cat tried to giggle, but the pain caused it to be short-lived.

  “Well, if he didn’t stay up most of the night researching every single thing about babies, maybe he would’ve been up.” She rolled her eyes. “Cat, all day he was on the internet. When I went to bed, I told him he wasn’t allowed on WebMD again. He has a list of tests he wants me to have just in case.” She blew out an exasperated sigh. “I told him if he went out there again, I wouldn’t let him go to the doctor with me.”

  “Oh, God, how did that go over?”

  “He laughed then told me that was cute, and he needed the laugh.” Kayla sat back with a pout on her face.

  “So, how long do you think before he gets here?”

  “I don’t know.” She giggled. “I couldn’t wait to tell you. I haven’t even told my parents, and obviously, not Thomas. I thought it would give you something happy and special.”

  Cat’s smile came back. “It does. You know it does.” She reached for Kayla’s hand. “Now, I can’t wait to get out of here. We need to shop for this little one.”

  “That’s what I hoped you would say.” Kayla laughed.

  “I haven’t seen you in forever. Have you been sick?”

  “No, nothing. Mitch has been watching me like a hawk since the first time we, and by we I mean he, forgot the condom. After that we decided that whatever happened, happened. Anyway, he knew when my period was supposed to show up.” Kayla shook her head and giggled. “He even marked it on the damn calendar. When I missed my period on Saturday, I took the test yesterday. He’s been doting ever since.”


  “Yeah, I’m glad I had no clue before then. I think if I would’ve had the sniffles, he would’ve put me to bed assuming it was a sign of pregnancy.” They laughed together, but Cat winced almost immediately.

  “Cat, are you okay?”

  “Yes, but I have a couple broken ribs, so let’s not laugh anymore.”


  Kayla told her about the honeymoon, and Cat smiled as she listened to the happiness in her friend’s voice.


  Thomas left the hospital in a rush. He had a stop to make before he went out to Riverton Ranch. Parking in the back, he hoped no one would see him because he needed this to stay a surprise. He slipped through the side entrance and came face to face with the man he wanted to see.

  “Mr. Connelly,” he said with a smile on his face.

  “Dr. Gregory, what brings you in today?”

  Thomas looked around the store to ensure he was the only person in there. “Do you still have that ring I looked at when I picked up the wedding bands?”

  A broad smile stretched across Mr. Connelly’s face. “I do believe it’s right over here.” He walked to the far side of the store. “Do you know the size?”

  “I know the ring she always wears fits right here.” Thomas showed Mr. Connelly where Cat’s ring fit on his pinky finger.

  Mr. Connelly moved to get his sizing rings. “Then let’s see what size that is.”

  Mr. Connelly slipped different size bands on Thomas’s pinky until he found the one that was the correct fit. He then slipped the emerald cut diamond on a pole to see what size it was. “This ring is a smidgen smaller than the size of your finger, but since it’ll be top heavy, I think it’ll be fine. Do you want to take it today? She can always come back and have it sized if it’s too tight.”

  “Yes, sir. I’d really like to take it today if I could.” Thomas pulled a credit card out of his wallet.

  “Excellent. Do you want it wrapped?”

  “No, sir. I don’t know how I’m going to give it to her yet.”

  “I’m sure you’ll think of a nice surprise.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Connelly. Oh, can we please keep this between you and me? I don’t want Cat getting wind of anything before I’m ready.” Thomas’s smile was as broad as Mr. Connelly’s.

  “Of course. Where did you park?”

  “Out back.”

  “Here, I’ll let you out the back door so those nosy women that hang out front won’t see you.” Mr. Connelly waved his hand. “I’ve helped more young men keep secrets in this town than I care to remember.” He chuckled.

  “Thank you, Mr. Connelly, for this and the escape.” Thomas waved the little bag before he jogged to his car.

  His next stop was the ranch. He wasn’t sure he was in the mood to fight Evan today. Maybe when he saw his face, the mood would come back. He started feeling guilty for being gone from the hospital so long, but he’d told Evan he’d be there. With just a few miles to go, he called to check on Cat.

  “Hello,” Kayla said.

