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The Dragon Warrior (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 4)

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by Jessie Donovan



  Lochguard Highland Dragons Series

  Overall Dragon Series Reading Order

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Epilogue One

  Epilogue Two

  The Conquest Excerpt

  Books by Jessie Donovan

  Author's Note

  About the Author


  The Dragon Warrior

  (Lochguard Highland Dragons #4)

  Jessie Donovan

  Want to stay up to date on releases? Please join my newsletter on my website by clicking here.

  Books in this series:

  Lochguard Highland Dragons

  The Dragon’s Dilemma (LHD #1)

  The Dragon Guardian (LHD #2)

  The Dragon’s Heart (LHD #3)

  The Dragon Warrior (LHD #4)

  The Dragon Warrior Synopsis:

  Grant McFarland is the head Protector of Clan Lochguard. His top priority is finding the traitorous former clan members who attacked the Scottish clan. However, the touch of a female he’s known his whole life has started to set his body on fire. Both man and beast want her, but until he can ensure the clan is safe, he must resist her.

  Faye MacKenzie used to be in charge of security for her clan. Then an attack damaged her wing and she’s been struggling to find her place ever since. When she confronts the head Protector for a job, she can’t stop looking at his lips. However, she’s not ready to give up her career and settle down with a mate. She’s determined to prove she’s still useful, injury and all.

  As the pair set out on a new mission, it’s hard to deny the attraction between them. However, when the danger amps up, will Grant accept Faye for the warrior she is? Or will his overprotectiveness end up harming them all?

  The Stonefire and Lochguard series intertwine with one another. Since so many readers ask for the overall reading order, I’ve included it with this book. (This list is as of February 2017.)

  Sacrificed to the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #1)

  Seducing the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #2)

  Revealing the Dragons (Stonefire Dragons #3)

  Healed by the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #4)

  Reawakening the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #5)

  The Dragon's Dilemma (Lochguard Highland Dragons #1)

  Loved by the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #6)

  The Dragon Guardian (Lochguard Highland Dragons #2)

  Surrendering to the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #7)

  The Dragon’s Heart (Lochguard Highland Dragons #3)

  Cured by the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #8)

  The Dragon Warrior (Lochguard Highland Dragons #4)

  Aiding the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #9 / May 18, 2017)

  Chapter One

  Faye MacKenzie tapped her fingers against her thigh and the sound echoed inside her small, empty cottage.

  Living alone was boring.

  After years of threatening to move out because of her older twin brothers or her mother’s meddling nature, Faye had finally gotten a place of her own once her mum had mated the human male named Ross Anderson. Even after a few weeks and haphazardly unpacking a few things, it still didn’t feel like home. It was just too quiet.

  Her dragon spoke up. You’ll always have me.

  I know, but it’s not the same. I miss my family.

  Then visit them.

  She sighed. I do every day. But everyone is newly mated, except for Finn and he’s worrying about Arabella and their triplets’ impending birth.

  Then find something else to do. Until then, I’m going to sleep.

  So much for her dragon always being there for her.

  With a sigh, she moved to the window. She missed the old days when she had been Lochguard’s head Protector. Going from sixteen-hour work days to not having a steady job had been tough.

  Yet as she reached behind her and touched her back, where her damaged wing bone would emerge when she shifted into a dragon, Faye wasn’t delusional about her future. No amount of physical therapy would get her back into perfect shape, which was required for the head of security for any dragon clan.

  Grant McFarland now possessed her old job.

  Stupid Grant. While she was no longer upset at him for taking her job as head Protector, he still wouldn’t enlist her as a full-time member of his team, not even for something as boring as surveillance monitoring. Aye, he’d allowed her to help with the attack on Lochguard back in January, but he’d barely paid attention to her since.

  Even when she did track him down, he had been too nice to her as of late. She didn’t want to think it was out of pity, but her family could meddle and might have convinced him to humor her for a time. If so, that was a million times worse.

  Well, she was tired of waiting and wondering. It was time to corner Grant and force him to give her a job.

  With a growl, she exited the cottage and ignored everyone she passed. Once she set her mind on something, Faye didn’t like to be disturbed, especially by yet another person asking if she was okay or how was her wing doing.

  If they ever looked to the sky, they’d have a bloody idea.

  Her dragon raised her head. Your temper won’t convince him.

  Being nice bloody well hasn’t. He didn’t like it when I won against him before. I think it’s time to bring up the past and use it to my advantage.

  Sometimes, the past should stay in the past.

  Whose side are you on?

  I’m not going to answer that. Unless you start kissing him, I’m going to let you settle this yourself.

  The memory of when Faye had been cleaning a wound on Grant’s bare chest and he’d leaned down as if to kiss her flashed into her mind.

