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Hellfire Rebellion tw-10

Page 13

by Simon Hawke

“Counterstrike.” said Lucas. “Got it. Who are your people on the inside in the Hellfire Club?”

  “That’s not going to help’ you,” said Carruthers. “Everyone’ll be disguised, so you won’t be able to spot them in any case and they won’t be able to spot you. However, just in case anything goes wrong and you have to shoot your way out of there or something, they’ll use the same password to identify themselves. Just remember that if you’re going to the meeting, you’ll be badly outnumbered and on their home ground. They also keep guards posted outside. Their number varies and they move around. It’s not a good place to start anything.”

  “We’ll keep that in mind, thanks.” Delaney said. “Just to keep the record straight, what orders do you have concerning Hunter?”

  “We’re to keep him under close surveillance: said Carruthers, if he makes contact with anybody and we can’t absolutely verify who it is, we’re to take him into immediate custody and await further instructions from Col. Steiger. He doesn’t want to take any chances that Hunter might be contacting a C.I.S. team if there’s one in the vicinity.”

  “All right: said Lucas “but you are not to clock out anywhere with Hunter unless you’ve had specific instructions from me, is that clear? Regardless of what Col. Steiger says.”

  Carruthers gave him an appraising look. You mind explaining that?”

  “Col. Steiger is not in charge of this mission. I am,” Lucas said. “I just don’t want anybody doing anything unless I know about it. Any questions’?”

  Carruthers shook his head. “No, sir, but suppose the situation should come up and Col. Steiger decides to take custody of the prisoner personally. I have no authority to prevent him, and with all due respect. I’m not going to put my ass in a wringer just because two senior officers might disagree on how to conduct a mission. I just want to make sure you understand that. I don’t want to get caught in the middle of anything.”

  “Noted,” said Lucas. “In that case, you are to report directly to me and inform me immediately of Col. Steiger’s action.”

  “Yes, sir,” Carruthers said. “Is there anything else?”

  “Just make sure your people understand that I don’t want anyone taking any direct action whatsoever unless they’ve been cleared by one of us to do so,” Lucas said. “And if Col. Steiger issues any orders to the contrary, I am to be informed of it at once. Understood?”

  “Understood,” Carruthers said. “Colonel, you mind telling me what this is all about? Is something going on between you two that I should know about?”

  “Like you said, Carruthers, you don’t want to get caught in the middle,” Lucas said. “If you’ve got a problem with any of my orders, I want to know about it now.”

  “No. sir, no problem.” said Carruthers.

  “Good. That’s all, then.”

  Carruthers came to attention and saluted. “Yes, sir.” he said, a touch stiffly. “I’ll be in touch.”

  “He didn’t seem very happy about that.” Andre said when he had left.

  “Well. I’m not either.” Lucas replied. He sighed. “We’ve got enough to worry about without having Steiger running his own operation in the middle of all this. We’re all supposed to be on the same team, for God’s sake.”

  “Steiger’s never been much of a team player.” Andre said. “Maybe we’d better have a talk with him.”

  “Won’t do much good.” Delaney said. “For one thing, we don’t know where the hell he is right now and for another, if he feels strongly enough about it. he’ll just go ahead and do it his way. You’re not going to convince him that he’s wrong.”

  “We could have Forrester order him off the mission,” Andre said.

  “No. that’s not the way to handle it,” said Lucas. “There’s already too much friction between the I.S.D. and the regular personnel. I’m not going to exacerbate the situation just because of Hunter. We’ll handle Creed ourselves.”

  “Can I make a suggestion?” Delaney said. “Why not just clock Hunter out of here right now? Let’s take him to the confluence point we brought him through and send him home ourselves before he becomes a problem.

  “We’ve been over that already.” Andre said. “You know how he’s going to respond to that suggestion.”

  “I don’t think we can afford the luxury of giving him a choice. Andre.” said Finn. “The situation’s changed. There are simply too many ways it could go wrong. Carruthers is Steiger’s man. I’d rather risk annoying Steiger now then get into it with him when it’s already hit the fan. Frankly, Hunter simply isn’t worth it.”