  “Hi. Is she awake?”

  “Yes, but you need to hurry back. Mitch is a little pissed.”

  “I’ll be about an hour. Why is Mitch pissed?”

  “I didn’t tell him where I was going this morning.”

  “Well, I’m going to see him in a few minutes. Everything’ll be fine,” Thomas assured her.

  “Thanks. Why are you going to the ranch?”

  “Meeting Evan.” He sighed. “Can I speak to Cat?”

  “Hi,” she said with a gasp.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Just moved wrong,” she said as slowly and clearly as possible.

  He closed his eyes for a moment. Hearing her struggle was all he needed to regain his focus and anger. “Honey, what flavor of milkshake?”

  “Chocolate, please.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you in about an hour.”

  After disconnecting the call, he turned up the radio hoping for something to hype him up. It came by way of an emergency broadcast. “The Riverton Crossing and Cloverville County Police are asking for the public’s help. They’re looking for a white, Dodge Ram pickup with Louisiana license tags in connection with the mugging last night at the United Southeastern Bank. Please call Crime Stoppers if you see this vehicle. Do not approach as these men are considered dangerous.”

  By the time he made it to the ranch, he was furious. He didn’t need to see Evan. Between hearing Cat on the phone and that broadcast, his anger was fueled perfectly. He parked his car and saw Evan leaving the barn with his shirt halfway unbuttoned and removing his gun belt. Just what he needed to release his frustrations.

  Evan laid his shirt and belt on a lounger as Thomas pulled his golf shirt over his head. They met in the grassy area behind the pool where the wedding had taken place weeks ago.

  “I promised I’d let you kick my ass, so you get one free shot. Make it count,” Evan said with a little trepidation in his voice.

  Thomas took one step and swung, connecting with Evan’s jaw. “Now you know how she feels,” Thomas said through gritted teeth.

  Evan fell back a couple of steps before he bent over and rammed into Thomas’s gut, knocking them both to the ground. They landed with a thud, and Evan hit Thomas in the eye.

  “Ugh,” Thomas let out as he took the punch then rolled them over where he had both of Evan’s shoulders pinned to the ground. “Tap out.” Thomas was breathing heavily.

  Evan bucked his hips which caused Thomas to pitch forward. “Not gonna happen.”

  Thomas rolled in a summersault before coming to his feet, only to find Evan was already standing. They circled around each other, not knowing if they were going to finish with a fist fight or wrestle or a combination of both.

  “How long are we going to do this?” Evan asked.

  “Until you feel as much pain as she does.” Thomas had renewed determination before he stepped in and flipped Evan over his shoulder.

  “Augh.” Evan landed on this back. When Thomas circled him, Evan tripped him and moved to pin him. Thomas brought his legs up and clamped down on Evan’s waist. Evan released Thomas’s shoulder, trying to get Thomas’s legs from around him.

  “She’s got two broken ribs and two others
that are bruised. You want to match her?” Thomas asked.

  “God. No.” Evan struggled to breathe. He worked to loosen Thomas’s hold on him.


  A shot rang out, and Thomas loosened his hold on Evan.

  “What the hell are you two doing?” Mitchell asked.

  “Stay out of this, Mitchell!” Thomas yelled. Evan took advantage of Thomas’s distraction and moved out of the hold. “Shit!”

  Evan moved back in, and Thomas was ready to swing when Mitchell said, “How am I going to explain to my child that their uncles beat the shit out of each other to release anger?”

  Thomas froze, and Evan smiled. “Come again?” Thomas asked with raised eyebrows as he lowered his fists.

  Evan bent at the waist, breathing deep. “Fuck,” he mumbled.

  Mitchell smiled. “I have a feeling Mak went to the hospital to tell Cat.” He furrowed his eyes. “Even though she snuck out of bed to do it.”

  “Kayla’s pregnant? When did you find out?”

  “Yesterday. Now what the hell is all of this nonsense?” He pointed between Evan and Thomas. “Y’all haven’t done this since high school.”

  “We’re getting too old for this shit, Thomas. You feel better, yet?” Evan said.

  Thomas opened and closed his hands and worked his jaw. “I think my eye is swelling. I need an ice pack.”