  Faye still didn’t believe she’d nearly closed the distance to press her lips against his.

  No. Grant was nothing but trouble. He’d made it quite clear a few years ago what he truly thought of her. While he might be slightly more mature and had learned to be civil with her, Faye didn’t think he’d changed too much.

  She wasn’t feminine enough for him, as he’d reminded her often enough during their time together in the British Army.

  Fueled by angry memories, Faye picked up her pace. It was time to get a job, and she was going to do whatever it took to make Grant give it to her.


  Grant McFarland sat across from Iris Mahajan, the best tracker out of all of Lochguard’s Protectors, and frowned. “Are you sure you lost the trail? I injured him pretty badly late last year and given his age, I imagine it didn’t heal clean.”

  Iris raised her black brows. “I understand your frustration, but questioning my abilities isn’t going to help anything. We’ll find your uncle eventually.”

  Grant sighed. “I know, but Finn wants the traitors contained or captured before the birth of his triplets.”

  Last year, a dec
ent portion of Lochguard had left rather than accept Finlay Stewart as clan leader, including about half of Grant’s family. Grant and the other loyal Protectors had even fought the traitors near a hospital in Elgin last autumn. Even though he’d injured his uncle during that battle, no one had seen or heard of Roderick McFarland ever since.

  And given that Grant had learned many of his skills and tactics as a youth from his uncle, finding Roderick wasn’t going to be easy.

  Iris shrugged. “Fergus is still working his contacts, and I’ll continue to sneak off when no one is looking to try to find your uncle and the others with him.”

  Fergus MacKenzie gathered intelligence for Clan Lochguard.

  Grant stood and moved to a map of Scotland. Just as he pointed to a section to the east of Elgin, Faye MacKenzie burst into his office. “We need to talk, Grant.”

  “Faye, I’m busy. Come back later.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “No. This can’t wait.”

  He took a step toward her. “Is everything okay? Is someone hurt?”

  “Yes. No. In that order.”

  The one-word answers sent a rush of anger through his body. “Then what the bloody hell is so important?”

  Faye looked to Iris. “I think you should leave.”

  Grant spoke before Iris could move. “Stay.”

  “I really think you don’t want her here for this, McFarland.”

  His dragon chimed in. It’s never good when she uses our surname.

  Iris stood. “I was done for now, anyway. I’ll check back in later, Grant.”

  After Iris gave Faye a quizzical look, she shut the door. The instant it clicked closed, Faye rushed up to him and poked his chest. “Why have you been avoiding me?”

  “That’s why you barged in here? Faye, I haven’t been avoiding you.”

  His dragon spoke up. Liar.

  “Oh, aye? Then why did your pupils flash just now?”

  He leaned down. “Inner dragons talk, Faye. Don’t be daft.”

  “I’m not. I want to know why one minute you were including me on top secret projects and even helping with my physical therapy and the next you disappear and I can’t even schedule a meeting with you weeks in advance.”

  “In case you’ve forgotten, we’re still rebuilding after the attack in January.”

  “Bullshit. The change is recent, and if anything, things have slowed down and you should have more free time.”

  “Don’t pretend to know my job, Faye.”

  The second he said it, Grant regretted it.

  Faye raised her chin. “I, more than anyone, know your job, Grant. You took it from me.”

  “Now, lass, you know that’s not fair. Someone had to take over, and I know you’re not selfish enough to wish the clan was left unprotected.”

  “Of course not. But even if I can never be head Protector again, I’m an asset. I need a job, Grant, or I’m going to go crazy before too much longer.”

  “Then why didn’t you just say that instead of attacking me?”

  “Because this was the only way to get your attention. Believe me, I still have an arsenal of things to use, if need be.”

  As they stared at one another, he admired the fire in her eyes and her pink cheeks. His dragon said, Why do you fight kissing her?

  Because half of my family are traitors and if they get wind I took a mate, they’ll go after her.

  Faye can take care of herself.

  Not against dozens of dragons, especially with her wing the way it is.

  His beast huffed. She is a warrior. Give her a chance to prove it.

  Faye poked his chest again. “Hello, Earth to Grant. Either share what your dragon is talking about or I will use said arsenal.”

  “As curious as I am about your arsenal, I’d rather not wake up with a talon against my balls. I’ll find you something to do.”

  “When? If you put it off, I’ll just keep coming back, and maybe one day you will wake up missing one of your bollocks.”

  He leaned back in his chair. If not for the threat hanging over his head, he’d tease her.

  But Faye was safer at a distance. At least, for the time being.

  Ignoring his dragon’s growls, Grant replied, “How about now? I need you to lean on Fergus about the information I requested.”