  “I agree,” said Lucas. “We don’t really need him anymore and if we allow him to remain here, he’s going to be a liability. We’ve given him more than a fair shake already. I say we send him back.”

  Andre nodded. “Okay. I guess he’s got no right to expect any more than that.”

  “Right.” said Lucas. “Let’s get it over with.”

  “Right now?” said Andre.

  “Right now Let’s clock over there and do it before Carruthers decides he doesn’t like his orders.”

  Moments later, they materialized inside Hunter’s house on Long Lane. Moving silently, they made their way up to his bedroom and woke him up. He came awake instantly.

  “What the. oh, it’s you! Christ, you scared the hell outta me! What’s up?”

  “Get dressed,” said Lucas. “Quickly.” Hunter wasted no time in getting out of bed. Andre stepped out into the hall while he got dressed.

  “What’s going on” he asked, quickly tucking his shirt into his breeches and sitting on the bed to pull on his stockings and his shoes.

  “You’re going home,” said Lucas.

  Hunter glanced up at him. “What are you talking about?”

  “Just what I said. Go on, finish getting dressed. We’re taking you back through the confluence.”

  Hunter remained sitting on the bed. He glanced from Lucas to Delaney. “What is this? I thought we had a deal.”.

  “That’s right.” said Lucas, “and now we’re living up to our end of it. Come on.”

  “Hold on a minute. pilgrim.” hunter said. This wasn’t our agreement. I thought we’d been through this already. You promised me a crack at Drakov. What’s happened to make you change your mind?”

  “Not that it’s any of your business,” said Delaney. “but something’s come up and we have good reason to believe that some of our people might decide to put you through interrogation and see if you were on the level about that conditioning of yours. They figure it’s worth taking a chance to get some information out of you and if you happen to fall into a coma in the process, then it’s your hard luck.”

  “It’s Steiger, isn’t it?” said Hunter.

  “Look, you want to get home in one piece or don’t you?” Lucas said. “We’re trying to be fair about this. We’ll take you back ourselves and send you through. from there you’re on your own. It’s the best we can do. Take it or leave it, but stop wasting our time. You’re being watched.”

  Hunter grimaced tightly. “Damn it to hell,” he said. “All right. I appreciate what you’re doing. I’11-”

  “Hold it right there,” said a voice from behind them. “Don’t anybody move.-“ Shit.” said Hunter, looking past them.

  Finn and Lucas froze. “Slowly now, put your hands on top of your heads and clasp them,” the voice said. All three of them complied, being careful not to make any quick movements.

  ‘“Now turn around, very slowly.” They turned. There were two men standing behind them in the darkened bedroom. They were both holding laser pistols aimed straight at them.

  ‘“It’s a good thing we had a mike aimed at this place, in case our boy talks in his sleep,” one of them said.

  ‘“Are you guys crazy?” Lucas said. “Put those weapons down. That’s an order. The password’s counterstrike.”

  “Sorry. I’m afraid we don’t take orders from you. Colonel.” one of the men said.

  “I think you’d better
do as he says.” Andre said, standing in the doorway behind them. “I’ve got a gun aimed right at your backs, gentlemen. Drop your weapons on the floor. Now.”

  The two men hesitated, then dropped their pistols at their feet. “That’s just fine,” said Andre. “Now kick them over-”

  She stopped suddenly as she felt the barrel of a laser pistol press against the back of her head. “Hold the gun out to your side, Lieutenant.” Carruthers said, standing in the hall behind her, “Two fingers, please.”

  Andre tensed. “Don’t do anything stupid.” said Carruthers. “I don’t want to kill you.”

  Her shoulders slumped. She held the laser out from her side where Carruthers could reach around and take it from her.

  “Carruthers, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Lucas said. “Put the gun down

  “Sorry. Colonel.” he said. ‘“I can’t do that.” He pushed Andre ahead of him into the room. “You should have left well enough alone. We were going to try to work with you on this, but you had to go and blow it, didn’t you?”

  “You’re not I.S. D..” Delaney said, with sudden realization. ‘You’re with the Network.”