  “Yeah, my jaw hurts like a motherfucker,” Evan said. The two men hugged like brothers. “We good?” he asked.

  “Yeah, we’re good. Just don’t ever put her in that position again.”


  They walked toward Mitchell, and Thomas grabbed him around the head. He put Mitchell in a headlock and rubbed his knuckles over his head. “You got my sister pregnant?”

  Mitchell was laughing when he maneuvered out of Thomas’s hold. “I got my wife pregnant, who just happens to be your sister, asshole.”

  Thomas gave Mitchell a big hug. “Congratulations, man. I’m happy for both of you.” He turned to Evan. “Is that why you gave her such a strange look this morning?”

  “I knew Mitchell would’ve never let her go out alone on the first day, so she had to have slipped out.” Evan chuckled.

  “I need that ice pack to go. I’ve got to pick up a milkshake for Cat and get back to the hospital.”

  “Can I catch a ride with you? Mak’s waiting on me there,” Mitchell asked. Thomas nodded before he put his shirt back on then took the ice pack Mitchell handed him.

  “Ginger wants to see Cat tonight, so I’ll catch you later.” Evan redressed and took the other ice pack from Mitchell.


  “Everybody descent?” Thomas asked as he stuck his head between the door and doorjamb.

  “Yes,” Kayla answered.

  Mitchell walked into the room ahead of Thomas. “Baby, you’re in so much trouble.” Even though his tone was one of frustration, his expression said nothing but love. He kissed her before he turned his attention to Cat. “How are you feeling?”

  She shrugged. “My ribs hurt, but I think that’s how it’s going to be for a whiiii…” Her words fell off when Thomas moved from behind Mitchell. “What the hell happened to you?” she asked with raised eyebrows.

  Thomas rolled his head on his shoulders and rubbed his neck. “Evan and I had a discussion.” He smirked.

  “More like Thomas and Evan thought they were sixteen again.” Mitchell chuckled.

  “What did you do?” Kayla asked with her eyes as big as saucers.

  “I gave Evan my word on something, and he offered to let me work out some pent-up anger.” Thomas gave Cat the milkshake.

  Mitchell burst out laughing. “I had to fire a pistol into the air to break those two up. It reminded me of Dad when he used to do that with us.” He cupped Kayla’s face and looked lovingly into her eyes. “I asked them how I was going to explain them to my child.”

  “Congratulations, sis. I’m happy for you both. You’re going to be a terrific mother.” Thomas kissed her cheek.

  Tears welled in Kayla’s eyes. “Thank you, Thomas.”

  Mitchell and Kayla stayed for another hour or so before they left. Cat looked at Thomas as soon as they walked out. “What were you thinking?”

  Thomas closed his eyes and took a controlled breath. “Cat, I’ve been so angry since this all started. I love you, and I couldn’t protect you.” He looked at her pleading for understanding. “I told Evan what would happen if you got hurt. I’m a man of my word, and he knows it, so this morning he told me to come to the ranch for lunch.” He rolled his neck again. “We worked out some aggression.”

  “Oh, Thomas. It’s not Evan’s fault. We all thought it was over once Buck left.” She reached out to gently touch his face. “I can’t believe you did this.”

  “Expending the energy felt good, but I think next time I’m just going to take it out on the punching bag.” He smiled and worked his jaw.

  “I like that plan.”

  Thomas lifted her hand and kissed the back of it. “Did the doctor ever come by? I’ll go look at your chart if I need to.”

  “Yeah, he wants me to stay one more night. He was able to get my eye open a little, so he hopes he can open it a little more in the morning.”

  “Okay, but I want us to go home tomorrow, and I don’t care which home. It’s your choice.” He flipped the feet of the recliner while Cat laid back on the bed.

  They held hands, and both must have fallen asleep when a tap on the door sounded. Cat squeezed Thomas’s hand as the sound startled her. “Come in,” Thomas said in a husky voice.

  “Hey. We wanted to drop by and check on you.” Evan led Ginger into the room. She had on loose dress pants, not her normal tight jeans. When Evan turned from closing the door, Cat gasped.