  She put a hand on her hip and gestured with her other hand. “About what? I’m not going to do anything blind.”

  His beast chimed in again. She’ll find out anyway. They can’t hurt her for merely helping Fergus with intelligence. You’re being overprotective.

  Last year, Grant never would’ve hesitated. Faye was one of the people he trusted completely and she always worked hard.

  But ever since she’d cleaned his wound and he’d thought of kissing her, he wanted to always protect her.

  Grant didn’t need any more complications in his life at the moment and kissing Faye would most definitely complicate matters.

  Wooing the lass would have to wait.

  His beast grunted. If another doesn’t take her first.

  Grant met Faye’s eyes again. “I’m tracking down the traitors who left the clan.”

  Faye’s posture relaxed a fraction. “Have you had any success?

  “Not yet, although Iris is helping me.”

  She paused a second before saying, “You should ask for more help. It can’t be easy for you, Grant, what with your uncle, dad, and other family members betraying Lochguard.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “You think I don’t know that?” He stood. “One of the reasons I didn’t say anything is I didn’t want pity. You, out of everyone, should know how bloody awful it is to see that in someone’s eyes.”

  Faye straightened her shoulders. “It’s not pity in my eyes, Grant, just concern. Although why I’m bothered, I’ll never know.”

  His beast grunted. Because she wants to kiss us.

  He resisted looking at her lips. “You don’t need to concern yourself about me. I’ll handle the situation,” Grant stated.

  She studied him a second before saying, “The Grant I know would’ve told me to mind my own fucking business. What’s wrong with you?”

  He carefully kept his face expressionless. “Nothing, I just have a lot on my mind. But if you want me to insult you, I can do that quite handily, lass.”

  “You almost never call me ‘lass.’ Something is going on.”

  She walked up to him, and Grant resisted taking a step back. Faye’s feminine scent filled his nose, and his dragon roared. She’s right there in front of you. Don’t be a fool.

  He nearly reached up to tuck a stray piece of curly hair behind her ear, but instead, he took her elbow and turned the dragonwoman toward the door. “Since you’re working for me now, I need you to go talk with Fergus. Unless you want me to find someone else to do it?”

  After one long look, she shook her head. “No. I’ll be your errand slave for now, but I might just see if I can find out information on my own as well.”

  “Don’t even think of leaving the clan.”

  “The restriction on flying because of rogue drones attacking dragon-shifters was lifted last week. I can come and go as I please.”


  “I’ll report back later.”

  With that, Faye exited the room.

  Grant ran his hands over his close-cropped hair. She’s going to go searching, isn’t she?

  Why don’t you trust her? She’s not a teenager anymore. Faye knows how to stay hidden and also recognizes when it’s time to retreat. Maybe you just don’t like the thought of her finding things out before us.

  You sound like her. We’re too old for competitions.

  His dragon sniffed. You’re becoming boring as you age.

  Rather than answer his beast, Grant sat behind his desk and looked at the printed profiles of every clan member who had permanently left Lochguard. There had to be something in them he could use. He might know his own family, but there were others he barely knew beyon
d saying hello or making small talk.

  Regardless, he needed to find where they were hiding before Faye did. The thought of her fighting the rogue dragon-shifters on her own didn’t sit well with him.

  While he’d never admit it out loud, the reason was because once the threat was contained, he planned to go after Faye. Just thinking of her wild and demanding on top of him sent blood rushing to his cock. Her temper might annoy him when it came to work, but it would make her a firebrand when naked.

  His dragon spoke up again. Then stop stalling. Even without kissing her, you can court her.

  No. I don’t need any distractions.

  Ignoring his beast, Grant focused back on his work. He’d never have a chance with Faye MacKenzie if he failed.

  Chapter Two

  Faye jogged to her brother Fergus’s house and tried to figure out why Grant was acting so strangely. While he’d done a good job of hiding it, she swore he’d glanced at her lips.

  Maybe she was just imagining things.

  Her beast sighed. Why do you deny it? We want him and it’s no longer the 18th century where females must wait for males to take action. Kiss him, fuck him, and then we can focus on protecting the clan.

  I know what you’re getting at, but I’m going to pretend I don’t know what you’re talking about. That situation won’t end well.

  Her dragon growled. He should be ours. Why deny it?

  And why now?

  Because neither of you were ready.

  I don’t care if you think you know everything, it’s not going to happen. Grant’s mood swings would drive me crazy.

  Tossing her dragon inside a mental maze, Faye picked up her pace. Exercise always helped to focus her mind and she most definitely needed to purge thoughts of Grant. Her brothers were observant and the last thing she needed was their teasing, especially if her mother got word of Grant’s possible interest and nudged her to kiss the dragonman.


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