  “That’s right,” Carruthers said. “And I’m afraid that knowledge is going to cost you.” He glanced at his men. “Don’t just stand there, you idiots. Pick up your weapons.”

  As the men bent down to retrieve their pistols. Hunter lunged across the bed and reached under his pillow. Carruthers quickly shifted his aim and fired, but Hunter was already on the floor and rolling. As Carruthers aimed again, Lucas disappeared. He reappeared instantly, standing beside Carruthers, and knocked his arm up. The shot went wild. Hunter’s silenced 9 mm. semiautomatic coughed twice. The two Network men went down with slugs through their foreheads. Lucas drove his fist into Carruthers’ solar plexus, threw him back against the wall, and punched him again. Carruthers slumped down to the floor, the wind knocked out of him.

  Delaney reached for his gun.

  “Don’t do it!” Hunter said sharply.

  Delaney froze.

  “Come on. Hunter, take it easy.”

  “Hands back on your head.” said Hunter. leveling the automatic at him. “All of you, right now!”

  “Reese. listen-” Lucas said.

  “Shut up! I’ve got to think, damn it!”

  Carruthers sat on the floor, clutching his middle and gasping for breath.

  Hunter moved back against the wall, his gun moving back and forth, keeping them all covered. He centered his aim on Andre. “Don’t try anything. Priest, or I’ll put one right through her, so help me.”

  “All right. Hunter, take it easy… “

  “There could be more of them.” he said. “Carruthers said he had only two men in that apartment…” Delaney’s voice trailed oil as he realized what that meant. “Damn it! They’ve got Steiger!”

  Ignoring Hunter. he bent down over Carruthers and dragged him to his feet. “Where’s Steiger, you son of a bitch? Where is he? What’ve you done with him?”

  Carruthers couldn’t talk. He was still struggling to get his breath back. Delaney slammed him hard against the wall.

  “Talk, you bastard!”

  “Hold off, Finn,” said Lucas. ‘Give him time to gel his breath back.”

  “Get his warp disc.” Hunter said.

  Delaney grabbed his arm and pulled the warp disc off his wrist.

  “Toss it here.” said Hunter.

  Delaney glanced at him. “Like hell I will.”

  Hunter fired. The pistol coughed and Andre cried out, grabbing at her shoulder where the bullet had just grazed her flesh.

  “Do as he says, Finn.” Lucas said quickly.

  “Toss it on the bed,” said Hunter.

  Scowling, Delaney threw the warp disc on the bed.

  “Stay right where you are. Priest,” Hunter said, keeping his gun steady on Andre. “Please. Don’t force me to do something I don’t want to do.”

  “All right, Reese.” said Lucas. “Stay cool. You’re calling the shots for now. We had a deal, remember?”

  “Yeah. I remember,” Hunter said, edging over carefully and picking up the warp disc without taking his eyes off them. “I just want sonic insurance.”

  He fastened the warp disc around his wrist.

  “When you deliver me safely to that confluence point, you’ll get this back,” he said. “Meanwhile, I’m not going anywhere until I’m good and ready. Now I believe you wanted to ask that man some questions. Go ahead. I’ll wait.”

  Delaney and Lucas exchanged glances. Lucas nodded.

  “All right, Carruthers.” Delaney said, holding the man up by his shirtfront. “Talk, Where’s Steiger?”

  “You go to hell.” Carruthers gasped.

  Delaney brought his knee up sharply into the man’s groin. Carruthers made a brief, high-pitched keening sound and sagged in his grasp. Delaney lifted him up effortlessly and slammed him against the wall again.

  “You tell me what you’ve done with Steiger or I’ll break every bone in your body.” he said.

  Carruthers shook his head. Delahey brought his fist back and smashed it into his face. Blood splattered on the wall behind Carruthers as his head snapped around with the force of the blow. His nose was broken.

  “Your ribs are next,” Delaney said. “And then your kneecaps. Where is he?”

  Carruthers coughed and drew a ragged breath. “If I tell you. I’m dead.”

  “You’re dead if you don’t tell me.” said Delaney. “Did you kill him?”

  Carruthers shook his head. “No… we’ve got him…

  “ Where?”

  Carruthers shook his head again.