  “Oh, dear God. How are you going to explain that the Chief of Police has a black eye and busted lip?” Cat asked.

  Evan’s eyes danced with humor. “Shit happens on a ranch. Horses and bovine are unpredictable.” He chuckled as he rubbed his jaw.

  “Ginger, I’m sorry these two acted like teenagers.”

  Ginger giggled. “I don’t know. It gave me a reason to love all over my man.” Love and flirtation washed over her face as she cut her eyes to Evan.

  Evan swatted her ass. “Stop that. We just got here.” He kissed her temple. “We brought some good food from town. There’s shrimp and grits, even though Cat may not be able to chew the shrimp. I figured she could just give them to you.” Evan nodded at Thomas.

  “Thanks, man.”

  “What did you bring yourselves?”

  “We ate at the diner. Y’all eat while it’s still warm,” Evan said.

  “How are you feeling, Cat?” Ginger asked.

  “I’m ready to go home.” She sighed.

  “When will that happen?”

  “Hopefully, tomorrow. The doctor wants to try to see my eye.”

  “I’ll make sure I’m here so that he’ll know I can check on it once we get home.” Thomas finished unpacking the food and then set Cat’s up for her.

  “This smells fantastic.” Cat licked her lips.

  A tap sounded on the door, and Cat furrowed her brows and looked at Thomas. Thomas looked at Evan who opened the door.

  “Yes?” he said.

  “Um, I was looking for Dr. Gregory,” the female voice said.

  Cat’s head popped up, and Evan waved her in like he was showing her a grand prize. Ginger narrowed her eyes at Thomas then looked at the woman in the room.

  “Nurse Moore, what are you doing here?” Thomas asked.

  With a flirty smile and sickening sweet voice she said, “Well, I’m on my dinner break and thought I’d see if you wanted to join me. You know, a change of scenery.”

  “Why would I do that?” Thomas asked. “Miss Moore, have you met my girlfriend, Catherine Livingston, my very real, very permanent girlfriend. Cat, this is Nurse Jamison Moore.”

  “I know who she is,” Cat said.

  The wo
man at least had the decency to blush as Cat continued to stare at her. “Um, I just thought you were being nice. I didn’t think you were back together, especially after I saw her kiss another man in the diner last week, and you know, at the River Pub last Friday.”

  “If Cat kissed him, I’m sure there was a reason. Now if you’d excuse us, we’d like to finish our dinner and time with our friends.”

  Thomas had effectively dismissed her, but apparently, she was getting in the last words. “Well, you know where to find me when you want me.” The sugary sweet voice was back, but the smile was pure trouble as she turned toward the door.

  “Was it just me or did she just hit on my boyfriend with me sitting right here?”

  “It wasn’t just you,” Ginger said. “She’s trouble.”

  Thomas looked at Cat angrily as he pushed his food away.

  “Um, Evan,” Ginger said turning her attention from Cat and Thomas. “I’m feeling a little tired. We better head home.” She smiled weakly.

  “Okay, darlin’, whatever you want.” Evan held his hand out to Ginger.

  Thomas stood and thanked them for coming. Ginger hugged Cat goodbye and whispered into her ear, “She’s had her eye on Thomas for a while, but he’s so in love with you that he doesn’t see her.”

  Cat tried to smile. “Thank you.” Tears stung her eyes, but she wouldn’t let them fall, not right now. “Thank you both for coming.”

  The door had barely closed when Thomas said in a loud stage whisper, “You kissed him?”

  “I told you he gave me a kiss on the cheek and a peck on the lips before I left. I didn’t know she was in there.”

  “That’s it? That’s all it was?” Thomas was completely agitated.

  “Yes. I wouldn’t lie to you,” she softly said because she couldn’t breathe deep enough for more.

  Thomas ran his hand down his face. “She just made it sound like more.”

  “Of course she did. Thomas, that woman has the hots for you, and you need to do something about it. Can you say, ‘Fatal Attraction’? I promise you, when I’m back to normal, I won’t take her comments. You know some of my relatives, and that blood runs through my veins, too.” She held up her uninjured hand so he wouldn’t interrupt her.


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