  Delaney drew his fist back once more and drove it with pile driver force into the man’s chest. Something cracked. Carruthers made a grunting, wheezing sound and sagged down once again. Delaney let him fall. He knelt over him, his knee over the man’s leg, his hand grasping the back of his calf.

  “Okay, hard guy, your knee goes next. I can keep this up all night.”

  “Do your worst, damn you,” Carruthers said in a croaking voice. “But if you kill me. Steiger’s had it.”

  Delaney was about to yank up on the man’s leg when Lucas stopped him. “Finn, wait! Forget it. Let him go.”

  Delaney stood up. “I’ll make the bastard talk,” he said.

  “No. It’s no use. We’re not going to get anything out of him this way.” Lucas said. “Let’s clock him back to headquarters and let the I.S. D peel back his mind and take a look inside.”

  Carruthers suddenly lunged toward the bodies of his two men. His fingers closed around one of the pistols they’d dropped Hunter shouted a warning and fired. Carruthers collapsed to the floor, a bullet through his shoulder. Before any of them could respond, he pulled the pistol toward him, put the barrel in his mouth, and squeezed the trigger. His cheeks seemed to light up and a thin beam of light came up through his skull. He fell down, dead.

  “God damn it!” Delaney swore.

  “I’m sorry.” Hunter said. “I couldn’t get a clear shot at the gun …”

  “It wasn’t your fault.” said Lucas.

  Hunter shook his head. “Yes, it was. It’s my fault all this happened in the first place. I wanted a crack at Drakov and now I’ve got you in a real mess.” He sighed. “I’m sorry about the shoulder, Andre, You all right?”

  She nodded. “It’s just a minor flesh wound. But I’m glad you’re a good shot.”

  Hunter grimaced. “What happens now?”

  Lucas gave him a long look. “I guess that’s up to you.” he said. “You’re the one who’s got the gun.”

  Hunter glanced down at the gun, then tossed it on the bed with disgust. “What the hell are we doing?” he said, a note of genuine confusion in his voice. He shook his head. “You’re supposed to be the enemy and here I’m trying to help you. You don’t trust me and meanwhile your own people are trying to kill you. This whole thing is a fucking joke.”

s laughing,” Lucas said, “Except maybe Drakov.”

  “Look,” said Hunter. “you’re up against both Drakov and the Network now. They’ve already got Steiger. Frankly, far as I’m concerned, they can keep him, but if we don’t work together on this, Drakov’s going to win and then everybody loses. We can’t afford not to trust each other. The bottom line is you’re going to need my help, whether you like it or not”

  “He’s right. Lucas,” said Delaney. “We’ve got no choice now. We have to find Steiger, fight the Network, and stop Drakov. We’re spread too thin. We’re going to need all the help we can get.”

  “Yeah,” said Lucas, nodding. “It’s time to send for some reinforcements. Andre, you clock back to headquarters and tell Forrester what’s going down. Get him to send as many teams as he can spare. We don’t know for a fact how many Network people there are back here, and they know about this place and our rooms back in the Peacock Tavern. Hunter, we need a secure location for a transition point. You got any suggestions?”

  “Yeah.” Hunter said. took the precaution of arranging a safehouse for myself, just in case you people tried to double-cross me. It’s where I had the gun stashed and a few other things, besides. I always clocked directly there from this place, so I don’t think that Steiger or anybody else watching me could’ve known about it. It should be fairly safe.”

  “All right, where is it?”

  “I’ll give you the coordinates. It’s a small house near Hudson’s Point, on Lime Street, by the cemetery and the foundries. And speaking of-coordinates…” He took off the warp disc and tossed it to Lucas. “Call it a gesture of good faith.” He picked his gun up off the bed and tucked it in his breeches. “Now I strongly suggest we dispose of those bodies and get the hell out of here before the Network finds out that three of their people have been wasted.”


  Johnny Small was feeling an exhilaration unlike anything he’d ever known. Consciously, he put it down to finally being included among the members of the Sons of liberty, but subconsciously, it was much more than that. At the age of seventeen, he was beginning to experience sexual awakening and he had fallen in love. He could not get Andre out of his mind.


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